How to get the OMEGA BOW - Most OVERPOWERED BOW in BotW

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this bow shoots 10 arrows with each Arrow doing 125 damage each resulting in 1250 damage total but how do you get this insane bow well today I'm going to show you let's start right now now this is very important so do not skip this bit make sure you save your game on your normal breath of the wild playthrough before you start this glitch and at no point should you manual save your game I'm going to show you how we're going to rely on auto sales for the entirety of this glitch so do not manual save you do not need to I also recommend you watch this video in its entirety first so that you can get an overall idea of what to do then go back to watch it again step by step now here's what you need to do the first part is that we need to collect some specific items to set up the glitch to start off we need to begin a new game and finish the great Plateau don't worry you won't lose your casual save when you start a new game learning the blss glitch makes this whole process a lot faster and easier you can learn to do this using this video linked here but it's not necessary while you do Plateau try to pick up as few items as possible but if you do it's okay but the important thing is don't grab any other Arrow type except normal errors so don't pick up any fire ice shock or bomb errors now after you finish the plateau get rid of everything in your inventory then you need to grab the following items a bow which you can grab from this chest here at the bottom of a Temple of Time normal arrows which you can get by breaking one of these pots you need to purchase a heart container or stamina vessel at the goddess statue just so long as you get rid of all your spirit orbs you need a woodcutter's ax which is by the odd man at the start a shield you can get a pot lid by this book a camp near the odd man a torch which is also next to the old men and finally you need at least one Hyrule bass and you can grab one at this Pond next to Plateau Tower you can grab multiple if you need it for food after you have grabbed these items you need to get an ancient Arrow you'll have to go to Hyrule castle for it the safest place would be here to the left of Castle but if you're using blss you can easily blss from Plateau Tower to the front balcony and grab one from this chest we then need to go to Satori Mountain to get materials you need 12 different items and you need to grab at least two of each of of them so for example you need at least two highly instruments two sunshrooms Etc you also just need to grab one of any material but don't grab more than one if you do then drop the excess this item will be your check item and it will become apparent later what it's used for we're almost done with the setup now you need to go to kakariko Village go to the fairy fountain and grab at least one Ferry then go behind the fairy fountain and grab one Enduro carrot now go into the village and grab three apples you can get some from this coric offering here now for the last part of the setup go to the cooking pot and cook things in the following order cook one apple to give you a simmered fruit then roast an endure a carrot by placing it next to the fire so that it sets a light then pick it up once it roasts then cook an apple twice so you get two more simmered fruits come around here to the side of kakariko and grab this topaz and sell it because we need the money later so that's the entire setup your inventory should look something like this the important things are that you have an ax a torch bow normal arrows ancient arrows a pot lid or some other Shield 12 different materials with two of each one check item a Hyrule bass and a fairy one simmered fruit a roasted Endura carrot two more simmered fruits the Chica slate and the paraglider as long as you have these things you're ready to start the glitch if you have anything extra just drop it or eat it or whatever you need to do to get rid of it so the first thing we need to do here is break 12 slots and I'll show you how to do this first you need to weapon smuggle you do this by placing a bomb on the ground equip your shield and a weapon unshave Your Weapon by tapping y then press B to make link put it away then while link is mid animation of putting the weapon away unequip your Shield then pick up the bomb and throw it away if it worked links should be weirdly able to hold his weapon and run around like this now to break some slots go into your inventory and hold one of four different items you also need to hold the item that you only grabbed one of which is your check item which you will use to check you did things right exit your inventory equip your Shield then hold CL switch off of your current weapon then switch back to the torch make sure to hold CL the entire time link should start holding out his shield and the held items like this now this part might take a few tries but you need to keep holding ZL then jump then let go of ZL mid-jump you then want to unequip your Shield Midway through the animation of Link putting away his shield which you can see here to make this easier you can press left on the d-pad to pass the game frame by frame to look out for the animation then just unequip your Shield when you see it you know if you've done it right if link has got no materials in his hand like this we now need to talk to the shopkeeper to do this you need to Target them with ZL then you need to press down on the d-pad to whistle and a immediately afterwards this is difficult because the a press has to be just a frame afterwards so it'll feel like you're pressing both at the same time if the shopkeeper menu opens say that you need to sell have a look in your materials section and see if your check item is there and is grayed out if it is then you have done it correctly if you don't see it or you messed up beforehand it's okay just pick up your items and repeat the steps so if you did it right sell all the items in your inventory that match the ones link is currently holding so that means the ones that say times one after you have sold all four of those items exit the shop menu and Link will drop everything on the floor just pick up one of them to make it your new check item leave the rest on the floor after selling these four items we now have broken four slots therefore we need to repeat this process two more times to finally have 12 more broken slots so weapon smuggle hold four items and check item do the jump Shield