Basement Finishing A to Z (Part 1) [Layout to Drywall]

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hey guys welcome back to another video here on my youtube channel um okay i got something really special for you here uh i've got a two-part series uh that i put together um i created these videos for basically hardcore homeowners who are definitely planning on finishing the basement themselves and are looking for as much in-depth information as they can get their hands on to digest to make sure that they got all the tools they need mentally physically to tackle their basement project by themselves so so we're going from an empty basement cleaned out concrete floor nothing on nothing down there at all and we're gonna walk you through all the way up to the drywall stage that means we're gonna get all the framing done we're gonna get all the mechanical work in there the hvac the plumbing the electric um structured wiring everything that goes into a basement up to leading up to the drywall in part one so uh let's get started here we're gonna jump over to the job uh i'm going to be with my brother today and uh we're going to go down there and we're going to start the the design of this basement here this morning the layout this video i think is like two hours plus long so again you might want to watch it in stages um if you're not into a long video if you're not into getting this in depth into basement finishing then this is definitely not going to be for you but for you guys that are actually planning on finishing your basement yourself i think you're really really going to enjoy this video so let's get started [Music] [Applause] okay guys uh just got down to the job here take you around back here okay this is an exposed basement so it'll be easy for us to get our our tools and our lumber in here this morning all right and the homeowners have this one really cleaned out most excellent for us here this morning look at that wide open now this isn't a huge basement it's about a medium-sized job for us i think the finished square footage on the actual plan is about 900 square feet down here but you can see you got a center set of steps to come down right into the middle of the basement i'm about five six feet away from that front wall got two support columns that we have to work around uh since it's an exposed basement we got a six foot slider or that might be a five foot slider a fifa sliding door that we'll have to frame around and two full-size windows and then our mechanical stuff up here we've got all grouped together nicely uh by the builder we got the water heater the furnace behind the water heater you can see the gas there's a gas manifold back there all that's going to be put into a nice little storage closet and over in this corner we got the sump pump which we're going to be building into a little 45 degree angle closet unfinished utility closet and right beside that we've got the radon and the radon's coming up out of the floor and right here is the radon meter all right so we're going to be working around those obstacles as well first thing we're going to do here this morning is we're going to be taking our drawing and i hope you guys can see this hope it's coming coming through here in the basement the lighting's terrible down here uh you see we got a tv family room area we've got a brew area which is really just a sink it's going to be makes beer so he's going to be using this as a brew area here got that closet right here that i was telling you about with the furnace and the water heater in it there's that little corner angle wall right there it's going to have the sump pump in it come down the stairs over here in this corner there's going to be a a closet like a i guess we call it a kid's closet an activity area and over in this far far corner here when you come down the steps there's a door that goes into a bathroom with a four foot shower toilet and a 30 inch vanity and a little living closet behind the bathroom we got a little storage area that you actually have to come in to a in through a door over here behind the steps walk right under behind the steps and into this area here in this unfinished space here we will also be putting our sewage ejector which is going to run all the plumbing for the bathroom so that's going to be in this unfinished storage closet here and then the main area out here is where they're going to spend most of their time you know you've got the two windows in the door out here this is uh the tv family area and the tv will be on this wall here so this is our one big open area right here where i guess they'll be spending most of their time here and then they got the activity area here which is more like a play area for the kids with the closet over here so we'll be taking that drawing and our chalk line this morning and we'll be going around and we'll be snapping our lines on the floor what we'll do is we'll go around the whole perimeter first and we'll lay out all the exterior walls and then we'll come back in and we'll lay out the interior walls which is this wall here and the stairway walls and the bathroom walls the linen closet all these little walls over here and then the closet wall over here it might take a homeowner someone like yourself if you've never done this before it might take you an entire weekend to lay it out to make sure that everything's right but this much i can tell you for sure this is one of the most important parts of the project all right laying these walls out is critical to the rest of the project this is the beginning of the foundation for the whole project if these lines that we snap for these lot for these walls are wrong the whole job's screwed okay so i mean truly this is such an important part of the job so much more important than most people think it is you never want to go back and tear walls out so you want to make sure from day one when you lay out these wall lines when you're snapping these lines on the floor you want to be darn sure that that's where you want your finished walls to be because there ain't no going back after you start pounding them up and covering them chalk lines on the floor you know if you don't like what the positioning of the wall is you're going to be ripping it back out and that is just a terrible thing to do it's a terrible waste of time and materials take your time with the layout take your time with with this part of the project if it takes you the entire weekend to do it in your spare time then so be it but make sure that before you begin to you know plug in the saw turn on the radio strap that toolbar don't want to start cutting lumbers to to cover these layout marks on your floors that you like the position of the walls because from here on out after those lines are put on the floor that is your finished project all we're going to do then is cover all these chalk lines with walls so this is really really an important part of any project whether you're remodeling your basement or your kitchen or if you're you know if you're building a building a home whatever it is wherever you're going to be framing wherever you're going to be laying out lines for walls this is critical so i'll kind of step you through it as we do it here this morning and show you how we begin to do this how we begin to take the marks off that drawing and get them down the floor and start snapping so okay one other thing that i wanted to show you here real quick before we start laying it out this basement was pre-plumbed for a bathroom by the builder uh the pipes were put in before they poured this basement floor uh for a toilet and a vent line and a sink line and all that um but unfortunately like in most cases the homeowners hate the location that where the where the builder roughed it in it just doesn't work for their layout for their plan so what we're going to do is we're going to eliminate the original plumbing put in by the biller so let me spin the camera around here and i'll show you what the builder did and i'll show you where we've redesigned to put the bathroom so that works better with the floor plan all right so right over here guys you can see if again if you've watched any of my videos about bathroom plumbing or whatnot a lot of my videos are centered on this item right here which is the sewage ejector all right this is the pit that the sewage ejector grinder will go in and all the bathroom waste water will end up in that pit which is below the floor all right put in by the builder they also had a a sink line here is what i'm presuming would have been for a sink and this would have been for a toilet over here um just in a terrible location really because it's kind of out here in this nice living space where you where you wouldn't want to box off a bathroom out here it's kind of out in the middle of everything too which the location of the bathroom should be somewhat private if we would put the bathroom right here you'd be coming right out into the play area and right out into the right out into the main living area and i just think it's a bad location for a bathroom the homeowners agreed so we designed the bathroom to be over here you'll come down the steps and there'll be a door right at the bottom to the right here where you'll go straight into the bathroom over here right over here we're going to have a a four foot shower a linen closet and over here the toilet and a 30 inch vanity okay so when you come out of the bathroom you'll be coming out private at the base of the steps here and then you almost you have to come out here and turn around to get out into the action to get over here to the tv area and whatnot okay so the bathroom is going to be kind of around the corner over there at the base of the steps now so if you've got a situation where the builder has already put your plumbing in the floor and you know that he sold you on it when you bought the house or you bought the house from somebody else and they said yeah the the basement has plumbing already to go for a bathroom if you ever want to finish the basement and and if you just don't like the location of these pipes of what the builder did here forget about it it didn't work for us it didn't work for the homeowners so we have uh elected to move the bathroom right over there in that corner and uh here you would come down the stairs there's a door at the bottom of the stairs here you come in and there's that four foot shower the linen closet the toilet and the 30 inch vanity they originally had the bathroom right over here which would have squeezed off this whole room here you had been so close to the stairway wall there would have been no usable space left over here so putting the bathroom here in effect would have just killed this whole you know basically quarter of the basement or more the basement would have killed it so by by removing it from this area here and putting it over here we made the bathroom more private and we opened up more space it really starts with the design even before you get to the first day of the job here as we are today uh for the layout the project really starts between your ears you know what do you what do you want you know what what zones do you want what what wish list do you have what's what's on your list what are you going to check off what boxes are you checking off do you want a bathroom do you want a bedroom you want an office do you want to play area you want to do in a home gym you want a home theater you know you got to know what you want first and then you have to design it and then once the design is done it turns into what we have down here all right and really once this has been created the job can start this is really doing the design is really the beginning of the basement project if you're interested in designing your own basement you might want to check out the design program over at the basement finishing university where i'll step you through you know step by step how i go into a basement that has no design what i look for how i work around all the different obstacles and how i design the basements for my clients and i'm sure that would help you if you've never done it before with the design of your basement so again that's over at the basement finishing university which uh i think there's a link in the description below this video as well if you want to go check that out okay so we're going to be using our hue par laser i hope i'm saying that right but before we get to that we've got to actually get the marks on the floor using our tape measure and our pencil so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go around first and i'm going to lay out the exterior walls now when i'm laying out exterior walls and i've got this wall wrap all right this is this is the wall wrap that fluffs out about two to three inches from the wall put in by the builder all right so this is the wall wrap there's your concrete wall behind it this stuff's about two and a half three inches thick i mean you can see right over here along the door here another example of that stuff you know right there fluffed out it's three and a half yeah almost three and a half inches so i think we're going to come out six now it does compress a little it's okay if our walls are pushing on it lightly but we don't want to have to smash it back there to be able to stand our walls up in front of it so we're going to come out six inches which is an inch and a half more than we normally come out if we're if we're coming off the concrete wall so john once you go down there in the corner once and show them how i'm going to show them how you're going to come out there six inches and make that mark all right so you see he's pressed up against the side wall over there and he's coming out six inches all right i'm just making