Better Bowling | How To Put Your Hand In A Bowling Ball

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alright guys welcome back to the Brad and Cal channel and today we're gonna teach you guys how to put your hand on the ball in the best tip we can give you to do that stay tuned so Brad when we talk about putting our hand in the ball I think we should mention that it's a very personalized thing now there's a lot of different teachings out there on how to put your hand in the ball but they don't necessarily work for everyone for instance what one teaching out there is that you can when you put your hand the ball you should put the grip pressure on the back of your thumb pushed in the back of your thumb against your thumb hole and we have both tried that and it feels terrible to us you know we don't do that most of our grip pressures either at the top here or on the other side of our thumb and that's just an example you know that to bowlers that have achieved success in this sport we go against the grain on that teaching another teaching is that you shouldn't dig and diggings bad you know that's something that people here you know approach up guys say I shouldn't dig well I'm not saying you should or you shouldn't but me and Brad dig a lie especially when we're trying to hit the ball and dig meaning when you put your fingers in right oh you put them farther in downfall yeah more than enough basically passed that mercilessly that's a bad thing when we when we get to the point where we're doing and we're pumped you know yeah like heck yeah we're getting after this thing so the so the point there is is that it's personalized you know in just examples with us we go against the grain on some common teachings but I think we can find a common ground on what most bowlers should do when putting their hand in so Brad what is something that you know we can teach most people I think something to think about when you're putting your hand in the ball and you're standing there in your stances you don't want any tension in your wrists and pretty much up through your arms as well you kind of want that to be relaxed if this gets tense then it kind of you bring some muscle into the ball right and we don't want most kind of redirect it in its swing and you start controlling it and then your release is probably a little bit harder and it all just kind of starts this like radish tropic thing so we really want the tension and the wrist to be very relaxed and so I'll kind of tell you a couple things how I do that I always hold the weight of the ball in this hand when I go to put my hand on the ball I like I like doing that you put your fingers into your liking deep down not in at all you know whatever you want put your thumb in and then when you go to stance you know I've seen a lot of people do it people get made fun of for it give a little shake of the elbow yeah it's important it's important to keep this whole the hand the forearm the elbow shoulder just loose any tension in any of these areas starts causing muscle and we don't want a muscle to swing yeah and when I'm standing in my stance I'm still holding the weight of the ball in this hand okay I know you're at least majority of it that way you your thumb left hand in the left hand yeah yeah when you when I'm standing there there's still a good portion of the way of the ball in this hand that way you can still kind of keep a relaxed thing another thing that may not be for everybody but if you go a little bit shorter on your span that that's gonna laugh a little bit relaxed grip if you get stretched with the span just just stretch your hand out you have to use muscle here yeah so a little bit more relaxed grip can be something you could potentially go to but the overall goal is a try and conquer that relaxed feel yeah if we are if we're tense at the set up here guys it's gonna be really hard to relax that swing it's hard to go from a tense position to untense we might as well just start in a very relaxed position so Brad why don't we try a shot here so do it just walk us through your setup here and how you would go through so grab the ball off the wrap yep hold it in my left hand kind of point the finger store to put the fingers in throw the thumb in put it up give it a little shake weight of the ball on the left hand yep so let's see it then we're just gonna give it a shot over/under seven take a knee under I got lucky all day okay so there you go guys make sure you know there's no right way to put your hand in the ball it's very personalized but try to keep it as relaxed as possible that's gonna help you keep a relaxed swing and make consistent shots alright guys thanks for watching the video and we want to send you guys a free gift all you have to do is click the link in the description or the comments for more details on how to get the free gift and make sure you like and subscribe to our Channel and make sure you follow us on instagram brad and kyle thank you guys
Channel: Brad and Kyle
Views: 102,824
Rating: 4.931582 out of 5
Keywords: Brad, Miller, Kyle, Sherman, Bowling, PBA, vlog, Instructional, USBC, How, to, How-to, funny, sexy, storm, roto, grip, columbia, 300, hammer, track, ebonite, ebi, bowl, bowling, pins, lanes, learning, professional, tour, podcast, cool, innovative, interview
Id: 0XJV-Uh5ivA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 45sec (285 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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