PBA Televised 300 Game #21: Jason Belmonte

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rob stone Randy Peterson Chris Barnes back here with you Jason Belmonte I have a ho-hum 188 four strikes had to opens yeah you get the feeling Randy he's it's close to figuring out the lanes well he didn't miss the pocket from the sixth frame on the last game and what Bell knows waiting on we're hoping on is that the lanes break down enough to where he can move in and create more angle and once that happens he's gonna be a handful no Mike Fagan with a 194 but Chris you're saying he needs to make a move immediately or he's out that's what I think absolutely I think he played him straight that first game he thought the scoring Pacers would be low he was right Josh had it you know I hit a trainwreck game I think now he has to move probably eight or nine left with his feet get his target in are 23 24 25 to get left of where Bell mo and at least as far left as Kretzer to have a chance to advance to the to the final and there is crutch of the guy who had the high score to 31 with eight strikes let's see what he has in store here in match number two Jason Belmonte will start us off here and match number two best ever finish here at the PBA World Championships seventh in 2010 good start [Applause] Brian Kretzer the high man in the opening game finished second in this tournament 2003 and Taylor Michigan just outside of Detroit will they drop it to ten here's Fagan the guy that Chris said how to make a big move here match number two [Applause] I think not to do it so far yeah I was gonna say hasn't happened yet still really straight Rob hard to argue with that result pret sir with the spare Michaels targeting around 19 Belmonte and Kretz are both in around 24 25 at the arrows well I gotta tell you guys the more bowling balls that go down the lane I think the more it favors this guy right here making his ninth career TV singles appearance Jason Belmonte two-handed style perfect he's got a little hold now I think you're absolutely right Randy he can open it up enough now to get it back now he's got a little hold that shot was 3 6 10 the first game that's her in a second spare strike to start now Fagan up here to finish off the second frame will this be the frame that he decides to move in that is an emphatic note from mr. fagin as he begins match two with a double as he continues to dance with the one he brought to Vegas Elmo looking to start match two with a triple he's got to figure it out so once the old pattern breaks down enough and he can move farther left and open his angle up a little bit to the right with that kind of power it's all order to beat that and Jason can keep going left keep going left unlimite and left but he could go he could go left into the crowd if he needed to [Applause] hey Chris pretzels angles still get enough to give him in my opinion pin carry that will still allow him to ball good game he's not too far left yet no he's not too far left yet the scary thing is Jason's ball speed is three miles an hour faster Fagin perfect through two three four three four Fagin Michael holding true to his first met style will that continue match two wraps it up from Vegas when we return Mike Fagan three for three ditto for his buddy Jason Belmonte you the PBA World Championship is brought to you by Jack Link's Jack Link's beef jerky feature wild side by storm bowlers serving bowlers storm is the bowlers company buy bear Triberr Advanced aspirin Extra Strength pain relief twice as fast as before and by ebonite Bowl to win Randy I'm still waiting on your Christmas present from you I'm gonna give you an idea we can fire me up an official PBA Jersey customizable jerseys designs for individuals or teams still available over at PBA calm hurry up can you get me a PDW one maybe no I'm gonna get you all the big giant hambone on the front do they make those if not they should and I should get a cut Jason Belmonte looking to open up speaking of a ham bone with an opening [Applause] not quite the same response Weber gives you when he gets his hambone but the exciting messenger nonetheless late kick with the 10 hears Kretzer looking for three in a row Brooklyn well he'll certainly take it little reaction there from Kretzer kind of guy that seems to take things in stride maybe a little too much so according to Fagin Brian Kretzer is more of a laid-back guy you know just kind of out here and and you know good demeanor but I don't know if he's got that drive to really to want it as much as Jason Belmonte wants it and myself really maybe a good thing for Fagin that Kretzer didn't hear that might be the motivation he needs to get it done today right now Fagin and bel Moe lead Kretzer by 10:00 here at the bottom of the fourth I can't believe Murphy's Law don't wait right there that's best the ring in ten opening for bagger for both Bilbo and Fagin here in match number two and that's why Mike Fagan is bowling in the World Championships and I know sitting here next to you yeah honestly I'm I'm kind of with you you would think he would be trying to do a little bit more of what this guys doing [Applause] drops the nickel does Bell mow their pagan is one of the best in the world had not only playing the gunner but playing the left gutter and he's awfully good at between two I think sometimes he doesn't believe in himself as much as the rest of us know how good he is and sometimes tries to play away from where other guys are playing and I think you can just about anybody shot-for-shot know that strike therefore Kretzer nice bridge right now in the bricks category Brian Kretzer way ahead run would trip for another or as my friend and colleague likes to call it a ham bone that is back-to-back-to-back ham boats cross it off your bucket list my friend that in a 300 game someday someday Fagan looking for five in a row yes but let's flashback guys to last week match number two pd dub Shawn rash strike after strike after strike they took a deep we were we were teased with this a taste of a double 300 game Bell mo Fagan both perfect through five right now long ways to go before