How to Go From Failing Student to Rocket Scientist | Olympia LePoint on Impact Theory

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Tom: Hey everybody, welcome to Impact Theory. You are here my friends because you believe that human potential is nearly limitless, but you know that having potential is not the same as actually doing something with it, so our goal with the show and company is to introduce you to the people and ideas that will help you actually execute on your dreams. All right, today’s guest clawed her way out of failure [inaudible 00:00:25] to become an award-winning rocket scientist who helped NASA launched 28 [00:00:30] space missions, by working her ass office despite a brutal childhood that saw her stabbed in the face by a young gang member, abused, and at times eating only ice because her family couldn’t afford food, and failing at high school algebra, geometry, calculus and chemistry. She was still able to transcend her circumstances and ultimately went on to graduate in the top five of her college class with a degree in mathematics. But her struggles didn’t stop there. [00:01:00] Hired by Boeing at 21 she found herself very out of place as a young woman of color in a male-dominated world. Often the only woman in a room full of roughly 200 men she had to endure hazing and discrimination on an almost a daily basis. Despite that, however, leveraging her talent and drive she managed to rise up the ranks and have an astonishingly successful career. She won the Modern Day Technology Leader award, and in 2004 she was awarded Boeing’s company professional excellence award. [00:01:30] Her achievements have landed her on countless high-profile shows, including NBC and CBS news, Dr. Drew’s Life Changer,, PBS, and her TED talk on Reprogramming the Brain to Overcome Fear is incredibly popular. Since leaving the world of rocket science, she’s applied her mathematical skills to banking and education alike, ultimately founding her own company and she’s now the CEO of OL Consulting Corporation and Publishing where she is inspiring and educating the next generation as a popular speaker [00:02:00] and creator of science-based entertainment and education. Please help me in welcoming the woman people magazine named the “modern-day hidden figure,” the author of Mathaphobia, and most recently, Answers Unleashed, The Science of Unleashing Your Brain’s Power, Olympia LePointe. Welcome, welcome. It’s so good to have you on the show. Olympia: Thank you. Oh wow. Tom: Your story is crazy. Olympia: [00:02:30] Thank you. Tom: There’s growing up hard, and there’s growing hard. You definitely overcame a lot. Walk us through that a little bit, because I think that what you accomplished even if you’d come from an upper-middle-class family would’ve been extraordinary, but to have really had the struggle the way that you did. It’d be so hard to capture here the way that it is in the book, how just so many things are going on at once, but you managed to fight through that, but give a little taste. Olympia: Tom, thank you so much. I’m just so, so [00:03:00] happy to be here on your show and to share my story and to inspire your audience. What I really want to get across to people is that no matter what type of circumstances that you have been raised in or have experienced you always have the ability to find a way out and create success for yourself. I had to do that in my own life and it was not easy. When I look back, my childhood was very rough. I grew in south-central Los Angeles. I was a person who [00:03:30] was in a single-family home, as my mother took care of four of us by herself and she struggled. We were on welfare. We didn’t have money and sometimes we didn’t have food to eat. We didn’t know any different, but what the difference was was when we would go passed, at the time USC was close by us and I’d see all the college students go towards the campus. I thought to myself, “Where are they going? What are they doing? Why do they look different than the rest of people there in the group?” That always kept in the back of my head. [00:04:00] Our mother said, “Whatever you do, in order to change your circumstance you’re going to have to get an education.” I kept that in the back of my head. No matter what I had to educate myself. I had to get a degree. So people that I saw going to the school down the street, that’s something I could do. I had that vision. Through a series of circumstances … It was very rough. When I was 10 years old I was sitting next to this boy in this classroom [00:04:30] and he and I got into an argument. We’re two kids in the same position, same location and time, but our choices were different. At that moment in time we got into an argument, and I always had a smart mouth. I always had a way to be able to push buttons because … I didn’t know the power of my words back then. Now I do. Now I actually embrace that. But at the time I was a 10-year-old child. I was pushing buttons. And he got upset and he stood up and he hit me [00:05:00] right underneath my eye. I remember all of my entire vision going dark and hearing screams. That’s when I felt the wet on my face, and then I heard, “Oh my god. There’s blood. There’s blood.” I’m like, “Is that what the wet I feel?” I couldn’t see anything. Part of it was kind of a blurred