How to Get Started in ARK - A Beginners Guide - Tame A Rex! - Ark: Survival Evolved [S4E19]

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hey guys cheese here and welcome to another episode of Ark survival evolved how's everybody doing today I'm having a great day today we're back here on our beginner's guide the island server and on today's episode I want to progress forward in kibble and also do some drop hunting and maybe kill some alphas if we can find some in order to try to find a better rifle now we have a 100 damage just regular primitive rifle it's fine it gets the job done but the more of the damage on your weapon is the more torpor it'll do and the less shots it takes to knock something out and that becomes really really important later when you're trying to knock out bigger and stronger things that you can't pick up and drop in a taming trap so if you guys liked this episode please do me a huge favor in on that like button yeah and for more daily view game awesomeness don't forget to subscribe so for kibble we have we have the Dodos and dillos for basic we have the Pteranodon the cheese addon for simple we have the turtles for regular and now we have the our geez are actually superior one more thing I wanted to tell you say you needed to make kibble and you were short like one egg you could make these guys breed and use a fertilized egg you can use fertilized eggs in order to make kibble so if you're on a server with especially if you're on a server with fast breeding rights like I have if you definitely would be a reasonable to use fertilized eggs to make some kibble if you were short like a couple so we're gonna take our brandnew perfect charge ii that we brought up last episode we're gonna take this out on his real first adventure and we're gonna try to tame our ex today so that we're able to make exceptional kibble now they the only real thing about taming Rex's is you just have to be really really careful about positioning so you want to find a good spot where your we where they can't get to you like this would be a great spot right here like save it if the Rex was down the hill you could use the top of this hill that's kind of a natural positioning for a taming pen that's what you want to look for we're also only gonna be using this Rex for eggs so we're gonna try to tame a super low level like I'm talking I want like an 18 because we're not really that set up yet to tame a Rex we don't have kibble we don't have a really nice rifle the other option is Terezin oh they're really hard to tame without kibble they take lots and lots of narcotics and take a long time to tame so that would be a really really difficult team we are gonna fight this guy right here though come here alpha raptor level 24 alpha raptor this should give us lots of levels on the RG which is good we need that and has the potential of dropping us some good drops so always try to kill the alphas if you can but again be very very careful make sure and watch your your health and your stamp you they'll do a number on you real real quick these are the most dangerous creatures in the game alphas don't mess around alpha Raptors usually not too bad though we shouldn't be able to handle this guy again if you're on your RG and you fly above his head and you just hold X you should just be able to pretty much just keep whacking him in the head he can't hit you too much Mary guy there you go if you get them in the right position you can just keep hitting them and he can't hit you this guy's be a little squirrely chimera man yes so for for exceptional eggs we could also use that there is Eno over there say but they're much more difficult to tame in my opinion minarets so we're just gonna do a wrecks if we can find one that's the other thing we have to find a low-level female Rex in a decent spot to tame there we go nice and we're gonna harvest this guy up now is just gonna give us loads and loads prime me if your artificial where it doesn't stack that makes it things more difficult but I'm not playing on officials so our prime meat actually stacks here so now we have lots and lots of prime meat we're gonna use to tame the Rex so that's a green drop that's not gonna give me anything really good at this point I'm probably only gonna check blue drops and above green Jobson below aren't gonna really give me anything of any really use at this point they usually give you just like basic materials or really low-level things that aren't gonna be super useful but we're gonna be checking you hopefully some yellow and red drops today in hopes that maybe we'll get a nice rifle blueprint that's that's the dream but I'm gonna probably have to fly around here for a while now look for a Rex and some drops and we'll be right back so I've been flying around I haven't found a wreck ship but I did find this Bronto and I wanted to mention that you could also use Bronto Giga basilisk quetzel or Tek cuts allure techrax eggs just for me I think a rex is gonna be more useful to have around the base bronto's are really good for gathering berries like really really good amazing but they're huge and slow and take a long time to tame it would be a pretty easy team but I would just rather get a Rex but if you want to get a Bronto you can definitely do that you can just team it up with some veggies they're pretty easy to tame once you get em knocked out they stay down for absolutely forever but I just wanted to let you guys know the other options on a dark and stormy island day we found ourselves another alpha level 12 alpha car no this is perfect actually nice low level shouldn't be too tough to deal with these guys do have quite a bit of help though I'm gonna try to take this guy out come here guy come here we want your experience in Lutz um also I want to remind you guys that as you're killing these alphas if you have a chippy it's leveling up your chippy and if you get to max level in the game and you level up your chippy that'll actually allow you to be a little level up one level for each level your chippy levels also see bees actually do have a purpose you want to try to use the same should be and keep leveling it up see just reading it come on man come on Ron Turtles you and me no turtle attack him not me come on it's team cheese and turtle team turtle let's go we got this just getting pretty bloody now there we go we got him we get any uh we got it look see we got some good loot oh come on turtle leave me alone we're gonna again harvest this guy because he's gonna give us tons and tons of prime meat we got a level for ourselves we got a bunch of level over again and all the prime meat all right I'm sorry turtle you can live on leave me alone guy what do we get for loot there we got a master craft pick and a journeyman