How to Grow a Garden That NEVER Stops Producing

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today me and tuck are going to grab a few harvests and share with you the garden they called us crazy for growing let's go let's get this thing started by grabbing some Harvest and I'll go into how people thought me and Tuck were crazy for growing this Garden check out this purple of sis Le cauliflower there's so much food in just this raised bed let's cut this one out look at this nothing like homegrown organic fresh food you just can't beat it swing around over here check out how perfect and beautiful this cauliflower is look at that white cauliflower with a hint of pink incredible let me Harvest this one right here this thing has a lot of weight to it super super heavy oh my gosh look at that thing that's a lot of food place this down let's swing around just a couple more steps this way so we had the purple and white we had the white let's swing over to the Clementine this yellow cauliflower really striking look at that grab this one it's going to be so fantastic too we'll go around grab some uh fruits as well I'll go into a few things especially about permaculture and food forests look at that and then on this other side we have a cabbage come check this out I can Harvest this one but before I do that I just want to share with you something look at the tree right above us here this is a cherry tree this thing had a bunch of fruit earlier in the year but it didn't produce as much as last year that's okay though because we always have so many different trees planted diversity allows us to always get big harvests move into this tree this is a different cherry tree and this thing is absolutely Ely loaded this year look at all the cherries this is a yellow cherry too which is good because the birds don't go for this one as much so there's going to be so much fruit ready in this one in just a short period of time swing over here I want to show you some other stuff as we walk by and grab a fresh strawberry got to grab some fresh strawberries right from the garden nothing like it organic and they taste fantastic come this way so when me and Tu first started this Garden people said like you shouldn't do that that's such a bad idea a you're planting too many trees you can't plant annuals and trees together they're going to shade each other out but we didn't worry about that because me and Tuck looked at nature we learned from permaculture to look at nature and permaculture is really about pattern application we saw in nature that forests are one of the most productive systems out there and they have all different kinds of layers so we learned the seven layers of a forest and applied those same layers into our garden that same pattern and just switched the elements around and used food instead of something like an oak tree which would be your canopy tree we have a cherry tree I'm going to go around and talk more about the different layers of a forest as I move through we also wanted to mention that people were saying you know your big trees are going to shade out your garden we weren't too worried about that because when the shade comes that creates microclimates and also the trees aren't going to last forever so people look down at something like the shade as a negative thing but me and Tuck heard a great quote that we love and it's that things are either happening to you or for you we choose to believe that things are happening for us everything can work to together for our good we just have to look at it the right way and that's what we do so come over here this area we used to have a big Peach Tree you can see it back here after about 10 years the production slowed down so we cut that out and while it was growing we had planted asparagus right next to it now the asparagus has taken this section over so it's like one one thing comes out another thing comes in and uh when we took out that peach tree it opened up a lot of light to areas where we can grow things like potatoes now so we got that perennial Harvest from the peach tree and then now we're getting annuals in different locations and the asparagus is a perennial too look back here we have a whole area of tomatoes growing this is going to be filled with tomatoes between that we have apples growing and blueberries next to that so while these apples are still growing and they'll get a a little larger although they'll be dwarf we're making sure we're getting harvest in those spots too come over here check out the piece in the back these things are in Peak production look at all the PE Peas on here this is the sugar snap look at this this is going to be a massive Harvest just today we're going to stay on top of picking so that they keep producing flowers this is the sugar snap move to the right we've got the sugar magnolia the purple pee and then we also have the yellow piece over here really cool and then swing over here the blackberries are looking really nice and then let's head this way and I'll talk a little bit more about the seven layers so in a food Forest well in a natural Forest there's really seven layers and we're replacing those layers with edible crops for instance like I mentioned in a forest you might have a canopy tree of like an oak tree we are having canopy trees of cherries and hazelnuts then the next layer would be a sub canopy so our sub canopy trees are things like apples you see a dwarf apple right there and then there's another apple right over there loaded with fruit so that's our sub canopy tree next we have something like our Bush layer for bushes we're doing blueberries because we love blueberries and also raspberries there's a bunch of raspberries right over there looking really nice you can see beautiful and then after that we have the herbaceous layer our