How to Grow Carrots in Containers from SEED to HARVEST

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well today's video is sponsored by a black gold compost company we want to thank the good people over black gold for their generous donation of all this black cow commodore that we're using in our video today thank you for sponsoring our channel well good morning homestead homies had a request to uh grow some carrots and five gallon buckets so that's what today's video is is container grown carrots i'll be right back [Music] well welcome back friends uh one of our subscribers uh you know requested that we grow some carrots and containers because she doesn't have a yard and she really loves carrots and if we could just do a video on how to do it in a container then she would be able to grow them herself and i said you better believe it we'll be happy to do that for you so today's video we're going to grow these um carrots in a in a couple of five gallon buckets just to demonstrate the procedure for you because really they ain't nothing much to it okay it's pretty easy so anyway i got these seeds and um these these are pelleted seeds i got them from online so if you want to grow some carrots go over to johnny seed check out the website they've got all kinds of good stuff the seeds i'm using is gold nugget and also red sun two real good varieties so what i'm going to do is i wanted you to um take a look at these things the seeds are actually pelletive when you if you're wondering what pelleted means it's really just a clay covering a coating that is on that raw seed it's coated in clay and it makes that seed very uniform very round very easy to handle especially for me i use a four point pin drop pour i'm sorry a four point um seed dropper and i also got that from johnny c but that's how i drop my seeds and it has little little holes that it has to fall through so it needs to be a certain size and they need to be consistent and uniform and that's what you get with pelleted for the buckets i'm using the pelleted seeds as well instead of the raw seed because if you take raw seed and you sprinkle it in the bucket and you get it growing then you have to come back and you know thin them down thin them down i mean i hate to thin stuff down so i grew some in the buckets just to show you what it looks like when you use the raw seed and then you have to come back and thin it down nancy thinned it down yesterday so she's got it down about where she wants it but with these pelleted seeds it makes it real easy to just put your finger right in the soil and just pop some little dimples in there and you can individually drop one little pelleted seed in each hole and then all we do is just cover it up with about a a quarter inch of soil and they're they're good now i'm going to be using bone meal to amend this soil i use the the container soil that i'm using in today's video is i make it myself and nancy can give you a link to our video how to make container soil at home and you can do it yourself at home if you want or if you just got a couple of buckets just go buy some container soil at you know your local nursery and just dump them in but i got the container soil ready to go i use bone meal in the in the soil to amend it to give it a higher phosphate uh phosphorus content i want more phosphorus on these carrots because it promotes the root growth and i want the roots to really shoot down in that bucket and the reason i use a five gallon bucket is because these carrots can get eight ten twelve inches long so i don't wanna put it in a short container i want it in a deep container so it can get that tap root can get on down there so let me get these uh over here in the bucket and let's get started on um how to do this because you can do this on your back patio let's get started okay i got my two five gallon buckets ready to go if you've never used a five gallon bucket before we've got another video i'd like for you to go check it out it just shows you how to drill holes in the bottom of these buckets and what kind of buckets to use and it's very simple to do nancy will give you a link to that video go check it out it'll show you how to put the holes in so you definitely got to have drainage in these buckets so i've got my holes drilled i've got my uh my buckets filled with my homemade container mix and next thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna add in bone meal it's a 125 zero very high and um phosphorous so it's a good organic source of phosphorus and i put in about a half a cup right there once i got it in i kind of stir it in a little bit there we go next step is i want to flood the um container so that it can stand in about two inches of water just keep hitting it with your your water until it you know gets a couple of inches right there on the surface see there now that will soak down and pre-moisten most of that soil all the way down to the bottom of the bucket there we go let me give that about 15 minutes to soak and we'll be back after this soaks on down and pre-moistens that container soil down below be right back okay our pots have soaked down as you can see next thing i want to do is i want to add in some of my dry container mix get that soil level up to about an inch below the rim see the reason you want it a little bit below the rim is whenever you water it that it has kind of a catch base in there to capture that water to help you water your plants instead of it just running off the top so don't fill it off fill it up all the way to the top just give it a little bit of space there it makes like a little basin catch spacing okay now i pack it down just a little bit with my hand lightly just so i can see what i'm doing okay now i just want to take my finger and just gently push in some dimples and i want to get those things right out about an inch inch and a half apart and you only want to go down about a half an inch deep okay this one is the gold nugget let's put it in first and i can easily pick up one seed at a time and drop it right in them little dimples that we just made and later on then i won't have to come back and thin this out it's already preset at the spacing that you need all you have to do is just let it grow okay got those in next thing i do is i add just a little bit of soil on top and i made just a little bit see more like a sprinkle [Music] and i put my tag in here gold nugget so i can remember what it is and that's ready to go to the grow table okay let me get the other one done and we'll go over there to the grow table and water them in okay we got our two uh buckets over here on i got a little pallet table here that i use for buckets and containers and that's what i've got it on to grow with now i'm just lightly watering that in because remember we already deep soaked these pots a while ago with when we put the bone meal in so they're pretty wet all the way down i just want to get that top 1 inch surface there to kind of get moistened up a little bit where we added that little bit of extra soil on the top after we soaked so there we go they're watered in and ready to start growing here's the buckets that i planted the raw seed in a while back and uh nancy came out here yesterday and she had to thin them all out but as you can see that's you know that's tedious work and this is after she got through working on