unequip then talk to the shopkeeper and sell four items so that would be your second time repeat this one more time then you'll have 12 broken slots once you've done it that part is complete that was really the hard part in terms of inputs the rest is pretty easy now before doing anything else get rid of all your materials except one Hyrule best and one fairy so they are the only materials that you will have the next thing you need to do is go near the shrine above but not right up to it drop your torch then equip your ax potlade and bow then walk up to the shrine to get an auto save this is how we're going to create saves for this glitch so whenever you need to save you need to wait for 30 seconds of in-game time then walk up to the shrine the game will tell you when you got an auto save in the bottom left if the game doesn't give you an auto save just run a bit further away from the shrine maybe go back into the village and then run back up to the shrine again so keep track of that auto save we just got because we're going to reload to it soon go back to your torch and pick it back up now come to the armor shop and buy a Hylian Hood next unequip your ax drop your bow and your shield and drop your fairy and your Hyrule bursts then eat the Enduro carrot and reload the auto save you got at The Shrine once you have reloaded get another autosave by waiting 30 seconds and walking up to the shrine again then you need to get something called invalid startup don't worry it's super easy all you need to do is scroll over to where the armor tab would be and the cursor will appear over the key items icon if it doesn't appear unpause then pause and repeat keep doing it until you get the cursor it's extremely easy from here go grab yourself two apples and cook each one to get two extra simmered fruits now eat one endure carrot and reload the auto save you just got you'll notice that when you try to do things in the system menu like loader save the cursor won't be there that's because the cursor is offset to the left so you need to move it once to the right to bring it back now once you've reloaded eat the first six simmered fruits as you see here get an auto save again in the way I previously told you then reload the save after you have reloaded repeat the following steps four times press a quick menu button get an auto save and reload that auto save after this is done you should have three pages of meals sort the meals inventory twice with wire to put the 999 Endura carrots at the end now go grab a blue Nightshade from the fairy fountain forest and free apples now go near a cooking pot then open the key items menu and place your cursor on this specific square column one row three then press the following inputs think of it like an old-fashioned cheat code d-pad left d-pad up right stick right d-pad left you do have to enter these inputs quite fast but if you mess up it's no problem just place the cursor on the Square I mentioned previously and try to cheat code again so once your cursor is offset to the left like this use the right stick to move three pages to the left you should be in the Mills menu but your cursor will be placed on the apples as you see here now press R to go to the system menu then press L to go back to the inventory then go two pages to the right press X so link is ready to hold something and then a three times and it will let you hold three roasted Endura carrots unpause then press pause again and you'll be in the materials menu press a on a fairy and a green fish so now link is holding three roasted carrots a fairy and a Hyrule bus exit the inventory and cook these five items which will give you a fish skewer now go back to the shrine and get an autosave reload the save then press the quick menu then reload the save then press the quick menu again then reload the save again now drop your pot lid and everything in your materials menu we now need to eat a lot of dissimmered fruit but pay attention to which ones first eat the 9 in front of the stack of Endura carrots so that the Endura carrots are the first one in the meals menu then eat all the simmered fruits but keep six left and leave the fish skewer so that your meals menu looks like this with 996 roasted Endura carrots six simmered fruits and one fish skewer get an auto save at The Shrine and for the last time reload that auto save after that you'll have the Omega bow you can now eat all of your food but keep the roasted Endura carrots then just reload your normal playthrough save file and you should have the Omega bow in that save plus loads of ancient and normal arrows plus 996 Endura carrots that you can sell at a shop for loads of rupees don't click off the video yet because there are some important extras if you want the Omega bow to be a different bow then before you get that last auto save you need to go get a different bow and drop the previous one a good one to use is the phrenic bow because of its long range which you can find on this mountain behind kakariko so you would get a different bow drop the previous bow get auto save then reload that save and your new bow will be the Omega bow as well as this after getting the Omega bow you can also get yourself an Omega ax if you really want it to do this drop the Omega bow get an auto save at The Shrine pick up the Omega bow again then eat your meals so that you have the stack of Endura carrots and six other meals then just reload the autosave then load your manual safe I also wanted to mention that if you did go to the Hyrule Castle balcony for ancient arrows you can use the Royal bow instead of The Travelers bow for this glitch and it will give you loads more ancient arrows at the end of the glitch thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed Please Subscribe if you want more breath of the wild content and I'll see you in the next video see you later
Channel: Smich
Views: 427,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breath of the wild, the legend of zelda, the legend of zelda breath of the wild, zelda breath of the wild playthrough, breath of the wild playthrough, botw speedrun, speedrun, weapon modifier corruption, zelda botw, inventory slot transfer, botw best bows, zelda botw speedrun, omegabow, omega bow botw, botw omega bow, wmc botw, how to get the omega bow botw, legend of zelda breath of the wild, how to weapon smuggle botw, how to get omega bow botw, how to get omega bow
Id: 349TnVmbQ7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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