How to Grow Garlic for MASSIVE Harvest

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well today's video is sponsored by a black gold compost company we want to thank the good people over black gold for their generous donation of all this black cow cow manure that we're using in our video today thank you for sponsoring our channel well good morning homestead family today's garlic day we'll be right back after the break [Music] welcome back you know last year we planted the elephant garlic down here in florida and uh we had uh pretty good success with it but we just didn't plant very much did we it really tasted good you better i loved it you made some good recipes with that stuff so keep up the good work yeah anyway nancy said this year i want you to grow much more of that elephant garlic you know and i said okay well last year we put in five pounds and she goes better make it 25. so we're about at 25 pounds today but we bought our elephant garlic this year from a really good supplier that you might want to check out online they're called keen garlic and go online and check out their website and you can see they've got a really wide selection of garlic it's hard to find your seed garlic you know this time of the year you know in october time frame they start you know making the sales and deliveries so you want to get it in early because you want to plant your garlic you know in the late fall of course right so anyway um we got it from keen garlic and when we got it we got this really nice um planting instructions growing instructions that comes with it that will help you know the beginner it's got a lot of good information in here you know that everyone needs to know and um there's no sense in me going through all of this we've been through it before on our earlier videos but today we just wanted to grow a whole bunch of this elephant garlic and get it in the ground we want it to overwinter you know all winter this is uh october so it'll go all winter and we'll harvest it probably around the june or july time frame of next year so we'll you know make little updates along the way just to show you the progress and of course we'll cure it at the end takes about three weeks for it to cure and at that point you start eating it actually last year we were cutting some up and using it and it wasn't quite cured yet and it was still really good oh yeah it was wonderful very tasty that one you put in the spaghetti it was still ah the whole house smelled you know wonderful but anyway today we're going to take this garlic and we're going to break down the cloves and we're going to show you how to do that in a minute to where we get the biggest cloves of course because you don't want a small clove you want a large clove because whatever clove you plant that's how big the garlic is going to be because it's going to surround itself with that same size so if you plant a small garlic clove you're going to get a small garlic bulb plant a large garlic clove you get a large garlic bulb right right so that's what we're going to do we're going to break them up get them separated out and uh we're gonna soak these for at least an hour now you can soak these overnight if you want to and you know according to canned garlic they've soaked some of those two three days at a time so don't worry about over soaking but we use um it's recommended that you soak them for about 15 or 20 minutes and hydrogen peroxide to kill all those little micro organisms that may be on there and then you want to soak them in a a little liquid fertilizer and what i like to use is liquid seaweed i put this in a gallon of water and i soak it in that seaweed for right at about an hour and at that point you know they're ready to go and you can soak them overnight in the seaweed if you want it's okay but anyway today we're just gonna soak them for about an hour so let's get these broke up and put into the bucket and let's let them be soaking and then we'll go over to the to the earth bed where we're going to plant them and we're going to amend the soil with bone meal which is going to give us a an ideal source of phosphorus to promote root growth that's what we want so we'll put that right down in there i'll incorporate it into the soil with the cultivator then i'm going to layer it the top of it layer with black cow commodore to give a good animal compost we're going to dig our trench i'm going to put in the bulbs with a root side down pointy seat side up at about eight inch spacing all the way down cover it up and we'll be set okay that sounds about right i didn't miss nothing did i uh all right let's get started [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] well we got in a row of uh elephant garlic right here this morning and uh it'll be off and running we actually have a whole bunch left over so we're gonna go put in another row or so over in another bed somewhere but this is the one we're gonna kind of watch and focus on so we got it in ground we're going to water it in and we'll be back and periodically check on the progress of this elephant garlic all the way out until we put it into the pantry so we'll see you soon [Music] well welcome back friends our elephant garlic has been growing for six weeks today and as you can see we've had plenty of garlic emerge we've got some nice leaf being formed on it and it's um still only uh november mid-november right now so this uh we got some cool days ahead i'm not going to worry too much about mulching this in because i live in florida so i'm not going to have any piles of snow or anything like that so we're just going to leave it with the bare ground all the way up until harvest but if you live further north than we do you might want to go ahead and get your elephant garlic mulched in at this point but anyway we'll um keep our eye on this as it continues to grow and we'll come and give you another update soon we also have the uh the other two rows that are starting to come up in the uh raised bed over there so let's go take a look at them guys okay here we are over at the raised bed garden and this particular raised bed has two rows of the elephant garlic one here and one there and i got these uh buried just maybe a little bit deeper than what we did over in the perimeter box because i wanted to be sure i was getting enough coverage over the top of that bulb but anyway the um the two rows are doing good uh there's they're coming up really nice now almost all the way down i'd say within another week and a half or two weeks you will see all this garlic up so we'll be back in the days ahead watching the progress of our elephant garlic up until harvest we'll be back in maybe about three or four weeks and take another look at it see you then [Music] well good morning homestead family today is 13 weeks since we planted our elephant garlic it's actually been six weeks since the last time we gave you an