Incredible Organic Garden Harvest, Here is What I Harvested Today...

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today me and tuck are going to take you along with us for a massive backyard garden Harvest harvest season is here let's go let's jump right into the harvesting we have so many fruits and veggies to grab right here there's so much food packed into this little raised bed it is insane this is a self-ordering raised bed where we have some wicking cells at the bottom but you will just be blown away by how much we have in this little spot let's start things off with this right here the purple moon cauliflower look at the color of this thing let's grab it just going to cut it right at the bottom and then grab this let's see what we got the first cauliflower of the season it's an absolute Beauty look at that picturesque we have more to grab just right here come over here this is the earliest variety of cabbage that I've ever grown this is the fero Cabbage look at this solid ready to go we'll grab this one although tuck is looking like he might want a snack let's see if this uh the little boss wants a little piece of cauliflower he loves his cauliflower I'll break him off a little piece here tuck tuck what do you think boy this guy loves his cauliflower spam some hearts down low if you love seeing the little boss in the videos let's go over to this Freo cabbage cut this one out right here he's Tuck's trying to grab more keep him off for now this one is ready so early delicious tasting cabbage it's not huge but it really is a fantastic one to grow not bad we're just going to stick this kind of where it was and then we'll stick this one where it was and then let's move up here to this green magic broccoli check out this head of broccoli right here beautiful we'll Harvest this one if we want we could Harvest this one high like up here and then these little shoots you can see they'll start putting out more heads we can get little mini broccoli heads from that if we want fresh broccoli so nice and remember this is all from this just this one little raised bed and then come over here check out this Clementine cauliflower look at the color on this one this isn't the biggest one I have but I'll grab this one I've got more of them look at the color of that thing let me grab this one so you could grow the standard white cauliflower the whitee heads but we like doing things a little different growing the ones that just draw you in growing veggies like this gets me and Tuck so excited to to get out into the garden more and when it comes down to it the more time you spend in the garden the better your garden does you get such a better feeling of how to protect things when to plant things and then out of a small spot you can get a bunch of food we got a lot of stuff to still grab let's move over to a fruit one of my favorite alltime fruits Tu get out of there buddy come over here just right next to us we've got a whole bed of strawberries these things are loaded there's so many strawberries on them just come over here real quick this is my favorite variety the shuen look at these look at this strawberry right here look at that these ones taste so good look at Taco over there behind check him out he's trying to get get to the cauliflower get out of there dude get out of there I'll give you a piece in a little while this guy's Relentless I might have to carry this one around but that strawberry so good now check out this one over here another one look the Shucks in look at this oh my gosh it's already juicing all over me let me get a taste this is real food organic homegrown you could pop it in your mouth right after harvesting this is living me and Tuck want to mention that we just dropped some new merch at Team grow. us it says team grow on the front then on the back it has a really cool handdrawn design of the Food Forest you you'll find everything in there even tuck and then we have another shirt where the design is on the front that one's a little cheaper because there's only one design on it we're real happy with the way they came out we think they look awesome so join the team and grab your merch over at Team grow. us you don't need a lot of space to grow a lot of food you guys may remember I built a mini pallet raised bed so I built this raised bed at a pallets it's small but you can still grow a lot of food in a small location check out how loaded with food it is let's grab some of these lettu uses over here every everywhere I try to put this thing down the little boss is going for it he's been waiting for this Harvest about as long as I have he's just taking bites right out of the side of it let me put it up here and then put the strawberry there and check this out we'll grab some lettuces look at all the food in here look at that lettuce the Tango the L Roso check out how beautiful these are let's grab a couple of these grab a couple of the La Rosas that is just insane and then look at all the spinach over here that's ready too nice thick spinach this is so good with eggs in the morning come on over here now I'm going to lay this up here I would have a harvest Bowl but with the size of some of the Harvest that are be going to be coming in that'd be a lot to carry around check this out here the Chinese yellow cabbage this thing looks like it has few little kind of bug bites on it but man look how beautiful that is let me cut this thing out these things are are massive oh my gosh this is going to be a heavy one let me pull back some of the leaves there's a few earwigs in here I've noticed more ear wigs this year than some of the other years but look at that look at the size of that look how much food that is tuck having fun the little boss loves being out here let's see if we can grab him a carrot cuz I think I have some carrots hidden in this little mini pallet race bed think there's some carrots right here let's see if this one notice I've just got so much stuff planted in this small spot let's see if this carrot is big enough not the biggest carrot but this will keep him occupied for a minute or two what do you think boo let's get the little boss what he's what he's been looking for really oh yeah that's the good stuff all the work we put in for the season in the year it's all starting to pay off have them snack on this me and Tuck love making these videos because we want to inspire you to grow some of your own food in your backyard you don't have to grow a whole entire Food Forest but you can plant one tree at a time and it's really the start of a food Forest it's a start of like a better future for your health for your wellness and you get to be more connected with nature there's