a crow's foot right there so that mark right there is six inches off of that back wall right there okay so he's gonna do that in every corner of every wall in the basement but he's making another six and a half inch mark coming the opposite direction okay so he's got one for each wall up the other end of the basement here it's going to do the same thing you know i'm not going to lay out this whole job on camera here but since we've since we've shown you how to put the crow's feet on there we might as well go ahead and grab that chalk line there john if there's enough chalk and we'll show you a snap in one line here and then the rest of the basement's just going to be rinse and repeat all right so we're using a regular chalk line from uh from home depot this one is a uh this one's a bostitch all right it doesn't matter what kind you use just make sure it has a good line in it you want to get one with it with an extra thick chalk line in it we're using red chalk go ahead john so he's going to go up that end of the basement and he's going to get on his crow's foot and i'm going to come up to my end here and john will snap it for us okay i'm right through my crow's foot and john up the other end is on his john are you ready all right go ahead and snap it okay all right so there's a six inch line you want to make sure that it's you know you've got enough chalk on the floor that looks like a pretty good line all right and that is the line that our first wall is going to sit on all right and we're going to set on which side john the back side so you see we're putting an x on the side of the line that we want our wall to actually sit on all right so there's wall number one the crow's feet six inches off the wall and the line snapped now you can see we've got a whole bunch of exterior walls to go around here we're going to do the same thing on this front wall here and all these marks are being are being put on the floor according to our computer design that we did on the computer all right whatever the computer image says whatever the finished design says that's exactly what we're going to be doing down here we're not going to be changing anything at this point that that plan that we have over there is is made in concrete all right there you can see he's got his six inch mark off that corner and his x set to the side that we want the wall to sit and we'll just snap a line from there all the way down to the corner down there all right so we're going to go ahead and we're going to finish that we're going to get all of our other six inch marks we're going to snap all of our exterior walls let me go ahead and we'll finish laying this out and then i'll show you what we're going to do next what i'm doing right now is i'm laying out the bathroom because they are interior walls all right so there's our bathroom again there you see i gotta lay out a linen closet i gotta lay out a little wing wall two wing walls for a four foot shower all right and then i got to build the back bathroom wall itself all right so that's what i'm doing right now you see that linen closet up there in the right right corner there all right so i have uh going down here on the floor you see i've written linen in a circle there and i've got my linen closet walls laid out all right the door is going to be right here and there's the depth of the shower right there showers shower walls 36 inches out from the exterior wall because the shower is 34 inches and i want the shower to be recessed back in behind the the linen closet about two inches okay so there's my linen closet but that's the way i'm standing right now there's there's my linen closet right there in the corner and there it is right down there on the floor okay plan floor plan floor all right whatever it says on this plan well however it's laid out in this design is exactly where i'm going to be putting my interior lines and the rest of this basement all right so exterior walls first and then come in find your interior walls use your use your plan and then lay out your interior walls using your exterior wall lines that you've already put down on the floor as reference points so that everything's nice and square and i get into this in a lot more detail in my framing video series over at the basement finishing university guys if you if you really want to learn how to lay it out professionally i get much more explicit than i am in this quick video i don't know how quick this video is going to end up being but i'm trying to give you a general overview of how to start a basement from day one with the layout on the floor okay to get it 100 ready for the actual physical framing part of the project to begin so let me wrap up this uh interior wall layout get them all snapped on the floor and then we'll turn the camera back on and we'll take one more look at the uh at all the wall lines before we start transferring all of our new wall lines up to the ceiling all right up to the ceiling with our green laser level so be back in a couple minutes all right so let's take a look at what we have over here first we're going to go over here we're going to look at this little 45 degree wall we have over here he's going to have a sink right here so we put a little 45 degree wall instead of squaring that off the homeowner asked me to bring that back on to 45 just to take the edge off there so we'll show you this here and then we'll show you this wall that we framed right here we changed this because we moved this wall out a couple more inches because some overhead duct work and instead of having two doors in this wall now we're going to have one six foot door right in the center so let's take a look at that first okay so over here we got our 45 degree wall it's really not a 45 degree wall it's whatever worked out for me to get past the edge of the sump pump sent this apex out here then we brought it across on some sort of an angle i brought it back out and i squared it back to the wall so it comes out a foot goes down about three feet turns on an angle comes out turns back on an angle and goes back over to that wall now the reason that i did this here this three foot section of this one foot back is because we found inside the wall the radon the radon stuck out off the wall about eight inches so i had to come out eight inches and uh because we also had this drain line here and this radon pipe here we just fit them all inside a corner like that all right so i worked my way around those obstacles as best i could all right this is where the the uh the laundry sink is going to be i guess you'd call it uh you know whatever utility sink he's gonna have for his for making his beer right there and over here because we had to come out past that duct work up there i had to actually come towards the camera towards me a couple more inches which made it so that i could put a uh just a six foot door which runs from there to right there a six foot door will enable me when they're both open to go in there change the furnace filter uh service the service the furnace itself and also if the water heater ever goes which it will eventually they'll be able to cut it loose and drag it out that six foot door so instead of putting two doors on there we went to one door anytime i could do one door instead of two on on a wall that's only about 12 foot long it's a better situation so one six foot door there all right so that's those two areas all right and then we might as well leave this area we'll come back over here i'll show you how we frame underneath the stairs and laid out for our bathroom wall and our four foot shower and our linen closet and then our door coming into the bathroom and we also laid out for this long wall here along the stairway because remember we don't have any stairway walls here so we're gonna we had the layout for that and this section of stairway wall here which will turn into an open railing from here to the end of the steps right here but we still have a bottom plate that will come the whole way down to the end of the step so let's go look at this little setup over there all right so here we have our door going to the bathroom right here which is also in the same wall as the stairway wall you can follow that down there you see that red line goes the whole way up just about to that pole down there all right so we had to lay that wall out and the way we got this wall was up on the ceiling we found where our wall was going to have to connect up here so that we had four inches from the edge in all right i measured four inches from the opening in the stairway in on both ends okay if you look up there you can actually see my crow's foot right there that's four and a half inches in i have uh our four inches in rather a half inch for drywall which is already on the stairway wall and then three and a half inches for our framing because the two by four is three and a half inches wide so i came out four inches there and if we come down a little bit further down this end here i also went up there and i made another another four inch mark right there off the edge of the stairway opening we snapped it up there first on the ceiling and then i used my laser level and we shot it down onto the floor all right and that wall just goes straight down past the steps and turns into the bathroom door wall okay i hope that makes sense to you so now let's step inside the bathroom over here we've got our linen closet which is 36 inches from the back wall out to the front that's 36 inches because my shower is 34 inches and you can see my shower line coming across here is set back in from the 36 inch line two inches you see that little two inches there it's 36 out here it's 34 in there that way they can get a piece of corner bead on here when they do the drywall and the tub looks recessed back in around the corner a little bit so there's my four foot shower i left another one foot of dead space here so that my shower would be pulled out of the corner one foot because my toilet as you can see i drew on the floor there is right beside the shower so instead of running the shower all the way in tight beside the toilet tank i pulled the shower out one foot which makes it easier to access the shower when you you know when you go past the edge of the toilet because we're going to have an elongated toilet which is 28 inches out off the wall and we didn't want to be tripping over the bowl getting in the shower all right and it's just like that on the on the blueprint as well over on our design then we've got our toilet and right down here on the end we've got our 30 inch vanity all right so that's all laid out and that became our back wall of our bathroom right there and that's all laid out as well right behind the toilet which you see right here right behind it i've drawn a circle on the floor there that's going to be the new sewage ejector location because recall our old one used to be way over there in a not so good spot so we're going to re reject the floor reinstall the sewage ejector right here which is right directly behind the center of the toilet so that toilet's going to flush boom right into the ejector pit okay right into the ejector in our shower drain which is over here we're going to trench the floor right across and we're going to tie in to that piece of pipe between the sewage ejector and the toilet underneath the floor all right and that's that's our drain line set up for this bathroom which really has nothing to do with laying out a basement but it's laying out the plumbing so i guess it is part of the layout all right so there is all of the bathroom framing and our stairwalls and the last thing i'll show you is is we're we're wanting to get into this small storage area that's right over there where my ladder is behind the bathroom all right because this is one big area out here on this side of these poles all right so there's a wall that's going to go right down here where my red line is it's going to go from this pole right across and all the way down to the other end to the exterior wall here all right so that is my living room wall all right where these poles are actually going to be inside this wall i've laid it out so they go right right inside this 2x4 wall and right up underneath that beam so we'll be nailing the top of our wall right into the bottom of that beam all right so since we have a solid wall right here there was no way to get into that storage area between the bathroom and the living room wall so what we're going to do is we're going to come in right underneath the stairs i put a 36 inch door here so we're going to open this door come right in underneath the steps which incidentally in here will be all unfinished it'll still just look like that underneath here when we open this door we'll be able to open that 36 inch door come straight in and get right in here to the storage room that has our sewage ejector pit right there okay so now we're on the other side of the bathroom wall all right and that's pretty much the whole layout all right so that's that's pretty much the layout all right we talked about the bathroom the stair walls the door right here going under the stairs into this area that we couldn't access any other way because the living room wall here is a solid wall and they didn't want a door here because i want to put you know they just didn't want a door along this wall in this area at all so we put the door going in under the stairs all right and that's pretty much it for the layout on the floor now what we have to do is we have to take all these lines okay exterior interior bathroom walls uh i didn't show you this little closet over here so let's take a look at that but as soon as we're as soon as i turn the camera off here we're going to get our laser level out we're going to