How to Get Started in ARK - A Beginners Guide How To Get Metal Fast - Ark: Survival Evolved [S4E15]

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hey guys cheese here and welcome to another episode of Ark survival evolved how's everybody doing today I'm having a great day today and we're back here on my beginners series on the island and the base is looking great all our dinos are doing amazing everything is going quite well for us so far there's one last means of production we really need to get into we don't have anything to gather metal so that means we're gonna need to find ourselves in Anki so on today's episode I think we're gonna try to look for an Anki hopefully a nice high-level Anki and then we're gonna set up a metal outpost base on top of one of the mountains to start harvesting and cooking up some metal ingots so we can make some flak armor we could start making some other more expensive electronics and eventually we'll make an industrial Forge move on as far as technology goes we're gonna need lots and lots of metal so if you guys like this video please do me a huge favor and flex on that like button and for more daily video game awesomeness don't forget to subscribe now we have two options today because we do have the super amazing taming pen that we have built over here so we can either pick up a tanky with our gr G's are capable of carrying a tanky and bring it back here in tainment or we can just aim it where we find it I do have some regular kibble with me I have 12 regular kibble I have some vegetables on top of that just to make sure we have enough so we're gonna give her a little fly around you usually find Aang keys on top so like little metally hills like there might be some up here or maybe off the fly a little further that way so we're gonna give a little look around aang keys are really really great as far as gathering metal they do a huge amount of they do a huge amount of metal gathering and they also reduce the weight on metal which is really nice and if you hit a regular rock if they'll get some metal and they'll also get mostly flint so unlike a dodok when you hit a rock you'll get mostly stone and a little bit of flint and ink use the reverse make you'll get mostly flint and a little bit of stone so it it all kinds of goes together there's like a special creature for each type of gathering but after we have our we have our dodok first stone we have our beaver for wood we have our moose for thatch and now we'll have our Anki for metal hopefully today and we'll be all set up for all the different types of gathering we need for now it's kind of hoping there would be one just show up here really close to the base that would have been nice but no luck as you can see there's some metal nodes right up there we could probably build a metal place a metal outpost there but what I'm gonna do is try to find a place with quite a few metal nodes and make a little outpost there so instead of bringing raw metal back to our base and cooking it there we're gonna just cook the metal right where we find it and bring home the finished product I feel like it's a bit more efficient that way and it just saves time as far as gathering and cooking process I'm not seeing inky's as of yet man that the I still really love the winter the wintery look of the island map it really really looks beautiful it reminds me of like snowy winters in New England um I guess I'm gonna give her a little fly around here hopefully I can find us a pretty nice Anke and I'll bring you guys back when I find something cool we'll be right back and we're back and I found a pretty nice Anki we are bout Sochaux where we are we're right about there on the map I would say like 50 849 ish something along those lines and the redwoods at the top of this this little like metally mountain right here this is actually a perfect spot I think this is where we're gonna build our metal outpost but we found this guy cruising around where'd he go oh there it is boom 168 Anki that's perfect that's a perfect starter Anki nice pretty high level again max level on my servers 180 so 168 is really really nice I'm gonna start with this guy and I'm just gonna tame him right here I don't feel the need to bring him back to the taming pen I've looked around I don't see too many dangers in the area incuse are pretty slow Oh little pro tip make sure your bird is on passive Abby I'm passive so he doesn't start attacking but we should just be able to shoot this guy and kind of walk around and lead him around no big deal it's as you can see they're super crazy slow and have a really really bad turning radius so as long as you move around them like you can just easily kite them around and team them all he's gonna okay but he was gonna be stuck climbing up the hill but he's okay my man all right you're gonna be our little buddy I promise we're gonna treat you well you're gonna be well fed and well kept all you have to do is gather metal for us and that's kind of what you like to do anyway so just come home and be our little buddy so as you can see you can just walk around in a circle and just keep taking shots on him eventually eventually I'll get a little sleepy come on man and again if you don't feel comfortable doing it this way you could always pick them up and bring them back to the taming pen that's why we have it so either way is okay all right come on man unlike Enki's you don't have to I mean unlike the dodok you don't have to worry about taking time with your shots these guys won't ball up or anything you just keep shooting them there we go he's starting to run now it looks like so you should be getting high torpor oh please don't run off the cliff though my guy don't go down there eight mm I really don't want him to run down the cliff come on man go to sleep little hanky scary stuff down there picking that buddy there