herbaceous layer you notice we're growing a lot of greens like brastias look at the lettuce over here lettuce is looking really nice and next we have some climbers check out our climbers our Vines we're growing grapes look at the number of grapes on here I mean I'm going to have to come by and thin them out a little bit because there's so many grapes just right here but then swing over here and there is a plethora of grapes the sets are incredible when you prune things correctly you can get massive massive harvests so uh the grape Harvest is going to be insane this year come over here and then the next thing is going to be your ground cover so for our ground cover we grow a lot of strawberries and going back to that idea of microclimates we're growing a bunch of strawberries underneath our apple trees we're always looking to get double yields and then we incorporate things like perennial flowers next to our trees also and herbs so you can see four different plants growing in one little area and they're all thriving if someone tells you something won't work and they've never done it themselves then you know look out at nature let that be the guide let that be the teacher another thing I love is how they say nature is a classroom nature is the uh teacher and the forest is a classroom so if you want to learn something get out into the classroom you could really learn swing around over there check out this cherry tree too loaded with cherry Beres so many different trees all together it's a nothing like being in a food forest and then that last layer that we'll get into in just a minute is the um the root crop so we'll get some root crops we'll grab some carrots for tuck give them a snack and uh just keep enjoying the forest nothing like being out in a garden where you can eat things fresh off the trees cuz it's organic it's natural and uh so sweet we're in the other food Forest now we're going to grab tuck uh carrot one of our root crops in our whole garden then I'll give you an overview of the Whole Food Forest it's pretty crazy let's grab a Kyoto red carrot I think there's some of them in here that might be ready this one's not huge but it still looks pretty good tuck what do you think boo let's see if some of this fresh food is really as good as I claim it to be boo this guy eats better than Kings not even a king could get food this high quality this fresh this organic right out of Garden I love reverencing bill mson when he says the only way to truly get organic food is to grow it yourself and this guy loves his organic food let's grab some more Harvest but swing around over here first and then let's get a little overview of the whole garden so this place was just grass and we got nothing from it just had to work do a lot of work to maintain the grass now we've got a food Forest that basically works for us another one of my favorite Bill melson quotes is that when it comes to permaculture no one truly knows what they're doing but if what you're doing works you really won't have to do anything because the garden will help support itself another purple one just cut this one out in a small amount of space we have a lot of food growing and then swing right over here this broccoli is starting to separate a little bit still looks pretty good though we'll grab this one this is the time of year where the brasas are coming in heavy as well as some of the fruits I actually accidentally forgot to grab some of our fresh currents cuz those are Peak right now too but when you're in a garden like this it's hard to remember everything to grab because it's like everywhere you turn around there's something else look how dense it is in here lettuce is down here in that same idea of like different layers of a food Forest we try to apply some of those similar principles in even a raised bed so when something works a good system you could scale it it's scalable it works in a very small area like a backyard it works in a massive you know 10 acre property that's why we love food forests it's a proven method just look out at the natural forests grab this Clementine cauliflower right here cut this one out the size of that we don't even have to take steps we just like turn turn more food more food swing around to your left over here let's grab some of this stuff in here this is the keyhole Raaz bed and this one is so cool because we're getting the most amount of space in a I mean the most out of a small space instead of having two 4ot uh beds we just have a big bed that you can access just like a key right here we don't waste any space we get the most out of it and we're growing some huge cauliflowers check that out and don't forget about cabbages hidden right here ready to harvest or what about super densely planted lettuce right here that's ready to be harvested or one of these cool looking lettu over here check this out look at that look how delicate and beautiful that is nothing like being out in a garden literally a paradise I say it a lot but this is a this food Forest it's a paradise for everyone for people for dogs for birds I mean you can hear them singing they're always hanging out watching me and then once I leave they go for my strawberries so I'll usually have these strawberries covered with an insect netting I took it off for now because this stuff is so good fresh Shucks and strawberries my favorite variety that same pattern that I showed you before where it's strawberries under apple trees we're doing that right here got a new Young apple tree growing strawberries underneath it looks like this guy needs another carrot though what do you think boy getting hungry that carrot was good but maybe just one more spam some hearts down low if you love seeing tuck and then right next to him here we've got some tomatoes growing up Stakes growing vertically