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here's some great advice from four successful Etsy sellers let's get into number one as far as like my day like I'm always very conscious of how I spend my time because I used to work a nine to five and a second job and then do the other stuff that was going to free me from those two things so you just had to be very aware of like where the time was going I think that helps a lot because then you eliminate the inefficiencies I always like tried to like reverse engineer the end goal so one-off things that weren't leading to me making more passive income I tried to de-prioritize those yeah obviously there's a lot of little things that go into it so you've got to get good at just learning new things and moving on and not getting bogged down by the little stuff I'd say the biggest things I would probably attribute to my success is uh scaling my business so you know as soon as you find something like a design style that works or a niche that you're getting a lot of sales in making a bunch more just like it because you already know that that works for you so I'll Implement that in a couple of areas like let's say I find find a design style that works really well for me like a rainbow with text underneath and that works really well in one Niche and so I'll duplicate that design into 50 to 100 other niches and the design looks identical other than what it says and then I can really quickly and easily just keep uploading new designs that I find to all those same niches that I've already had success with and that just makes it so much simpler I'm not looking for the next big thing all the time I'm just constantly finding one new design duplicating it and putting it all the niches that I found success with and then that's kind of what's helped me scale so fast probably my biggest tip would just be to use the spec like moments of time that you have during the day so for example if you're waiting in a lunch queue or something then I'll just like put on my phone and do some Redbubble research or see what's trending on Etsy and that those like little bits of time really add up especially if you're having nine-to-five job or if you're doing something else you need to be able to like squeeze out those little bits of time in between I think that listing volume is definitely number one key ingredient uh diversification of your niches that you're in is the second key ingredient so I never stuck to just one Niche I did multiple niches just so that you know certain Niche is sell during different parts of the year so if I Diversified my niches then I'd get sales all year round however you know even if like I look back at it now and I'm kind of like well maybe if I did the holidays like Christmas you know you could sell big for a few months and still kind of have the same Revenue numbers in total in a year too so that's always another strategy I think about now that I'm like what if I did this a little bit differently but the Evergreen niches is where I've kind of sat in but I feel like either way if you did holiday the seasonal niches and the Evergreen I think that's pretty a pretty good you know ingredient to have um and then the third is just uh you know following Trends and maybe even starting your own Trends as far as you know a lot of the best sellers that I've seen on Etsy and that I've personally had are different Trends than than what was on Etsy and I think that's what got me to having multiple bestseller listings in the niches I was in so you to build a much more consistent income you know no Niche sells all year round so if you make sure you're in every holiday you know Christmas Valentine's Day St Patrick's Day Mardi Gras you know all of them all the way around then you can have some Evergreen niches too I think that's what's really helped us be able to comfortably quit our job because we have had such a consistent income because we're in all of those different niches I feel like it's harder to get to that point with just one I think Etsy is the perfect place to do that since 99 of the time when someone's shopping on Etsy they're just going to the search results and typing in exactly what they're looking for like a first grade teacher shirt and then they look through all the first and second page results of first grade teacher shirts and they buy one they never even click on your actual store so I feel like in a market like that where it's kind of Google based you know search engine based you really want to be in as many places as you can since not that many Shoppers are only shopping with you and so I think Etsy is the perfect place to get in tons of different niches and find out what works best for you and then if you wanted to take whatever your best selling Niche was and your best-selling designs over to a Shopify store then you'd have a much easier time doing that because you already have the proven designs The Proven mock-ups The Proven SEO and you just can spend time sending Facebook ads to your Shopify store that you don't have to figure it all out at the same time the best way to maximize your time is to test and see what works and then just keep uploading what works and that's why you scale I get a lot of questions we'll say like I've been I've been on Etsy for a few weeks no I haven't had a sale yet why haven't I had any sales but I think it is just a matter of time it takes a lot of time to start to gain momentum and a lot of time to start experimenting before you really start to see any type of success so I guess my thoughts from my experience and kind of what you've shared is you have to be patient and you have to just always be willing to put in the work and always be experimenting in order to see any type of success in the beginning it's kind of the never-ending hustle you know I'd say for the first six to get it figured out make designs for every Niche you know it is kind of that constant Hustle but then when it came to like say my wedding month in September it was really really cool though because I probably only worked 20 minutes a day on the customer service that entire month and that was it and I think I sold 25 Grand but that was because I had prepared in advance and so I think what's really cool about Etsy is you could probably work you know six months out of the year and really prepare for those holidays and then the other six months out of the year you could just do the customer service and maintain it you know obviously not six months and six months but like work for a month listing and then Coast for a month you know if you really prepare like eight to twelve weeks in advance for what's coming and always be ahead of what's coming and then do the trends as they come up I think it does afford you some passive time as well I always think in general like if we're marketing things to people everybody's busy with their day they don't