How To Grow Cucumbers Vertically on a Trellis

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y'all ever wanted to grow cucumbers but you were always reluctant to do it because they tend to spread out and take up large areas to grow well today we're gonna talk about how to grow vertically so everybody can grow them and in a very limited space you you have more than YouTube family today we're going to talk about some cucumbers in line we're going to talk about how to plant them in a way that we can grow them vertically save us a bunch of money in on how to actually plant them in the ground I'm going to use two different varieties today the first one is it's just a plain old slicing cucumber nothing fancy about it this is the kind that you see in the stores all the time they get about seven or eight inches I like to slice on and put them on a plate and get them nice and cold and put a little bit of onion and slice up some cherry tomatoes on there now I'm making myself hungry so anyway I'm going to put in I'm only going to put in two of these plants the other plant that I'm going to plant is an Asian cucumber these are long and slender and they get about a foot long and they have a real crispy texture and I love the way they taste they sort of taste early like arms trust between a watermelon rind and a cucumber it's got coming to me that's the way it tasted me Nancy shreds them up and up like little matchstick sized shreds and uses them in soup and all kinds of stuff and salads they're very tasty so we're going to put these two out today and I'm going to show you how to actually use a trellis to grow them vertically because you can save a lot of space is if you were going to plant cucumbers in the ground you would have to plan on Oh probably about three feet apart and kind of Hill it up just a little bit and put that one plant in there move over about three feet and it's going to take up six or eight feet in diameter that takes up a lot of space so to grow a monic trellis I can put the things as close together is about a foot one foot apart and build a nice trellis and let them climb up that trellis and all the fruit hangs from the trellis and it's very easy to harvest they're not lay it on the ground turning Yeller and I think that's that's the way to go even even though I have the space to put them on the ground I'm still going to grow them on a trellis because it's so much easier and better to do so let's get started first thing I want to talk about it is the trellis itself I see a lot of people out there using those little strings and nylon cords and all kinds of little trellises you know to me is just a waste of time these these cucumbers are going to grow long vines heavily laden with fruit and that puts on some weight 90% of a cucumber is water you get a whole bunch of those fully mature cucumbers on here it's going to be disheartening to come out here and see some little strength stuff that you've strung out be done pulled to the ground with all that weight so you want to build something that's substantial that's going to be able to support a lot of load and here's how I do it so wanted to share that with you first thing I did is I took some landscape timbers and I saw three of them in the ground these were eight feet long and I've got them in the ground about Oh probably about four feet so they're in there pretty good now to keep them more sturdy I have strung up 12-gauge wire I put some turn seven inch turn buckles on them and I attached it to the end that so I could make a pull this way then I then I connected all three of them with turnbuckles and 12-gauge wire so I use an eyebolt put the ten buck alone take me take it right down to the middle one and I bolt it together and I do the same thing on the final one and at the end I tied down the other ends with another turnbuckle all the way down now why I got is I've got the two ends secured and I've got a horizontal line going between the three three vertical posts so I've been able to pull some tension on those there's three posts and I've gone up good and secure the next thing I put on is the trellis itself I don't like to use chicken wire or anything flimsy what I use is whole fence panels and I can get on that tractor supply company for like 12 bucks and they're 50 inches by 8 feet long and let me show you those you come up close I want you to take a look at how heavy that affect that fencing is see it's good stuff it's heavy-duty I've got it attached to the post with you nails fencing nails attached to that and then I've got my guy wire that goes across between them I just tie it on with some tie wraps and that thing is on there it's a little bit Wiggly but I mean it's solid and what I like about it is it's got big openings in it so when I've got cucumbers and hanging on here I can get my hands and arms through the fence and I can reach the other side and get things you know from one side so I'm doing all my work from one side of the trellis only and it's not going to collapse on me I can lean on it and it ain't going nowhere so the trellis is extremely important that it's substantially solid that's going to support some good weight all right we got that got a trellis again so the next thing we don't do is plant the plant I want to show you how to do that so that you can encourage those things to go to that truss because once we get them to the