out because anytime we go through traumatic experiences sometimes the brain actually just hides it. I remember being brought to the hospital where the surgeon put five [00:05:30] layers of stitches in my face. He said, “Had this been any higher you would’ve lost your eye.” I remember just being kind of shocked. Here I was this 10-year-old child there not necessarily knowing what to do it. The surgeon said something that I’ll always remember. He said, “I’m going to sew your face so well that all you’ll see is a line. And then when you get on TV in the future [00:06:00] all you’ll see is a line. If you ever want to get rid of it you can have plastic surgery. But I’m going to sew this up so well that when you get on TV in the future to tell your story that’s all they’ll see.” Here I was this 10-year-old child listening to this, and suddenly for me to be laying there getting stitches in my face, I wasn’t thinking about the stitches. I was thinking, “Oh, I’m going to be on T.V. I’m actually going to be able to do something.” That was like the exciting part. Later on after that my mother pulled me out of that school to keep me safe, and then she [00:06:30] put me into the school completely on the other side of town. It was a gifted school, Gifted Magnet. I was with people who were brilliant. They were geniuses. I was nowhere near how brilliant these people were. I remember finding myself having to listen to what they were saying because how they said it was in different words than I used. I spoke with a broken English, and that was the type of environment that we were in because we weren’t taught [00:07:00] the proper way of speaking English. I even had an accent before. I remember being around these individuals and I remember just listening to their voice and thinking, “They’re using words differently than how I use it.” I studied how people spoke. Tom: I was going to say; I have a theory about the inner cities. I went to USC and did some big brother like work in the inner cities and really got a sense of what- Olympia: Thank you for doing that. Tom: [00:07:30] Oh, for sure. That’s a whole nother story for another day, which doesn’t touch what you’ve done. Being there and seeing that you begin to get a real sense of the adversity that has to be overcome. I believe that most of the people that the inner city touches it destroys, but every now and then it creates somebody extraordinary. What was it that made you listen? What was it that made you say, “I’m going to adopt that, I’m going to learn that, I’m going to get out of this like? Why doesn’t that happen to everybody? Olympia: You pose such a [00:08:00] good question. When you’re expected to succeed by your mentors or parents or teachers, when there is an expectation on your life to do well, at an early age you adopt it, you address it, you adhere to it, you create it. But if you’re never given that opportunity to know what you are capable of doing, if you are never given that word, that encouragement that says, “You know what, you can be [00:08:30] good at mathematics even though you failed algebra and geometry and calculus and chemistry,” which I did. “You can actually do well in mathematics.” If there is not someone showing you your worth when you can’t see it, you’ll forever be looking in the mirror thinking that you’re not worth what you are. For me, every single time I went to that school across town … It was around two hours away from where I was. Every [00:09:00] time I would come back it was a wake-up call. I would go to this school that was in a predominantly well-off area and everyone had books and paper and really nice shoes. I remember looking at this thinking, “Oh, I don’t have any of that.” Every time I could come back into my neighborhood I would see the graffiti, and I’s see the trash. I thought to myself, “What makes a difference? Why are there people here in this situation, versus here in this situation?” [00:09:30] Every single day I would come back and it came down to this, it was the thinking. How we think, how we look at situations, whether or not we see ourselves doing well and being successful, or versus if we see ourselves as a not successful person in an environment. Our thinking defines our life. When we can take hold of our thought and see [00:10:00] it for what it is, and change it, and transform it, and change it to convert it into an energy that unleashes a brainpower that allows us to change a situation, that my friend is how we change our lives, and that’s how we change everyone else’s life. Tom: Do you know who Luther Campbell is? Olympia: Tell me who Luther Campbell is. Tom: He was the lead singer of 2 Live Crew. He had a very similar situation. He grew up in South Florida, I think just outside of Miami. He used to get bused from the inner cities into a wealthy neighborhood to play football because he [00:10:30] was good. He had a very similar experience. It was interesting hearing you describe that. You didn’t go into as much detail in the book about the back forth, back and forth, back and forth, but hearing that that would be such a visceral reminder of the change. When I was big bothering I used to do that. I would take him to Beverly Hills to watch movies because I wanted him to see something beautiful. That was like this driving thing in me. I was