start lasering all these lines up onto the ceiling okay so this closet is eight feet from here over to our exterior wall and it's going to be 24 inches finished deep and that's got a five foot door in it you see i got five foot door written right there in that circle and that was the only other framing that that we had to do with the interior walls so that now we're 100 laid out on the floor that took us about an hour uh and now what we're going to do is we're going to transfer all these exterior and interior lines up to our drywall ceiling which you know in a way it's nice because we can snap some really pretty lines on that drywall if you don't have drywall ceilings you're snapping it across the bottom of the floor joists which i've showed you in other videos but we're going to take our hue part laser level now all right and i've got a video just on this laser there's so many different types of lasers out there i mean this this was you know i'll be honest with the reason i bought this one is just had a good price i think it's like 126 bucks it's got a really really bright bright green laser line it also shoots up on the ceiling as well as around the walls it's got two rotating it's got a rotating laser on the outside and on the top okay that that way you can you can use it to uh and it's 360 degrees when you have rotating lasers they go the whole way around they make a 360 degree circle of light and this will do that horizontally and vertically now a lot of other lasers will just shoot out in one direction straight out and straight up but they won't go 360 degrees all right they'll be 180 degrees 140 degrees they they won't go the whole way around the room because their lasers don't rotate if you're looking for a good laser always look for lasers that rotate that spin on an axis so that you can get a 360 degree circle of light which will shoot it the whole way around the walls and the whole way up to the ceiling into the floor which is really necessary in order to lay out walls properly in the basement or any any construction project that for that matter to do laser walls you have to uh you have to have the rotating the rotating lasers all right so we're going to go ahead and get set up for that i'm going to set up my laser on the first red line on the floor here and i'm going to project it up onto the ceiling and once i get it set up i will turn the camera back on and i'll show you the laser set on the line and projecting the line up to the ceiling so that we can go up and put our crow's feet on the ceiling and transfer the wall line from the floor up to the ceiling and once we do that to all the interior and exterior walls we're done we're ready to turn on the radio fire up the saw and actually start building walls so uh let me get that set up and i'll be right back with you okay so we got our laser set up right down our red line on the floor and i do have another video here where i show you how i set this up but what i've done is i've turned the laser on and i positioned this green laser right over top of a red line that looks just like this it's three and a half inches over here you can't see it because the laser is over top of it but we're right over top of it all right so i had to keep turning this laser until i got the laser perfectly down that red line heading in both directions okay now what the laser is doing is it's projecting straight up plumb up to the ceiling i'll pan up there you can see there's our line all right and it's exactly above plumb above the one that's on the floor now what my brother did up this end is right where the laser is in the corner there he's made a crow's foot right there with his pencil right on the crow's foot there is the laser line all right so we're going to be snapping a red chalk line from that point of his crow's foot which is right on right above the line on the floor all right and then we came up this end and up there you can see he's put another crow's foot right on the laser line okay now we can turn the laser off we don't need it anymore it did its job it's projected us up two points that are exactly above the line on the floor so when we snap our red line up on the ceiling that red line on the ceiling will match the red line on the floor that's what we did here now what we're going to do is we're going to turn this laser off we're going to grab our chalk box and we're going to snap a line between those two crow's feet once we snap that line between the crow's feet we'll have we'll have a line on the ceiling that perfectly matches the one on the floor all right and we're going to be doing that to every single line that we put on the floor down here all right we've got about i don't know 15 or so walls some long some shorts so we're going to go around and we're going to project all those lines on the floor up to the ceiling and snap them all and once we do that we'll be ready to start building walls because our layout will be 100 complete and that's all there is to it you start building on top of these lines that's it guys i mean that is your project so that little simple plan that i that i printed off out of a simple computer program all right that plan and my tape measure and our chalk box and our laser this morning have set up this whole job for what this job will become all right so don't mess up this part make sure you have a solid design first before you even get down here to do this make sure you have a solid design all done 100 that you love bring it down into the basement and then do what we're doing down here today all right do exactly what we're doing down here today and you'll have a perfectly laid out basement all right so i'm going to go ahead with my bro transfer all these up there it'll take us probably another believe it or not about another hour to get these all up there and get them snapped and once we get it all done i'll turn the camera back on i'll show you what it all turned out to be i'll show you those final lines we'll talk one more time and we'll wrap this up okay just to show you what we did in our transferring of the lines uh remember we were coming coming out of foot going down about 36 and then into an angle wall then straight back uh if we project up on the ceiling you can see we're coming across into our angle wall and we're turning and then we're we're going to go from this line here back to the other line and then the whole way down the other end all right so we basically just turn the laser on and we follow the lines on the floor and you can see it was very easy to put that angle up there because all we did was shoot the laser up to the ceiling and it's exactly what it was on the floor you know so we came right off of our angle wall right around behind our where our beer beverage sink's going to be that line that you see right there running along the line set right there that line right there is the closet wall all right it was a closet wall that was right down here that ran right down here to this corner here all right and then then we had to snap some lines up above where there was no drywall so what we did was i don't know how well the camera will pick that up but we snapped right to the bottom of the ductwork just to use this as a reference point okay and then we jumped over to the beam and we put a little bit of line right across the beam and then we went right back up to the drywall ceiling again all right so what we were doing there is we were following we were following this line we had right here okay and we shot that up and again when we stand our wall up we'll shoot it to the floor and we'll get the top real close to that line that's on the bottom of the ductwork that way we'll know that our walls perfectly plumb you know straight up and down we'll shoot right to the bottom of that beam we'll know that our lines perfectly up and down then we'll jump back up to the full height right there all right because we'll be building our wall in different stages of height here and i've got videos on the channel to show you how we do that as well all right so we don't stick build our walls one stud at a time we build the entire walls on the floor and then we stand them up in one big wall section all right so down here we've got our closet laid out on the floor eight foot by two foot deep jump up to the ceiling and there you can see our closet is laid out on the ceiling turning back down here at eight feet all right that line right there matches that wall line right there okay and then our last jog of the journey here is this long about 25 foot wall here around the whole way down to the other exterior wall and that matched this long one right here on the floor that ran the whole way down to that exterior wall all right and then the bathroom were the same guys we just took the lines that we had on the floor and we transferred them up to the ceiling all right so we'd know we would have perfect walls it took us about another 45 minutes to an hour to get all of our lines up there and if you can notice as well we we put x's up there on the side of the line that our wall is going to be sitting on all right we do that on the ceiling and we also do that down here on the floor all right always mark the side that your wall is going to be on with an x in case you're not the one finishing the framing you got another crew coming in or somebody else helping you or you forget um exactly where things were those x's will remind you where to position your wall on the floor around the ceiling okay so that's pretty much it for going from the print to your floor to your ceiling for your layout um i know that this video didn't get into the tiny little nitty gritties of all the situations that we're doing here but so i mean it gives it to you in a roundabout way we're not getting down to perfect brass tacks here but this should give you the concept you know give you a broad spectrum on exactly what we're doing we're going from that print that came out of the computer to the floor to the ceiling okay guys so it's day two yesterday we laid it out got everything ready it was about one o'clock in the afternoon we said hey we're taking the day and we were out of there we could have started framing yesterday but i wanted to keep this in daily daily slices for you uh today we're going to start the framing uh i showed you yesterday that we got the lines on the floor from our design using our print we got them up to the ceiling using our laser didn't really show you all the fine detail ins and outs of us doing that with the laser but i do have a video here on the channel that shows me using that hue bar laser and i show you how i transfer my line exactly from the floor up to the ceiling and then snap my line so you might want to check that out if you want to see how we actually got the lines from the floor to the ceiling but anyway today we're going to be covering those lines on the floor and the ceiling um we're going to start our framing today so what we're going to do first is we're going to go around the exterior of the basement we're going to do all of our exterior walls the whole way around the basement all right we're not going to do any interior walls until we have the exterior walls 100 done once we get those all done and i think we got one two three four five six of those i'll get those six done and then we'll come in to the interior walls which on this job are the bathroom walls we got a linen closet in the bathroom um and we have two stairway walls as well so uh i'm not gonna have the camera running all day i'm just gonna you know film a little bit of uh setting up getting the plates ready uh me getting some measurements for the wall studs and then we'll pop up a couple walls and when we get uh when we start to get it framed up and we have some progress made here i'll turn the camera back on you can take a look at what we've got done so this is day two on this basement uh we've got a three-man crew i've got my brother and his one son nate and myself so that's a three-man crew today um and we're figuring we'll probably get the majority of the exterior walls close to being done today but uh because it's just a three-man crew today it'd probably take us two days to get all the walls stood up and then we probably got one more day on soffit work which is us covering up all the duct work with our framing probably have one more day of soft at work and uh we should have her done in three days so today's tuesday we should be done framing by thursday of this week now if you're a homeowner and you're doing this there's just no possible way that's going to happen because number one we're professionals we do it every day and we're going to be moving at a much faster speed than you than you could or probably can and uh you know normally homeowners are doing the work by themselves or maybe with a friend maybe it's a two-man crew it's going to take you a week to maybe several weeks to frame your basement realistically if you're doing it on weekends and part-time so that's the game plan for us uh for the next three days we're going to be doing the framing we're going to be covering those lines on the floor in the ceiling that you saw me uh work on yesterday on day one and uh as we progress um i'll keep you up to speed and we'll we'll do some uh some walking around with the camera we'll talk about what we got accomplished here today so i'll see in a little bit okay we got our saw guy set up over here he's got a stack of two by fours on the saw horses all right so we're starting with our exterior walls we're going to start with this wall right here inside what's our family room tv area you can see i've got two plates on the floor there they're 16 foot long we always start with 16 foot lumber people ask me a lot should i get eight can i can