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fresh-faced new space but not quite for those of you that are new here you may not know me you may not know where we are but let me fill you in real quick my name is mal I'm your main girl and I create memes by metal because I am a hairstylist now when we are in this space we're not here for me my hairs are already done which you can see plenty of times on this channel today we are here for her come back with a brand new sister behind me the space we're back in the space a madness elated to be here because today means we are going to fix I'm saying wow you did it this is the video that you guys have been requested for a very long time but now it's finally here because these roots need some help and then it's a little bit too dark you can hardly tell on camera so today we're going to take advantage they're a little bit lighter but here's the concern because she has curly hair this going lighter mean that's going to be damaged no no no no no let me tell you today we're gonna be leaving Amanda's hair using no bleach serum bleach which means minimal damage minimal minimal so allow us to get started and I'm going to show you guys the full process of how I color my sister's hair without using bleach and you're excited and excited I've done my coloring so long she's overdue so without further ado let's step to it now before I show you the how we do it I'm gonna show you what we're doing it with and before you get overwhelmed because there's gonna be a lot of things going on here don't worry I will also put all details in the description below and I'm going to be explaining throughout this video why I'm using what I'm using but first here we are so real quick what you're gonna need is tools so for tools obviously we will be needing some brushes this is my favorite detangling brush this is the wet brush epic professional and of course color brushes these guys are some of my absolute favorite this is from a bar and I love this is Big Daddy brush and what goes hand-in-hand with paint brushes bowls and very importantly to weigh out the color I have a scale some toner balls all right I don't really know what to call these bottles but these squirt squeeze bottles we'll be needing lots of foils today and we're going to need some clips now those are the essential tools I will be needing for this process now as for products well this is where things get a little bit technical I have a lot of products here and it's just gonna be easier for me to explain what I'm using why I'm using it as I am using it so let us begin with how I'm going to prep Amanda's hair and Amanda you can come on in and sit down wonderful so Amanda does regularly clarify her hair and rare is in good condition however Mena's hair is very very very thick and she needs to put a lot of products in to tame this so one thing I like to do before pretty much every color service is clarify the hair once again but I'm not just using clarifying shampoo we're going to be doing a special clarifying treatment that is done in salon to remove build-up I'm not just talking about product build-up product build-up mineral build-up which is the worst kind of buildup especially when you're doing a chemical color service so we're in wash manis hair and I'm gonna be using one of my favorite salon clarifying treatments which is the undo GU shampoo from Malibu see this is a pH 9 shampoo this is gonna help to raise the cuticle and release any kind of buildup that a city in the hair but we're also gonna go a step further with the ultimate clarifying treatments so this is a crystal gel treatment so to do this treatment all I had to do is fill up one of these squirt bottles and I filled it with two ounces of warm water you mix the powder in and it creates a gel so now that I have my crystal gel I'm going to apply it to Amanda's hair and while I'm doing that I'm going to explain exactly why I'm using this magical tool this treatment is not something that happens all the time but before a color service this is how I as a stylist like to cover my ass and for the client this is just going to give you the most desirable color results why I am doing this is because it is going to be the deepest cleanse to remove not just product build-up forget about the surface buildup we're getting into the hair and lifting out and removing any mineral build-up any mineral residue that sits on the hair and lives inside that not only affects the tone of your hair color but it also meets the lightening and the listing and the coloring process more difficult and it could potentially depending on how much mineral build-up you have in your hair cause a chemical reaction with layer color and then create disasters so now - Harry is saturated it's clipped up and when to seal it with his little processing cast absorb oil why is this one I mean that you look so beautiful what he judged me we're doing this for you we're doing this for beauty and now this has the process with heats up to 45 minutes we're not going to do that because we don't have hard water here madness care is not that built up I'm gonna sit it on for 15 minutes and I don't have a good dryer so I'm just going to use my Dyson and hover around high heat high speed accident she is done here it's hot under here we're gonna shampoo this out with one more goal of a new goo make sure it's very thoroughly rinsed and I'm not going to be conditioning right after we're going to get right back up and then we're getting right into highlights I just want to warn you that what you're about to see it's not pretty but beauty is pain this is what I like to call the Hagrid yes now that she's fully clarified it gave me the opportunity to detangle her hair and then brush through so that now her hair is going to be very manageable so after shampooing I very quickly blasted dry immense hair because this hair color is meant to be put on dry hair so let's get you draped I'm gonna section Amanda now I'm going to talk about her natural colors and what we're trying to do here while I'm sectioning your out and then I'm going to show you guys the product then using how to mix it and then how to apply the beautiful hankered special let me show you what's going on in between here so Amanda's natural color which you're seeing on her roots is about a level five six she's considered the dark blonde light brunette range which is why I can use color on her to make her as light as she