you go go back up the hill that's a good idea and he's out easy-peasy we're gonna throw our regular kibble on this guy a regular kibble as their preferred food we're gonna throw a little veggies on top just in case they run out of kibble and I'm gonna hang out with this guy until he teams up and then we'll be right back let's go get our bird and it's up it's up its up our brandnew chengqi the cheese egg is up okay you my ya don't need all my kibble super great team doubt with 6,300 health 752 stam 440 weight 369 melee damage super awesome now we could carry this guy home with the RG like this we could just pick him up but in the new era of cryo pods and everything being so easy to get for cryo pods we're just gonna throw him in our crowd pod make sure he's nice and safe we don't have to worry about him we're just gonna carry him home in our pocket I am alright that was super great I'm gonna fly home we're gonna make this guy up a saddle and we're gonna get some building pieces together I'm ready to come back here and make a metal outpost now one thing I do want to say is you want to be careful where you put your building because you will block the metal spawns from coming back when you build so I'm kind of thinking over here somewhere like say I build over here but it'll probably block like this metal won't come back anymore after I build over here so you got to be you want to not build where there's a bunch of metal like I wouldn't want to build right here and block off all four of these spots so pick a spot where it's nice and open there's not a lot of metal nodes but this looks like a really great mountain there's metal everywhere there's some crystal here too crystal right there and lots and lots of rocks as well so we'll be able to get flint and stone to make spark powder that's how we're gonna power our forges I think this is the perfect spot so we're gonna fly home get everything we need and we'll be right back okay guys we're back here at base I've crafted up some things to make our metal outpost but first before we go we got to make a saddle for our Anki so we're gonna go into our angrist we're gonna look up a and K for Anki ink leo saddle is what it's called right here unlocks at level 36 we're gonna learn that says can be crafted at the smithy so we're gonna run over to our smithy going to saddles click on Anki we're gonna pull cuz that's how polling works people have been asking me how polling works and I'll tell you so for s+ say you want to make something say I want to make this dodok saddle right here it takes 110 fiber 200 hide and 5:5 metal and 15 stone now if you're on console or you don't have s+ on your server all you have to do is gather up those materials put them in here and then craft but through the magic of s+ all I have to do is say okay I want to make a dodok saddle I click on the dodok saddle boom I go up to this square with the four arrows pointing inward and hit pull and it pulls the things from my nearby resources so it'll pull my thing from my resource chest or from my dinos it'll pull those materials that needs into so that I can craft it without having to gather up all the materials myself it's really the same process it just saves you a little bit of the work of having to go around and gather all the things yourself I forgot to grab the saddle okay we're gonna we're gonna want to bring the saddle with us okay we have the saddle now in the charge II here this is what we're gonna bring to build our little metal outpost we're gonna bring five forges a mortar and pestle that's so we can make a spark powder while we're there eh a gate frame a regular gate a doorway obviously a reinforced gate 9 ceilings 15 foundations four ramps and 24 walls I think I thought about the plan for how I'm gonna build it's just gonna build basically a box for our Anki to hide in so it's not going to be anything super amazing by any means but we would just want to have a box to keep our Anki safe so that nothing will attack him or aggro on him when we're not there using them to collect metals so we're just gonna fly back to that metal spot and we'll be right back and we're back we've found our way Oh back over here to our we're gonna make our our metal outpost again it is right about there on the map I would say 50 57 58 50 we're gonna use this nice spot over here it's pretty open there's not a lot of metal spawns that we're gonna block so we're gonna land our guy over here we're gonna throw out something bad over there okay there's scorpion over there but the stegos are probably gonna handle it we're gonna throw out our Anki here I'm gonna put our saddle on him we're gonna use it we're gonna just start use them right away look at boom the media we can use them to clear out the area where we're gonna build our little away from away from home metal spot so as you can see from regular rocks you gathers tons of Flint so you no longer have to be gathering flip by hand come on man a little bit of metal I do plan on a server with boosted rates as oh it's really cold right now right here as a a person that's trying to make videos and get content out try to get daily videos out I don't have the tip of time to play on like vanilla rates where it takes a really long time to gather things I don't not that my rates are hugely boosted I think there might be five times um let's see that looks pretty pretty good as far as clearing out the area all right let's start putting our little outpost down we're gonna start with our foundations here and I just want to find it's not very flat right here but we're gonna try to make it trying to make it work um let's see where are we gonna lay this out can you this ain't this stego is very inconvenient let's see we're gonna make a 2 by 3 little box for our Anki to live in so this is gonna be our new Anki house we're gonna start this right here and