NEW ARRIVALS! Home Depot Garden Center Plants Perennials & Shrubs Late June 2024

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hi it's step and we're at the Home Depot and they have a bunch of new perennials and shrubs so let's go ahead and take a look at the late June inventory at the Home [Music] Depot Yaro or ailia this is actually a plant that I'm on the lookout for because I lost mine over the winter it was in a bed that stays too moist and Yaro does not like too much moisture in the soil so you need a well draining soil in full sun this variety here is called Millie Rock yellow terracotta and it starts off this really soft buttery yellow and then it will get terracotta coloring around the outer edges of the petals now what's really pretty about Yaro or ailia is that it does go through several color variations so you look like you have multiple colors on one plant now this variety the Millie Rock yellow terracotta looks like it gets to be 10 to 12 in in height and it needs 14 to 16 in spacing and it does say prefers well- drained soil and full sun and blooms later spring through fall and some gar a plant that looks really beautiful and so Whimsical in the garden the way that these tall Bloom spikes just kind of sway in the wind now this is another one that does like a well draining soil in full sun it actually prefers sandy soil so if you have a really dry infertile sandy soil gar would probably do really well for you now this is Hardy in zones let's see I think it's only Hardy down to a zone five or so um maybe even 6 down to -20° fhe this variety is called garab balisa White it is a perennial for full sun it gets to be 10 to 16 Ines in height need 16 to 20 in spacing and it blooms early summer through fall this is another one that looks really beautiful paired with say um a Salvia or even a lavender which likes similar conditions a drier well- draining soil in full sun and these are in the Home Depot house containers for $9.98 now here is a plant that you should be careful about adding to your garden it looks really pretty but the obedient plant may not always be obedient it has a tendency to seed itself and spread itself around so this one here is called the obedient plant Autumn Carnival and it looks like it will have a pink Bloom it likes full sun it gets to be 15 to 17 inches in height and Hearty down to -20° Fahrenheit and it blooms late summer through fall now the great thing about coming to garden centers at different parts of the season is that they will continually get plants throughout the growing season so you can keep adding things to your garden um that are on sale at that particular point so that you have flowers blooming all season long and tick seed or coreopsis another plant that is looking so pretty alongside Salvia now this variety here looks like it has a double roughly petal there are some coreopsis or tix seed that have single petals this one looks like it has almost like a a double look at that and this variety is called tick seed Presto and it is a perennial for full sun it is dear resistant it has a clumping form and it blooms early to late summer gets to be 10 to 12 Ines in height and needs 16 inch spacing Hardy down to 30° F and there you go and this Salvia here looks like it might be a little bit later blooming variety I happen to have the main night in my garden and the May night blooms in um I would say early spring but it will continually Bloom for me with regular Dead Heading I will get several flushes out of it and this one here says that it blooms early to Midsummer and repeats mid-fall so it's a great idea to always um if there is a plant that you like to stagger different varieties that might Bloom at different times so this Salvia here is called East friezland and it gets to be 12 to 18 in in height needs 12in spacing water when dry Hardy down to -20° F height it's a really pretty purple coloring looks very similar to my variety of May night and here is another variety of tix seed or coreopsis this one is really pretty if you have like a hot colored Garden where you're having yellows and reds and oranges this one is really pretty and it is also a soft yellow um which I prefer over a brighter golden yellow and this variety here is called the kopsis uptick cream and red it gets to be 12 to 14 in in height and need it's 14 to 16in spacing Hardy down to - 20° F and it blooms late spring through fall so this is a really pretty one I have a variety of chore opsis in my garden that is this light buttery yellow and it is called moon beam and it will Bloom now in late spring all the way through fall with some deadheading I actually hardly ever deadhead it if I'm being honest maybe once throughout the season and it just blooms and blooms its head off really great plant speaking of hot colored flowers here's a another really pretty one and this is known as the blanket flower look at that so pretty and this one here is called blanket flower spin top and it is a full sun perennial it gets to be 8 to 10 inches in height so it's a very short type perennial would be great for the front of a border needs about 15 to 18 inch spacing and it Hardy down to-30 degrees Fahrenheit blooms late spring through summer and it also looks really pretty with purple look at that and some NEPA an absolute Workhorse in the garden pollinators love it it has a really nice fragrance it's part of the mint family so it almost has like a minty scent also blooms for a really long time from Spring through fall um when it has its first flush of blooms it's the most prolific and