i work with just eight footers because i can fit them in my van can i get all eight foot lumber can i can i use 10 foot long burn instead of 16 foot lumber and the answer is no you shouldn't you should never use anything less than 16 foot lumber to lay out your plates all right you don't want to be putting together a bunch of sections of wall you don't want to put two eight foot sections together here um it's a stronger wall it's a straighter wall it's an easier wall to build if you just use longer lumber if you can't transport it to your drop job yourself then you should uh call home depot or some other lumber yard just have it delivered to your house all right so we got two plates i've already laid them out i do have detailed videos on how to lay out these plates so i'm not going to get into it in this video here but you can see i started in the corner here with a flat stud and one on edge on the end and then one turned sideways which will receive our first wall that'll be coming in from this direction all right so that's that's my layout and then i'm every 16 inches set ahead with my layout if you want to see how i lay these plates out i've got a six part uh framing series here on my youtube channel check that out uh it's a lot of really good stuff in those six videos if you if you can digest what's in those six videos you'll know how to lay out all of your plates and you'll know how to build these walls we're building here today so check out that six part framing series and you're gonna learn a ton from that all right today this this video is not about that basically the series that i'm doing right now is just how we get from point a to point b point a being starting the job to point b which is drywall okay everything that's going to happen between day one leading up to what i call my drywaller in here is what this series is going to cover okay and then we're going to jump over to another series where we're going to take it from finished drywall the whole way to the end of the job okay so what we're going to do now is we're going to get these plates down here i've already ordered the studs from the cut man over there uh john how many how many studs do we got going in this wall did i give you a count yet 15. okay we got 15 studs what was the length 101 and 7 8. okay so we got 15 studs ordered from the cut guy to go between these two plates nate you want us you want to spread them plates out for us okay whenever we build our walls we always keep the white plate the regular lumber up against the wall where we laid them out and we bring the green plate back to the length of the studs all right the reason we do that is because we build our walls in one big section all right one big section we don't build it uh we don't we don't nail the bottom plate to the floor and nail the top plate to the ceiling and then go and put studs in individually that's called stick building and we don't do that because then you're toe nailing your your studs into the wall we built everything laying down flat on the floor and one big section generally 16 foot sections until we get to smaller areas where 16 doesn't work anymore but we always start on a long wall with a 16 foot section [Applause] [Music] all right so he's going to go down there and put these 15 studs in position everywhere that we've got him marked he's gonna he's gonna slide a stud in there and uh we'll put all 15 studs in and we'll nail them through the top and bottom plates once the wall is completely ready to go and be stood up i'll turn the camera back on and we'll uh we'll take a look at sliding that up into position and fastening it to the floor in the ceiling well number one up in position all right that's a 16 foot section or just short of 16. we didn't need the whole 16 but uh it's like 15 foot a half inch something like that the actual measurement so we've got that in we've got it shot to the floor we got a shot to the ceiling we've got a plum and level uh looks real good all right so now what we're doing is building wall number two it's just a little eight foot wall that's going to be the back wall in this bathroom over here we're going to pop that in there next okay wall number two up that's the back side behind the shower bathroom wall so we got our two walls up there there's no wall in between these two walls right here notice we have a about a 10 foot gap here that's because this is bordering a storage room here and this is unfinished in between those two walls so no wall here now we're getting ready to build a almost a 30 foot wall what we've done is we have two 16 foot plates that come right down to here all right there's the seam it's 16 from there all the way down and then what we're going to do is we're going to go from here with another set of plates but they're about 12 and a half feet to get down where our next wall is going to stop and start right down here we're going to be turning right here so we stopped it right there on the end okay so we're going to build this in one long wall all right go ahead and stack those plates guys stack your plates up for measuring your stud lengths always put your bottom plate down your top plate on top of it and then we're going to measure off the top of those two plates get our wall studs and fill in the blanks here and put this 30 some foot wall up in one section [Applause] okay we got ourselves a heck of a wall going here [Music] it's like we're laying railroad tracks here we got a 16 and a 12 and a half foot wall together we're going to create one long wall we're going to stand this up in one 30 foot section all right we're not nailing plates to the floor again i keep recapping on this but please don't nail your bottom plate to a red line on the floor then go up and nail your top plate to the ceiling and try to toenail all the studs in between because you're going to be building weak crooked crappy walls all right please don't do that i know i'm gonna get a lot of flack from other youtubers and maybe some other contractors that do it that way but look and you've been doing it as long as we have over 30 some years uh we tried every way to frame believe me if there was a faster if there was a faster easier way we would be doing it your walls are stronger this way and they're straighter all right and you can build them in one section even if there's obstacles overhead now this particular wall here we're going up to a perfectly flat drywall ceiling and connecting so we don't have any ups and downs on this wall that we have to contend with over here we were underneath the soffit and there was some plumbing and gas lines up there and a beam so we came down about 10 inches here on the end the rest of that's going to be filled in inside of soffit up in there so it doesn't matter that you know we have that gap right there in the corner you can see that wall doesn't go all the way over that white pipe but that's okay it doesn't have to we just needed to drop underneath that beam and i just came back to the next available stud and cut it out there all right just made the framing easier all right so that one had two heights to it it had the full height and then we dropped down 10 inches on the end to get underneath that beam obstacle over here again uh we're going perpendicular not perpendicular we're going parallel rather with the floor joists that's above that drywall so we had to put what's called cats up there wood blocking you can see i've got one two three wood blocks up there uh we snapped our line ceiling line on those wood blocks and that gave us something solid to nail our top plate to otherwise our wall would have been positioned in an area where above that drywall there would have been no lumber we would have been between floor joists that are running parallel with the wall so we had to use blocking up there to catch the top of our wall hope that makes sense if it doesn't again i've got a complete framing series here on the channel that you can watch it's a six part series and i'll explain to you more about why we do that with the blocking on some walls and other walls we don't all right so we're going to go ahead with this with this wall here and now when we get it up and take another shot i'll come back and we'll talk about that wall okay guys let me show you one thing here and some of these walls that i've got stood up here that's going to help you tremendously when you get to your interior wall building all right i'm going to give you uh the correct way over here on these walls to put in your framing in these exterior walls to receive your interior walls pre-installed okay pre-installed so you're not running around later putting all these corner nickels in for drywall i'm going to show you how you put the flat uh two by fours in the wall to receive walls that are coming off of those exterior walls that are considered interior walls so let me spin the camera around and point a couple of them out to you okay first thing i'm going to do is show you some interior wall lines all right we've got a set of we got a set of lines here three and a half inches apart all right this is the back side of my bathroom wall it's going to be coming across towards the exterior wall okay so you can see this is a wall right here coming in to this wall so what i've done is i put a two by four in here flat ways all right right beside a stud all right and then when i stand this wall up i already have a nice flat stud in here that is going to give me not only a perfect surface to nail my next wall to but it also sticks past the wall line a little bit all right the wall is going to come up off that off that line like this straight up this stud i still have this much of the stud for drywall okay so my corner nailer is really already done there all right for my for my drywall then all right right beside it is another little wall this is a shower wall this is just a little 36 inch wall that comes right to here this is a shower is going to go between this wall and another 36 inch wall right over there all right so this little wall is going to come in here's another flat stud all right it's in there an inch and a half ways right beside another stud that's in there three and a half inch ways okay i already have my flat surface in there i already have my nailer for my drywall in there okay you always want to put a flat stud wherever your red lines are meeting your your interior red lines are meeting your exterior wall wherever there's lines coming into an exterior wall you put a flat stud you can see i did it again right here there's another set of black lines coming in flat stud nailer on both sides in the corner over here where my outside wall meets another outside wall regular stud three and a half inch on the end another flat stud right beside it okay that's the correct way to frame your interior walls to your exterior walls you get a perfect tie-in you have a perfect flat surface and it's all pre-installed when we're done framing these walls we're done we don't have to run around like chickens with our heads cut off looking for places where we need corner nailers for drywall it's already going to be done because we're pre-installing this kind of framing as we go i hope that helps you out i mean that's a really good tip it took me a long time to figure that out a lot of people that taught me initially in this business didn't think about things like that and i learned from better pros than myself years later how to how to frame correctly and that's one of the techniques that's really important when you're framing your walls how to intersect interior and exterior walls using the flat stud all right the 32 foot wall is up you notice we framed right in front of the windows we always cut our windows out after we frame because the concrete floor is really never level it can be off as much as an inch and 32 feet so that way uh you know if we cut them out beforehand and frame it stand the wall up our sills and our header pieces would be running downhill so cut them out afterwards use your levels and just cut them out and header them in after you're done framing i did cut the door out and i put my cripplers above the door the cripplers are those short studs that go up off the header piece all right so we got cripplers above our door doors cut out all right that wall's up so we got our 32 foot wall up got our front viewing wall which will be our tv wall done and we got our bathroom wall in there behind our tub and next we're gonna knock out this one right up here on the very end by the yellow ladder between the ladder and the uh in the broom there we've got about a seven foot wall that we're gonna put in next okay guys so there's that seven foot section of wall going up again we built everything laying flat on the floor we're not stick building we're nailing through our bottom and top plate straight down into our studs that's the strongest way to do it the straightest way to do it um okay we're ready to slide that one up and they slide it back and up that's why we have the white plate on top when we build them and the green one on the bottom it's all ready to go to slide straight up and into position all right and there goes our what fourth wall next we'll be building the wall with the six foot door right in front of the water heater and the furnace i've already got those plates down there they're laid out and ready to go i'm gonna get some stud measurements here be right back all right there's our furnace wall in there again one wall one shot okay so we got one two more long walls that we have to build yet for the exterior walls we're gonna go ahead and do those i think you guys get the idea here we're just running around and we're doing all of our exterior walls first all right we've got this one over here which is