then work can you did just get that there's always one you know I mean whenever you're trying to work there's always just a stego trying to get a new way and then we're just gonna kind of fill in the rest yeah make a little just a platform to work on make things a little bit easier for us we're gonna grab our walls now grab the walls I am and we'll grab the gate and we should be able to put the gate up over here right about there looks perfect we're gonna slap some walls up real quick I am if you go 3 high walls on a gate it should mash up just about to the top so that looks a little Oh it's cuz it's not snap down huh let's see snap this can I get you to snap lower mmm our union you're gonna do this to me mm-hmm don't snap I don't want you to snap up there what do you hate me why do you hate me right what if we all right we're gonna have to do something about that we might have to make it like an extra wall or something to fix it but it's gonna be a little bit there's gonna be a little gap at the top it'll be ok he'll still be fine but I don't can you dude please all right now we're just gonna wall the rest of it off Bam Bam me okay are you guy but I don't really want to start fighting this guy because there's three of them and like I could kill him and get rid of them but there's three of them and just give me a pain I'd rather just can we just be friends guy I'll leave you alone and you leave me alone no maybe don't know that one's backwards pick it up I am place the other way thank you there we go and man backwards place the correct way please place the correct thank you and then we need our ceilings in our doorway or our gate not doorway so there's our gate there's our ceilings grab our ramps we're almost done with our little inky's home away from home he's gonna love it okay like I said there's gonna be a little gap up there which actually kind of bothers me but it's not a big deal we can leave it for now and that's perfect let's slow I guess I didn't need 9 ceilings I guess I only needed six but when I switched used the stairs because I think they look better we're gonna have this beyond auto-close only so doorways in in s plus you can either have them on manual which means you have to open and close them yourself you can have them on fully automatic which means they will open and shut for you we open how to open and close so they will open and shut for you but I personally I find that a little bit dangerous so if I'm in here and I don't want it to open and then all the sudden you open and there's a you know raptor there on your face so I like to leave it on auto closed which means I have to open it myself but when I go through it and it'll close behind me so that's my preferred method oh we're pretty cold here don't see some food to live okay now we're gonna grab our forges and slap these down we ended up with a couple extra ramps and a couple extra ceilings but I wanted to make sure we had enough parts it would be better to have more more parts than what we need so let's put our forges down here Bam Bam Bam Bam nice there we go we're gonna put our mortar and pestle down oh it's in my hop already just put this like there and that's pretty much everything we need to start we got some spark powder left over and that's it now all we have to do is use our Anki here and start harvesting up all these metal nodes and start cooking it up and we're gonna have all the necessary metal we need to start making metal armor - are these guys gonna want to fight me there's some hyena Don's right here hyena Don's are interesting creatures they'll only fight you if they think that they can win so if they if there's a pack of them and only one of you sometimes they'll attack or if there's only a couple of them sometimes they'll leave me alone so it's it's an interesting creature because they're not always aggressive sometimes they just leave you alone and then other times they'll attack now as you can see we just gathered up one metal node there we got 688 metal off that one metal node but as you can see this is only eight point six pounds on the Anki and in my inventory it's 34 pounds so it's cutting the weight by a huge amount but I do have a hunt you know what this is slightly modded where we have a stacking mod which makes things stack to higher amounts and also weigh less so you may see different results on your server but still the same effect - whatever the weight of the metal is it'll be lessened on your hanky so we're just gonna gather up a huge amount of metal start cooking up and we'll be right back and we're back and I'm just out here on the Anki harvesting up a bunch of metal we ended up having to fight that stego we accidentally hit him but I wanted to show you guys something about metal nodes so this is what a metal node looks like in case you didn't know see how this rock is kind of and almost looks like it has gold in it mixed with like stone this is a metal Rock okay so these are what you're looking for but there's also these right here where you see how it's all gold so this is a rich metal node this this rock will have more metal in it like a huge amount of metal but these are also metal rocks so I just wanted to let you guys know in case you're not sure what exactly you're looking for this is what a metal Rock looks like and then there's also the rich metal nodes that are like this so both are really good to harvest but you know these are the better ones you'll get a huge amount of metal off these ones and a decent amount of metal off the other ones so there's more to let you guys see as you can see you can't really see around the corner there we got all our forges cranking we've been making a huge amount of spark powder already this is really gonna be great so we can how much metal did we get off that one rock we got five hundred twenty two off that one let's harvest this