How To Get the Smoothest Drywall Finish

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hi everybody I'm Dominic Amoroso makes me DIY calm in this video I'm going to show you how how to put a level 5 finish on your drywall now what in level 5 finish is you know has that number 5 so everybody wants to know what's level 4 pretty simple one is the sheetrock 2 is the first coat of mud 3 the tape on top of that top of that on top of that until you get 5 different coatings ok but now this wall is complete this is brand new sheetrock and or nail holes are covered our joints are covered it's really ready for paint but if you ever notice especially on a new drywall when you go to paint it well your compound here and you sand it it's nice and smooth okay they ever notice the difference when you go with the paint that where it's where was it finished with the joint compound has a different texture to it right well that's the level 5 is if you were going to for a commercial building in unity say you have a lot of lighting coming down like the hi-hats and lot of Lighting's well you can get shadows throughout and you really get this to see the difference or if you even if you're using a higher gloss paint opposed to a flat paint so in this whole video I'm going to show you how easy it really is to make it all consistent okay okay obviously you can see where our joint compound is when we sanded our final coat on here well we kind of rough up the paper just in general okay so the porosity of the paper and the joint compound are very different so we're going to do is just again put a skin coat so we're going to put people in the joint compound that we use here all over the entire one very simple method first thing we want to do is get rid of any kind of dirt dusting you should use a nice brush clean the wall make sure your kitten's you can see that dust I certainly can and any of the electrical boxes make sure you get any kind of dust out of that now the first thing we want to do because we're going to be using a roller to apply this joint compound onto the wall we want to use any kind of mixture I got a hand mixer here you can use electric whenever you want okay so we want it first mix it up you want to thin this out now because like I said we're going to be applying it with the roller you can see right here it's kind of thick so I want to add some water to it alright we added some water to it and you can see it's dripping off pretty good I think that's a good consistency of it so now we're going to use our roller and we're going to go and apply it okay alright well I like to start by applying it from the bottom up and you want to get an area that that might be a little too thin actually or not enough you actually want to just do an area that's going but you can be able to do over the next ten minutes and then go ahead and do the next area oh we got our joint compound thinned out and applied to the wall here and now using a nice straight knife it's real important okay I'm using a nice big one fourteen inch so it doesn't take me forever to do this basically just want to get it now if you notice that I didn't bring it all the way to the corner cuz I don't want to work crazy sanding and all that it's already got to join compound lino so the consistency would be the same so basically we're going to do is just take it back off okay well just start and just take it back wall now don't throw the mud out just put that back away we could use at it again okay just take it back off that's why I like using a big knife look at that a nice big wide spot so now after you're done with this you will be sanding it just give it a light sanding with like a 220 grit fine paper all right well we did this first area like I showed you basically what you're doing you're putting it on but you've been in the joint compound I a little too much for this purpose so I might even want you mine over again but the purpose was to show you how to do it basically we doing again you're putting it on and then you're taking it off but keep in mind yet you think it out with water over time and not that much for time they will start to thicken up again so you will have to you know how much you how big of an area you're doing it's just every once in a while I add a little water to it mix it up so after it dries then you just use it up just a pole sander and then with you know again a 220 grit paper and then just give it a quick sanding make sure everything's all good and there you go so now this is consistent we have joint compound all over the place so now when we go to paint it and if you have like a lot of direct lighting you know we start sheet or shadows it's really make everything consistent which is really good and it also helps any other imperfections that you might have anyway that's how you do a level 5 finish I hope you learn something I'm Dominic from XP DIY comm thanks for watching
Channel: askmediy
Views: 1,646,701
Rating: 4.5003967 out of 5
Keywords: drywall, sheetrock, level 5, level five, taping
Id: l3i1an3jkTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 37sec (337 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 18 2014
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