5 Bowling Practice Tips You NEED To Know!

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hey everyone welcome back to the Brad and Kyle channel and today we're going to be talking about practice and how you can make your practice sessions productive stay tuned [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so when we talk about practicing bullying it's something that everyone should be doing but sometimes lack structure so Brad we're gonna try to provide some structure to people but kind of give an insight on what people's different opinions are about practicing and how that may differ depending on what level of bullying you're at yeah we're gonna give you guys five things that you can do in your practice session at the end of the video that can make it a little more productive but first I want to talk about just the overall idea of practice I find it extremely fascinating to show up the pba events and Wes Malott doesn't use the practice session before the event and then you look at someone like our friend Verity Crawley where she practices drills at home and she has these tools and she's got a fan in her living room and she uses to go through a pre-shot routine and she's very dialed in on practice and then you have some guys that are a mix and some guys that only practice for five minutes and then our friend Brad Angelou said that the only ball that he the most important ball that you can use is your eye ball and that he doesn't practice a whole lot he just paying attention to ball motion it's really fascinating to see all the different ideas come together the most important thing is that you got to do what's best for you you got to find the right mixture for you if you're a guy that likes to spend hours in a bowling center practicing like I was then that works for you and you're definitely gonna get better if you do that if you're the kind of guy but if you practice for two hours and you get burnout and you actually feel like you regress a little bit let them back off a little bit and then go at your own pace but it's definitely from the the journey of becoming a really good bowler you have to do what's best for you and some for some people that's a ridiculous amount of practice and for some people that's very little practice I fell so I also think to add to that that at some point to be a really good bowler you do have to put in those like incredibly insane amount of hours and once you develop your skills to a certain level then you can kind of pick and choose because you've refined your craft so much that you understand your practice has also become more efficient you're like okay this works for me I know if I work on this I'm going to stay very sharp with my game and I can kind of leave this other stuff to the side but in order to become really good I think everyone's had that phase where they just bowled all day every day all the time yeah you're right in order to get the knowledge of knowing what works for you and what doesn't work for you you got to put in the hours you know what's that 10,000 hour rule in order to become an expert at 10,000 hours like literally we have spent our entire lives in a bowling center just practicing away and it worked for us so if your youthful are out there that wants become a really good bowler and you're young and you've got the time I'm perfectly for you spending a lot hours of the points that are just working on your craft because that's going to pay dividends you are definitely going to get better if you do it at a younger age then you're getting a head start into the game so now let's let's dive into a structured practice that someone watching this video can take to a bowling center and really help them out okay so five we're running five things if you're walking into a bowling center and you've got an hour or two just to get there and practice instead of just you can mindlessly throw shots you can just sit there and throw shots for two hours but is that really helping you like is that putting you in a good mindset for competition is that really making progress on certain aspects of the game maybe some days and maybe some days not so having a structured practice can be beneficial the first thing into a structured practice that we're going to give and I know we spoke about it a lot is the no step drill that's literally it could be your first shots of the practice the free big part of your warmup you grab your ball you walk up to the approach you just take it you swing it you don't take a step and you just throw the ball it's very simple you take all the other elements of the approach out of the out of the play your first four steps aren't even there all the steps aren't in today you're literally just throwing it and what happens is it kind of makes you focus on the swing and the path of the ball like that's all that's moving so you can feel your release very well you can feel where the ball goes very well it's just very basic very simple something just to kind of get the the mind and the body flowing and some feel about the swing and we'd like you to do about ten reps of the no step drill now after you get to the no step drill we're gonna move into the full approach but not fully we want you to do about five to ten 50 to 80% shots we don't want you going up there and starting right away throwing it as hard as you can with as many reps as possible we want to warm up this is more for precaution injury prevention and also just getting the body acclimated to what you're about to do so five to ten basically warm up shots where you're getting nice and loose and getting ready to throw game time shot and actually to say something else about that I think a lot the people who put a lot I was one of those guys that put a lot of pressure on myself and sometimes when you're practicing you're working very hard you get like really tense and doing those 52% to 80% shots kind of allows you to have this more kind of relaxed mindset going into the practicing because if you go into the practice session stressed and you want to get better and you're just tense and it's gonna be hard for you to really execute correctly so having those 50% shots just kind of brings kind of relaxes your mind a little bit that you're just warming