about a 20 foot wall and then we've got another roughly 32 foot wall over here as well at the base of the steps here all right so we got to get in once we have those two walls on shot in and ready to go we'll probably come into the bathroom in here and we'll start knocking out some of these small linen closet walls and get this uh get this back wall to the bathroom behind the toilet there's our toilet on the floor there drawn in our vanity and over there's our four foot shower we always draw all that stuff on the floor uh and then we have our two stairway walls that we're going to be building as well after we get these exterior walls done okay all the exterior walls are up just wanted to show you guys we're starting to pop in these small walls in the bathroom just did a 36 inch shower wall there another 36 inch hour wall there and just a little 24 inch wall right here with a 16 inch linen closet door in it really small door look really small closet but we're uh we're popping in all of our interior walls now because our exterior walls are all in okay now remember those flat two by fours that i was telling you about that we put in the exterior walls here we have this 36 inch wall tying into those flat two by fours all right there's that flat two by four that was telling you about and the one beside it all right right in here this wall here this 36 inch wall here is is tying right into that flat 2x4 right behind it so it's got solid solid meat i didn't nail it yet so if i spread this apart you can see right there behind there with the one with the knot in it right there that's that's the flat one that i showed you earlier in the video this wall here is going to just tie right into that see how they sandwich together and then we'll nail them tight together and then you got a perfectly solid union between your interior wall and your exterior wall all right i just wanted to point that out again guys i have a lot more specific framing instructions in my course i have uh a four-part course just on framing over at the basement finishing university all right it's all part of the overall program that we have there for you guys where we get way more specific about this stuff but i wanted to give you a general conception of everything that we had to do here today we'll probably get the majority of this framed here today i'm going to close i'm ready to close off the back of the bathroom right now it's about 1 30 in the afternoon we've been here since seven o'clock so we're we're going to have this thing about three-quarter framed in one day here so uh you know take that into consideration you know it doesn't take forever to do this kind of work if you're doing it for yourself the first time this might take you two weeks of evenings and weekends but uh it's well worth the money saved and uh you'll probably enjoy it as well framing is actually a lot of fun because these guys will tell you right here they're just so happy right now look at look at the smile on his face look how happy he is we blessed to be here framing okay we got our last section of exterior wall going up and the reason we saved that section for last uh and it is exterior i told you we do all the the exterior wall first we had our saw horses set up there and uh we decided not to move them to the very end we're gonna be finishing up with that exterior wall here so there's what we got done today pretty much all the exterior walls we got the storage room framed out here on the back side of the bathroom [Music] and back over through the into this bathroom walk through the framing here we got our we got our linen closet framed out see that right there our linen closet we got our four foot shower walls all framed out all right that's a 48 inch shower and between the framing exactly 48 inches all right you never you never figure for drywall because your shower always gets set before drywall so when you're framing for a 48 inch shower it's exactly 48 inches all right and we made it 36 inches deep all right from the back wall out to the front here 36 because the shower is actually only 34 and you can see that's my shower line right there right there on the edge it's two inches in from the edge all right so we would like to keep it recessed around the corner at least two inches all right center drain on this one so that's our bathroom framing we framed our eight foot closet down this end of the room just pop that in there and we're getting ready to stand this last section up right here which will pretty much complete all of our framing um we got one more wall to frame on the side of the stairway and we'll get that tomorrow so we got a couple walls yet tomorrow to finish up and then we're going to jump on to the framing that's going to cover the ductwork up there tomorrow which is called the soffit framing we'll have all that done tomorrow that'll run all the way down to the furnace there and then the framing will be complete so we will be done with the framing tomorrow so uh basically two days of framing down here for us but you can see we got we got quite a few guys down here right now and uh we should get this done in one in two days all right so uh we stocked it and laid it out on monday and tuesday today we've just about got it i'd say 75 80 percent framed and tomorrow we'll finish up the framing thursday will be on plumbing and electric and uh that will be the next phase after our framing is 100 completed uh we'll also be back in the storage room jacking that floor open right there where you see that circle and we'll be putting a sewage ejector in that's going to run all the wastewater from that bathroom right on the other side of the wall there all right remember we moved the the original plumbing the original plumbing used to be right over here and uh we cut the old sewage ejector pit off and the old toilet pipe and the old sink pipe that was all over there today we just took our saws on cut those off and we'll fill those in with stone and just concrete them shut the sewage ejector pit we cut the top off we cover it with boards here so nobody steps on a tank and breaks the leg and we'll fill that in with stone and we'll concrete that shut and move all that plumbing over there into the new bathroom location so we'll get back with you tomorrow and we'll show you what the final framing looks like and then we'll move on to the mechanical phase uh on thursday and friday okay guys we're down here for day three uh yesterday we just about got our 100 framed here we're about i said yesterday about 75 percent 80 done i want to show you that even professional contractors mess up we have a blooper for you here this morning um that our esteemed framing crew did yesterday let me just show you what they did and what we're going to have to do to get out of the situation hey we built our wall on the floor yesterday and as you can see down here this wall is laying on the floor it's right up against this wall here where we're building it and it's tight up this end the guys didn't notice but they built right in front of the pole too so now with now the problem is they can't slide the wall back this way to go up here and nail the top plate on so they've trapped themselves in here like rats so now they're going to have to uh either drag this wall out of here completely and get it out of out here in an open area or we're gonna have to cut about eight inches off the off the bottom of the wall all right cut off the whole wall eight inches and then they'll be able to slide it past and then we'll have to mend it back together in the corner which these guys you know it happens so if you make a mistake it's not the end of the world this is not rocket science it's construction you know we're not operating on somebody's brain here or if we make a mistake it's life or death situation just adapt and overcome so we're going to take care of that first thing this morning get that wall up get the rest of our exterior walls up and then like i said we're going to be jumping up overhead here we're going to be framing the skeleton that's going to go around all the duct work which is called the soffits we'll get them done here today and then we're going to jump on mechanical so i'll keep checking in and out with you here today and kind of walk you through the third day on the job here as we go so see you in a little bit here okay we're still finishing up these interior walls here i will show you here we got a little 35 inch tall half wall that we made out of 2x6 that we're going to be positioning in this opening right here between between the beam and this wall here because this beam was about five feet away from the wall and it kind of out in the middle of nowhere here so we were just going to box it out but then we figured why don't we just build a little wing wall a little half wall off that pole and connect it to the full wall over here and then that pole won't look so much like a pole anymore just kind of look like a half wall with a with a column on the end so we built a little section of 2x6 wall and we uh we made that 35 inches high uh we make all of our half holes 35 rough looks like it's gonna go all right all right so there's a 36 inch feature half wall okay guys we got our framing up here for our soffits and that's all the duct work framing up there all right we boxed right around the feed trunk the return air trunk there's a couple other things up there too there's a drain line up there two inch drain line but that was all built to all of our interior and exterior walls that's why we like to get all the exterior and interior walls completed before we start soffits because those soffits tie into all the interior walls and they also come down and they tie into the exterior wall so build all of your walls when i say all of them i mean every single wall anything that you can stand up and down needs to put in before you start your soffits high temperatures all right over here we got our little 45 degree wall in here that came around our sump pump all right those were all interior walls we put these these walls in here after we got our exterior walls in all right same with the closet wall that we put in yesterday they're all interior walls but uh we do have all of our framing completed now you'll see up here on the ceiling too every two foot we have what's called banding framing where we go perpendicular to the floor joists every two foot and our drywall will run east to west all right the bandings north and south our drywall will go across all right from exterior wall right over to the edge of the soffit all right and then every two foot the drywall wallers will have a place to nail all right the banding is the very very last thing if you have to use banding which we did because we had an existing drywall ceiling and we need this banding to fasten our recessed light cans too um you can cut that all right so if you have to use banding and i cover that in training as well banding is after softness all right so it's exterior walls it's interior walls it soffits and then between the soffits and the exterior walls you'll put your banding i'm up right now it's gonna go up over all right we're banding out this room here every two foot we got the first two up they're putting the third one up right now all right and they'll finish that the whole way across over to that exterior wall at the base of the stairs and then we'll come into the bathroom and we'll finish the final bit of framing in the bathroom which will be banding in the bathroom ceiling all right there's nothing up here yet and we'll go every two foot in the bathroom as well all right north of south with the banding in the bathroom and that's it we've uh we've completed this once this banding's up out there in this bathroom we're 100 right there so we have two full days of framing that's two full days of framing on this one and uh one day of layout work where me and my brother did the layout which was the first part of this video or this video series whatever it turns into okay so that's pretty much it guys uh we kicked it out in two days now we've already started with some of the uh electric work all right the first stage of the electric project is always go around and nail on all of your switch boxes and all of your outlet boxes so what we did here was okay so we got blue boxes on here everywhere the first phase of our electric we actually had that started already because the framing's just about wrapped up what we're doing is we're just going around and we're nailing on our outlet boxes all right they got nails in them you just get your hammer and just nail them right to the stud come with the nails already in them uh get those set first we've also gone around and we've nailed on our switch boxes all right nothing in these yet we'll put on all of our switch boxes and all of our outlet boxes and then we'll go back and we'll run the wire from box to box to box now you can see here we already started with some of our uh our 12 tube wire for our outlets we're going from box and then we're going through the wall and we're coming down to the next box which is right down here coming in and then we're going back out and we're going down to the next box which is right there and so forth and so on um not going to put any outlets on them yet we're not going to hook any power into them yet we're just getting our wires run from box to boxer box and here's more of these out switch boxes that are nailed on you got a gfi box right here for our gfi outlet in our bathroom which is going to be right above our sink which is right here all right so that's the only outlet in the bathroom is your gfi circuit okay and there's generally just one one outlet in the bathroom and it's generally right out the sink i was going to save the mechanical