How to have the perfect outdoor barbecue: Cooking tips from a grill master | CNA Lifestyle

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hi my name is chef desmond i'm from fire grill today we're here to talk about how do you up your bbq game [Music] so i can see grill master on your chef plex which means i'm in very safe hands absolutely you know the barbecue pits are opening up yeah right and it's a great time to share you know how do you how do you go back into that hobby or cooking i genevieve cannot barbecue to save her life you need to talk me through exactly how we're going to do this sure absolutely and we've got two types of charcoal over here this is the regular mangrove charcoal that you would you would typically use with an open barbecue pit and here we have a very solid raquette so the difference between the two is that this is compressed which puts out a very nice high even heat the regular mangrove charcoal puts a very high heat but they at the same time die down very quickly with very high heat you essentially burn the outside of the food but you don't quite cook the inside you don't want to cook over direct fire you want to cook over embers right [Music] so what we have here is the most easy easiest way to light up the charcoal this is called a chimney starter okay right and it's so simple we just have to put pour the charcoal right here put a couple of like fire starters below right so once the fire starter is going right we just put the chimney over and now we wait but what if we don't have a chimney starter right so if you don't have a chimney starter the you know the traditional way would be to stack up your charcoal and put a couple of fire starters below and then we'll do the same trick but you will get your hands quite dirty when do you know you're ready all right so um typically with a chimney i would wait until it's about 70 to 80 percent ash over if you're using the pyramid style then it will be about the same right when you see 70 to 80 percent light up right that would be a good time to start setting up your gear okay [Music] the most natural thing to do for most people is to cook very thin cuts of meat right because in their mind it's the easiest to tell faster the fastest there's not too much guesswork that goes in there but on the on the contrary it's actually better and less stressful to cook thicker cuts of meat right and thicker cuts of vegetables okay because then you don't have to stress yourself on whether it's cooked or is it overcooked or it's not cooked right you let it go let it do its thing and then you come back okay the first thing we've got to do is really to oil the food okay right a lot of times we end up oiling the barbecue yes which is not a good thing that's another chip i think you're right people think of just oiling the barbecue but not the food so what happens when you oil the barbecue is that too much oil drips down into the charcoal it creates fire because oil is a fuel right right and that fire ends up burning your food okay think of seasoning like glitter okay right as a kid you play with glitter and that needs to stick to glue so the oil acts as the glue to allow the seasoning to stick [Music] yay let's go okay all right so now that the chocolate is light up we're gonna pour it out before we pour it out we gotta first understand how we're gonna set up the grill all right um so what we wanna do is we want to have more charcoal on one side of the grill okay and then it slowly tapers down again very little at the other end right so this way it gives you very high heat on one side and very low heat on the other and you have a middle sort of medium heat in the middle [Applause] [Music] so now you can see there's hardly any fire at this point it's just heat yes that's a good thing right okay because you don't want that fire yeah you don't want those like crazy flambe kind of yes so you want to always cook a word over such embers but there's more time right it's really slow the thing that takes the longest it took me to go on first right right so things that typically has a bone and we don't want to go straight on high heat because that will end up resulting in a char outside and the raw inside got it once we cook this pretty much 70 of the way through we're gonna move it to the high heat get that crispiness going it's about having a little bit of patience and love i like that patience and love it's very important like yeah [Music] and then we're gonna put on the steak now yeah remember this is a thick cut of steak so before you cook you want to pretty much push them together so that it becomes a thick steak again so the thicker it is going on the grill the better got it that's always my go-to oh listen to that sizzle [Music] okay noob question again it looks done is it done i don't know we've got to use a meat thermometer to find out ah okay so these meat thermometers are very very a very good investment right because you can pretty much use them on anything right at home or it doesn't have to be a barbecue correct i call it the walk of shame you know sometimes you you bring the food to the table and it's not quite there yet yeah then you're like taking it back to the kitchen so this will prevent all walks of shame pretty much and the way to use the meat thermometer is really go in from the side every protein has got a temperature in which is safe to eat for white meats it's about 75 to 80 degrees for red meat for red meat you start off at 50 degrees that's where okay and then you plus five degrees every time you want you want it yeah right [Music] so have you noticed the zucchini is also quite cut pretty thick yeah yes it helps get the get that caramelization on the outside and keep the crunch on the inside you know what desmond i feel like the biggest takeaway i've got from you today is keep it thick keep it thick that's the way we like it
Channel: CNA
Views: 45,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CNA, Channel NewsAsia, CNA Lifestyle, barbecue, BBQ, barbeque, cooking, food
Id: tB1UzkEqJJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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