like, “This kid can’t be all that he sees is this literal concrete jungle.” They only thing he saw going from home to school was concrete. There’s [00:11:00] like literally three trees and there’s nothing. So just trying to get that visual. Was that something that you thought about in real time? Were you like I need to get out of this? Like this is going from something beautiful that I want, to something that is painful that I want to get out of? Olympia: Every place has its pros and cons. Really great places will still have a con to it. Really horrific places will have a benefit to it. It’s all how we see a situation. [00:11:30] Every time I was bused into that school I thought, “Oh wow, I get a chance to learn,” but at the same time I realized how superficial it was. Everyone looked at each other based on what they owned versus what their character was. I saw the benefit and the detriment of that situation. Then when I came back home and was bused into the area immediately when I came off the bus it was like, “All right, how do I make sure I’m not shot down.” [00:12:00] This is literally what went through my head. Tom: Your mom used to make you guys sleep with your feet to the street side. Olympia: Yeah. When I say this now I realize the character- Tom: Tell people why. Olympia: When I’d get off that bus and then I come home there was a lot of gain violence. I was very thankful to be able to get home. Once we got inside the door and [inaudible 00:12:22] we’re like, “Okay, we’re somewhat safe.” But there was a crack house next to our house. My mother had decided to [00:12:30] go back to school shortly before they had moved in. She went to night school. When she was found out that there was a crack house she had to drop going to night school to stay at home to keep us safe. She put up this metal on the side of the wall. She had us sleep in the bed in a certain direction. She said, “I’m having you sleep this way and I’m going to put this metal up so if a bullet comes through the wall hopefully it’ll hit the metal first, and if pierces through the metal [00:13:00] at least it will hit your feet and not your head.” This is where we grew up. I remember making a note to myself, “I will do anything and everything to make sure I am not going to place myself in a situation like this, and I’m going to get an education so I can encourage other people to be able to succeed in life.” That was my decision because no one should have to go through that. But the beautiful part about going through that is no matter what [00:13:30] type of situation I faced in the future, if I can get through that, I could get through anything. Tom: Yeah. Knowing your story it’s like that was already insane to be able to get over that, but going from that … In your TED Talk the way that you told the story was really interesting. You’re like building it up, and in 11th grade I finally meet this tutor and he teaches me how to do calculus, and I’m finally getting it, I realize I can do it, and I take the AP test and I want to tell you that I passed but no. Olympia: I know [00:14:00] I failed it. I was a [crosstalk 00:14:01]. Tom: How do you go from that to fifth in your class and graduate with a degree in mathematics when people are telling you to quit by the way? Olympia: Oh yeah. Tom: What’s going on in your mind? What are the mindset pieces that you’re putting together to not let people stop you, to not let naysayers slow you down? What are you doing mentally? Olympia: It was a mental challenge, I must tell you. What happened was I was failing algebra. I failed algebra, I failed geometry, I failed calculus and chemistry. [00:14:30] There was this calculus teacher that said, “All right, I’m going to offer calculus tutoring for anyone who’s willing to come to the campus during the winter break.” I thought everyone was going to go. I didn’t even have money to go at the time. I thought, “This is an opportunity. Someone’s going to tutor me. This is great.” I remember specifically it cost $1.35 to get the bus there and back, and I didn’t even have that. I will never forget. It was the gas [00:15:00] attendant. It was a local gas station. It was a gas attendant. He knew I was so dedicated to go to school he loaned me … Not loaned me; he basically gave it because I never had a chance to pay him back for it. He gave me $1.35 each way so I could catch a bus two hours to get to the campus and sit there. I thought everyone’s going to show up. There was only myself. I thought to myself, “This is such a blessing.” I sat there and I [00:15:30] picked his brain. “How do I look and what does an integral mean? What does the tangent mean? What does the instantaneous rate mean?” These are all words for derivatives in calculus, and I got to just sit down with him. That was the first time ever that I realized I was smart. When I sat with him it was amazing because I realized what was stopping me was my own fear. It wasn’t anything with my educational [00:16:00] aspect. It was me thinking I couldn’t do well in mathematics. When I learned to remove that fear and think, “I’m going to do this no matter what’s going to happen. I may fail it. I may not fail it. I’m going to do well at this and I’m going to just see where it goes. I’m going to put my all into it and find out.” And I put my all into it