we start discussing in further detail 300 games [Applause] rob's dungeons cracked open a six-pack right next to me yeah remember last week whoever had the front H on rash had the front nine the exciting stuff all of a sudden this match shaping up to look just like last week and of course kretchner's best shot doesn't strike pretty big believer but all evened out but sometimes it doesn't even out quite that quickly so Fagin's run comes too close there and that's kind of what you would expect trying to play the soil pattern the way he's trying to play it if he misses just a crack to the right our friends at Cal have given us the cat system and that was a board right of the last one was high flush okay and I'll have more room than that he's throwing it at 20 miles an hour and he's reduced his rep rate so I mean obviously his intent is the ghost straighter but with that being said all he all it takes is for him to miss a board right and leave a bucket or a two-five like he just did yeah big backswing of Fagin gets in the spare there are times that when you're feeling and you're in good rhythm and you're not afraid to just go out and just sure shot after shot after shot that's Belle mo right now perfect through six he's on top here and match number two his buddy Mike Fagan 12 behind Brian frets her trailing Fagan by nine pins as we begin the seventh seven in a row open up redonkulous here are Bill Malloy frankeour to see the cat system and check out the consistency in speed and position at the arrows midway down the lane all of them nearly identical just freakishly good stuff there Retzer little ride a target Oh Ross is about 23 this one looks pretty good but this left flame pretty consistently has been tighter down Lane throughout our whole world series of bowling shows and you miss it just a little bit doesn't make it but sir clues that one up in the seventh well I know Mike has been playing to the right but I really feel like you should be in through here [Applause] leaves the seven obviously at this point he's pot committed and he's gonna stay where he's at and he's gonna try and out Bowl these guys and so far he's doing a pretty good job of it he's throwing better shots than anyone but he's got the toughest road to get there well I don't know if I agree with better than anyone I mean this guy's making some pretty good shots too but the bottom line is if Michael Fagan didn't think he had a chance doing what he's doing he wouldn't be doing it [Applause] boom we could you know we call that rob you call a four-bagger a hambone I call that mungus that's humongous yeah as in humongous this is just ridiculously nasty that kind of speed with those rpms at that angle it's almost unfair Elmo just four strikes away now from a very elusive goal Bret sir gets the pocket to collapse there he's only down by 13 he strikes in the eighties does the 9th and 10th frame not over yet for Bryan Kretzer Fagan after that lights-out start five straight strikes is going spare spare here he is in the 8th the lead over Kretzer top to move on and a 10 pin is resilient Fagan mumbling to himself ball change it almost seems like his pocket is really really narrow whereas Belmonte's is really wide all right it's the whole idea of creating revolutions creating entry angle you make the pocket wide he's purposely shutting it down a little bit making it narrower nine in a row for Belle mo Hagen and Kretz are falling for second right now here in the second match sagen eyeball in leaderboard that the fans and the bowlers can see so he and Kretz are going at it the other storyline is the big one Jason Belmonte flawless through nine Fagin will watch behind Kretzer yes bail mo rolls a perfect game the left side a late delay collapse cut the deficit to two Fagin's rebuttal here in the ninth through the nose like Fagin's in trouble big trouble Fagen we'll think about it Belmonte will step up in the tent nothing but strikes from the australian thus far the ball Derrick perfect ed from Bell mobis far you couldn't wait to say that nice handling it very well I don't know what the the internal body temperature is right there in the heart rate but from the outside elbow handling while handling it better than his friend Mike Fagan he was collapsing right now we switch back to the left link two strikes away from perfection Jason Bell Marty [Applause] get ready Rob stone you may be able to cross something off your bucket list where they just pull it out of my pocket and we're ready got my pen set Kretzer trying to close out Fagin here and move on didn't like it that's huge he needs to fill 18 pins in the tenth frame to shut Fagin out breaking that down to get nine tremendous break at first Jason Belmonte it's only happened 20 times under the lights of TV a perfect game one strike away from a 300 [Applause] finally I've seen the 300 game that's awesome we were teased last week by PD dumbass and Elmo delivers the goods another look at his 12th shot everybody standing up holds the pose celebrates now it turns to Fagin in the tenth big strike right now Brian Kretzer can advance to the final match against Jason Belmonte but he needs 9 pins on this ball he's got 8 8 10 for 8 Mike Fagan needs two more strikes to tie the ELMO already in the books with a 300 Kretzer done at 231 Fagan two strikes to equalize and makes a ball change in the 10th frame yeah I think this is a great move to make a ball change the one he was using obviously not quite good enough hadn't struck in four shots since the fifth frame makes the blind ball change in the 10th he's got to have all three if you don't think you can throw through the one you got we've got to make a change needs to to tie nope Kretzer moves on Elmo perfection Kretzer to 31 they both advance on a smile says it all a 300 game propel mo and he moves on there's work though not done yet today
Channel: PBABowling
Views: 3,001,163
Rating: 4.829905 out of 5
Keywords: bowling, professional bowlers association, ten-pin bowling, jason belmonte
Id: twVw99z751c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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