update and if you'll remember they were just starting to break ground had about six inches above the surface so they were all off and running and since then they've really started to make some pretty good giant strides uh yesterday i came out here and i i picked out a few of the weeds that were starting to show up and i healed up the row a little bit again just to give it some better support now that they're getting pretty tall and um i'm going to water uh here um fertilize it with fish emulsion today so i want to get this thing hit with some a little bit of fertilizer to keep this thing fed because um you know there's some pretty heavy feeders but anyway this is the stand of elephant garlic in our perimeter box over by the earth bed and it's looking great and if you'll remember you know a few weeks ago we had two more rows over here in our uh raised bed and they were just starting to show up and since then they've they've caught up they're looking real good so let's go over there and take a look at the raised bed and see how those two rows are doing well here's our raised bed over here that we've got the two rows of elephant garlic in remember we planted these at the same time we planted the ones over here in the perimeter box so these again they're they're at 13 weeks old as well and yesterday i did the same thing to give them some attention picked a few weeds that were starting to crop up and healed up the row a little bit to support them because they're starting to get you know some height on them now and i'll be hitting this with the fish emulsion today too to give them a little boost and get them going a little bit more vigorously that tomorrow is uh january first here in florida 20 22. so happy new year but the um the coldest part of our year is still ahead of us we got about 10 weeks of chilly weather coming but i think that these things will tolerate it just fine and that was you know the main reason i wanted to heal up um all three roads not only to support the garlic but also to give it a little bit of protection just in case i do happen to get a real hard freeze which is actually highly unlikely but it is possible even in florida so anyway i got them healed up i feel pretty comfortable about that i'm not going to bother trying to put any kind of mulch or anything like that i think the soil will get the job done just fine in my zone 9a so let me get this all fertilized in with some fish emulsion and we'll be back we're basically um we're basically at about just about the halfway point for this stuff so we'll be back in the days ahead we'll take another look at it when it starts to show some big progress and uh we will take another look at where it's at at that point so we'll be seeing you soon [Music] well welcome back friends we have now come into spring it's made it through the the winter we had one really hard freeze and then we had about four or five frost so it was subjected to some cool temperatures but they seem to have been very happy with it they haven't it hasn't but really bothered them at all i had some yellowing on a couple of the bottom leaves from the frost and the freeze damage but other than that they're bouncing right on back we have some warmer temperatures in the days ahead coming in now uh and that will warm up rapidly so at this point we're going to continue to fertilize this um this stand of garlic here in the perimeter box as well as the garlic over in the raised bed that we put in over there as well so we will continue to water the i mean fertilize this with the liquid nitrogen fertilizer not a real high nitrogen i'm only using a three zero seven three zero seven that's the fertilizer that i'm using i don't want to hit it so hard with the nitrogen that all it does is grow tops i want to to just get enough fertilizer to get the tops healthy enough to force the root to really try to grow out and try to support that leaf growth so anyway this is the this is the perimeter box some of them if you look up close you know the stalk on the bottom is really getting to about an inch and a half in diameter you know in caliper so that tells me that that bulb is really starting to expand out and it's the same way over in the in the raised bed so they're they're all doing really pretty good and i'd say we're about four five six weeks maybe away from a harvest so um we'll keep an eye on this in the days ahead and watch it grow until we can get it up out the ground so let's head over there to the raised bed real quick just to show you what it looks like it's it's coming along the same as this one over here i just wanted to show it to you so let's go check it out well here we are over at the raised bed and as you can see it's doing just fine remember these are leeks and they're not really actually a garlic they taste like garlic and very similar and they look like garlic and they grow similar to garlic and they make the nice beautiful bulbs so nancy tickles me she comes out and she sees these and she goes hey i'm gonna pull up some of them elephant garlic and use them as giant leeks in some of my cooking i said you just march right on and do whatever you want so she came out here the other day she pulled up a couple of these and and cleaned them up and chomped them up and cooked with them and oh they were delicious so this garlic elephant garlic when you see them at this stage you could actually start using these as giant leeks if you want to nancy sure did but anyway they're doing great and we're going to continue to let these grow in the days ahead and get the bulbs until i can uh you know cure them and put them over there and she can go get the big bulb and chop it up like like you do regular garlic and oliver cooking but anyway i thought that's kind of funny to share with you the way she treats them as a giant league because in fact that's what they are so we'll be back in the days ahead and we'll watch the development of these until we can get them up out the ground we'll see you soon [Music] well good morning home stand family it's been about seven weeks since we had our last update on our stand of elephant garlic and i just wanted to give you an update today it's been growing for about seven months so i would say that our elephant garlic has overwintered and it's in the spring now and it's basically just about time to get this up um this is the stand of elephant garlic over here by the earth bed and we still have the other one over here in the raised bed which we'll go take a look at in a minute kind of windy out here i hope it's not uh messing up the the sound on this video but uh the please bear with me with the wind but the um the elephant garlic is doing great it's been in here for seven months the only reason i'm not harvesting it right now is we had kind of a um up and down uh you know inconsistent weather pattern in the spring this year and it confused everything especially our