is on the ends now we want to be matching what's going on in her latest highlights she's not trying to be filmed like me if she was this would be a different procedure we would be going in with bleach but because we're not using bleach because we want to achieve a really nice beautiful natural color on her I'm using color and this is what I'm using today today I'm using well this is their special blonde range so the levels here are 12 level 12 that means this color is gonna take me beyond the lightest blonde which is a level 10 basically meaning that this color is much stronger than any other color and it is going to get you nice and light almost like bleach but without bleach I'm also gonna be mixing the color with 20 volume developer so let me show you guys how I prepare the color so I'm using an array of tones here all ranging from violet to ash to natural that makes in this one part color two parts developer because adding more developer is gonna fuel the color to get more oxygen and to work faster and get lighter results that is how this color is supposed to work when you read the instructions that's what you do mix it really well she's tick she's a tick formula good to the last drop at last I'm going to begin highlighting now you can see we've got these six sections one two three one two three after being split down the middle this is my favorite placement or hair that likes to be flipped wherever so manda doesn't have a set part she usually wears it off to the side sometimes she likes it on the opposite side and sometimes she likes it down the middle this is the nicest placement for that in my opinion and it is relatively fast to work through the hair and it just gives the best results I'm always working on diagonal parts following the hairline now magazines are already highlighted I'm not highlighting her ends again because that would over process them it's a root touch-up so I'm touching up whatever is dark and I'm going in here with a weave so that after Amanda lifts her hair up she's gonna have beautiful highlights in her hairline but you want to accommodate your foil length for how long of the route you are working with Amanda's roots here are not that long and it's a short piece of hair so I'm working with a shorter foil and then they have longer foils for the length of her hair you want this right up to the scalp so I'm folding this over my comb okay and I'm getting right into the root and folding that we've over pushing up the foil now we can see that they're taking my Big Daddy brush dip it and flip it highlighting hair is enhancing and highlighting and adding tones I'm gonna show you what not to do in curly hair now the trend right now is baby lights baby fine highlights that have looked great and straight hair I'm going to show you what that looks like it's like it's taking very fine micro leaves literally like individual strands of hair Amanda's highlights will completely disappear they'll disappear in the thickness of her hair it'll be merged with a bunch of dark in between so it won't feel as bright as it is and it makes it very hard to touch up after without red highlighting with already been highlighted which will cause damage you cannot highlight curly hair this way because you will not get the outcome that you want to get the brightness and to show ribbons and colors in the curls and I'm going in with chunky Wiis see those three chunks that's what I'm highlighting here today because what Amanda's hair is curly you're gonna actually see ribbons of curls and the many other sides of your section it's gonna be around three to five weeds and they're gonna be like thick feather genes and the process continues for a very very very long time manda are you sleeping she's falling asleep okay so maybe try to keep your head still all right freeze I've reached a point where if I continue going up diagonally I'm gonna clash with my other side so I'm going to finish this little back portion horizontally and then we'll be able to turn Amanda around and work around the face you can see there's a lot more dark under here I'm using longer foils this has been a total of 11 foils for this back portion not bad now I'm going to move to the front and I'm gonna have a man spin for us over here well there you more we missed you so if you see here around her hairline there's more weaves coloring more individual strands and curls so we can get a better grow around the hairline each section that I'm taking to work on is like an eighth of an inch wide so I'm not working on like tiny tiny sections I'm also gonna working on very big sections but this is how I'm going to create dimension and curly hair it's going to be blended because I'm doing things right and this Walt's a little bit Vincent straight hair but Amanda hardly ever straightens her hair anymore if we recall her hair journey wash baptism photos here Oh God mantas areas to be much much longer and much more damaged and not nearly as curly because she was heat styling it much more frequently on the top of the bleaching that was all done far too frequently with not enough treatments in between and not enough haircuts then of course we have gone to man his hair to this point that you all see today through no such thing as a big chop but just a lot of tender loving care and trips and highlighting with color now you may have noticed that when I was mixing I had some old plugs there that I did not mix into this color because her roots are nice and healthy so I don't need to add olaplex to the color treatment but I will be doing an olaplex treatment on her after just over here stays healthy as they can be okay so camera died and we have completed this side of her head I'm moving on to the other side and go over the most important points here okay so let's let her down again just like in the back I'm always working on this diagonal section following the hairline because when Amanda puts her hair up she's gonna get beautiful highlights and coverage so I'm taking my sections and around the face the section is always a little bit smaller and the weaves are always a little bit smaller so that it looks a little more natural you don't want it to look too like chunky but everywhere else I am using kind of chunky highlights there are thicker weaves because that's just gonna show up in Amanda's hair that's how you're gonna see these ribbons of color another very important note is that I do not mix up a lot of color all at