and I failed. I put my all into it and I failed, [00:16:30] but something inside of me shifted. I realized failing wasn’t that bad. If I can spend a little bit more time at it I can actually do really well with this. That was a shift in thinking. I’m like, “All right, I’m just going to spend some more time in it and I’m going to actually get this.” I went to Cal State Northridge. I’m very thankful. That was the best school I could’ve gone to for me personally. I went to Cal State Northridge, and my first job [00:17:00] that I had was a math tutoring job. Because I had taken calculus and I’d taken those classes over I scored relatively high on the placement test. This is how ironic life is; the only job that I got first when I was in college was a math tutoring job. Tom: That’s ironic. Olympia: I know. Isn’t it? I remember telling the boss that hired me, the late [Miss Jane 00:17:26] Pinkerton, God bless her, and told her, “I don’t know half this stuff.” [00:17:30] She said, “That’s all right. Just sit down with them and just read the book with them.” I looked at her and I’m like, “Are you sure?” She said, “Yeah, just sit down and read the book with them.” I’m like, “Okay, if I get paid to do this sure.” So I sat down with the students. It was stressful too because I didn’t know half of the terminology or anything was in the books. I would sit down with them and like, “Okay, I’m here to tutor you.” You’re like, “Well, how do you do this?” I would just tell them the truth, “I [00:18:00] have no idea. I'm going to read the book with you.” They thought I was joking. We literally sat and read the book together. I found myself reading the algebra books, reading the geometry books, reading the calculus books, reading the statistic books, literally reading and studying. I thank Jane Pinkerton because had she not hired me into that role I would not have graduated top five out of a [crosstalk 00:18:27] class. It was because I sat [00:18:30] down and worked with those students. When I overcome my own fear it was when I was working with someone else and recognizing that person next to me was the exact mirror of myself. As I could help that person right next to me, I was helping myself at the same time. It became this teamwork. Every single person on the campus needed mathematics and so I got a chance to know everybody on campus and became one of the most popular people because everyone needed mathematics. That confidence [00:19:00] that was built from taking something that I failed at before and shifting my thinking about it and embracing it to actually create a new reality for myself, that’s what empowered me. That’s what allowed me to graduate top of my class, which later opened up the door to launch rockets. Tom: It’s incredible. We’ll get to the launching rockets in a second, but let’s talk about neuroplasticity. One of the things that you talk about in your TED Talk is literally re-programming your brain to overcome [00:19:30] the fear to deconstruct it. I think you said fear is a choice, if I’m not mistaken? Olympia: Yeah. Tom: So walk us through that. Why is fear a choice? How do we use neuroplasticity? What does that look like? What’s the real process to make that happen? Olympia: That’s such a great question. I love being on your show because you ask great questions. Tom: Thank you. Olympia: You ask questions that hit home. Through a series of events I learned the power that we have in our brain. When I overcame so many [00:20:00] challenges when I was launching rockets of being a woman, and being a person of color in a predominant area that was different than myself, I had to think differently. I had to think, “All right, I’m going to stand out. Everything that I do is going to have to be twice as good. That’s just the nature of it.” I had to change the way in which I was thinking in order to do that. How am I going to be such a contributing force to this environment that [00:20:30] whenever I leave I’ve made a difference? When I realized that, and then when I coupled that with the aspect of mathematics, where the same type of math that we used to launch to Mars it’s the same type of math that we use to literally reshape our own brain, I realized the power of our thoughts. Tom: I’ll push a little bit on that. When you say that, one, I don’t think most people know chaos theory. Chaos theory basically, and you’ll check me if I’m wrong, chaos theory basically [00:21:00] states that the beginning circumstances matter a lot. It’s also known as the butterfly effect. A butterfly flaps its wings in Shanghai and there’s a storm in Australia. Now in fractals, ever repeating patterns in nature, which are fractals, so that played a huge part in chaos theory. Are you saying that that what’s happening in the brain and that’s key part of neuroplasticity? Olympia: Yes. Chaos theory is the study of chaos. When two [00:21:30] things happen at the same time one will have a completely different effect than the other person. Let’s show you an example. There’s two twins born. One twin ends up with cancer, the other one ends up living an entire long life. What was the difference if they had the same DNA? What changes them to have two different outcomes? Chaos theory is like, okay, you could be in space, you can go towards one destination, but any slight change in