then you would just follow these stems of spent blooms down dead head it and it will flush out with some new blooms now this variety here is let's see this is the cint cint is another name for NEP and it's the variety blue wonder it gets to be 12 to 15 in in height and spread of 18 in now these are hearty very hearty down to 40 degrees Fahrenheit and this variety blooms early to late summer now these are another plant just like salvia and Russian sage that prefer a very well- draining soil in full sun otherwise you will start getting some flopping in the center but really great perennial and some B balm also known as Narda this also has a really nice fragrance um and it is a great perennial for pollinators the only thing that is sometimes an issue with B balm is that it is prone to something called powdery mildew and that just means that the leaves will get this kind of powdery white look to them it doesn't harm the plant but it does look very unsightly so in order to avoid that you want to give it proper air flow and um make sure that you space it appropriately so this variety here is called B balm baly pink and it is a pretty short stature at 10 to 12 in although I will tell you that the one I'm looking at here looks like it's closer to um 18 to 20 in so I do think that they get quite a bit taller than what it says and Hardy down to30 degrees Fahrenheit blooms late spring through summer here you can see the height on that now there are taller varieties of B balm and shorter varieties I want to say that most of them probably land somewhere in that 12 to 24 inch range and some Oriental lies now these are all budded up and these buds are huge so they are going to start blooming probably in the next couple of weeks if not sooner now the Oriental lies there are so many beautiful varieties of Lies there's the Asiatic which tend to be a little bit shorter and the Oriental Lilies which tend to be a little bit taller um some of the Oriental ones include the Stargazer and they're really beautiful now this one here is called oh look at that it's a double oriental lily Rose Lily CA or CA and it is deer resistant now I don't know about that because I do have to spray the buds on my lies um otherwise the deer in my garden do tend to go after them um they do like full sun and this one blooms early to late summer gets to be 30 to 42 inches in height and it is hardly down to30 degrees Fahrenheit Now lies do spread in time um they they have bulbs and they will start multiplying the bulbs but these are a really gorgeous plant for your garden and flocks just like we talked about with the B balm flocks is another one that needs proper spacing if you don't give it proper spacing it's another plant that is prone to something called powdery mildew where the leaves will start looking like they have a powdery substance but look how beautiful this vibrant flx is so pretty now flocks also is one that comes in multiple Heights and different Bloom times so if you do like Garden flocks you can stagger the bloom Times by having different varieties growing in your garden now this one here is called Garden flocks Glamour Girl and it has a really beautiful vibrant fuchsia pink it gets to be 24 to 32 in in height so this would be like a middle of the Border plant and it is harded down to30 degrees Fahrenheit blooms mid to late summer this one looks really healthy nice beautiful green foliage oh and right on the side of it this is actually the variety of Coreopsis that I have you can see that the bloom is quite a bit smaller it's really dainty this really pretty light yellow and this is the moon beam variety thread Leaf chopis this one here it gets to be 18 to 24 in has a nice Mound with tons of blooms and it is hearty very hearty down to4 degrees Fahrenheit and it blooms early summer through fall let see how pretty that looks and what a beautiful combination this light buttery yellow with that pink from the flocks and a still a beautiful perennial for part shap to shade although some of the newer varieties that are being cultivated can handle a little bit more sun now what you need to know about growing a SBE is that they are heavy feeders so in late winter early spring you want to provide them with an all-purpose plant fertilizer I like to use the granular fertilizer called plant tone um and it works really well and they also like a moist but well- draining soil so as long as they have fertilizer and proper moisture they will do really well and then you will be rewarded with these beautiful fuzzy plume blooms this variety is called deled lace and it gets to be 24 to 36 Ines in height and Harding down to -20 degrees Fahrenheit and it blooms early to Midsummer it also has really pretty foliage so even when it's not in bloom you get this really pretty ferny foliage I left my Bloom spikes up all season and even in the fall they take on a tan appearance and provide a lot of interest in the garden here's where it gets its name B balm the bees absolutely love it and some more beautiful flocks mix with some dayes now dayes get their name because each bloom only lasts one day but they always have a bunch of buds right behind to provide you more beautiful blooms now dayes have a clump of green foliage that is very much um like a grass so even when it's not in bloom it can take on the appearance of an ornamental grass now deer really do like dayes so you do have to protect your blooms by spraying them with a deer repellent but look how pretty these are this one happens to have a bit of a mauve with a red Center and a green chartreuse