it so it took took her about 30 minutes to get those things thinned down so anyway that's that's how they look if you use the raw seed okay we got our two buckets planted and watered in and off and running i want to point out that you want to keep these things moist don't let them dry out because when these seeds finally germinate and they come up they come up with just the finest little hair like frog hair i mean it's fine and if it sits out in the sun and stays hot and dry it'll cook them so you need to come out and check them often come out and put your hand on the back of that soil and see if it feels moist on the back of your hand if it feels dry then you need to increase your watering a little bit in the frequency so it's best to check this several times a day when you first get it started okay and keep it wet all the way through not standing in water not saturated moist okay so keep your eye on it and we'll be back in the days ahead and we'll watch this all the way to harvest be back soon well it's been 13 days since we planted our little seeds in our buckets for our carrots and here's the golden nugget they're emerging nice and coming up pretty good nicely and here's our red sun they're coming up pretty well too look like i got a little more in the red sun than i did the golden nugget but i was kind of in a hurry when i was doing it but anyway you got the idea but anyway these are doing great these are the little red carrots that nancy planted remember using the raw seed and these are the two that we planted a few weeks later using pelleted seed so come on up and take a close look at the gold nugget and the red sun and you can see what to expect after 13 days just remember when you get these in that you need to keep these moist don't let them dry out even if you have to come out multiple times during the day and lightly water each time you water it should be lightly you should really only be trying to water this maybe a a quarter of an inch to a half an inch of the surface just to get it moist it's no sense in saturating that big old five gallon bucket for a seedling so you want to just keep it moist so it doesn't dry out and continue to do so especially after they emerge and continue to do that for two to three weeks afterwards until you start to see the the tops of the seedlings start to produce nice beautiful true leaves that kind of look like ferns coming out of them so keep them wet keep them monitored and in the days ahead they'll give you some carrots so we'll be back in a few few weeks and we'll take another look at how these five gallon buckets are doing with these carrots well see you soon well welcome back friends it's been 12 weeks since we planted our uh little uh demonstration of growing carrots in a five-gallon bucket and they've come through the winter and they've done okay and it's coming into spring now and um the the 12-week mark is a point where you really want to hit them with a gentle fertilizer i like to use fish emulsion because it's kind of a low nitrogen some furnish is a nice gentle burst of nitrogen i want to get these tops to get going really fast and grow hard which causes the tap root to grow on down and dig on down and get bigger if i put too high of a nitrogen fertilizer on them what happens is it gets all tops and no root because it can't support it so you want to be careful on your fertilizer with this stuff and do that about every three weeks and you should have you know some fairly good carrots coming out of a five-gallon bucket right here i wanted to pull one out here's a uh this is the gold nugget and let me get a here's a uh red sun so there's our two this is at the 12 week point gold nugget red sun i expect them to get a little bit bigger than that in the days ahead so we'll be back shortly and uh i'd say about another three or four weeks and we'll dump these out and um we'll take a look at how they look then these carrots uh they're hard to get out of a five-gallon bucket when you just when you try to harvest them so i don't try to pull them out like i do out of my earth bed my earth bed's nice and sandy and it's very easy to harvest in these buckets they tend to get compacted and the more you water them the harder it is to get them out so the way we harvest these is whenever you do them in a five gallon bucket the easiest way is just dump them out like we do bucket potatoes just dump the whole bucket out search through there and harvest out your carrots so we'll be back in three or four weeks and we'll do just that so we'll see you then [Music] so [Music] [Music] well welcome back homestead family it's been 16 weeks since we started these uh carrots in these five gallon buckets and i'd say they're pretty much ready to harvest um we've been kind of picking on this one a little bit as we go but but this one we kind of left alone but anyway they're about ready to go they've overwintered now we're well into spring so i thought we just grabbed these buckets up and head over to the harvest area over there and just dump these buckets out and clean them up and have these for lunch so let's head over to the harvest area um [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] well there we go got them all cleaned up nice little harvest out of two little five gallon buckets and uh this video goes out especially for delilah at south carolina uh she she watches our channel she's into fourth grade and she asked her mama to contact us about show a video on how to grow these carrots in a five-gallon bucket because she wants to grow them on her balcony because they live in an apartment and i hope that this really helps you honey and that you have found a a true joy of gardening at such a young age [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] gracious lord we give you thanks for these and all other blessings forgive us of our many sins we humbly beg for christ's sake amen amen boy those carrots look wonderful they are i love them roasted i wanted to do very simple not much but when you get it fresh from the garden there's nothing like it thank you handsome oh yeah just roast it for and you grew this in the five gallon bucket right yeah these were in the five-gallon bucket because delilah in south carolina requested it oh wonderful so her and her mama are growing these on their balcony they live on a apartment complex oh and they're growing it on their balcony in a five gallon bucket wonderful i'm glad we are able to do that show that you can be done looks really good it is i'm sure it's going to be wonderful let's eat and taste [Music] they are so sweet good mmm they turned up nothing like that very good nothing like home grumpy it really tastes good coming out of the oven mm-hmm that's awesome [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Hollis and Nancys Homestead
Views: 510,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollisnancyshomestead, howto, carrots in containers, container gardening, urban garden, patio garden, how-to, urban gardening, patio gardening, carrots, how to grow carrots, complete growing guide, carrots in 5 gallon container, fire escape garden, how to grow carrots from seed, seed to harvest, complete growing and harvesting guide, carrots in container
Id: u8GkgGCTfdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2022
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