turning our tomatoes are almost like our one of our araceous layers or a climber into like a sub canopy because these Tomatoes will get 10 12 ft tall come in here more brasas purple cauliflower looking fantastic cabbage back here and then you can't even see him but carrots hidden down below here this is a root crop it can grow next to some of this stuff I wonder if any them are getting large they're probably a little small because they're not getting a huge amount of space but still great shape perfect looking carrot carrots really like soil that they can move easily through you don't want any rocks in there and uh that's how you grow some beautiful carrots if we just gave this thing more time it would get a lot bigger but look at the little baby carrot color the shape ah what do you think boy coyot the red was pretty good what about what do you think about this one I think this is either the yaya carrot or the mum varieties we really like all right get back to work on that boy swing over here check out the tomatoes 20 tomatoes in 20 square fet I mean so much food packed into a little garden come over here more Tomatoes we've got apples lining the outside of our garden I'm always working on stuff in the back so but look at these apples this is the Williams Pride this is the early earliest ripening Apple we don't just plant one kind of Apple and grow one kind we grow apples that ripen early apples that ripen mid apples that ripen late so we can always go out there and grab a fresh apple right off the tree once the season comes in and check out this bed here and then I got to show you some of the blueberries too look at this cabbage ready to be harvested so dense so good I mean the amount amount of food just shocks me and peas back here look at that grow it in here never wasted space and let me bring you over to the blueberries real quick cuz I talked about this being our main Bush layer this is our main Bush layer because this is one of our all-time favorite fruits to eat look at them look how packed this plant is and then we always have that ground cover of strawberries underneath it so you've got the ground cover you've got the bush layer you've got the sub canopy all hanging out right next to each other doing great pairs loaded on this one so again don't let someone tell you who hasn't done it it won't work if you see nature doing it learn from it mimic it and then let that guide you right tuck this guy teaches us a lot out here few more things in this bed I want to show you then we'll close it off uh check out how dense everything is in here and and the even the cilantro we're letting that go to seed so that it brings in flowers this brings in a lot of good pollinators once the flowers start showing up beans below it there getting shaded out a little a little bit but they're still going to do great and then just so many different things packed in basil more cilantro more cabbages cauliflower ready in the back and then go up and just pan over here every fence line is absolutely lined with our favorite climber The Grapes nothing like grabbing fresh grapes right out of the Garden Truly a paradise back here that's today's video Growers thanks for watching we hope you enjoyed it we hope you got something out of it me and talk hope that we motivated and encourage you to get your garden planted and to not listen to the naysayers the doubters and the haters the people that will tell you something won't work when you really have a good feeling that it will even if you try something and it doesn't work there's going to be a host of lessons within that every mistake carries within it the seed of a success so just stick with it do what you think is right and don't be afraid to go against the grain especially when it comes to Growing your own food and your own health we had a blast out here tuck had a lot of fun snacking on carrots he's just chilling over there watching me trying thinking like when's When's this guy going to grab the next carrot the next pee so I can have a little snack of it overall though we had a blast and we appreciate you guys coming out and watching this video share some of your comments down below of the gardens you're growing and the successes you're having but also some of the failures some of those can help other people and just encourage other people that failure isn't I mean a mistake isn't a failure or if something doesn't work it's not a failure it's just a lesson that can be learned and just keep moving forward and learn from that and it will actually you know help you more in the future it's like some of the times we think that some of the things that happen that are the worst at the moment they seem terrible but years later we can look back and realize that was like a pivotal point that really taught us something or help us to grow even more whether it's food or in life me and Tuck wanted to mention a thank you to one of our new channel members John bnes thanks for being a part of Team grow thanks for having your hand in everything we're doing out here the Food Forest is so green it's so full with food but we have sprinkles of red and other colors too which we love to see the birds are working on the cherries they're eating some of the red ones but they don't even know we got the yellow ones coming in heavy and it's really cool to be able to see some of these red cherries hanging out in the tree that the birds are missing it almost looks like a it's a food Forest version of a Christmas tree so we think it looks really cool tuck and James we be back at you again real soon we out
Channel: The Gardening Channel With James Prigioni
Views: 49,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: F55Okf28tXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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