trellis is a simple thing just kind of encourage them to wind their way through those openings they have to up the little tentacles that come out and wrap onto this it's a good climber so having a good support system for them to climb on and we will have some good two comers the first thing I did I hear is I cleaned out my little cucumber bed and got all the winter weeds out of it and turned the soil one shovel load deep and turned it completely over then I graded it all out with them my grade and rake and now I'm going to add some black cow cow manure just enough to give it some good animal compost I don't put any fertilizer in these things they're going to do everything naturally with the organic animal compost so let me get that in there you'll notice when I was working up underneath that trellis I have to get rakes and tools and shovels and stuff underneath there so you'll notice that I have my trellis raised up see how high I've got it off above the grade sits about fourteen inches above it that gives me plenty of room to work under there underneath the trellis without the trellis hindering my my ground work so we've got that now the next thing we're gonna do is going on who's going to plant the cucumbers now the cucumbers that are real susceptible to powdery mildew so when you plant them having the trellis and the vertical climbing cucumbers reduces that risk quite a bit so they've got plenty of error going through them and they're not laying matted together on ground so all right I've got my I've been being talking about that siren over there so what I'm going to do is I'm going to space them out where they got about 16 inches in between them the way I do that is I good I cut me a stop it's off 16 inches long so it makes it easy for me to make sure I'm putting them in correctly so here I go my first one right here I'm going to put the cucumbers up just from just barely in front of the just barely in front of the trellis that way when it grows up I can maneuver and manipulate that from this side of the trellis so I'm going to start my holes right there there's 16 inches there 16 I just make a little hole in the ground so I know where to put them okay there we go they're spaced out correctly okay we got our holes dug on the little spots that I marked and I like to use fish to do my fertilizer because it is purely organic I want to stay as close to organic as I can what I do is I put a fish in the hole one push then I use some garden lamb you've seen me do this on many of my videos garden lime will cover up that smell of that fish when it's trying to decay and I don't want any animals to smell that and come over here and try to dig it up when they do they hit they dig up your plants with it that can be heartbreaking so once I get the fish in the home let me go ahead and get all those fish put in then we'll go to the next step okay I got all the fish in the hole I got the lime OnGuard lime on it and all you do is just cover up the hole easily dig me a little 4-inch hole take my plant can I use these bamboo canes you've seen me do this and some of the videos it works so good I'm going to put it right here beside it now I've got the plant secured from the wind and it'll also has a little bit of something to kind of help it come up this these sticks until it gets to the trellis and at that point I'll be I'll be securing it to the trellis tree this is going to help it get there so let me go ahead and get on rest up man the same way okay we go we've got our cucumbers off and running and I hope that helped showing their vertical growing it's definitely the way to go so we'll come back in a few weeks and we'll start another video and show you the progression of our cucumbers on through the summer and the best part of all is to harvest part so look captured out on the next video and if you like our videos please subscribe to our Channel like when you'd be a part of our YouTube family we also have a Facebook page called Hollis and Macy's homestead check it out come on over and click on the like button and be a part of that media with us as well so until we see you in a couple couple of weeks from now on these cucumbers always remember buying canes sweeter fed give us Lord our daily bread amen have a blessed thing you thanks for watching our videos we really love making them if you like our videos please like our Facebook page to get the latest tips and tricks please subscribe to our YouTube channel to get the newest video like it it would really inspire and encourage us but most importantly share to encourage others will welcome your comments in question thank you have a blessed day
Channel: Hollis and Nancys Homestead
Views: 1,610,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to grow cucumbers, grow cucumbers, vertical cucumbers, asian cucumbers, harvest, how to, grow, potatoes, containers, grow table, how to build, strawberry, pepper, garden, vegetable, homestead, onion, turnip, spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, cauliflower, backyard, radish, collard green, fall vegetable, organic, food, green, spinach harvest, non-gmo, organic cucumbers, cucumber, growing cukes, advanced, complete growing guide, sweet potatoes, hollisnancyshomestead, garlic, vertical gardening
Id: wiki0sGXLb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2016
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