care we have to sell them but if you can like catch their eye and obviously with like the search function in a website it's a lot easier to put the right product in front of them and it's like well now why do they click you instead of anybody else well that thumbnail uh looks good when you run a sale it's like a value proposition um people who shop Etsy regularly are used to seeing it so they probably don't care but like you know give yourself every leg up that you have like I can sell a t-shirt at 19.99 with no sale or I can sell it at you know what is it like 22 27 and run 10 off and it's the same price point 1999 pricing psychology I'm a Believer in it um you know at scale as it scales up and you get in front of more people I guarantee you the one running a sale is going to have a slightly higher click-through rate I think that organic ranking is where I would suggest going first just to test the market first with all of your listings I feel like that's kind of the mistake I have seen a lot of newer Etsy stores make is throwing a bunch of money into Etsy ads and not seeing any sales and sometimes the reason why they're not getting sales is due to not having trusts built in their store through reviews and having multiple sales and then also just not knowing uh what may sell in certain markets or in certain niches and design styles for different product types that's what I've kind of seen so that's why I recommend starting with Organic seeing if you get sales without ads and then the items that you do get sales on those are the items I would put ads on if you're not seeing as much traffic as you would like for one like the biggest differentiator that is accessible to anybody but I know it's kind of unique to me is like since basically 20 years almost since I was 13 I'm 32 now like I've been a computer nerd like I've just been at the computer you know so I like flow very well at a computer I got like multiple monitors fast computer desktop all those things matter you know and like it's kind of like efficiently optimized keyboard shortcuts like I I maximize all of those things things that nobody would probably want to talk about because you sound like a nerd but like I swear it matters all the shortcuts matter man Ctrl t for a new tab control W to close the tab things like that matter you know when you start something like Etsy you know it might seem like this big bad thing and it takes up this much of your mental energy in the beginning but over time as you learn it you get better you streamline your processes you get more efficient it's slowly and slowly takes up less of your brain power to do the exact same amount of work and then when you get to that point you know that's when I started my Amazon and then I started building that and then that took less and less space so now that feels easier and then I opened my mock-up store and that took up a lot of space and now I just do that a couple times a year I do the photo shoots for that and then now I started my YouTube channel so right now that is taking up this much space currently trying to get two videos out a week and do coaching and stuff but I think Etsy is a really cool building block into your first baby steps of Entrepreneurship because the barrier to entry is just so low and so easy anyone can get started if you just follow Brennan's advice and my advice and just follow the steps that you get from print on demand coaches you really can kind of make it happen if you just do the little steps that you need to do and keep moving forward and stay consistent like you said and so I think over time you know a lot of people are going to really end up moving that way and starting different types of businesses and having multiple income streams but it just gets easier over time you know to manage it all I I have gotten inspiration mainly through Etsy but I will say sometimes I do like if I'm scrolling on Facebook I'll get like those print on demand store ads you know from maybe Shopify stores and I'm like wow those are some really good designs you know good trending types of designs so I've pulled some inspiration like just doing my own market research on things that will show up things that I personally would buy so I'm like oh this is a great market research time you know while I'm on Facebook just liking posts so I do that and then also I go on Etsy I look at past bestsellers and kind of what they're doing and what I could do differently don't be afraid to like invest in your business there's a weird like stigma sometimes that we have about spending money to make money just get over that you know it's okay to do like I paid somebody twenty five hundred dollars before I had sold anything online to teach me FBA it's a pretty big investment at the time and um but like I knew for me that that was like a psychological trick where now I'm going to see it through no matter what because I'm in the whole 2500 and I don't want the joke to be on me you know so whatever it takes you know psychological tricks paying for tools the whole journey too is is fun especially when you're like a little bit more established like my girlfriend's kind of going through her own passive income journey and she's grinding through it and not seeing like the reward you know that you kind of get later just try to have some fun you know it is what it is the end of the day it's a grind but one of the most common questions I get is do you think print on demand is too competitive because there's so many sellers doing it and overall it is getting a lot more competitive it is harder to make sales now than before like if you started like five years ago obviously but individual niches are always popping up so you can always you can't be the first to print on demand but you can be the first to an individual Niche so that is how I've been able to sort of build and scale multiple Redbubble Stores um two Etsy stores now and I've been able to start them from scratch like recently and build them because I'm always looking for niches that are trending currently so yeah look around for Trends and then once you sort of get some momentum on your store you can then start thinking about Evergreen niches a lot of us we did kind of start in that 2019-2020 era but I will say that I've had so many students so many previous clients who have messaged me and emailed me in the past few months who have said hey I started in 2022 and I really thought that window of opportunity was gone and here I am making six figures you know in my at scene print on demand business and it's all because I found so and so's YouTube or your YouTube so I feel like going into 2023 and the future years that is still going to be a common thing even though you know some of us started at a prime time maybe for online shopping and people not buying in retail stores but now we're seeing people are still online shopping that hasn't went