onions they really suffered but the elephant garlic is not really looking at the point where i want to pull it what i'm looking for is about the bottom half of the plant leaves to die off when i see about the first six or seven leaves on the bottom to die back and and fall and wilt down then i'll know it's about ready so hopefully uh beans that it's still got some healthy vigor in the plant the way it looks right now maybe it can get another few weeks and and go ahead and get bigger so that's what we're holding off on the harvest for so let's head over there to the uh raised bed and take a look at that stand remember we had two roads put in over yonder too so let's take a look at where that's at well here's the raised bed we've got the two rows in here that are are looking really good and it's they were planted at the same time as the one in that earth bed over here in a perimeter box over there so they're they're all at the same stage of development and i wanted to pull this one right here here's one that i just wanted to show you this this is seven months and as you can see there we go it's starting to develop a small bulb it's not as big as i want it to get but i'm waiting on these see how i've got two one two i've got three of the bottom leaves here one two three these three bottom leaves have died back i would like for this one this one that'll be four five six seven when i get all seven of these died back like that uh when those seven are died back then i think that i can go ahead and harvest this and get a pretty good bulb being that the plants are very healthy and vigorous the way they are just like you're seeing them and i've only got three of the bottom leaves that have died back i think i can get a few more weeks out of this and get a much bigger bulb so that's what i'm hoping for is to give it a couple more weeks here and see what happens with this bulb to see if i get any expansion on there so we'll be back in two or three weeks we'll take another look at how these plants are looking and see if we can't get a really good elephant garlic harvest in spite of that terrible freezing two freezes that we had this spring so we'll be back in a couple of weeks [Music] well welcome back friends been about three weeks since the last time i talked to you our elf and garlic have been out here for right out about eight months so i'm they're starting to show the signs that they need to come on out the ground so today we're going to harvest out this row here and also the two rows over in the raised bed and get them things off into the drying rack so we can get them curing it takes about three weeks or so to get them to dry out enough to where you can pull off the bulbs the cloves okay so let's get to work [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] well we got it done we got it done i know the days work on the homestead i see you saving a whole bunch of tops and a bunch of bottoms wait what are you going to do with that the tops i'm going to dehydrate dehydrate you make a little garlic powder out of it i'm going to make green garlic powder out of it and then the bottoms what i'm trying to do is either chop it up and freeze it or i'm going to also dehydrate i have to depending upon how much space i have and stuff like that sounds like a little bit of both yeah so you got a sack full of corms over there yep i'm gonna see well worst case scenario we might have to grow this next year so yeah the way uh the way the supply chain is some little things might be valuable yeah so we got enough i think garlic for probably next two years if not longer nah i'd say you got at least a year but we got you know us and your mama and then you know we share with others but we got both of the racks full both drying racks so we're gonna dry all the big ones out and we'll come back in about three weeks and i'll clean those up these are the small ones that nancy stripped down and um dressed those out so she's gonna clean them up and do her thing with that she's very frugal with that kind of stuff yeah she makes use of every little crumb oh you got to i'm really not that way so i guess ying and yang balance out sometimes but we'll be back in about three weeks when this stuff over here cures out and then we'll take it to the next step so we'll see you in about three weeks [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] oh well looks like our elephant garlic has dried out pretty good fairly well it's only been 12 days since we put both of the uh the racks full of elephant garlic or drying racks i'd like for them to go about three weeks but i've got so much to do around here they're dried out good enough for me to go ahead and get this stuff processed while i got a couple hours here so let me go ahead and get this job done and get them in the pantry so miss nancy can start doing some cooking let's get to work [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] well there we go our elephant uh garlic journey has come to an end for this year anyway we got two really nice baskets of elephant garlic and they're real nice garlic so they smell delightful uh last week nancy took all the little bitty ones and saw a lot of the tops and she dehydrated them out and ground them up she made a elephant garlic uh powder and oh man that that stuff just melts in your mouth i especially like sprinkling it on my eggs and make scrambled eggs with it it's just makes your mouth water just thinking about it but it she she does a good job on making use of every little scrap of things that we grow around here but we got our two nice baskets of elephant garlic that should last her all of this year and then some and we'll have plenty to share with some other folks as well so we hope that um our video helps you to learn a little bit and inspired you to grow a little bit of elephant garlic for yourself and that it was fun to watch and it maybe even brought a little piece to your day so until mia nice to see you nice time we want to be able to thank the lord for this beautiful elephant garlic buy us hands we are fed give us lord our daily bread amen have a blessed day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Hollis and Nancys Homestead
Views: 181,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to grow garlic harvest, garlic how to grow and harvest + Tips on Preserving Garlic, growing garlic, food preservation, garlic, gardening, drying garlic, how to store garlic, garden, gardener, garlic (ingredient), how to harvest garlic, how to preserve garlic, harvesting garlic, how to grow garlic, garlic harvest, hollisnancyshomestead, food preservation tips, garlic how to grow and harvest, hollis and nancys homestead, hollis and nancy, elephant garlic, seed to harvest
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 48sec (2628 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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