yellow throat this variety is called Rainbow Rhythm storm shelter by Proven Winners it is a full sun or part sun perennial it gets to be 24 in now day lies there are varieties that bloom early mid and late season and they also come in different heights so that you can decide where to place them in your borders this one here is a medium height at 24 in and it is Hardy in zones 3 through N9 and it blooms midsummer summer that's a pretty one and these containers are let's see a number three for 2498 they also have a variety of flocks called opening act ultra pink really pretty that is this vibrant flocks that you see here look how gorgeous that is so pretty and this variety of flocks is also for full sun it gets be 22 to 28 in so this would be a mid of the Border middle border type plant and it needs 32in spacing so again flocks needs proper spacing because of powdery mil so I would space that appropriately hardian zones 4 through eight are down to30 Dees Fahrenheit and it blooms early summer through late summer does look really pretty with flocks and since flocks comes in different colors you could find one that coordinates with your dayy and check out this day lily it is ginormous the bloom is like the size of my hand so pretty this one is another proven winner's day Lily and it's called Rainbow Rhythm Ruby spider it likes full part sun and it's pretty tall at 34 Ines in height and it blooms let's see early summer so it's an early summer Bloomer Hardy in zones 3 through N9 are down to 35 degrees fhe it's a real pretty one again if you have a hot colored Garden this would look gorgeous and I see a plant over to my left here that I'm going to show you that would pair really nicely with this now lilies the foliage sometimes can look a little bit tattered after they're done blooming but all you have to do is cut them down to the base and then in a couple weeks you'll have a bunch of new foliage and they'll look fresh and new again look at this neopia with dayes look so pretty together isn't that gorgeous similar colors both in that hot color family and they both have similar texture foliage so the neopia also has a grassy like texture so even when it's not in bloom it looks like you have a clump of ornamental grass this one has a ton of Bloom stocks coming up here and it has this really pretty almost like a creamsicle color it's just really pretty I have one in my garden called lucky lady and it's a bit of a chartreuse green um almost a very pale yellow I really like it now now this neopia is in a Home Depot brand container so there are no specs on it but I can tell you from memory they like full sun and they get to be anywhere from 2 to 3 feet in height and I'm sure some varieties get taller it really will depend on the cultivar now this one here is a number three container for1 1998 and you can see that the clump is quite large so it can very easily be divided and a lot of these plants have been growing in these containers in nurseries for a really long time and they're usually screaming to get out of these Planters and into the garden so if you divide it keep it well watered it should do pretty well for you they have yet another variety of oriental lily now anytime that you see Rose Lily it usually means that it's this double ruffly variety and this one is called Ezra reminds me of Twilight that series Twilight if anybody watched that it blooms early to late summer it gets to be 30 to 42 in in height so pretty tall and it is Hardy down to30 degrees Fahrenheit now what's great about these double varieties is a lot of times that they won't have their exposed um pollen in the center so sometimes when I walk by say even my cablanca lilies I'll get pollen on my clothes so that's another great feature not only are they beautiful these Rose lies but the pollen is also not exposed these are a number three container for1 19 98 now I'm going to share with you a quick tip as to why it's great to always look up the variety that you're interested in buying on your phone with a quick Google search this Rose Lily Ezra I was about to purchase it because I thought it was a beautiful double frilly white lily and it was loaded loaded with Buds and I was excited to add it to my garden because I really like the look of White Lies when I looked it up it turns out that this variety Ezra everywhere on Google looks pink and while pink is beautiful and I have a ton of it in my Garden I wanted a Lily that looked like this so if I brought it home I would be disappointed so if there is something that you're looking to buy that is in full bud like this and you can't see what color it's going to be always a good idea to take a minute to look it up and a really sunny and Cherry flower that will Bloom for you all summer and through the fall this is the sunfinity Sunflower these are $15.98 for this one and a half gallon and they have these really beautiful pretty large size sunflowers multi- branching so you're G to get a ton of Blooms from one plant look at that this one has a couple of heads on it so this is a really fun annual to grow and some very new inventory that's just getting put out now they have some Drift Roses now this is a really beautiful one this is a landscape shrub rose that stays pretty low it's actually considered a ground cover and it says drift ground cover roses made easy so if you wanted a rose for the front of a order that stays relatively low and that is pretty low fuss this drift Rose would be a great option this one here is called apricot drift and these are $6.98 for a number one container