so many amazing things that come from growing a garden so we really encourage you to get some stuff planted we got more stuff to harvest right over here check out this raised bed how much food is packed packed into here unbelievable some of the basil looks excellent more La laosa lettuce back there carrots as you can see and check it out another head of broccoli that needs to be harvested move to the right right over here look at the size of this Clementine cauliflower massive more cauliflower in here check out this uh Ruby Perfection cabbage nice purple cabbage almost ready it's we'll let that get bigger though before we Harvest it and then come over here let's grab this early Jersey Wakefield cabbage look at the shape on this one compared to the Freo another early cabbage classic EJ early Jersey Wakefield break some leads back on this one and one reason one way we're able to get this food is we do a combination of things we use an insect netting which keeps all the bugs out but then we also use BT I've showed you what it is it's a fantastic organic spray and it keeps all those cabbage worms off so you can be having beautiful cabbage just like that look at that look at the beauty in that thing picturesque I've got more of them too let's set this one up here Nestle it with the Cabbage tuck looking for more snacks and then check out all the food in this bed I got to grab a really cool variety of cauliflower this is the purple of Sicily let me let me show you and look at look how dense stuff is check this one out too peek up look at this oh my gosh the Harvest are are coming in heavy let's grab this one right here this is a purple of Sicily I've got a couple of these planted check it out look how unique this one looks starting to separate a little bit but that's okay look at the color of that that's like a painting this will be perfect to crack off and give Tuck a piece tuck what do you think boy this guy's a he's a little Italian dog look at him just rip at it I think it's more fun to watch tuck eating the food than me so you know if this guy's snacking on it you know that it's tuck approved and it's really good stuff if you turn around while you're turning you'll notice we've got asparagus over here we finished this is finished we had a bunch of that earlyer in the season we've got grapes along the sides and look how much food we have packed into all of our beds here some of the same stuff you saw on the other bed but still just a ridiculous amount of food look at our tomatoes growing a betrus these are going to produce I mean so much food I can't wait for it they're all starting to flower this is going to be an incredible year things are already shaping up to be a better year than we've ever had just check out the blueberries look how much fruit is on this one bush look at the Clusters I mean I got to stay on top of watering this maybe give it a little fertilizer cuz it's really wanting to put out so much fruit and then here are the pink lemonade blueberries my favorite variety they look beautiful they taste great they grow fantastic too swing over here check out the strawberries we have even more strawberries in here looking great I went out this morning and grabbed a few but there's still so many to grab they're just absolutely everywhere and I got to show you we still have a cherry tree that we're going to harvest some cherries from too so I got to show you how beautiful the Rainer is looking right now with fresh organic cherries we'll grab some in a minute but check this bed out another early Jersey weak field check out the beauty of the bronze Minette one of my favorite lettu uses we're going to grab this one today too there's just so much stuff the peas are starting to produce look at the yellow pee in here we're going to grab some purple and yellow peas in just a little while and let me just show you this one bed then we'll go over to the cherries well these two beds look at the look at the concept babian lettuce four of and one square foot tell me that's not the most densely packed square foot of food you've ever seen beans's doing really good swing in here actually take a look at this wish chart first look at the color this is the Bali red isn't that beautiful and then come over here here's four lettuce per square foot again this one's four different varieties they're just like they can't even contain themselves there's so much food in that small spot and then the uh brussel sprouts are looking good too more stuff in here but similar to the other things so what me tuck want to do is we want to take a step back over there me and taant bring you over into the other food Forest grab some cherries and just grab some more Harvest because uh we're still just getting started let's move over to the Rainer cherries and grab a few of them the tree looks amazing take a pan over there look at the size of this tree it's one of the first trees that I've ever planted and man it's one of my all-time favorite trees there's nothing like grabbing fresh sweet cherries right off the tree look at the cluster right here look at the beauty you'll see a little bit of the surround kin Clay on there that's okay it's just clay we'll wipe that off real quick and get a taste and we'll be able to go around and harvest the rest of them there's some really nice ones in here I mean look at this let's get a taste real quick though unbelievable taste nothing like those things they sell in the store that they say are cherries so good check this out right here look at this tower garden this is the seven tier one look how many strawberries are on this thing this is the way to grow strawberries this keeps them off the ground keeps the bugs off of them and the Harvest is just crazy look at this and watch I'm going to spin you just back up a little bit look at this I just planted this this year too look at this cluster here so you don't need a lot of space to grow a lot of food uh unbelievable just blew me away I got more stuff to grab let's go on the back check out the size of the rhubarb the tomatoes we've got potatoes in here the tomatoes along here looking beautiful grown up steaks we've got young apple trees here these are going to be producing in the future even more than they are already cuz we do have some apples on them blueberries between right here with blueberries on them and let's grab some of these currents in the back this the white currents look at the clusters of currents on here let me grab a couple these ones taste so dang good look at the production of that tell me that's not unbelievable swing over we've got three different color peas that are ready to be harvested peas back here we've got the standard