How To Hang Drywall on Walls

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[Music] we're running a bead down every one of our wall studs now okay we're gluing our walls as well as our ceiling we glue everything when we hang now a lot of guys will just glue their ceiling and we'll fail to glue the walls uh but i'm telling you you're gonna get nail pops in your walls if you do not glue it so glue use it use it up yeah a nice bead on there even though all right all right so up around we go hopefully that's gonna fit around there look at that almost like he knew what he was doing all right now let's see it's going to go tight to the ceiling oh i come to me right there that's good attacker right there all right so he's he's halfway on his wall stud which is why we laid it out at 15 and a quarter back in the framing videos now tom's gonna go through before we start screwing and tack it with the nails before he turns that loud annoying screw gun on all right okay and that's uh that's tacked up there now next piece we got going on here i'm just measuring over is 92 and three-quarter 92 and three-quarter right off you're short [Music] so we're going to cut this off at 92 and three-quarters a little bit short so we don't have to fight it we like to the first time fit mark your sheet and cut it off with your t-square it cuts a perfect straight line wow all right flip it over [Music] all right so he's got his 16 center marks as well so he knows where to screw [Music] now when you're gluing what you can do is you can put a screw at the bottom and the top of your sheet one at the bottom one at the top and then just two in the middle is enough so really you should only need like four screws going down all right so this is going to start becoming repetitious here real soon we're going to be saying the same thing over and over but basically we're going to do the exact same thing to the rest of the sheets going around the perimeter the same way that we just put those first two pieces up on the wall here once we get the top pieces on we'll come back and we'll show you how we're going to put the bottom row of drywall on okay my way oh that's me [Music] all right let's see how we're coming across the top four foot down from the ceiling the whole way around we don't have any boxes to cut out no outlets no switches on on these pieces here so we got clean sail on the whole way around the top top level all right so we're gonna go ahead now we're gonna hang the bottom pieces on this wall to show you how to do that now remember we got a butt joint right here all right where two pieces came together now just like with the ceiling it's just like with the ceiling you don't want your butt joints to be any closer than 32 inches away from one another so we're going to stagger this i'll tell you what beans how it's right under a soffit here i think i'm just going to put a ten and an eight and finish these out right so so it's gonna be 16 inches away from the other one yeah yeah you know what i mean because i mean you know how i do them i feather them out big and then we'll pick this one up all right so on the wall on the walls it's okay to go 16 with the butt joints if you have to so that's going to make the board work out better so we're going to we're going to stagger it instead of 32 inches we're going to go from here from this stud over to this stud and make our next button below push me in that corner kyle right there there you go i'm going to go 109 cut the line off a 10 footer 109 cut the line okay and that's going to put us halfway on this stud here all right because he's going to start in that corner down there so that we can stagger our butt joint from here over to here all right so that this butt joint's not going all the way down to the floor we've we've jumped over to the next to the next stud in the wall so that we staggered our our butt joint seam shorter one all right and we're going to show you when we're finishing why it's good to do that because butt joints to go for straight runs past four foot are really tough to hide all right so it's going to make the finishers a happier happier people cutting it off at 108 and 7 8 which puts this one seam past on that butt joint over there like we want all right so he's going to snap that off now you want to make your cut off the bottom of the board so that your tapered edge is up the width of the board so that we have we have a tapered edge to a tapered edge taper to taper so the cut edge will be down at the floor yep and then uh it was 44 45 we're gonna make it 44 and three-quarter i'm making it a quarter inch shorter than what it is so that it's not sitting on the floor i'm using our t-square to make a nice straight cut at 44 and three-quarters okay and then we're going to lay out our studs right here i know there's 16 for our lines [Music] draw all your studs on the board with your pencil so you know where to screw [Applause] making my installation out of the way right now you can see we're gonna have one two three three outlet boxes all right so we're gonna have to get measurements off the wall left and right and down off of our top tapered edge down north and south so you need north and south east and west measurements on all your boxes or i can show you an easier way of doing it i can show you how to use your t-square for your box measurement by setting this on the ground your t-square this is as wide as your box all right and what i do is i come up here and i mark this i mark this here to where my box cut out goes below kyle's going to measure from here down to the top and bottom of the box write the top measurement here and the bottom measurement there this is one way of doing it we'll show you several ways i'm on the ground flat on the ground marking my t-square i'm on the ground right here this is as though my sheets up here all right lay my t-square here right over your box and find these blocks i have a circle right here they are i'm measuring down from my cutout i got a 20 25 and 7 8 29 and a half 25 7 8 29 and a half all right that's the top and bottom it's okay so that's the top and bottom of that box and you got that one right there yeah we're ready to glue we're going to hang this sheet high we'll pin it low i'm going to show you how to redraw the box and then i'm still going to let my rotors find that box exactly uh this is the most foolproof method i know i use this method for a paneling uh whatnot you know it's another i'm just showing you another application of that t-square and this works very well uh for what we just did tyler you're gonna want to get that board lifter now so we're snapping off our sheet there 44 and three quarters and that cut edge where he's breaking the board there that'll go down on the floor once you cut edge down your tapered edge up whenever you're ripping your board to the floor keep your cut edge down your tapered edge up the reason your tapered edges up is because you're butting up against another tapered edge along that full sheet over there so taper to taper all right you
Channel: Basement Finishing Man
Views: 2,343,013
Rating: 4.4870725 out of 5
Keywords: how to hang drywall on walls, basement drywall walls, drywall walls, hanging drywall, how to drywall, drywall walls and ceilings, hang drywall, drywall installation, how to hang drywall, how to drywall a room, step by step, diy drywall installation, drywall installation and finishing, install drywall, drywall finishing, hanging drywall for beginners, hanging drywall by yourself, how to frame basement walls for drywall, how to put drywall on basement walls
Id: Dn25J1jW3k0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 07 2012
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