it likes full sun most roses like a full sun uh disposition with a very well draining soil their hardan zones 4 through 11 and they get to be one and a half High by 2 and a half wide so pretty Compact and not a bad price and these one gallons are super easy to plant because they're not very large the root ball and they look relatively healthy with lots of buds really love this color it looks like it starts off a peach and then a just this really light pale color friends some of you have asked me when are the cone flowers showing up and here in my zone 6 they have just showed up they will appear at the nursery anywhere from mid to late June and they will Bloom for me in my garden in July they're actually all buted up and should be blooming in the next couple of weeks which is so exciting this Cheyenne Spirit variety is awesome because it has multiple colors on just one plant you will get oranges what looks to be a really bright Coral yellows and even creams so it's a really good one to add if you're new at a cone flow and want one that offers a lot of interest with just one plant so this Cheyenne Spirit is going to be in their larger house container so it looks like a number three for 1998 but these are really large clumps so you will get a big impact from one of these being planted with all of these different colors that you get on one plant for 1998 and cone flowers like full sun and well- draining soil when it starts heating up the prices start coming down so the fruit flower and sha trees are now 50% off here at my zone 6 store and a beautiful Spa that I actually have in my garden as well is this one here it's the double play Candy Corn Spa By Proven Winners now this is considered a dwarf siiz spia getting to be only about 2 to 3 feet tall and wide and what's great about shrub is that it has such a large color variation so this will start leafing out for me really um early in the season so late winter very early spring you'll start getting red foliage out of this shrub then after it turns red it will go orange before going this beautiful chartreuse yellow color and then it will start getting a bit more yellow as it starts to put on its Bloom clusters now the blooms are a beautiful fuchsia color look at that a hot pink so pretty and that usually happens some somewhere in late June or early July for me they're actually just starting to butt up and Bloom now and this one here is Hardy in zones 4 through 7 or down to -30° Fahrenheit they stay pretty compact at 1 and a half to 2 and 1/2 fet tall and wide mine are about 3 years old and I want to say they are already at about that two and a half um foot range in size and they're just really pretty now something that you should know about these even though it does say that it can take full sun part sun um it needs sun to have this beautiful color variation but I find that too much hot sun can sometimes Scorch the leaves now they do acclimate over time and over time it will burn less as it becomes more mature but you can also offer a little bit more water so that you can prevent some of that from happening but a really great dwarf spia for your garden with such beautiful coloring and this Spa is in number two container for $29.98 and they have a ton of Bobo hydrangeas I actually have these in my garden and I really love them they are a panicle type hydrangea which mechical type hydrangeas can take a little bit more sun and these like full toart sun now I will say that because hydrangeas Hydra they like water if you're having a drought or a season where you're not getting a lot of rain you do want to make sure you supplement the water because sometimes the blooms can go a little bit Brown if it is too hot and sunny and they're not getting enough water that is what I have found with the bobos I have in my garden but last year we had lots of rain and the blooms were spectacular so here it is the Bobo is a panicle hydrangea it is more compact staying only at about 2 and 1/2 to 3 feet tall and wide I would say probably that 3 to four tall and wide is a bit more accurate and you can always size control these by pruning them in late winter they need full toart sun and they are Hardy in zones 3 through 8 or down to -4° Fahrenheit and look at those blooms there they start off a creamy white and then as the temperatures cool off in the evening they will start to age to a really pretty shade of rose pink and these bowos here are in a number three container for $36.98 and the quick fire another really beautiful panicle type hydrangea this one has already started to bloom and let's take a look at the specs on the quickfire so this one here again can take some sun this is the quickfire Fab so it has been bred um to be improved over the original quick fire now this one here will have stronger sturdier stems and it also blooms earlier than the regular quickfire which I happen to have the quickfire in my garden and it is gorgeous but this one the blooms are a little bit more um they have more blooms on them as well more flowers They're more FL floriferous is that what you would say um so very full panicle blooms so this one here gets to be 6 to8 feet tall and 5 to 6 feet wide and it is Hardy in USDA growing zones 3 through eight or down to 40 Dees fenhe and it likes part to full sun look at that gorgeous red coloring it's like a deep pink almost red and you'll get this color again as the season progresses they'll go from white to Pink to finally this color um and that usually happens in zones that get cooler evenings so if you are in the South or in a spot where