What to expect at your Junior Developer interview

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so once you've actually landed your first junior developer interview you've got these scary but exciting prospects of actually going through with the interview so in this video we're going to talk about what you can expect in a typical junior developer interview situation so the first thing to point out with a junior developer interview is the employer is probably just trying to find out if you're going to be a good fit for their company and how you would learn faced with difficult situations so I'm talking about applying for positions that the majority of people will be going for not your typical Google or Facebook type interviews which might be a bit more advanced and a bit different from this but I think that's important say from the outset is that the employer is just looking to see if you're a good fit for their company and indeed that particular position so what can you expect as your junior developer interview well the first thing is there's probably going to be lots of discussion and questions and one of the first questions they might ask you is kind of tell me about yourself type of question so you need to have a reasonably good answer for that and to be able to explain how you got into coding and what excites you about it and possibly talk about either your resume or your CV and possibly talk about some of your experiences like some of the education that you've been through or any jobs that you may already have had in terms of web development so I guess you want to show your employer your personality here we don't want to waffle on too much about every little detail of everything that's happened in the last 12 months so another question you might be asked either in addition or in replacement of the tell us about yourself question is how did you get here today and they don't really mean which bus did you catch or how did you drive to the certain location of the employer they really want to know about your coding journey so how did you get into coding and what resources have you been using to get to that point where you're after the interview so guess one of the key things to do with these first introductory questions it's just to show your excitement and passion for coding and web technologies because the employer is looking for someone who's really going to get stuck in and going to get excited about the work not someone that's going to sit there and get bored in about six months time so another question you might get asked is what technologies are you learning at the moment or what technologies would you like to learn in the future so if you've just got a basic understanding of JavaScript for example they might be querying see if you're interested in learning a framework like react or angular example and you need to have a decent response to this question because it's showing the employer that you're thinking about your future career and your personal development by highlighting things that you don't already know and things that you should be learning in the future so you don't necessarily need to have a detailed training plan of what you should be learning next but it's good to have an idea of some things that you'd like to learn more about and it'll just show you're a potential employer that you're keen to learn new things so another thing after junior developer interview is you might need to discuss or demonstrate your portfolio of projects that you have and if you don't have a portfolio of projects you should be at least be able to talk about some of the projects that you have been working on although ideally you should have a few projects in your portfolio or at least somewhere that you can bring along to demonstrate so don't get too worried if you think your projects aren't of the highest quality because what the employers looking for at this point is just for you to talk through what you did on the project maybe talk through bits in the code and how it works and hopefully you'll have some suggestions of how you could make it better if you were to work on it in the future so for that reason and for the reason I'm going to explain next it's probably useful to take along if you can a laptop or some of the device that will actually enable you to demonstrate the work that you've been doing so the next thing that you're more than likely going to experience in your junior developer interview is some kind of coding challenge so this is probably the bit of the interviews that every developer is not looking forward to so typical things that you might be asked to do are things like the fizzbuzz challenge and if you don't know what that is I'll put a link to it in the description below or you might be asked to solve some simple kind of algorithmic problem like a sort function that you have to write in basic JavaScript without any helpers or one I've experienced a couple of times is to open up a web page and actually manipulate parts of the page with the development tools of the browser so I guess the key thing with this type of challenge is to relax and not to worry too much about it if you can't solve the problem it's probably not the end of the world because what the employer is actually looking for is how you solve problems in other words how you approach a problem and work towards solving it and ultimately if you are struggling with the coding challenge just keep going with it depending on how much time and the situation of the job interview should be given a reasonable amount of time even just to solve a simple problem so a couple of alternatives to coding challenges are things like whiteboarding exercise is where you have to go through on whiteboard or a piece of paper the solution that you would come up with to a particular problem and that's all about breaking down a problem into its component parts and then working out how they would each be handled or an extension to a coding or whiteboard challenge might be to come up with a solution to an impossible problem so if you're given a problem and you think this actually can't be solved it might be that it can't be solved and your employee is just looking to see how you would cope with such a situation so a quick note on using Google for most coding challenges I think for most companies it would be okay for you to use Google to look up the name or the parameters for a particular function for example no one's expecting developers to know all of the intricacies of the different functions that are available for a particular language but if you to Google how to solve the fizzbuzz challenge for example that might not be such a great idea because you're not coming up with your own original solution for the challenge so in addition to a coding challenge you might also be asked some technical questions and these for web development are usually focused around things like the Internet HTTP and all the different technologies that are available to use as a web developer and I would say this is quite common in a junior developer interview just to gauge the level of your background knowledge of these things so hopefully you've got a good working knowledge of how the internet works and you also understand some of the various protocols that are involved but it might be with when you're preparing pure ins for you just to go over a few things in case you get asked any of these types of questions and finally talking about questions that's the final thing that's always asked at an interview is do you have any questions for us the employer and it is a real opportunity to find out a bit more about the company and to show the employer that you're really interested in their particular job that they're offering so a couple of things you might want to ask are what type or what size of team and we're going to be working in if they haven't covered this already in the interview you might want to ask what type of version control system you're going to be using you might want to ask what the process is for pull requests you might want to ask about what type of continuous integration or a deployment system they've got currently in place so one type of question I would stay away from is things that are related to pay annual leave or any other benefits that are associated with the position and these sorts of things should have been outlined in the job description already or alternatively there should be available from the human resources department of the company I'll just finish by saying that I think everyone in the interview wants you to succeed not speaking for every company but generally the people that you'll meet in the interview are friendly and pleasant so the final piece of advice is really to just go along relax and show them what you can do
Channel: Code With Bubb
Views: 159,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what to expect at your junior developer interview, junior developer interview, junior developer, junior developer interview questions, iunior sofware developer interview, web developer interview, web developer interview questions, coding challenge, whiteboarding, what is whiteboarding, fizzbuzz, what is fizzbuzz, junior developer central, web development career tips, javascript career tips
Id: cTatCDnvGBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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