other one and see how much we get if I can get around to it let's actually see what the difference is yeah there we go we get around come on man you can do this Anki so off the rich metal node we got five hundred twenty two and off the regular metal node we got one hundred and seventy six so as you can see a lot more metal off the rich nodes but both are good I would definitely harvest up both and yeah we're just gonna keep clearing out this mountain I'm gonna get a huge amount of metal going and we're gonna go back to base and finally get out of this leather armor and make some sexy new flak armor can you guys wanted stego bodies get in your way am i right am i right we'll be right back and we're back and we got all our forges going we've been doing a huge amount of harvesting we've got a whole bunch of spark powder making over here you've been doing this is really gonna be great this is gonna be great for us to get all the resources we need to continue to move on but I'm done with harvesting for today so we're just gonna Park her I meant to open the door I just want to park our guy in our in his little garage now protip here make sure you leave him with some food we're also gonna put him on passive you should be nice and safe in there but don't forget to feed him you know you're not sure exactly how long it's gonna take you to get back here so make sure you leave some food on him but he's all set we're gonna leave our metal cooking this is the way I usually like to do it late to come here harvest up a whole bunch start it all cooking and bring home the stuff that was cooked last time so that I don't have to keep waiting so the next time we come here they'll be a bunch of metal cooked for us and we can pick it up and bring it home and we'll start a new batch but I got a little bit of metal I'll bring it home with me a 330 stack of metal some crystal we also got some mushrooms it was a really great harvesting trip but it's time to go home and we're gonna make up some brandy new armor and won't be right back and we're back and we're back here at base we're gonna get into making some flak armor it's called or metal armor so we're gonna look up flat there we go and unlocks at level 56 we're just gonna unlock all of it yes we want to unlock the stuff before yes we want to do it yes boom boom now this is gonna make us a lot safer it's a lot more durable it has a lot more armor it's made in the smithy so we're gonna go over here to our smithy we're gonna put our metal in here there were crystal EES mushrooms we're gonna put in the fridge BAM okay we're doing great now let's go into here we're gonna go into armor we're gonna go into metal is we're making metal armor and we're gonna make up one of each oh man this is really nice we're gonna be so much safer we're gonna look like a super cool knight or perhaps the Mandalorian this is the way okay we get our amazing armor let's go outside so we can see how it looks it's a little brighter out here and the big reveal Bam Bam Bam oh my god how'd we look amazing look at us we look super cool and another pro tip if you guys don't know if you go into your emotes so on PC its hold down T go to play emotes and if you ear there's a hide hat option in there you can hide your hat so if you want to show your character you enjoy seeing your face or you don't want to see your face it's either way it's an option I prefer not to show the helmet I think it looks cooler we definitely need a haircut though we're gonna get into that probably next episode we're gonna need to find some obsidian and keep moving on and progressing through the arc but that's all the time we have for today on this rainy day on the island so if you guys liked this episode please do me a huge favor in for Lex on that like button yeah and for more daily video game awesomeness don't forget to subscribe and if you guys are looking for your own arc server like the one I use make sure to check out mine I tried a link down below they have really great servers and really great prices and excellent customer service I recommend them to anybody that needs their own server yeah and you guys haven't seen me live I stream live on Twitch every single day lots of our canned fortnight lately lately I've been addicted to destiny too we've been doing a lot of Destiny to farming and fun with that I'm really having a blast but you guys should come hang out or chat with me at slash well with cheese TV well before we go we gotta go say goodbye to murder no murder what's up man hey murder yellow murder what's going on man hey murder over here hey what's going on man not too much we went and made a metal outpost today we tamed an Anki we gathered up a whole mess of metal it's cooking right now so next episode we're gonna have all the metal we need to start making more and more stuff what's going on with you hmm not much hey why does the Norway Navy have barcodes on all their ships um I don't know why so when they come back to port they can Scandinavian Scandinavian I feel like those murder jokes are getting worse and worse all right that's all the time I love you guys I'll see you guys next time cheese and our brand new chengqi out
Channel: RoyaleWithCheese
Views: 164,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RoyaleWithCheese, Ark Royalewithcheese, royale with cheese ark, Ark Cheese, Gaming Evolved Cheese, gaming evolved season 4, gaming evolved ark, ark survival evolved, ark a beginners guide, how to get started in ark, play ark, a beginners guide to ark, ark how to get started, ark how to play, how to play ark, tips on how to play ark, a guide to ark, starting out ark, Cheese, ark how to get metal fast, ark how to get metal ingots, ark how to get metal, ark how to tame an ankylo
Id: uHoPkzBUya8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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