up and getting into the flow of things absolutely so next thing we're gonna do is a drill that we've talked about previously on the channel and it's gonna be the seven arrows drill and we want you to throw five to ten shots from each arrow so you start with the first there on the lane and you're just trying to get lined up throwing shots up first out then after you throw about five to ten move to the second arrow and so on this is gonna help you build versatility and be comfortable playing any part of the lane now we realized that you may not be able to strike from each arrow depending on what oil is out there but that's okay that's the purpose of the drill to get you outside of your limits and test yourself and that way if you do see some anywhere remotely close to that you're ready but also you're learning how to manipulate the ball and Matt's at the end of the day what we really want to try to focus on in practice is you building yourself to be able to manipulate the ball any which way that you want to as a bowler yeah if you bowl while you're gonna find yourself in a lot of uncomfortable positions that's kind of what bowling is you know it's not it's pretty rare that you're just dialed in and everything is working correctly a lot of times you're always adjusting you're always adjusting so having some kind of uncomfortable feeling during practice if if playing on the first arrow isn't well okay keep doing it because there's gonna be times in your bowling career where you're just really uncomfortable and those times that you worked on in practice that something that would you wouldn't normally do is really gonna come into play going even further than that this is my favorite drill the fourth one because I think one thing that I've realized since bowling on tour is creativity is so fun to watch and the best bowlers over old are the best at it they just get really creative and they're not doing the same thing over and over again they're changing it up they're switching it up depending on the oil and the balls they throw and the centers they throw and they're using just techniques to just create different things right so this next drill I want you to try and leave every single thing outside of the hip in I mean you can but it's gonna be hard to leave that pin it's gonna be hard to leave the headpin but still if you wanna challenge yourself do it and maybe the five pin but at least the broad I just left the final like four videos ago a shot yeah I know that's good you know having hand but at least the back row plus the plus the four pin try and leave a tenpin trial even nine pin trial even eight pin 7 pin 4 pin 6 pin 2 3 I'll tell you what out of order they're all just going around the rack like let's leave the 4 and then the 9 and then the 2 and then 6 so what this does is it makes you get creative ok what do I have to do to leave a ring 10 ok well what if I just try and do this a little bit more how do I go from leaving a 10 pin to a 4 pin how do I leave that 7 pin it really makes you get creative with the angles that you use and it get your brain working in a different way you're not just trying to strike anymore you're actually trying to get creative and how to leave these single pins which is the exact mindset that you get in when you bow at a high level yeah I think that drill teaches you two very important things like brow is expressing is a the cut it teaches you that yeah the creativity of trying to manipulate your ball and again that's what we want to stress you're gonna have to learn how to manipulate your ball in different ways and just simply throw in a strike also you're learning the causation of why you leave certain things so for instance if you're trying to ring 10 and you figure out how to ring 10 but you realize now that if you accidentally do that in competition well you know exactly why you rank 10 and then you just gained all that knowledge so doing that drill really allows you to think outside the box because yes our goal is to strike but at the end of the day our goal is to learn how to manipulate the ball to figure out how to strike and if we can learn how to manipulate the ball the best to the best of our abilities then we can really elevate our game to the next level and it's hard it's gonna be it's gonna be extremely difficult don't expect to run through it easy it would take us all the time like all all day to do that there is a time in Columbus where bred amateurs like in practice and Charlie before pin and con I spent like an hour try on the four pin and we couldn't so it's it's really fun it's something a little bit different and it gets your brain going in a creative way and then to end the practice session very simple we want to do about 10 to 15 minutes of spare practice now I'm I would suggest that you guys pick spares that you struggle with so if you're solid on the temp ins maybe you don't spend as much time on that maybe you have to work on left-side spares but use this time to shoot spares that are more of your weakness than your strengths and then because guys I know spare shooting is not fun it's daunting it sucks but you have to do it you got an elite level player you gotta make the spares so that's a practice regiment guys will actually post the whole regiment in the description take that I hope that it improves your game let us know how it goes what successes you had with it and we'll see you guys next time alright hey everyone it's me Kyle from Brad and Kyle if you guys want to check out our membership but we're giving coaching all the time we have exclusive videos click the link in the description check it out we give a free trial so guess what you can either sign up and you can try it out for free and if you don't like it you can leave and it didn't cost you a single dollar or you can stay and have a good time with us so check it out we'll see you later [Music]
Channel: Brad and Kyle
Views: 55,929
Rating: 4.9202361 out of 5
Keywords: brad and kyle, bowling tips, bowling ball review, how to bowl more strikes, how to bowl, kyle sherman, brad miller, pba, usbc, professional bowler, bowl like a pro, bowling technique
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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