How To Hook a Bowling Ball w/ Better Release

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hey everyone welcome back to the channel and today we are going to be talking about the bowling release and what's correct and why we do it stay tuned [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so when we bring up the topic of release there are we could probably talk for hours upon hours of all the different strategies and ways that people go about releasing their bowling ball but Kyle we're gonna dial into one aspect of it today that we find is the most important part of the bullying release so you can grab your ball real quick below get right into it again there's a thousand different ways you can release the ball and sure some of them do strike but the point is to try and create the best plan of attack that way you could continue to strike as you boil your games so if we want to drop the ball right here I want to talk about a couple things that can't happen your hand can be on the inside part of it right here and that can allow you to do a lot of different things but it can also be on the outside of it right here and I want to say that this is a problem right here and we'll say why if your hand is tucked inside Apollo we talked a lot about working the inside part of the ball that is we we drill that into your head I know we do but the reason is is because when your hand is on the you all right yeah I'm good I'm good you need to talk faster no I mean your hands on the inside part of the ball the options of the way you can release it just go infinite you could actually just go straight up behind it collapse your hand forward and create a forward roll you can start from the inside and come around it to create some side roll you can essentially do anything in between the most inside part and the most outside part because you can still get to the outside part when you start in those are options when your hand is on the outside so let's say it comes in and you're already on the outside you can't collapse your hand in to get behind the ball so if you're say the way you're releasing it you want to release it as behind the ball and your hand naturally comes around the side you're not going to be able to get to that point but if you can get your wrist and hand to tuck on the inside part closer to your body like in toward your body then the options just open up you can essentially release it way that you want to and when you're bowling a lot in league and oil change the burn and whether it's league or tournaments or whatever there's going to be some transition and we go through our hand position there's a lot and you can just do a lot more from the inside part of Lane and we drill that into your head and we will continue to drill that into your head so Kyle what is a drill that can really focus on working on your release yeah so I mean we've talked about in the past and it's really simple and we just like to really drill this in this and people's minds and it's really the no step drill and then taking it to the one step drill and and this is and during this version of the the no step drill we're just really trying to work that inside part of the ball because like you said it opens up your options for versatility we're not always using the same release all the time we want to have the ability to change releases and this is a way we can work on that so when I'm doing the no step drill here I'm really and I actually do this a lot especially when I'm trying to create a feel if I'm struggling ever coming around it I go right to the basics and I get the feel coming around it or if I have been coming around it too much and I want to come up the back of it I start coming up the back of it at the very basics here taking everything else out of play so when we're doing the nose step drill we really want you to focus on when you're swinging that ball hand right on the inside of it note notice I'm not swinging it like this my elbows not out my hands that out I'm right behind the ball on this one I'm just gonna come right up the back like I would warm up hand on the inside we're swinging it nice and loose dead up the back and then just focus on you know don't necessarily put a whole lot of stock in the way that went down the lane or the angle or whatever I just want to feel your hand and your arm being on the inside part of it and it's a process that's why we use the drill is because you can't realistically if your hands on the outside of it you can't just realistically next frame just be able to do it natural there's a process of steps that have to happen in between for you to become comfortable with your hand being on the inside yeah and let me grab my ball game here and that's why we use drills is because it helps you if fast forwards that process of you learning okay that's what that feels like you have to teach your brain what it actually feels like before you can execute a full shot which is the point of the drill absolutely and then after the absolutely no step trail you know I would suggest you guys to take it to a one step drill try to get a step in there adding another variable into play making it a little bit more complicated but still trying to keep that hand trying to keep that hand on the inside of the ball so if I'm doing on one step drill I'm just letting my ball swing here I'm still look at my hand it's not out here when I'm swinging it I'm keeping it on the inside part of the ball now when I go to take the step you break me ghanians yeah riding together and that's how you're supposed to do it but again if that happens to you the idea we don't care about where it goes we're just worried about that hand getting it in the right position staying on the inside and then from there you're gonna be able to manipulate your release however you want yeah and like I said it's it's not easy changing your release or learning how to give your hand on the inside it's not an easy process it's gonna be difficult bowling is a difficult sport that's why we use the drills but once you kind of start to get used to getting your hand on the inside you're gonna feel that you do have a lot more options when it comes to versatility and that's a really good feeling you know and that's that's gonna lead to you becoming a much better bowler [Music] alright guys thanks for watching a video and if you enjoyed this video and what more tips like this please check out the free gifts below we're give you a drill that not only we use well of our students use it's called the seven arrows drill it's a drill that's going to help you improve your versatility and it's something that we are practicing all the time so click the link below check out that free gift we'll see you guys later [Music]
Channel: Brad and Kyle
Views: 329,858
Rating: 4.9278855 out of 5
Keywords: brad and kyle, bowling tips, bowling ball review, how to bowl more strikes, how to bowl, kyle sherman, brad miller, pba, usbc, professional bowler, bowl like a pro, bowling technique
Id: WKWLVa_xspY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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