you don't get cooler evenings um you might not get the color changes on some of your shrubs I know that is true with the lime light hydranges because I've talked about that in the past and that is some of the feedback that I have received and check out these gorgeous pink hydrangeas now these are macro type hydranges and these are the ones that you would plant in shade or part shade and they still Bloom beautifully for you they're also known as the big leaf or the mop head type hydrangeas now for most cases with these types of hydrangeas the color of the blooms will depend on the pH in your soil so if you have more acidic soil they will lean more blue and if you have more alkaline soil they will be more purple pink now this is by the Endless Summer brand and these are their uh summer crush and it is a reblooming hydrangea so the first flush you'll get more blooms and then you will get second blooming throughout the season on this shrub which is wonderful now these are pretty compact too with the size being only 18 to 36 in tall and wide they are hearty in zones 4 through 9 and they like Morning Sun afternoon shade and they have a round um upright growth habit so pretty and these are a number three container for $34.98 here's another really beautiful hydrangea this is another big leaf hydrangea in this beautiful light pink color Ing and this is The Proven Winners Let's Dance can do and the Let's Dance can do is a big leaf reblooming hydrangea oh I love reblooming anything that you can get more blooms out of is wonderful and it is Hardy in zones 4 through n or down to 30 degrees Fahrenheit it needs part to full sun and which is great that this one can even handle more sun and it gets to be 3 to four feet tall and 3 feet wide and it blooms in summer through fall because it's re blooming you'll get those um blooms coming throughout the rest of the season and these here are a number two container for $29.98 and I just have to show this smoke bush because I have one in my garden and it's looking glorious at the moment it is getting ready to bloom and their blooms have these like Puffs they almost look like cotton candy and then it has this really pretty red foliage the new foliage is brighter I would say that it's a bit redder when it first emerges and then it still takes on this dark tone so if you're looking to add some color variation to your garden the smoke bush is a great shrub now these can be either a really large shrub or you can Lim it up and train it into a small tree but I absolutely love mine here's the information on the tag it actually does say Smoke Tree Royal Purple so it will grow kind of in a multi-trunk type tree uh it is deer resistant I could say that the deer do not touch it and I do have it in a spot that they frequently walk by and it gets to be 8 to 10 ft in height it is drought tolerant and anytime you see drought tolerant that's usually once they're established when you newly plant it you do have to keep after watering it usually about one season in they tend to be more established and it blooms early to late summer and it gets it needs 10 to 12 foot spacing Harding down to -20 degre Fahrenheit and this here is let's see it's in the Home Depot house container and it is a number three for 2998 now smoke bushes also come in a golden color you can see here this one is by Proven Winners and it is the winecraft gold and look how beautiful this color of this foliage is it's a really pretty bright golden chartreuse color also blooms so we'll still get those puffs of blooms this one is a bit more upright and growth habit I believe you can see here in the spec card the photo how it grows and it's a really pretty one that's what the blooms look like they have like a white coloring to them and let's see the size is 4 to 6 feet tall and 4T wide so nice and compact if the royal purple smoke bush gets quite a bit larger so if you want to add a smoke bush this beautiful gold color it would be really nice addition and the size is pretty compact hardian zones 5 through eight are down to 20° Fahrenheit and it likes sun and part shade and these are a number three for $36.98 and since we are heading into hydrangea season I'm going to show you one more Beauty and this one is another panicle type hydrangea that is loaded with buds look at that and this is the strawberry Sunday and this is a proven no it's not it's an first edition shrub and let's see the strawberry Sunday hydrangea is a paniculata type and it likes full sun to part shade and it has medium water needs it gets to be four to 5 feet in height and 3 to four feet in width hearty in zones 3 through eight and these are $36.98 for a number three container so the hydrange prices seem to have gone up a little bit I've been doing these videos for a couple of years and they used to top out at around $29.98 and now they're upwards of $36 um they will last you a really long time once you add these to your garden keep them happy with watering and proper light conditions and you will enjoy them for years to come while there were lots of deciduous shrubs there aren't any new Evergreens or anything interesting anyhow so some of these are the same that I showed you in my last Home Depot video but they still have lots of selection available now it is starting to get a little hot to plant some of these Evergreens um they prefer cooler temperatures so it's usually best to plant your Evergreens in Spring and in Fall so I'm certain that they will get another shipment in time for fall planting and here's an interesting weila with some variegated