position will completely stall your vehicle or it will throw you to Mars. Depending [00:22:00] on what your movement is chaos is the type of mapping that gets you there. Tom: So how do you take that into account mathematically, which will make this analogy just really powerful? Olympia: When we have thoughts neuroplasticity, self-directed neuroplasticity, is the ability to change our own structure of our brain in our head by being aware. How chaos theory affects our [00:22:30] brain is that when we are aware of where we are, what we’re dealing, and more importantly the decision that we have in front of us, the choice in our thought in a situation whatever decision that we make in that full awareness, that decision in itself is a fractal moment in chaos that literally changes the brain at that very moment to restructure it inside of your head so you can [00:23:00] unleash your power. Tom: So okay, neurons are fired together, wired together. I understand the process of myelination well enough to sort of know a little bit about the architecture of what’s happening. So if you’re thinking a thought and you’re practicing let’s say, which is a great example of neuroplasticity, so I’m going to practice it over and over, over, those neurons are going to fire together continuously. They’re going to literally rewire like you’re talking about in sort of that chaos moment. The myelination makes things travel more quickly. So now I’m actually getting better, meaning faster and more capable [00:23:30] of thinking that thought. What can people do on a daily basis? When you are having one of these moments, I’m glad you say you start with awareness, right, what am I trying to do. If they know what they want to do, but they don’t know how to get there, and they don’t know how to trigger the neuroplasticity, what advice do you have? Olympia: When you look at how are my thoughts going to align with where I want to go and you decide that moment in time where you decide this is a thought that’s going to get me to being a rocket [00:24:00] scientist. This is a thought that’s going to get me to be a doctor. This is a thought to get me to be a host of my own show. Whatever it takes, I’m going to have all the type of thoughts that’s going to get me closer to where I want to go in the future. When we realize that we have a choice in how we think about things, where we have a choice, are we going to be scared about something, or are we going to go for it no matter what’s going to happen, that is when we unleash this power to here. Tom: [00:24:30] What was the thought that you had that let you become a rocket scientist? Olympia: The thought was back in 1986 when Challenger exploded. I saw on the TV, and some of the younger crowd that’s looking at this. If you have an opportunity go to … I actually write about this on the Huffington Post. It’s one my articles out there. Google Challenger explosion. [00:25:00] It was January 28, 1986. All of us were young kids and we were looking on the TV. Tom: I remember this. Olympia: You remember that too? Tom: Yes. Olympia: It was horrible. Schools all across the entire United States was looking at the first teacher going up into outer space. She was going with a group of astronauts. There was a series of events that happened that created the o-ring [00:25:30] to freeze and warp. So when they lit the rockets the solid rocket booster literally tilted and it ruptured the external tank. The external tank for the space shuttle was like the gas tank. It punctured the gas tank with this fire. There was just fire. The entire explosion killed everyone but it didn’t kill the astronauts. They were actually in a pressurized chamber that was supposed to withstand that type of explosion. [00:26:00] I remember their capsule went into the ocean, and when the capsule actually went down into … It hit the ocean. It cracked open like an egg. They died drowning. Tom: Whoa. Olympia: Yeah, yeah. People don’t necessarily know that. When I found that out, I was just so in shock. Gandhi has a quote. It says, “You must be the change that you wish to see in the world.” I remember seeing that and I’m thinking, “ [00:26:30] Shouldn’t somebody have done something so that wouldn’t have happened? “ I didn’t realize that at that very moment when I looked and saw that I thought, “I’m going to be a person to help prevent that.” It wasn’t until … I think I was nine when that happened, eight or nine. The moment in time where I realized, “Oh my god, my dream of being a [00:27:00] rocket scientist actually came true,” it wasn’t when I became a rocket scientist. I actually didn’t remember that I made that decision when I was eight or nine like I was going to do this. I was actually sitting at my desk at work and I looked and I thought, “Whoa, I’m doing rocket science work.” I was in the exact same department to prevent the type of failures that I saw when I [00:27:30] was nine years old. Tom: I was going to say that became your job, right? You were the one that had to dissect whether something was going to blow up or not. Olympia: I signed engine tests. They couldn’t test the space shuttle main engine without my signature. That was one of the most stressful jobs that I’ve ever … You have to know every bolt, you have to know every weld, you have to know every single pressurized