Should You Become a Web Developer in 2021

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so ever since i made the video front end developer guy 2021 video a lot of you have been asking me this question of if you should become a web developer in 2021 is it a good idea aren't the wizardwick builders like wix and wordpress going to replace web developers and make developers obsolete in general is it even worth it so i thought it would be a good idea to make a video on this topic yet again because i did make a video on this long time ago but this is 2021 post covic so a lot of things have changed here are my top six reasons of why you should become a web developer in 2021 so the first one is money one of the reasons why web development and software development in general is one of the most popular career paths is because it pays really really well compared to a lot of other professions so simply put if you are a good developer you'll never have to worry about money ever again second is no college degree required i don't think this is breaking news anymore i think this is well-established fact at this point there are countless stories and case studies of people getting jobs at countless companies even at companies like google so do you need to go to college no is it going to help probably most definitely but again right it's a matter of are you going to be in both loads of debt by going to college which in most cases it is almost anybody everybody i know who've gone to college uh are in huge amounts of debt i'm talking 50k 80k 120k those are the norms if you are in that kind of debt that's like having carrying thousand pound chains behind your back and trying to live life and be try to be creative and pursue goals it's just not going to happen and that has a negative compounding effect on your life and most people don't realize this and then after like 10 or 20 years they look back and go where did it go wrong right it's not it's like cancer right it's you don't realize it until it happens like for years it's gonna you know grow and grow and grow without any symptoms and then one day you'll have one symptom but then in three months it'll be like stage four cancer or something like that right horrible like that that's really what happens with this kind of debt if it's like 5k 10k even not too bad but when it when it's like 50k 80k people are not equipped enough to handle that kind of stress financially that's why they settle down or like you know because at the end of the day the bridge between where you're at and where you want to go that gap is eventually closed whether you want it or not that bridge will get closed either you will move towards that goal or that goal will move towards you and you will settle so anytime somebody asked me this question of whether they should go to college for becoming a web developer my default answer is no number three is future growth in the field technology is relatively new computers are less than 40 years old internet is about 30. facebook is 17 tick tock is 5. it hasn't even begun we're on the edge of change comparable to the rise of human life on earth and kovitt just accelerated that change and got everything to go full internet mode that means more technology has to be created to meet the demand more than half the world has yet to get on the internet at the scale the us is and when that happens that means more global market penetration more tech needs to be created which means more developers will be in need so i think the fear of wix and wordpress making developers obsolete is quite misplaced number four it's fun solving real world problems or really any kind of problem that you have and then convert it into code right that's what it is coding is simply converting business problems and solutions into react code that's if you are a web developer right if you're a mobile developer that's probably swift or whatever it is whatever stack you're using but one of the reasons why i started coding is simply because of that right because it's fun the power and the ability to take something that's in your head and then convert it into code and then some a tool that you can use to solve any problems that's in my opinion it's pretty cool especially with machine learning a lot of other stuff i mean the potential is limitless when you start coding in general but with web development you can actually build stuff because the stack on web development is specifically designed for you to build real world projects and real world tools really quickly and therefore you have the fastest way to impact the world number five being a developer puts you in a very versatile position in the marketplace let's say you become a developer and then let's say after like three months or six months or two years you're like you know what i hate this thing i cannot imagine myself coding anymore well you can easily transition into any other field and your skill set you will still be very valuable right if you go into accounting you can write better formulas because because simply that's way easier than coding you know and doing things from scratch and let's say you go into another field like autocad and do enclosure drawing work then you can probably build internal tools to make your life a lot easier and that applies to pretty much every other industry because the world is being run by code code is probably one of the single biggest things that is accelerating the evolution of modern world and even if you want to start a business or a startup of your own which a lot of people want to do if you are a developer you can just code it yourself or let's say even if you want to hire an agency or another developer you'll know how to judge and like who to even hire for example i'm working with somebody in my consulting group right now who's learning how to code he lost 85 000 dollars working on a startup a few years ago and now even though he learned a lot from it that startup never went anywhere and now he's learning how to code but if he knew how to code back then and he was already a developer and then he pursued that startup maybe he wouldn't have lost that 85 000 maybe he just he would have just lost 10k who knows and lastly you should become a web developer and not mobile or desktop developer because it is the most flexible web is accessible everywhere on an iphone android on a macbook on a windows pretty much everywhere right even on linux you need a web browser to browse the web and that's why it is the most flexible even from a business perspective if you don't have a lot of budget you don't have the resources or the manpower of the m or the money to hire people to create dedicated native apps for ios mac windows or linux but what you do have is the ability to just create a website or a web app and everybody can use it and even if you want to create let's say native apps you can do that with a web language like javascript right and frameworks like react native and electron and build cross platform mobile apps and desktop apps what that means is you have one source code and it can be used to deploy to both mac and windows ios and android that's how you want to think about you want to think about what what does the world need and world is full of businesses businesses serving other businesses and then that in turn solves the world's problems just basically exchanging goods and services right people spend money by spending money it serves other businesses and then they spend money to serve other businesses and that's how it works and that drives the economy forward and you don't want to think like an employee you want to think about like how does it work if i learn this skill what kind of problems will i be solving and in my opinion if you become a web developer you're in the best position to fill the gap and solve problems in the marketplace and if you think about it right like web has probably the most jobs available right now especially front-end developers react developers and especially now with the rise of webassembly the web is becoming a lot more performant so maybe one day and that's a big maybe native apps will be obsolete who knows but i'm not saying it's gonna happen anytime soon i'm just saying it's a big maybe with apple being the way it is right now they're probably not gonna let that happen anytime soon but it is possible so that's it for my top six reasons for why you should become a web developer in 2021 if you're still not sure if you want to become a web developer i highly recommend watching my web development guides especially the front end developer guide that i recently released for 2021 because it's a banger and then if you have decided that you know you want to become a front-end developer and you want my direct mentorship go to and book a call with me and we'll talk then other than that take care and see in the next one you
Channel: whatsdev
Views: 49,181
Rating: 4.9406981 out of 5
Id: kB-8rcbJC5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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