How to Grow Onions, Harvest Onions & Cure Onions from Start to Finish l Walla Walla Onions

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do you like bloomin onions we're gonna do something today stick around [Music] you well today we're going to plant some of the famous Walla Walla onions these are some sweet onions they get about two pounds and they grow for 90 days until you hit harvest time and these these things are make a huge onion so I ordered them in two bunches and I got two bunches this year and I'm going to separate them out like I always do with my onions so I'll get the big ones and the little ones and I'm on a plan all the big ones in the front part of the row and then all the little ones in the back part of the road and I can pluck them up you know and make salad onions that as we go and these onions as they're growing along you know they get up bigger and bigger you can pick them anytime you want need them and you know they eventually get up to like six inches in diameter nice sized onion so I'm gonna separate these out just like I always do here's an example here's the big ones you know you get a mix it's inside this if they're all mixed up but see how I got a big one there and then here's a little one you see the difference so what I'll do is I'll plant these up in the front part and I'll put these back in the back part that way we got you know use of all the onions and not waste any so let me get these I'll separate it out and we'll head over to the earth garden I've got a little spot out there baurel I'm going to put in some phosphorous so I can promote root growth then I'm gonna cultivate it in grade the ground out and then we'll pop these in and we'll demonstrate how to do that you'll watch these things all the way up until we start pulling them up and eat them so be back in a minute [Music] [Music] notice how I got these going in the ground here I put one in here and then I go up a foot and a foot one and I you know make sort of a triangle see that triangle I got there then I come down here and I put one end which gives it about a foot then I come up again put one it's about a foot I make another triangle come up here and I put one in and see see the triangles when I come up here and I put one right here and right down here you just want to do those triangle patterns so when these things expand out you know they have plenty of room to grow without growing into each other let me get the rest up and put in we be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] bloomin onion time in about 90 days from now so stick with us we're gonna come back and watch the progression all these purty onions grow all along the way see you back in a few weeks well our Walla Walla onions are off and running we planted them only about three weeks ago and they've already made some good progress and it's time to ring them in you always hear me talk about ringing and onions and I use a plain old kitchen knife and all I do is I've been the blade 90 degrees where it has about an inch and a half on the end of it right here it's just a 90 degree Bend and I can come up go up to those onions and I ring them in to pull the soil back away from the bulb so that that boil had that bowl has room to expand without being compacted with soil which makes it grow long and skinny just like leggy so if we pull the soil back that Walla Walla onion bulb it's going to grow a bigger and bigger let me show you how I do one as you can see the the onions are down buried in the ground kind of deep and all I do is I come up to the onion and I pull that dirt back see the bulb down there it's rung in now and it looks like it'll just fall over which it does but that thing's got a long root on it and it'll hold it'll straighten itself up in just a few days but if I got the dirt back see I can see the root down below that bulb has nothing restricting it from growing so we'll be back in the days ahead and we'll watch our onions as they continue to grow until we get to over some at the end of the summer so we'll be back in in a few weeks ahead that watch some more progress well it's been two weeks since we came out here and I showed you how to ring in these Walla Walla onions and I wanted to give you a little tour this morning to show you how much them little guys have really started to grow their their setting on bulb they're putting bulk on it to it and they're really producing so let's take a look at what we got [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they're off and running I'm so happy to see them I can't wait to get me a bloomin onion so we'll be back in the days ahead and I'll show you how these things are progressing and when it's time to harvest and we'll know what to look for when when it's time to harvest so you'll know when to harvest them so we'll see you back here and just a few weeks ahead and take another look out well as y'all can see our Walla Walla onions are showing the sign that they are ready to be harvested because as you know from learning from my other videos on onions is when these tops they fall over and Bend 90 degrees like you see in these right here then these fellers are ready to come on up so let me show you a little bit of a up-close shot and let you see how they look up close well there we are nice big ole fat wallet Wallace as you can see some of them really look pretty good I'm kind of excited I'm looking forward to getting these up you can look at them right in here you can see some emerges true monsters if you like a bloomin onion these are the ones you want to grow they are ready Freddie so let's get back over there and let's get these up out the ground get the show on the road this is pretty easy to do I just took a cultivator a hand cultivator I took the middle time and I bent it back 180 degrees back then I took the two middle tines and I bent them and straightened them out so that have sort of like a v-shaped fork that v-shaped fork it can scoop right underneath those onions and put a ride up out of the ground rooting off okay now we're ready to pull them up and use my little onion scooper you see how this has been over 90 degrees if I come up to this onion and grab a hold of this top and pull it try to pull it out of the ground I just break off the top and I don't want to do that so I take this and I just slip it right under that onion and I just pull it right up so you come right out and you show you one more see it just goes right under the under that root pulls it right out of the ground okay let me get these up and we'll get them over to to cure and rack and let them start curing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well that was so hard was it yeah okay we've got the rack loaded with the onions and what I'm going to do is I'm all lower to shade cloth in front because what you want on your onions is for them to be cool in the shade and dry let me this up real quick we'll leave these in here for about one week let them dry out and cure and that outside skin will get kind of papery and crusty and that's when you know we'll take it to the next step so we'll let these sit for about one week and we'll be right back to carry on to the next step so we'll see you soon well our onions have been up here on the current table for about ten days and they've dried out real well and I've already started to trim them down and take them to the next step so I