um sugar snap which you cannot go wrong with look how many are on here everywhere we're going to pick them when they're young so they keep flowering so we just grab a couple of those and Tuck we know this guy loves his peas they're one of his favorite all you got to do is just snap it off and he'll show up he loves the peas so much right boy the only thing that's bad is once he finds out where they are he's going to just try to rip them down to get to them he loves them so much swing to your right now we've got some purple peas check this the sugar magnolia this one's a little further past but look at these ones look how beautiful they are and the flowers look gorgeous too check out the color of that pink flower purple fruit ah awesome and then swing to your right over here we've got the yellow peas next to those look how nice these look T what do you think about the yellow piece buddy let me see what do you think H got a decent crunch to him good flavor he's going back for a second bite that's a good sign that means it's tuck approved and now we've got some squash right here growing up steaks pretty cool and then you got to see the blackberries check out this is going to be biggest blackberry Harvest ever it's going to be unbelievable when you prune these things correctly they have so much fruit on them we're going to have to stay on top of watering because that's going to be a lot of fruit come this way I got to grab a really cool snack over here and you'll just notice I mean everywhere there's food the Food Forest is just unbelievable when you grow food in your backyard like this when I first started gardening it didn't look like this I made a lot of mistakes but if you can stick with it you continue gardening everything starts to compound your knowledge your understanding and then ultimately your Harvest so it's super rewarding to have a guard in your backyard like this check out this head a lettuce right here a rain type the Fel and schluss look how cool those leaves are like stacked in there like that like unfolding I think that looks so awesome and it's a delicious tasting lettuce too we'll have to grab some of this and then we still got peas growing over here some of these yellow peas more of a dwarfing pee but still nice flavor to them as tuck has showed us come over here we've got another fero cabbage B ready right there and then you'll notice I'm in an area that gets a little bit more shade and this is how you can use microclimates to your advantage so we're in an area that's a little more shaded and we planted some celery here celery is ultimately like a swamp plant so it likes area that's not super super sunny but it's nice and the soil is nice and wet and like damp so we planted our celery here and look at what what we got out of it tell me this is this has got to be one of the biggest celery I've ever grow grown look at the size of that thing let me get a taste of it just let me scoot over here to get out of the sun because it's sort of in my eyes come over here snap this off fresh celery right from the backyard the Crunch and the flavor amazing we've got more currants right over here the white currants I was afraid I thought Tu might have been getting to the peas more curs back here growing underneath the tree beautiful and then right over here we've got more cherries this is a the Stella cherry I don't think they're ready just yet but we'll try one popped right off let me see yeah these are get a dark red so I don't think this is ready yet I'll taste it though still a little sour move this way we've got our hazelnuts some pears over there which I've shown you before so we'll swing back over to this side check out these apples this is my honey crisp apple tree it's got a lot of the surround Cale and cl it but it's got even more apples check out the size of some of those up there and then look at the other apple tree here the Liberty Apple so many apples on it and then if you swing to your left anywhere we have space where we have we're growing tomatoes up Stakes look at all the tomatoes in there this year I thought last year the Tomato Harvest was crazy this year is going to be unbelievable let me bring you over to here and then we'll close the video out check out how many brasas are here it's not even that late in the day and it's still getting a little bit of shade but that's okay it gets that good early morning sun and it's still I mean look how much food is in here it's unbelievable and in this bed I just buried wood chips underneath so I didn't have to pay much money for soil the rest of the soil I made myself that's how you save money and still grow a lot of food and then we've got the classic pallet raised bed growing everything up strings built this bed for free so you don't need a lot of money to grow a lot of food and that's today's video Growers thanks for watching we hope you enjoyed it we hope you got something out of it me and Tuck had a blast out here you know he had a blast he's been a dang Menace looking for all the snacks grabbing everything he doesn't even like celery that much but yeah he doesn't want to go for that one he's probably still looking for some more pce it's been such a great year and we just wanted to thank everyone for being a part of Team grow and if you do want to join the team hit the join now button down below and then we also wanted to mention we have our new website team. us where you can get a lot of these awesome products like spin around here this raised bed that I showed you and the covers made a massive difference this kept all the insects out and I took it off now because the plants got so big that the I couldn't even keep the cover on anymore so we got the raised beds something that's really awesome that we really love this year too are the lights the lights are so cool they're solar lights you never have to charge them but when you come here at night it adds such a awesome uh awesome feeling when you could just walk around see all the beds and it's a such a fun to be a part of me and Tuck wanted to mention a thank you to one of our new channel members Paula Evans thanks for being a part of Team grow thanks for having your hand in everything we're doing out here tuck looks like he's going to want some more snacks we're going to go around grab a bunch more strawberries and cherries and all different stuff and then uh we'll see you guys real soon tucking James back to you again shortly we out
Channel: The Gardening Channel With James Prigioni
Views: 49,631
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Id: kEuZS9I0awE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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