system, how long of hot fire each engine has been through, the ISP, ISP is [00:28:00] like the horsepower of the rocket, and you had to know all of this to authorize that. Your signature meant nobody’s life was going to be in danger because you’ve done all that checking. Tom: You’d likened it to having to look into the future. To be able to look at a schematic and know what happens in the future. I found that pretty interesting. In fact, I think I have a quote about here about it. “Your role was devised in a way to pick the future that would ensure flight.” I [00:28:30] really like that concept of you’re picking a future. So you’re going through this schematic. You’re looking at everything; the bolts, the way that the rings fit, everything. You kept saying nooks and grannies. You have to know every, every inch of these things, and then in your mind, construct a vision of the multiple ways that it can play out. How does that apply to normal life, because I think that very akin to what we’re all doing? Olympia: Yeah. It applies 100%. [00:29:00] The key thing is that you have to put into your head exactly what it is. You have to envision it before it happens. Then you have to envision what you don’t want to happen. You have to do both. Tom: You we’re saying that in the book and I was so surprised. I took a note of that. Because normally when you talk visualization you tell people don’t think about the thing you don’t want. The hands follow the eyes, I think is a phrase in racing. So it’s like wherever you look, you’re going to go. So if you’re looking to the things you don’t want, you’re going to self- [00:29:30] destruct. But you were saying that you guys really had to think about just how exactly does this go right and how exactly does this go wrong. Olympia: Yeah, you have to do both. Tom: How does that help you? Olympia: When you see exactly what you don’t want, if you can take the exact opposite of that, that’s how you find out what you do want. For example, when we launch rockets we knew, okay, we didn’t want there to be an explosion out the jacket, which is was like the side of the rocket. We wanted the explosion to go down. So [00:30:00] we thought, “Okay, what is the worst case scenario.” And the worst case scenario is, “Okay, there will be flames blowing out where we don’t want it to go.” So we’re like, “How could we prevent that? How can we focus on where we do want it to go? Where’s the ideal part for it to go?” The ideal part is for all the flames to go down the tubes and go through and create a plume. What we had to do in that aspect is literately envision exactly what we didn’t want, and figure out the chain [00:30:30] of events that could possibly get us there to what we don’t want and then go backwards. Tom: The fascinating thing about that is it’s not just theoretical. This is actually what you did. So tell us the story of [Zhou 00:30:42]? Tell us how that helped. That seemed to really be an important moment. Olympia: Zhou … Zhou is his name. He was a man from China. He was brilliant and is brilliant. I’m still fascinated by how his brain works. The beauty about working [00:31:00] in rocket science is that I had the [inaudible 00:31:04] deserve genius brains. I realized that any of us can gain a genius brain no matter what age you’re at. It doesn’t matter. Forget what anyone’s ever told you. You can gain a smart brain at any age, at any age. Tom: I want to dive into that for a second because you said something really important. In the math class they were telling you, “You’re not going to succeed.” You keep doing it. “Oh, we don’t really have time to go deep on this.” Your mom had a very traumatic brain injury, [00:31:30] and you said, “You have to decide you’re going to heal no matter what the doctors are telling you.” That point of decision is a recurring theme with you, which I find very, very interesting. Olympia: Yes. Decisions reshape the brain. Every decision that you make reshapes your brain. The more powerful you are in making decisions after decision after decision, the more powerful your brain becomes. Tom: Does that make you really careful about what decisions you make? Like, are you super aware when you’re when you making decisions? Olympia: [00:32:00] I’ve learned to become aware. I’ve learned to become aware to see, “All right, this is where I want to go. How is this decision going to help me get there?” It’s always keeping that in the back of the head like this is where I’m going to go. I made the decision very early in life that no matter where I was I was going to change it. I was going change it so I would leave my mark to be able to help in a very powerful way so people after I leave would be able to make their own mark and build it in a way [00:32:30] in which was going to be very powerful for their life. The reason why I love Zhao and I’m so thankful for him, he took me underneath his wing. I didn’t know anything about rockets at the time. I knew math. I didn’t know anything about rockets. He was overworked and he had tons of paper on his desk. He helped me understand my graduate school work. I would finish my work early in the one department that I [00:33:00] was in first and I looked at him and I did something that no corporate person ever does. I said, “Oh, do you need help? I’ll stay after and