the same time so I only used 20 grams of color 240 grams of developer if I mix for her whole head all at one time the color is gonna be completely off because color has a processing time and eventually it dies out so I'm gonna be using very old color by the time I get to the top to her head and it's not gonna give you the result that you want so I only need stuff 20 brands at a time it's that and this is now a second batch of color here which is actually lasting me a long time because I'm only touching up her room area and whatever is dark that I want to add some brightness to oh man we've once again reached man to turn around this triangle in the back of the head and once again gonna finish up back here doing mats horizontally and then we'll move up to the front to the top now we all they said the most important part this is where Amanda's gonna be parting her hair I was actually usually right over here in this side right Amanda but again sometimes she wears it down the middle and sometimes she wears it off to the other side but I really want to pay attention to her part size so I'm going to be starting in the front and not much changes so it's metal it's down you can see her hairline goes in this diagonal here and I'm continuing my sections like so Amanda wants a lot of brightness up here so I'm going to be taking ultra fine sections with our medium weave so I really want to make sure that there is this much hair in between the leaves because when Amanda put your hair up she's gonna get a really soft beautiful blend instead of it being this harsh line it just doesn't grow out nice so this is my third bowl mix I have now makes 60 grams of color which is about one full two these tubes are actually 57 grams which is two ounces so I've gone in with more detail and a finer weave in the first three section of her hair line which is which takes us about three quarters of an inch back now I'm continuing the same way I was doing the rest of the head one-eighth of an inch sections and more of a medium to a large leaf basically the bigger the curl the bigger section size you want to be taking again yes this is technically creating chunkier highlights but that's what you want in curly hair so after I'm done applying this you will see how she lifted and you will see what that looks like at the end results soon shortly wowza done she's done we're gonna be very gentle and we're gonna sit and wait now let me check the back because guess what the back has now been sitting on longer and if we check the back here the colors literally stunning it's a perfect match it looks beautiful now how do I know this is done well because it's been the processing time and sat out for over 35 minutes back here I'm going to start to move the back in a minute so I'm gonna continue to wait until there has been a total of 35 minutes since my last oil applied to allow everything to finish processing and then we will remove the foils and put amanda back in the tub and we'll come back to go do that in the meantime snack snack coffee will be back everybody so to initiate the olaplex standalone treatment I'm taking one full bottle squeeze of the old Plex treatment and I'm adding it to three ounces of warm water and swishing it around I'm quite broken but what's not broken is Amanda's hair here we are with our bond builder I grab the bowl just as the step 1 is so liquidy its water it's basically water and I don't want it to completely drip and leak out of her hair so I just took a clean bowl and I have and it's just kind of sitting you know this is gonna go on for five minutes and then we're gonna put number two which is more to cream directly on top that will sit for 10 minutes and then we're gonna wash for the last time we are here and I'm shampooing and conditioning with olaplex number four and number five and once that's shampooed and conditioned we'll come back with the final result and now for my final trick I call this one the review my so beautiful sister show what you make no much what do you guys think here we have butter caramel butterscotch caramel cream what will we call this color I just don't know all I know is I'll be admiring it from afar and up close at all times let's take an up-close look shall we let's dive in to the depths from these roots so natural and perfect on you we did not shadow root anything so it's literally just the highlights right up to the root she is beautiful thank you yeah you were beautiful before but you're more beautiful now it's either the third and that is all guys we are finito now you finally know how my keister highlights my hair without bleach so if you like our hair came out and maybe if you learn something new today let us know by giving us a thumbs up on this video as well as comment below if you want to see how my sister cuts my hair and styles it because that think I'm pretty much due for a trip yeah one step at a time we'll just have to wait for another Tuesday where we both brand new videos each and every week so make sure you're subscribed and make sure you turn on that post notification bell and we'll see you guys here next Tuesday please excited my back is broken already we do it for you okay let's do it and what are your last secrets well I told you wouldn't be secret do not shift the boils you're not in your head do not breathe you know what you signed up for oh no I will tell you you will know when we're done this is just as fun for you as it is for me can you stop moving please body labels okay man too much stuff on my face okay let me help you with that so you are a new stylist or you're someone that's trying on a new color line used it on family members or there are so many regrets [Music] I love the suspense your neck is broken really do for you this is what we do for you
Channel: Manes by Mell
Views: 267,251
Rating: 4.9623981 out of 5
Keywords: HOW TO HIGHLIGHT CURLY HAIR WITHOUT BLEACH, how to highlight curly hair at home, how to highlight curly hair, how to highlight curly hair without damage, no bleach, bleaching curly hair, how to highlight hair at home, how to dye curly hair, curly hair, how to highlight curly hair bundles, blonde curls, manes by mell, olaplex, how to add highlights, how to go blonde, how to, hair color without damage, long curly hair, seester, healthy curly hair, malibu c crystal gel, 2019-09-23
Id: 0DrcuEkdNuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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