What Can I Plant in June in the Vegetable Garden?

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good morning everyone and happy almost middle of June already I'm curious how everyone's gardening season is going so far this year did you get everything planted on time maybe even early or are you like me and the theme of the season this year seems to be running behind no matter what you do now when it comes to gardening I have what I consider an ideal planting time which I've covered at length on this series of videos which covers what I plant month by month here in my Ohio Garden but then I also have what I consider my life happens planting schedule and some of you may be able to relate to this so it could be a vacation an illness an injury a weather catastrophe there are thousands of reasons that we may not get our Gardens planted on time but the nice thing about Ohio and other similar growing regions is that we've got a nice long frostfree window so my average last spring frost date is usually around miday this year it was like the second week of April which made me feel even further behind than normal usually about May 10th May 15th though and then my first fall frost date is around October 15th so on average I've got over 150 days of frost free window so what that ultimately means is that even if I don't get some of my warm season or Frost tender crops in the ground the minute after that last spring frost date I've still got some wiggle room to get plants in later if you're watching this trying to figure out which you still have the opportunity to plant this summer just use those Frost dates as a loose reference and adjust your timing accordingly but let's jump right into what I've just recently got into the ground here in Ohio and what I am still working on planting in the month of June [Music] the biggest planting that I recently tackled were all of my cucurbit crops so this row is entirely made up of melons summer squash and zucchini and I just got these in the ground a few days ago I also just finished up planting my cucumbers pumpkins watermelon gourds and butternut squash all of these were transplants started in miday I'm also still planning on Direct sewing a few of my winter squash varieties I'll be cutting it close but these are all 100 110 day varieties so I should be okay unless we get that like freak Frost in the middle of September this year which would the way things are going wouldn't surprise me a bit the nice thing about crops like sumers squash or zucchini and cucumbers is that they tend to be in that 50 to 60 day maturity range which makes them great candidates for stagger or succession plantings throughout the summer I like to do a second planting of these crops around mid July I find that this timing gives me a nice flush of fruit before that fall Frost comes and I'm getting a fresh flush when my earlier planted zucchini and cucumbers are starting to Peter out and these are easy to plant either by starting seed indoors and transplanting or direct sewing a really handy free tool for figuring out planting dates for these crops and others is offered by Johnny Seed check out their target harvest date calculator I'll link it in the video description below this is a downloadable Excel spreadsheet in which you can select your target Harvest State add the variety you're growing the days to maturity and then you can tweak variables such as a spring fall Factor this is useful if you're pushing the boundaries of the season so I add in some extra time for crops that I'm planning on harvesting very near to my fall Frost State you can tweak this column for those crops which take a little more time to ramp up to full production I'd consider things like bush bean zucchini tomatoes in this group but maybe not something like winter squash that kind of matures all at the same time I don't use this column but if you sell it say a farmer's market for instance and you know you want to harvest 3 days before Market day you can plug that in here and this column is for things that we typically start from seed indoors instead of direct sewing for example my tomatoes spend about 30 days indoors before I transplant so I'd plug that in here related to this keep in mind that the days to maturity figure that seed cataloges and Seed packets list is going to give you days to maturity from direct sewing for crops that are traditionally direct sewn think beans corn lettuce melons Etc that number you see here is from the time you plant the seed till the projected Harvest under optimal conditions for crops that are traditionally started indoors and transplanted I.E tomatoes peppers broccoli the days to maturity shown is from transplant not from sewing so you need to figure an extra 4 to8 weeks depending on the crop into that total days to maturity time which is what this days in the greenhouse column on the spreadsheet allows for so according to Johnny's spread sheet I can actually sew cucumbers and zucchinis clear up until August 1st so I may try that this year I'm still in the process of getting all of my warm season night shades in the ground as well these Tomatoes went in at the end of May but I've got several big plantings at my parents which have gone in over the course of the last week and a half and I continue to stick plants in whenever and wherever I find the space or time I just stuck some extra tomato and pepper seedlings in my straw bales back here and these seedlings which are part of my seedling fertilizer test will be ready for transplant in about 2 weeks that still gives them plenty of time to mature but I find that the later into the season I transplant Tomatoes the more I do have to battle disease likewise my peppers and eggplants have been on a stop G planting schedule as well these are crops that I typically aim for getting in the ground the last two weeks of May but this year just out of necessity I am planting them whenever I find the time this section behind me was transplanted at the end of May but some of my other seedlings here and here and here despite my multiple defense mechanisms something still nibbled these were just transplanted this week unfortunately I lost the battle to the flea beetles on these earlier transplanted eggplants so I'm trying again up here making sure to securely cover these with insect netting the minute I got them transplanted last week I found that with eggplant as long as I can get them established they manage to shake off the flea Beetle damage and go on to produce a lovely crop but if the flea beetles get them while