wanted to show you how to do that real quick so come on up here and take a close look at and how I actually trimmed these things down and get them ready for the final cure okay as you can see my onion has been into on the curent table see how it's starting to get the papery leaves that's a good thing and see how the tops are nice and dry and the roots are dried out some so you got a wet end at the top and you got a wet in at the bottom we've still got to deal with so what I do is I take this top and I cut it off like about an inch above the onion and you can see that that top right there is still green see it's still wet so then we take the bottom and we cut off the onion I mean the roots off the bottom of the onion and I get that end and then all I do is just kind of brush on see I've never washed this I clean it up and I'll set that onion up there on the curent table and let it sit for about another three or four days so this top can dry out and said that Rudin can dry out so it doesn't bleed out or leak or leech the juice out of the inside and drive that can cause it to rot so let me set this on the table let me show you a couple more just to show you how I do it nothing to it just cut off the top cut off the bottom brush them off a little bit get some of that loose dirt off and leave it just like that put it up there one more time cut the top cut the bottom and what I'm using are these poultry shears they work just right I like these for doing my onions and my garlic then I brush it off and get some of that loose sand off I've never washed them remember see it's still green can you see kind of green in there see how it's wet okay there we go I'm all set it up on the table let that one dry well I got my onions set up in Toorak and I'm going to UM let these secure for about three or four more days and when these tops where I cut them right here at the top and I've cut off the root when that top and bottom dries out then we'll be ready to bag them and hang them and they'll store for about two to three months like that because they are sweet onions so they about three months when you're really stretching it but there's four component four elements that you need to remember when you're trying to cure your onions the first thing is they got to be in the shade you don't want them in direct Sun so I'm going to pull the shade cloth down over front of my seed starting rack to shield them from the Sun and I'm going to also want to try to keep them dry so I actually attached a tarp to the top and I stretched that down with bungee cords so that doesn't get any kind of moisture from rain or irrigation or anything like that so I've got the shade and I've got it dry and the third thing is you want to keep it cool so being in the shade it it is at a temperature that it can tolerate as you just don't want it to be in a hot Sun and the fourth element is you want ventilation and you can see that the both ends of this rack will be wide open so the air can flow right through and since I'm using this fencing on my rack table I have ventilation above it and have ventilation below it so I have ventilation on both sides if I put this in the garage on an enclosed area the the air just sits and if it just sits like that without any air movement it causes them to rot and we don't want that so let me close down this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I've got my onions all secured on the tray on to dry out a cure for another few days and I got that the shade cloth pulled down with the tarp on it to keep it good and dry so we'll see you back here in about four days and we'll take it to the last step see you soon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we got our onions out out of the rack and they've dried out and as you can see see how pretty the skin they have all dried they got that paper ease thin skin on them I don't even bother to take that off you know this right here is what you want to leave one here until you get ready to actually eat it or cook it just leave this protective skin on here and till you're ready to use it and then when you do want to use it I'm gonna peel you and just show you what one looks like you just simply peel that right off of there get that one layer so you start right up here at the top take that one layer off usually comes off a little easier than this they're pretty fresh once they dry a little bit longer and they stay on the arm in your net and your bags they get some more air on them this this right here comes off real fast real easy but you get the idea you just keep keep peeling it and it'll come right off but see that beautiful onion will eat this one tonight but we'll finish feeling that when I have more time but see there how pretty those onions are very sweet there's they are good eating so let's get busy and we'll um we'll start bagging these up well we got us some onion bags and I just loved and put them into onion bags because they're netted which gives me plenty of ventilation to flow through these onions and you need that ventilation for for your onions to keep them from rotten and so what we do is let nancy hold it we take check your onions one last time before you bag them up if there's any of them that are soft discard them and I usually like to put about three of these big ones in a bag because that's about all somebody's going to be able to eat because that's a lot of onion and you just pull the little draw strength and see there it's ready to be given to someone and they can also hang it up and store them so there's air flowing around and through the onions and then you can reuse the bag several times so let's get these all bagged up and get them ready to share with our mama and log your mama and a couple of friends and enjoy some good old Walla Walla onions [Music] well we got all the onions all bagged up and they are ready to hang and ready to give away as gifts we're pretty excited and if you've never grown Walla Walla onions before give them a try because they are sure some sweet onions they're very tasty very good eating yeah so we hope you've enjoyed learning about the Walla Walla onion today and we appreciate you watching our videos and if you like our videos subscribe to our Channel be a part of the YouTube family so until we see you next time always remember bye have a blessed day you thanks for watching our videos we really love making them if you like our videos please like our Facebook page to get the latest tips and tricks please subscribe to our YouTube channel to get the newest video like it it would really inspire and encourage us but most importantly share to encourage others will welcome your comments in question thank you have a blessed day
Channel: Hollis and Nancys Homestead
Views: 3,256,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: onion, yellow onion, white onion, onion plant, onion seeds, plant onion, growing onions, grow, harvest, green onion, walla walla onions, sweet onions, bunching onions, organic, organically, hollisnancyshomestead, red onion, how to, tips, advance complete growing guide, advanced, complete growing guide, sweet potatoes, how to grow onions, tip, giant onion, organic onions, best tips, growing big onions, bigger onions, giant onions, hollis and nancys homestead, hollis and nancy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 29 2018
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