work and start that in the video tomorrow but since we're already nailing boxes on why not just show you what's going on here once we get all of the boxes nailed on the switch boxes and the outlet boxes will like i said we'll pull the wires from box to box to box for the outlet circuit and we'll also go from all of our switch boxes up to all of our recessed lights that are going to be up in the ceiling now we haven't started that yet but our recessed lights are going to go between that banding that we put up there we're going to be cutting holes up in the drywall wherever we want our lights okay i'm not sure exactly the position of them yet we haven't laid them out yet but once we figure it out we'll be cutting a hole in every location and we'll be putting our cans up inside the uh between the floor joists which we can't do now because the drywall's away so everywhere we need a light we have to cut a hole now your basement probably 90 percent of basements homeowners that are watching this you don't have drywall in your ceilings in your basement yet so you're just going to be putting your recessed lights up between the floor joists we can't see it so we got to cut holes all right so that'll be the electric project down here it's not nothing super fancy or complicated down here with the lighting circuit in the electric circuit but again i keep sending you over to the basement finishing university because over there i've got training for for homeowners that want to tackle their outlets and their switches and the recessed lights themselves it's really not that hard it's not rocket science i mean there are certain you know safety precautions that you have to take obviously it's electric um but running electric again it's not brain surgery it's something that you definitely can learn how to do yourself and save yourself a lot of money all right so uh yeah uh we're also gonna have plumbing on this job we got a full bathroom uh we'll actually be starting on that tomorrow some of some of the plumbing we gotta put that sewage ejector in the floor the pit uh we actually picked that up today it's out here there's our sewage ejector fit right there all right that whole pit's going in the floor all right so we have to open up the floor and put that down on the floor there's the there's the lid for it this whole thing goes below the concrete floor all right and then these pipes will come up out of the top for your sewage discharge and your vent line so we'll be doing that as well as we'll be running the white pecks half inch pecks we buy that big big hundred foot rolls uh that that's for our hot and cold water lines there's all of our recessed lights and we got four boxes of those there's six in every box you see they come with the can and they also come with the trim ring and and the cam all right everything's in one box there's our sewage ejector motor that's going to go down inside the sewage ejector pit guys everything that you see here is from home depot like i said we do just about 90 of our shopping for all of our basements at home depot and i'm not selling home depot i've got no allegiance to them again they just have everything that we need for basements the lumber that we use we're buying from a local lumber yard because it's a little bit straighter and it's easier to get a delivery from the local lumber yard than it is from home depot you can get home depot to deliver your lumber but it takes sometimes it takes a little longer or a day or two more to get it and since we're on a tight schedule uh you know we've decided now just just using a local lumber yard for all of our two by fours our wall studs and our plates so for today i'm gonna say uh we got a lot accomplished we got like i said we wrapped up the framing 100 uh we've got the electric started uh we did do some more shopping we picked up all that stuff i just showed you outside we're ready tomorrow to dive into uh recess lighting the rest of the wiring to the outlets and start the plumbing in the bathroom that'll be day four when we come back tomorrow so uh i'll talk to you guys tomorrow okay guys day four on this job here uh i didn't get here first thing this morning i got my guys down here today like i told you yesterday we were going to be working on getting those recessed lights up in that drywall ceiling and starting uh some of the switch wiring as well yesterday we did get into a little bit of wiring for the outlets got all the blue boxes on like like i showed you so let me just point the camera around in here the guys are having some lunch here all right how you guys doing good great day all right all right all right uh okay so let's just pan up overhead you can see where we cut the drywall out here every light location so that we can get our wires from canned to can then we just chopped out the drywall so the back of our can could fit up between the floor joists all right and then we ran the wire right along our banding we didn't go up through the drywall we went right along the banding and we put a staple up there to hold it up above the banding all right so that'll that'll all be above the drywall ceiling so we've got about 10 cans on this side down here where our little brew area is going to be here we have a sink down here we got two two lights over top of that you can see up through the top of the framing over the door we've got not only our yellow 12 2 outlet wires we're also running our switch wires and our light wires through there as well everything goes through the center of the two by fours over here we got another six cans in this area uh underneath the soffit where we could get them all right because we have a lot of duct work and stuff up there so wherever we could get them we shoved another can up in there as well all right you can see between the duct work there and the and the edge of the soffit we could squeak another can up in there so we stuck three more cans up in there to go with these six out here so uh it won't be real dark underneath that about five foot deep soffit and i know we did manage to get some lights underneath there all right let's see all of our switch wires coming out here we're running our switches all of our wiring up to our cans everything's labeled all right i show you guys how to do this in the trainings too guys if you want to run your own electric i do have training for this it may look complicated but trust me when i tell you again it's not brain surgery this is something that if you watch a few videos and pay attention you could do this yourself and save a couple thousand bucks doing your electric yourself in the bathroom we've got uh one recessed light over top of the the tub there you can see our light fan combination that's also got to be vented outside so they cut a little bit more of that drywall out you can see right there we've got our tube connected our vent tube they cut another patch over here so they could fish it over a little more and they're just going to bring it down down through that hole there and we're going to run it right up and through to the outside i do have another video here on the youtube channel that shows you how to vent a bathroom fan in your basement all right so if you want to if you want to see how that's completed right to the outside hood i do have a video for that check that out uh and that's about it you know the the electric is just about 100 percent roughed in here on day four and tomorrow we're going to start some plumbing of that sink it's going to be right over there all right we already got our uh outlet down there for our pump this thing's going to have to be on a pump to pump the water out of the sink because we're below grade here we have to pump everything up and out with pumps down here and then we've got our gfi outlet there which will be above the sink and uh we'll get that plumbing for the sink done tomorrow as well as uh we're gonna pick up the four foot shower tomorrow and we'll get that four foot shower in here uh probably monday or tuesday because we're not going to jack the floor open until monday monday we'll jack open the drain line for the shower we'll also come in here and we will jack the floor open to put our new sewage ejector pit in which i talked about yesterday we'll do all that on monday and then we can set the shower put it all together and we can connect our sewage ejector vent line and discharge line as well to the existing homes plumbing all right so that's uh day number four and uh tomorrow will be day number five that'll complete one full week and we'll have probably most of the plumbing water lines roughed in tomorrow as well as uh we'll sew up the rest of this rough-in electric as well and then we'll be ready for our insulation uh which that'll go in probably next tuesday or wednesday and then we're ready for drywall okay so it's gonna take us roughly seven eight days for this one to have everything inside the framing complete all the mechanical work done uh monday and tuesday or possibly even tomorrow we'll be working on getting tapped into that duct work up there so that we can get four feeds four six inch feeds and flex line into the uh all the finished areas so that we're tapping into the central air conditioning and heating system all right and then return air as well we'll have that all roughed in two by next wednesday and then we'll be ready for the drywall phase of the job so i hope this video is helping you guys i know it's lengthy i want to take you the whole way through this job we're going to go through the drywall stage together we're going to go through the trim stage together setting the bathroom fixtures together everything that goes into this job here uh we're going to condense it so that you have a broad spectrum a good clean view of everything that it takes to put one of these jobs together and then you can determine whether or not you want to do it yourself or if you want to do parts of it yourself and some other parts out but in the end even if you're subbing it all out and you're not even doing any of your basement at least you'll know you know the real concept how it should really be done that way you can keep an eye on your contractor and you'll know if your contractor is pulling the hole over your eyes which is what's that worth i mean that's worth something by itself too but if you are going to attempt to do the framing the electric the plumbing the hvac work you're going to save thousands of dollars in labor um i suggest you sub out that drywall and we'll talk more about that when when we get to the drywall phase but uh my main goal is to save you money and to make you aware and to teach you exactly how to do a basement yourself and to do it correctly so we'll be back down here tomorrow we'll bring the camera down one more time and we'll uh we'll film tomorrow's uh you know tasks so that you can see a little bit further what's going on next monday tuesday and wednesday we'll cap it off and we'll be ready for drywall by wednesday so uh i'll see you back here tomorrow and we'll pick it up from where we left off here today okay guys day five down here i'm gonna be down here and check out what the guys are up to uh to be working on the plumbing today we got the jack hammer going down here this morning we're jacking out the new sewage ejector pit uh so we'll see a little bit of that action as well as the hvac is being put in um gonna get all the feeds in the ceiling like we said yesterday so uh let's turn the camera on here and get in here and see how they're doing it's gonna be a little loud in here [Music] so so hey nate take just a five minute break man okay guys so we got the jackhammer there my nephew nate's uh he's jacking out the circle that will become the uh the sewage ejector opening all right there's the pit right there we're going to be sticking that down on the floor so he's got to jack that open he's got to jack over to the toilet and over to the shower drain so that's why we rented the brute commonly known as jackie chan on our job so we rented jackie chan for the morning you love him i love jackie chan all right and over here you can see we've got some of the uh mechanical work already done in here for our plumbing all right we got the hot and cold water pecs fittings down there you see he's got things labeled there cold and hot that's going to be for our beverage brew sink that we have going in here we've got a uh a uh event to the left going up to a studer vent see that scooter van on top there we're allowed to use a scooter on this sink in our township so we're stuttering that sink and then we've got our discharge line which is going to go up and go over and tie in up here to an existing sewage line that's up in this storage area okay so we're going to do that tie-in as well so we got the uh the sink down there i think we got some yeah we got some hvac in here as well all right we're coming across there you can see that silver flex line we had to cut a patch to get up there cut into the top of the feed trunk snake our flex across there and you can see right up there we've got a 4x6 boot up there which is going to be feeding the heat and the air conditioning into the into the finished space down here we've got another one that's not quite done yet but you can see there a little better how he's coming across in the flex and right there he's got the boot hanging he hasn't mounted that one yet all right that the other one down there was mounted so there's two of our feeds over here we've got uh another feed as well all right so there we go we got the uh the third feed here that's another six inch feed we're gonna mount that and that's coming from the duct work way over and above that beam in the other room all right in this hvac stuff it's really easy to do uh i've got