they're still in the young seedling stage sometimes the stress is just too much and they never recovered last year I relied on coating the plants with surround kale and Clay but I wasn't on top of it this year and this is the result with these Nightshade crops I find that peppers and eggplants tend to take more time from seed if you're able to find some like discount seedlings from the garden center late in the season you can still plant them up until the middle of July and potentially get a fall crop tomatoes and tomatillos tend to be a lot more precocious I have not direct seated them but I have a gardening friend who says he's direct seated until July 1st and still gotten a crop off of tomatoes again not something I've tried but it's worth a shot if you have some extra Tomato Seed lying around I have transplanted Tomatoes up until the middle of July and still gotten a nice crop and again the disease pressure can be a much bigger issue on those later plantings but I was getting tomatoes from mid September up until the frost beans of All Sorts are still being direct sewn here in my garden I did get this planting of bush beans and my edamame in the ground at the end of May but this row of vakita shell beans were just direct SE a few days ago and I have more shell beans and snap beans which I've yet to plant like my summer squash I have great results planting beans deep into the summer Bush snap beans usually mature in about 50 days so I like to aim for doing my last planting around mid July though some years I can get away with an early August planting in order for Shell beans to mature fully and dry they typically need around 95 days but mid to late June plantings still allow plenty of time and you've got even more wiggle room if you plan to harvest them green there's a few random odds and ends here too I just transplanted these red foliated white cotton seedlings and these dwarf sunflowers and I'm still working on getting all of my basil seedlings transplanted something else I like to work on this time of year is filling in all those empty spaces around my vegetable plantings with flowers I still have Zena and maragold transplants that I'm trying to get in but at this point in the season they could just as easily be direct sewn a few other options for easy direct SE color fragrance and in some cases food for pollinators that can be put in anytime in June include Cosmos sunflowers especially the smaller earlier flowering varieties red flowered buckwheat clei holy basil and Nana another heat loving crop I finally bit the bullet and put my sweet potato slips out I went ahead and planted these in conditioned straw bales fingers cross that the VES and other Critters leave these alone sweet potatoes are typically between 9 90 to 110 days some of the Japanese purple varieties can take even longer but if you're in a similar growing area to Ohio sweet potatoes really don't start to take off and put on a lot of growth till it's nice and warm so even on years when I'm not running behind I often don't plant until the beginning of June now sweet potatoes will continue to grow and develop right up until that first hard Frost with aate planting as long as you keep them well watered there's definitely the Poss possibility of getting tubers they may not be as enormous as the ones that you put in early in the season but I think it's still worth a shot this sweet corn was direct sewn on May 29th but the plot of flour and Dent corn at my folks place I just got planted in the last week and a half I keep debating about tilling up another plot back here and just throwing some more mid to early season sweet corn in there don't tell my husband I promised I would not add any more Garden but sweet corn is so easy and even a really good midseason corn only takes about 75 days to mature with recent advances in breeding there are some super early varieties so 68 day variety corns that have exceptional eating quality as well so I could easily put one of those in still almost to the beginning of July and get a harvest now I've planted sweet corn late before the trick I find here in our growing area is is just keeping it well watered while the corn gets established with the traditional planting time in May here in Ohio we typically get enough rain through the late spring that corn doesn't require any extra irrigation but with later planting so that second half of June into July I definitely have to provide some supplemental water to get those plants up and established in addition to potentially more sweet corn I'm also planning on so okra and cow peas in the next couple of weeks the lovely thing about these crops that are traditionally regarded as Southern is that they thrive in our Ohio Summers putting up with heat humidity and drought once established so they make great candidates for a little bit later sewing so if time got away from you for whatever reason you didn't get a summer garden planted but you desperately still want to have a few beans or cucumbers or zucchini never fear there is still a good window of opportunity in many growing areas and don't forget about the opportunity for a fall Garden as well I'll be starting many of my brasas and other fall crops indoors in mid July here in Ohio for more detail on that planting schedule check out this video I wanted to mention too that there are a few advantages and disadvantages maybe some challenges to getting things into the ground a little bit later than we we normally would but there are some pretty easy workarounds to ensuring that we have success with later plantings I will be covering those in the next video so be sure to subscribe if you're interested in hearing about that in the meantime I've got a lot of warm season crops to still get into the ground so I'm going to get planting but thanks for watching everyone and I will see you next time
Channel: Growfully with Jenna
Views: 15,894
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Keywords: what can i plant in june, what to plant in june, seeds to sow in june, seeds to sow in june zone 6, waht to plant in june, what to plant in june zone 6, what vegetables to plant in june, what seeds to sow in june, what to plant in june youtube, What to plant in june video, growfully with jenna, what can i plant in june zone 6, zone 6 vegetable garden, seeds to plant in june, seeds to plant in june zone 6, growfully, what can i still plant, vegetables to plant in june, gardening
Id: I9Fb0aZ7Rgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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