help you.” I was just so fascinated with what he was doing. He became my mentor. I was just sitting next to him to watch how his brain worked. It was a similar thing to when I went to bus into those schools and how I had to listen and see how people were communicating. They were communicating differently. Here that was again. That situation was repeating [00:33:30] in my life. Here I was next to this man and all these other people who were brilliant at what they were doing, I had to observe. I wasn’t raised like that. I had to find out how they communicated, how they saw things. Each time I could get inside their brain I understood my brain more. As I was working with Zhao and I could get inside his brain, I was looking at how he interacted with people, how he handled work. I’m like, “How does that work for him. How can I tailor that for [00:34:00] myself?” That’s where Zhao and I became the most helpful. This is the funniest thing. He had spoke with a really deep accent. It was really, really deep and nobody could understand him. I could understand him just fine. We thought ourselves a team. He would introduce me to other people, and when he couldn’t do a project he says, “I’m going to recommend Olympia. She can do exactly what I can do and she can help you too.” We built this network. It was this connected network where we were all supporting each other. Even though there were other people that out there that we’re going, “I’m [00:34:30] trying to push her buttons,” I knew I was connected. I knew I had people who had my back and I had their back. We all took ownership and integrity in what we did, and we always were honest with one another. Tom: That’s amazing. That notion of camaraderie and finding people that have your back and you have their back is really, really, really important. What advice do you have to women who are contemplating going into STEM? Olympia: If you’re a woman interested [00:35:00] in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, do it. Study it. Learn it. We need you. Do it. I would love to have you. If you’re a person in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, that word STEM, go and do it. There is such an overwhelming need for you, because you have the ability to see the big picture. You have the ability not only to do the mathematics, but you have the ability to seeing the big picture [00:35:30] and use your communication skills in order for people to see how important concepts are. That is the gift that you bring. If you have the opportunity to go into that STEM, do it. And find me on Facebook. Let me know that you’re going to STEM, I will love to hear about it. Tom: Awesome. All right, tell everybody before I ask my last question. Tell everybody where they can find you online. Olympia: All right, you can find me on I have my own show, and it has all these different tips for people [00:36:00] to go into science and how to reshape your brain. You can always find me on There’s always the main website Olympia LePointe. So you can find me in all the different ways. Tom: Nice. All right, the final question. What is the impact that you want to have on the world? Olympia: The impact that I want to have on the world is to use media for people to realize that their thoughts have power. Tom: [00:36:30] I like that. Fantastic. Olympia, thank you so much for being on the show. What an absolute pleasure. Guys, this is such an amazing story of somebody overcoming the odds. I cannot tell you how much I was inspired by this. If you enjoy hearing tales of somebody that really has to put in the work … It reads like a Hollywood story. I’m not kidding. It’s absolutely crazy. From starting in poverty, from the struggles that her mom went through. At every turn it’s a story of somebody who can see [00:37:00] the fermentation of her future, make the decision, and always be moving forward, going towards them, never making excuses, understanding that fear is a choice, understanding that at the end of the day it comes down to you, it comes down to the work that you’re willing to put in, and maybe most beautifully the team that you’re able to gather around you by helping them also make their dreams come true. It’s an incredible story. Guys, this is a weekly show, so if you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe. Until next time, my friends, be legendary. Take care. Thank [00:37:30] you so much. It’s a pleasure to have you on. Thank you. Thank you guys so much for watching. If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe. For exclusive content be sure to sign up for our newsletter. All of that stuff helps us get even more amazing guests on the show and helps us continue to build this community, which at the end of the day is all we care about. So thank you guys so much for being a part of Impact Theory community.
Channel: Tom Bilyeu
Views: 147,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tom Bilyeu, Impact Theory, ImpactTheory, TomBilyeu, Inside Quest, InsideQuest, Tom Bilyou, Theory Impact, motivation, inspiration, gary vee, gary vaynerchuk, tim ferriss, lewis howes, be inspired daily motivation
Id: GhAak7eBdcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 3sec (2283 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2017
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