away and also for print on demand as an industry you know I read a statistic there's some article that was recently posted for projections in certain markets and in 2021 it said that the market was at 4.9 billion and that by 2030 it's supposed to be at 30 billion plus you know going back in time three years ago I was at like a corporate office sales job that I hated toxic people I was driving an hour to and from work and I think when you're working you know 45 50 hours a week every week you kind of accidentally go on autopilot you don't take care of yourself you don't take care of your friends and family you don't take care of your house as much as you want because when you're not at work you're just burnt out and so you know ended up losing my job was probably the best thing that ever happened to me because it gave me just some time and space to really figure out what I wanted to do and you know get started on this business so now you know two years into it you know the first year I really hustled you know like I said I was working full time again in August and I probably did at say every possible second I could I had like three monitors set up here for my work and then I had Etsy right here where you guys are and just whenever I was in between something I was also doing Etsy and then going back to work and doing Etsy and before work and after work and on my lunch break because I was just obsessed I really worked a lot of hours for a long long time but now that again I put that work in this year has been so crazy because you know my husband quit his job in January and to know he's just home full time with me and so you know I barely started doing this YouTube channel and now I've probably only listed on Etsy 10 times this year so far in uh 2022 and it's I've still made about the exact same amount of money I made this time last year on Etsy with not doing too much more work just kind of basic customer service but again because I prepared I made sure I had shirts and all the different holidays all the different seasons my my evergreen niches that sell well you know I put the work in in the beginning so now we go play kickle ball all the time we bought a camper we've already been camping like four times this year and it's just the end of June I get to be home with my 13 year old all summer so it's really changed so so so so so much for me in my life I always like to say like get started you just have to take action at some point and be methodical like if you not knowing what to do is your barrier from literally starting right now then uh it's okay to like either go find free resources like what you and I publish on YouTube or a paid course whatever it is it doesn't have to be a paid course whatever it is though like be methodical all right I'm gonna take action but I don't know what to do okay find a free resource or paid resource and just kind of follow along like follow somebody that's been there before um there's no there's no shame in that learning from other people that's also going to expedite the process of you getting where you want to be like you can do it like I did my income reports like if you go back in time like the ones I publish now look good but the old ones like you literally see me grind through struggling to make like money like on my I call it like Dropship print on demand my non-amazon merch print on demand money that's scaled up so slowly because I didn't know what I was doing but then it's kind of like you get the Epiphany moment and all of a sudden I'm making you know 2 000 a month profit now like on average minimum like you know and so it's okay to learn from people that have been there before but yeah just get started take action any entrepreneur event any kind is going to go through about the feeling burnt out and that's super super normal I think if you sit around all day and check how many favorites you have and wonder why they're not buying and then you look at how many sales you have compared to someone else and wonder why you're not getting as many I think you can really compare yourself to death and over worry about the little things so I'd say one of the biggest things I did for myself is turned off my favorites I haven't looked at how many favorites I got on anything in almost two years now probably because you just want to kind of save your mental energy for the things that are actually important and that is listing new items on Etsy and that's it I would stop worrying about literally any other piece of it don't worry about returns don't worry about issues don't worry about customer service you know when you get those things and they come up take care of it right away and move on and never think about it again I feel like people get really burnt out when they have an angry customer and they let it ruin their whole day and that can really bog you down so if you try to really only focus on the big thing which is getting new things for sale on Etsy when you can and have that be your only thing you worry about everything else you just take care of really quick and move on that will help so so so much I heard on one podcast uh someone said this quote that kind of stuck with me the best time to start something was yesterday but the second best time to start is today that's like my number one tip the second tip is to just keep going even if you may not see sales and that's something that you know I look back and I stopped my store in 2020 and as everyone has seen now you know I've earned multiple six figures in my business so just think that if I stopped I would have still you know been working my nine to five I wouldn't have this Financial Freedom that I do now and multiple income streams so that's just something to think about out is to keep trying even if you fail try again if you can and if you really have that why and you know why you're doing this like I I love that you kind of say on your channel a lot about the why and how important that is there will be times where you get discouraged but know if you push through those times that you're discouraged that there's success around the corner you could be just one design away from really changing the course of your shop and changing the course of your life
Channel: Brenon Dopp
Views: 20,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etsy print on demand, selling on etsy, how to sell on etsy, how to be successful on etsy, how to make money on etsy, make money on etsy, how to sell on etsy for beginners, etsy shop for beginners, etsy tips, etsy success, selling on etsy 2023, passive income 2022, print on demand 2023, ryan hogue, tia tx, cassiy johnson, heatherstudio, print on demand, print on demand tips, how to grow your etsy shop, how to scale your etsy shop, etsy tips and tricks, etsy 2023
Id: GBKugiv0QUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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