How To Grow An Onion From An Onion Bottom! (2019)

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The Ripe Tomato Farms

14.7K subscribers

Published on Sep 15, 2019

Regrow your own onion tops! In this video, I show you and prove to myself that you can grow a new onion bulb simply by cutting off the inch at the base of a regular onion bulb and sticking it either in water, or directly into moist soil. Most people know about this trick with green onions, but to be able to do this from just a regular onion bulb? That's a game changer! No more seeds or onion sets for this guy!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Kujo17 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Does this actually result in a whole new bulb? Or is this just being done for the onion tops?

I've done this plenty with green onions, but for most people, the tops are the point with those. If this results in a whole usable yellow or red onion bulb, though, its a gamechanger.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
alright guys welcome back hope you're having a great summer hopefully this weather continues well into September in today's video I want to talk about onions now as most of you probably know you can regrow onions from cutting the tops off of green onions putting the bottoms into water and having them root in fact here in my garden all the clumps of green onions that you see around in each of the beds that's all come from store-bought onions that have simply regrown and for the past four years I've never actually had to buy a green onion and I'll probably never buy one again but did you know that you could apply that same technique to regrowing a store-bought green onion to a regular bulb onion neither did I let's see if this works [Music] so regrowing your store-bought green onions is simple you would take your green onion you know bumps that you buy from the store you cut it right here you use the green shoots and then you take this little bulb which wouldn't have these roots on it and place it in water and about a week later they start to regrow and then you put these into pots or under garden beds and boom you've got brand new green onions for free so I got a bucket a regular in Walla Walla yellow onions let's see if we can do the same thing with these guys so to do this you're only gonna need a couple things you know what you're gonna need a sharp knife obviously you're gonna need your onions to cut and regrow and then you're gonna need your containers filled with water so to start these guys off you're gonna want to take your onion here and you're gonna want to cut off the last 1/4 of where the roots are now on the onion there's two different sides you know you've got your chute this would have been growing out of the ground here on this side you know you've got your roots and that would have been in the ground so it's very clear to see which end to cut off and you want the end of where the roots came from so just want to cut a quarter make a nice clean cut do that with the other guys they just want to guess it you know you don't have to measure it there we go so you still have these guys you know which would go back in the fridge or maybe I'll cut them up for a Greek salad tonight but for the purpose of this video this is what we're after now I read that you take off this first layer of paper repeal simply because when you put it in your container of water apparently those peels tend to rot so should come off pretty easy and you don't want to you don't want to peel these roots off just a paper peel okay so now we're ready for the next step so you've got your containers you know filled with water the next step is simply to put them root down inside these containers now you want to make sure that the bottom part is submerged it's got to come into contact with the water for these guys to start growing the roots so this guy here not deep enough it'll add a bit more water Oh a little bit messy that's all right we're in the greenhouse we're allowed to be messy there we go so let's leave these guys for four or five days we'll come back and we'll check out the progress all right so it's been three days let's have a look at how our onions are doing let's go oh look at that brand-new white roots very cool what about this guy one little white root there and this guy doing yeah they're starting some new roots now those brown those brown strands they're not they're not roots so the old roots see this guy nothing there yet oh no wait just at the top there a couple little new nodules coming through very cool and of course the green onions which I did a couple days before these guys are ready for planting so I'm just going to go ahead and change these guys as water and check back in a few days okay guys we're on day five let's have a look at how our onions are doing oh wow look at the Hat hey right on this guy yeah yeah so they're all starting to get those white roots now this guy's just got a little couple nubs okay okay right on okay so we're gonna give them a couple more days I think I'd like to do a week total then right day five right now so let's give these guys two more days and then we'll plant them up okay guys so this is day seven now the tops are starting to get a bit funky but you can see the beginnings of green shoots coming out of the center okay guys so it's day nine you can see two of the four onions are actually starting to grow green shoots right out of the top they're seemingly out of nothing because when you remember we cut them you know just looked like the inside of an onion it didn't look like there was anywhere for them to grow but sure enough there they go very cool so the only issue is the roots haven't done anything more you know than they were doing on day four and five and so what I think is happening now is we've maxed out what can happen with these guys just sitting in water so let's go ahead to the next step and let's plant these guys so I'm actually gonna grow these guys in the greenhouse and I've got this six by one and a half bed here that has my tomato plants in it or some tomato plants and then you go all the way all the way up 14 feet high but they only use you know the outer three inches of the bed so all along here you know I can plant anything I want so let's go ahead and plant these onions no-till style right on the surface of the bed okay so we actually have a space here at the end of the bed I'm gonna put all four onions right here all we need to do is put down a layer of soil now this isn't just regular compost this is potting mix if you watched any of my other videos you know that every time I transplant the plant I basically consider it a seedling and so you always want to use a seedling mixture so I'm gonna go ahead and water this and then we can plant the onions all right so we have a nice little landing pad for our onions let's just lie them right on top one there one there one there and one there okay so next step is to cover these guys with some more potting mix now if the ones with the green shoots here let's leave those green shoots you know sort of not covered by the soil okay you know just like a little little seedling you wouldn't bury the green parts you know you wouldn't bury the shoots oh okay just a thin thin thin layer of soil just gonna go ahead and give it a light watering and then we're done cover this guy up a bit there we go so it's day nine now let's revisit these guys in a couple of days alright guys so it's been about 12 days you can see these guys are really coming on and even this one guy over here that I thought was dead has sprouted up well guys there you have it that's definitive proof for me that you can slice off the root end of an onion and actually regrow a new onion from it it was a fairly easy process there was a couple things that I do differently now over the course of two weeks we had these guys in their little cups of water for about ten days now to me that's much too long I would have them in the water for maybe three to four days or skip the water step completely and plant those ends right into moist soil in my opinion leaving those root tops in the water for too long actually did the process a disservice I really think once you start to see little white root nodes develop get it out of the water and get it into soil I think not only will it speed up the process but your rate of success should be much higher I feel like that's the only difference you know between these regular bulb onions and the green onions you know the green onions they seem to be able to grow on water almost until you can crop them again and that's just simply not the case with these ball Bunyan's so that's it for today guys always nice to learn something new nice to know that you can cut the root end off an onion bulb and actually grow a new onion from it cool stuff as always leave any questions or comments down below have you guys done this before have you done it in a different way let us know click Subscribe if you haven't already for those of you that have I really do appreciate the support then I'll see you next time
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Views: 3,880,411
Rating: 4.8420072 out of 5
Keywords: how to sprout an onion, the ripe tomato farms, regrow onions from cuttings, regrow onion, regrow onions, regrow onion in water, how to sprout an onion in water, how to plant an onion sprout, sprouted onions, sprouted onion planting, the ripe tomato, how to regrow onions from kitchen scraps, how to regrow onions, how to sprout onions, how to sprout onion bulbs, growing onions, green onions, how to grow onions, 再生洋蔥
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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