foliage so even when it's not in bloom you get a lot of interest with the variegation on the foliage here you get a darker green with a lighter green along the outer margins and this is called let's see yila French lace and it likes full sun it is deer resistant gets to be 4 to 6 feet in height and needs 36 to 48 in spacing Harding down to -30° F it does have really pretty foliage I suppose it's also known as weila Florida and a number three is $24.98 and here is another WIA with a dark foliage and you can see how beautiful this dark foliage looks among all of the green that we have in our Gardens it really provides some contrast and just looks really pretty so I have a dark foliage wi Gila similar to this in my garden it is The Proven Winners wine and roses and it gets anywhere from four to 5 feet tall um and it gets these pink hot pink trumpet shaped blooms that actually just finished blooming and the hummingbirds love it but now you can get a variety with dark foliage like this in a dwarf more compact size now they have the spilled wine which is very similar to the wine in roses but this one here is a newer variety called midnight wine dwarf weila it's an award winner and this one here is itty bitty look at this it only gets to be 1ot tall and one foot wide so whether you have a small garden or a large garden you can find a place to tuck this in your garden now this would look great along the front of a a border or a bed and look how beautiful it looks with some golden colored flowers like tick seed or coreopsis and even like a blackeyed Susan really pretty so the midnight wine W Jaya likes Sun it is Hardy in zones 5 through 8 or down to -20° F and 1ex one in size and it blooms late spring and these here are a number two container for $29.98 and some butterfly bushes now butterfly bushes can get quite large but this variety here by Proven Winners is the pugster and it is pretty compact now one thing about butterfly bushes is that you do need to grow them in full size and in a well- draining soil I actually lost a couple of my pugster because they were planted in a bed that stays too moist so this one here the pugster blue has a really pretty blue coloring now the other thing about this that is really cool is that I think these smell like lilacs they have a really nice fragrance and they bloom for such a long time so the puckster blue is let's see a shrub that is Hardy in zones 5 through n or down to20 degre Fahrenheit it likes Sun Well draining soil and it gets to be 2 feet tall by 2 feet wide now these emerge really late in the spring so you'll start to see them Leaf out I would say mid to late spring and then they will start blooming but then the blooms don't stop until you get your first hard Frost and to keep it blooming and to keep it producing more Bloom buds you want to just dead head or take off any of the spent Bloom so once they're done clip them off and it will keep producing for you this bua the pugster blue is a number two container for $29.98 and some ornamental onions also known as aliums now aliam are a beautiful globe-shaped flower and there are two varieties there are some that you would plant a bulb in the fall and they will Bloom for you in the spring and then there is this perennial type that comes in a clump that you will plant and they will Bloom for you in the summer they will give you this little round ball-shaped Bloom of purple they come in different shades of purple some even in light pink and there might even be white they are beautiful and because they're part of the onion family Critters don't bother it so the deer don't bother it the rabbits don't bother it so a really great perennial so here you can see the is what the blooms will look like it's hard to tell in this picture but trust me they're really great um 1998 for this number three container they get to be 12 to 15 inches in height and water when dry Hardy down to -20 degrees Fahrenheit and this variety Millennium blooms mid to late summer and even when they're not in bloom you look like you have a little clump of ornamental grass and here is another ornamental onion or aliam and this is by Proven Winners the variety is called Serendipity and you can see those beautiful blooms there that is what they look like the little round purple blooms they almost look like drumsticks right and they like full apart Sun they get to be 15 to 20 inches in height now these are super easy to divide I actually did that when I purchased mine I divided them in three clumps right off the bat and they did wonderfly these here need um a minimum of a 10-in spacing their hardan zones 4 through 8 or down to -30° F and they blw mid to late summer and these are a number three container for $24.98 well that brings us to the end of the late June inventory here at the Home Depot I hope that you've enjoyed checking out what my store has in stock and I hope that you can find some of these varieties near you thank you for spending your time with me and I'll catch you in the next one thanks for watching this video if you liked it please hit the thumbs up button and please consider subscribing so you don't miss any of my future videos and we'll see you soon
Channel: Hooked and Rooted
Views: 2,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Home Depot, Shopping, Garden Center, Garden Answer, gardening, Garden, Shrubs, Spring, trees, perennials
Id: 4IlwAK-OYlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 45sec (2025 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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