detailed videos over at the basement finishing university i have a whole uh two part series on hvac installation where i show you exactly how he's doing those tie-ins to get this over here in here we're going to have a four inch feed in here as well for the bathroom all right you can see jonathan also has us ready here for our pecs fittings down here all right we got our cold on the right and hot on the left here all right right here's the toilet line down and that'll be our nipple coming out for the toilet supply and then he's got another t on here where he's going to go through he's eventually going to end up over here in this area and i'm standing in the shower here in this area right here where we're going to have our shower valve so we do got the plumbing going here today he's also got his drain line roughed in and over ready to drop into the sewage ejector pit when all that's done later today so these guys got to get jackhammering down here so i'm not gonna run my mouth anymore but this is day five we're trying to sew up the mechanical work uh today all right so this is friday the fifth day on this job um and i think we got a a hell of a lot of work done down here in five full days so when we come back next week it'll be monday we'll be sewing up all the plumbing uh we'll be sewing up the hvac overhead and we'll be finishing up those drain lines and water lines as well so i'll see you guys uh back here on monday okay guys it's monday morning here uh we're back down on this job we're hoping to get out of here possibly by tomorrow tuesday but if not we may roll into a few hours on wednesday uh today we're going to uh get our plumbing in underneath our floor our bathroom uh we're also working on our other mechanical stuff our uh our electric i do have a sub panel going in on this basement because we did not have a breaker box in the basement on this particular job the breaker panel was in the garage on the first floor on the other end of the house so we had to bring down a 100 amp service cable and uh bring ourselves in a brand new sub panel box 100 amp sub panel box with a bunch of new breaker spaces so that we can put all the stuff that's designated to the basement in that box okay we just didn't have uh the means to get up to the garage with you know seven eight home runs and uh do it in the garage so it's gonna bring a service cable down he's getting a brand new subpanel down here as well so we're working on that uh i think we wrapped up a lot of the uh hvac on friday all right so let me spin the camera around we'll take a look at what's going on down here today uh day number six all right so let's start over here in the bathroom uh we did get the floor jacked open you saw us starting it yesterday over there with the sewage ejector pit on the other side of the bathroom wall we got that out we got it dug out as you can see there's piles of stone everywhere in here a lot of shale a lot of shell in the soil in this particular part of the state and we hid it yesterday uh we did dig out our trench coming from our what will be our shower drain in the center here of our four foot shower it's going to come across you can see down there we already have a three to two y down there we're going to come across with our shower drain and tie into that part of the y there the two inch wide and then our coil is gonna be right here let's see we have our flange here and our 90 degree three inch fitting which is going to turn it down and into that fitting there and then straight underneath the concrete there underneath the wall and it'll pop into the pit right there you can see how that how that's going to make its journey there from the toilet in the shower so we'll get that all connected today we also got our shower of alvin yesterday uh jonathan was working on that he's got the set in here at 48 inches off the floor 16 inches off the outside wall that's all plumbed in there all right so we got that in there we also got our toilet cold water stub down you see that's coming off the cold line there all the way down to our uh temporary nipple and uh cap down there all right these lines will all be pressurized before drywall goes in i mean there's going to be water in them and they're going to have full pressure and down over here we've got our inch and a half drain line that's heading over towards the sew ejector pit for our vanity and our hot and cold water lines coming down to those temporary caps and nipples as well all right so that's all in there hi john hello and john right now he's roughing in a feed the only way we could get the air central air conditioning and heating into here into this bathroom was to come through an unfinished storage room where he's out over there on the ladder and we're going to bring in a 4x6 boot straight boot coming through the wall which will feed us our air conditioning heating in here there's no return in a bathroom morning john and again all the framing is completed 100 and now we're just uh finishing up the mechanical work so john what are you thinking man you think we can get this thing rushed by by quits tomorrow or do you think we're going to roll into wednesday i'll be playing i i i think we could get it today but i think we'd be done by tuesday by tuesday okay awesome awesome all right so we're putting our puzzle together down there with our pvc fittings now this sewage ejector pit is vented all right that's this pit will be vented outside and since our vanity sink our shower and our toilet are within six feet of the vent of the pit we don't have to individually vent the shower and the sink okay we we can use the vent from the pits now you you can vent them if you want but code has it if a fixture is within six feet of a vent it doesn't need an additional vent now if this shower was you know ten feet away from that sewage ejector pit or if the sewage ejector pit in the other room was 20 feet away you know we'd have to vent the individual fixtures but we kind of lucked out on this one here because we're only about six inches in on the other side of the bathroom wall with that two inch vent going up so we're in good shape all right so uh it looks good so far all right all right we determined that the center of our drain and our shower is going to be 15 and three quarters off the back wall this way and off the front wall coming back is 24 inches because it's a 48 inch shower it's 24 that way but coming off the wall the back wall is 15 three quarters and the reason we know that is because we looked at the specs on the sheet that our shower came with and i think i've told you that guys before uh that you should always look at the specs on your on your shower when you get it it's written right on the back all you have to do is uh it's written right on the box rather which model you have you just pick up which model you have on your spec sheet here find which model you have and then down here it'll tell you what your dimensions will be for c and for b b and c give you the center of your drain and we find we find that information right over here in this chart all right every shower pan every shower that you buy comes with one of these to show you how to plumb in your drain and that's exactly what we did we're also running speaker cable down here for the homeowner to uh what five locations guys yes at uh two front wall or three front wall locations and what two rear rear locations for surround yep at the homeowner's request we don't do that on every job but that's just one of the other things that we're running uh today we've got the speaker wires to run uh we've also got the coax for the cable tv we're running some of that um and just getting the rest of our home runs which are your main lines from your panel box uh out to your switches and your outlets we got a couple more home runs to get back here into our panel box today uh again you can see there we have about nine coming in so far got a couple of them hooked up here for some temporary lighting and whatnot all right so we're grabbing some lunch here what's for lunch oh look at that so we do eat good down here on our jobs look at that lunch of champions all right so i just wanted to show you what was going on back here on the floor in the bathroom all right we did get our shower pan in there we set it over top of our drain just to make sure that we have the drain centered on that pan okay and it is trapped down there in a two inch trap again it's not vented right here normally would come across right here and vent into this wall and go up but since i'm less than six feet away from the two inch vent in the pit right over there i don't have to vent this shower separately same goes with the uh the sink drain it's only about three and a half feet away from the pit so this piece of pipe coming down if it would have been further away i would have vented it right in that pipe right there and taken it up and did tied in to the ejector in the back room up higher but everything's within six feet so we're within code there you see we got our toilet line our three inch line turned up all right and we're just going to put uh we're going to be putting this which is our toilet flange right down on top of that all right and then that little concrete around that right that'll go like that and then we'll concrete all this shut fill it up with dirt and stone and we'll we'll fill it up with about three or four inches of concrete all right the center of that toilet flange is 13 inches off the wall okay from the rough framing to the center i like to do 13. and we centered the toilet between the vanity the 30 inch vanity and the uh the edge of the shower over here the indentation here for the shower all right so we have a trap two inch line running down into a three inch line for the shower we got a three inch line running into a four inch pipe which uh the four inch goes right through and down into the pit all right and that's how we get our drain lines in here the the sink drains inch and a half it goes in through the wall and it's going to drop into the vent line that's going to be coming out of the top of the sew ejector pit once we get the vent line done we'll tie this inch and a half sink drain right into the two inch um vertical two inch vent uh that's coming out of the ejector and that's how our sink will drain all right and there's our hot and cool water lines for our sink and our drop down stub down for our toilet half inch and right over to our shower valve right into the valve we came out of the top of the valve with hard pipe all right with copper always come out of the top of your valve and copper and right up to our shower head everything's got temporary caps and nipples on it half inch cap and nipples so that we can turn the water on uh tie into the main water turn it on and pressurize all of our water lines and then that way we can check for leaks at any of our pecs unions where we have pex rings all those pex tees uh we can check for leaks uh all of our 90 pex fittings here our valve we can check check to make sure that everything's good before drywall goes in okay we got some electric going on here we're sewing up our switch boxes what we like to do is we like to put temporary switches on that'll be used during the painting process so that way if they get paint on them it's not gonna we'll probably just dispose of them after the job and we'll put dimmer switches on afterwards but we like to hook up all of our wires put our temporary switches on to make sure that all of our lighting works before we drywall so we get we get all of our plumbing in and pressurize it to make sure all of our plumbing's working and nothing's leaking and with our electric we like to get all of our switches wired in with power two temporary switches and then test all of our lights so to make sure all of our recessed light cans are working properly and then everything's gonna fire up correctly after drywall it's better to find out any mistakes right now while you can still see everything than to wait until you've completely drywalled your basement and then you can't get to anything and basically you're screwed so i recommend if you're doing your own electric your own plumbing that you do this you pressurize your water pipes you test your sewage ejector you fire it off a couple times you check all your switches all of your lights now the only thing we really don't test is the outlets all right the outlets that's pretty simple wiring it's just going from box to box to box and back to the panel box it's pretty hard to screw that up but switches they're a little more complicated there's a little more theory to wiring switches and there is with outlets as you can see in this box here how many wires are coming in here we got five wires coming into this box there's going to be three switches in here and there's a certain way that this is going to need to be wired so we want to make sure we pull all of our three-way circuits correctly and have our hot wires everywhere that we need them everything's grounded properly all the commons are connected properly and the only way we can find that out is to go ahead and pre-install these switches and test the circuits to make sure that they're doing what they're supposed to be with all of our recessed lights all right and we go over all of that at the basement finishing university in complete detail if you want to learn how to do this stuff it's just there's a lot there's a lot to listen to and there's a lot to look at when you go through the training um because there's all kinds of different switches there's single switches three-way switches four-way switches you know you and and everything everything's wired just a little bit different to the switch up to the up to the fixtures so uh you know but if you want to learn how to do this i mean an electrician's going to charge you probably 2 500 or more depending upon the size of the job and they normally go by how many lights there are how many switches how many outlets so they'll count them all up how much wire um and then they'll give you a price i mean it could be anywhere from twenty five hundred dollars up to five thousand dollars for for an electrician to come in and wire your basement rough it in like this and then come back and put all the finished switches and plate covers on we can teach you how to do this stuff and it's not again it's not rocket science okay guys day seven here tuesday uh we are wrapped up here today uh got a few things left let me run around here shout out these last couple things we've done here today to get this ready for drywall all right so we did pick up our pump this is uh call this a laundry pump you can run a washing machine you can run a laundry room off this it's just going to be running the uh the brew sink here's the brew sink they picked this up here uh that little pump is going to sit right underneath of it and everything's going to be draining into that and that's going to be vented as well and have a discharge hooked up to it all right so we'll have that put in here today um you know we won't actually install this thing until i have to drywall but uh we'll have the rest of the ruffin plumbing for the discharge line hooked up in there today correct jonathan that's it you got it okay all right uh some other small things that we were looking at at the court over the course of this video this is where the original sewage ejector used to be we filled it with stone and we just uh we just put concrete in there so that's still wet and that's where the toilet drain was coming out and that's where the sink line was coming out uh all concreted shut right so we can once that concrete sets up we're ready for flooring right over top of those areas back in the bathroom uh we've concreted our floor shut around our toilet flange that's all the plumbing's in and connected under the floor now uh we've got our shower base set our 48 inch shower base set we've got two of the walls on we still have to set the last wall i've got the other panel sitting right over there against the wall and all i have to do is cut a uh a three inch hole in it and we can set this last panel for the shower and then that will be done as well okay in the back room back there we do have the sewage ejector all hooked up with the vent line and discharge line check valve ball valve that's all done back there if you want to check out how we hook up the sewage ejectors um we do have a video on just how to install the ejector and hook up the the check valve the ball valve and connect everything to the pump that's over at the basement finishing university all right so all the rest of the electric you can see all the cans are turned on all the six inch cans i'll spin the camera around there you can see they're all lit up we tested them all we do have our temporary switches on all right so we did hook up some switches here so we can control these uh and at the base of the steps here we've got two two temporary switches one of them is going to control the code light at the bottom of the stairs that would be that one and then the other one here yeah the other one here is controlling these six lights here in the play area all right we do have a light in the shower we always put a recessed light with a with a shower lens cover on that uh over top of our showers just to get some direct light in the shower then we also have a fan light combination up there which has a light in it and then we're also going to have a uh a vanity light up here we ran a wire in the storage room which will bring through the wall after we drywall that will control the uh the vanity light right above the sink so we've got a vanity light a light fan combination and a six inch can in our bathroom we also talked about the fact that we're gonna have one gfi outlet circuit right above the uh right above the vanity all right we also have a four by six great right up above where our toilet will be all right pan right down right above our toilet up there about 16 inches down from the ceiling we have our feed coming in for our bathroom that's all hooked up we've got a 4x10 out here in the play area over here in the brew area we have a 4x10 right there you can see we've put blocks of 2x4 all around the vent opening that way when we put our grate on our screws will have solid wood to go up inside you know those uh the damper controls that are on the great cover itself need to need to hit wood so we just box ours in real nice uh with two by four the way around got another one down here in the tv area okay so there's our four feeds the return air we will actually tap into and connect you can see we have we have the uh the actual grate up there now the boot coming through the wall but it's not connected to anything yet we won't make the connection back there in the mechanical room to the return air until after the drywall is done because we don't want to be sucking dust back into the return air system so we do that after we paint and that basically when we're just about done with the job we'll hook up the return air but you have to have return air all right so that's pretty much all of our plumbing for our sinks all roughed in ready to go for drywall we've got our pump on site we wanted to make sure that the pump was going to work out underneath the sink and all that our plumbing that we had roughed in was going to work before we got the drywall in here because we wanted to make darn sure that we didn't have to move anything after drywall we're going to want to be tearing drywall out we've got all of our plumbing back underneath the stairs here we'll go back here in the storage room you can see we've got our we're back here in the storage area now there's that flux coming across and feeding the vent inside the bathroom right up there goes right up into the bathroom wall there and that last pipe that's up there that piece of flex that's the bathroom fan and that's coming off the bathroom fan in the bathroom through the storage room and up and outside into the yard uh it goes right out through the side of the house and then we should have an exhaust hood up there already right john it's already connected yes sir very good because that's all part of the mechanical work too so uh we're looking really really good here looking really really good we've got all of our electric all of our home runs back here all hooked up coming down here into the top of our new sub panel the only thing that we got to run now down through this big romex right here is our main 100 amp service cable which we can get to from the storage room back here okay we also got all of our speaker wires in over here he's going to have a stereo rack over here we've got everything coming in over here we got our five speaker wires we've got another box over here that's got the uh the coax cable and it also has the hdmi cable that's running up to the tv and up here where the tv is going to be hanging we've got the other end of that uh hdmi cable coming out up here and uh he'll be able to hang his tv plug it in this will be a 110 outlet here and then i'll have his hdmi cable running up here from the cable box all right so we have all the speaker locations in uh we got two rear speakers up here in the ceiling as well we just have wires up there we've made a map of where these wires are because we're going to drywall over top of them and then we'll be able to cut them out later and put the end ceiling speakers in the in ceiling speakers up in the drywall and the three speakers on the front we've made a map of as well uh we got this all quilled up we're just going to cut into the drywall later and then we'll find this wire later and we'll be able to uh put the in-wall speakers in the front there'll be a center channel and a right in the left front channel uh inside the drywall as well all right that's all stuff that's i consider mechanical um i guess you could you could group that in with the electric because it's you know you're running wires um that all has to be done before you [Music] can't call the drywallers in if you're subbing it out or if you're doing your own drywall before you can start drywall every bit of the rough and mechanical work has to be done so everything is completed and we are just about ready for drywall here this week so uh day seven all right i guess you could say day eight would be the day that we insulate and i'll take about two hours so you know there will be a bit of a day eight for us before drywall okay one other minor thing i guess i could point out here since we're looking at everything before drywall we did go ahead and put some two by fours in the wall all right some blocking all right and the reason we put that blocking in there is he's gonna have some upper cabinets there and we put the blocking in where we knew we were going to be screwing the cabinets to the wall we did it here and he's also going to have some cabinets over top of his brew sink which is right right there to put some blocking up there as well for the for the brew sink so uh you know if you know where your cabinets are going to go it's not really necessary you absolutely do not have to put blocking in for cabinets cabinetry can go up to just the wall studs that are there every 16 inches but hey if you if you got the time and you got extra wood laying around it doesn't hurt to put some blocking in for things like cabinets and other things you can block for would be like grab bars and bathrooms toilet paper holders towel bars any place where you know you don't want to use hollow wall anchors because i hate hollow wall anchors i hate using them and i'd rather hit wood whenever i can you can also put blocking in in your closets if you know where your closet made clips and things like that are going to go you can put a row of blocking in so you don't have to use hollow wall molle bolts or anything like that you can just use screws right in the wood nothing's better than just hitting the meat of the wood rather than using a hollow wall so one other thing i could throw at you there i know it's a real minscule minor thing but hey while we're hitting everything else we might as well talk about that as well all right so really after today all we have left is the insulation in the walls which is scheduled to go in on thursday all right so thursday insulation friday stock the drywall started hanging the drywall all right so the mechanical work took us seven days all right let's say seven days i don't consider the insulation mechanical that'll take them about two hours to stuff these walls and get it ready for drywall again that'll be thursday so this is everything from day one before we turned on the saw before we started framing this is from layout on the floor we've gone from walking in here you know fresh day one no lines on the floor no layout work done all the way up to all the way up to the drywall stage all right so now you should have that clear picture maybe again not all the little nitty gritty things because i i didn't show you every phase in complete entirety i couldn't in this video but i wanted to show you what it actually takes to get from point a to point b and a basement project so that you know you know the chronological order of things plus it'll tell you whether or not you feel after watching this that you might be able to tackle some of these spaces of the project yourself or you may want to tackle the whole project by yourself i mean i have the training for everything but the purpose of this particular video or this video series whatever it turns into i don't know yet it's running kind of long i might break this up was to get you from point a to point b from the beginning of the job all the way up to drywall in your mind so you can make the determination of whether or not this is something that you like to do yourself so guys i hope this video helped you i am going to have a part two where we're going to take you from drywall right to the final you know shaking of the hands with the homeowner project 100 completed hand out for a check we're out of here all right i'm going to take you from drywall right to the final right to the final nail on the wall okay uh in part two so i'm gonna get this up on youtube first and then probably within the month i'll have the other second part of this up and you'll get a notification to the second video if you subscribe to the basement finishing man's youtube channel and if you tick that notification bell it'll tell you when the next video is out so again i'm eddie case if you like this video if you wouldn't mind hitting the like button it helps out our channel and if you haven't subscribed to the basement finishing man youtube channel yet please do we got a lot more good basement videos coming your way and i'll see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Basement Finishing Man
Views: 39,462
Rating: 4.9469028 out of 5
Keywords: finish basement, frame basement walls, frame a basement window, frame basement bathroom, how to frame out a basement bathroom, how to frame and plumb a basement bathroom, eddie case, basement finishing man, basement finishing ideas, basement finishing steps, basement finishing system, basement finishing cost, basement finishing man soffits, how to finish basement, basement finishing, how to remodel a basement, step by step basement finishing, how to frame basement, basement
Id: x5NWrVvi1_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 14sec (6554 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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