hatchet which we already have are they better than ours in the hatchets had it slightly better and the pic 207 picks not as good all right great we got five levels uh on our G we're gonna put that all in the stand I like to go into like at least 4,000 spam we're gonna go more health for ourselves we're doing super great we're still looking for a Rex or some drops but we're doing awesome so far and we'll be right back and we're back and we're over here at Karno island I want to grab this purple drop before it disappears and then I'll show you guys right where it is this is commonly referred to as carnot island because it's basically all carnivores out here and it's also crazy dangerous just Carnegie newbie trouble he is let's get real quick make sure we're okay you got to be super careful getting drops out here there's literally everything out here is trying to kill you we got two journeyman Saddles journeyman parasaur journeyman Kaprow saddle so we are located here all the way up in the top right of your map or the Northeast as it were but as you can see just everything is out out here is Sabres and car nose and our Gees and scorpions there'll be Rex's out here a lot of times they'll be alphas out here so that's why I came out here but also some of the best drops happen out here all very often they'll be red yellow drops out here or a purple as the one we just got but unfortunately the one that's coming down right now is a blue and I also don't see any Rex's out here at the moment so yeah I just wanted to show you guys this is a great place to come for carnivores a there's also a cave on this island over there that we'll end up doing in a later episode and a great place for drops um unfortunately I've gotten a few drops so far nothing super amazing I got a new play and a crop plot blueprint and nothing definitely not the not the rifles we're looking for waves hand like Jedi but uh yeah I'm gonna continue looking for Rex's and amazing drops and we'll be right back alright here we go we got this red drop right here I'm gonna try to grab this real quick there's also a Rex right there I just noticed a red drop with the ring that means it has twice as many items as a regular drop that was looks like some good stuff we got Mastercraft flack gauntlets that are three thirteen armor and 565 durability those are really nice as you can see I only have a hundred armor 120 durability on my current clubs so man those are a huge improvement that's really really nice and we also got what was it a tire bear a journeyman tire bear saddle and calico journeyman saddle that was a really really nice drop actually super cool all right now watch this be a level 18 female Rex and we'll be loving life nope it's a 96 male Rex you are not the Rex we're looking for sir that is not the one all right the search continues man that was a good drop let's go these are a lows those are a lows right there alders are really really dangerous you want to make sure and be careful if you see kind of carnal looking guys in a pack and one of them has this glow on their back those guys will give you a bleed and it slows you and it makes it really hard to get away so if they can catch you and get a bleed on you when you're on a land mount you're in real deep trouble and even if you're flying you better go straight up and try to get away from them or you're in trouble real real quick so be very very careful with Alice all right we're gonna keep looking around unfortunately not having a lot of luck on Rex is so far I'm pretty sure that's only the second Rex I've seen on the entire server thus far and both were male but we're gonna keep looking and we'll be right back all right I cut too soon I came back I don't know if you guys saw this little lady perched up there before I cut but as soon as I cut I looked up to my left level 12 female Rex this is perfect okay now she's not in a great spot again I got to be honest but I think we can work with this um let's see if we lands it's also being very weird super still if we land over here now always be careful before you get off your mouth make sure there's nothing around you make sure there's nothing above you be careful all right let's see if we can get a nice shot honor okay she's yeah she's gonna come towards us now teaming the Rex is all about position you just want to make sure basically that you're up the hill from her you want to you want to keep high ground and you just want to try to be where she can't get to which I don't know it becomes kind of a easy after a while but it's so are you really going after that say go bra brah right she wants to go fight everything for some reason can I get on my bird there we go so listen we're just gonna follow her down here it's actually kind of nice that she's well though she doesn't get killed all these signals good killer oh boy we might have to help out here we're gonna jump in the fight and help we're gonna hit this stego and try not to hit her there we go this thing goes dead oh no oh no I'm stuck inside the second alright I guess I'll harvest it I was gonna leave this day go for her to eat she looks like she's gonna be I'll handle this she's not bloody this thing goes dead okay nice so we want to just go over here now and we're gonna take a shot we're just gonna keep trying to ping ER I know you're so mean I know you're a big mean girl I know you are she's coming our way we're just gonna hop back on our bird stay calm we're gonna move up a little bit like to say this Rock now these guys can climb up things that you would think they wouldn't be able to climb up they have like four-wheel drive so think of Rex's as like the four-wheel drive trucks hmm of arc as you can see most dinos wouldn't be able to climb up that now we're just gonna reposition and try to find a spot a little bit higher and there you go it's kind of like making a natural taming pen alright if my gun lets me aim in there we go sometimes the guns in arc work out they won't reload they won't you know you won't came in if that happens just put your gun away and pull it back out it usually it usually fixes the issue again be careful your surroundings make sure nothing's coming up behind you and you're good she's being a good girl and just staying there for us is super super handy another pro tip I always like to aim at the very tip of their head it doesn't matter for this one because a levels aren't gonna matter on this it doesn't matter the good team but say this was a 180 we were trying to tame I would always try to shoot it in the very Lake top of its head so that it fit falls over I won't hit it that extra time oh there we go and she's down so as you can see I mean that was pretty easy it wasn't too much trouble we just had to move around a little bit just be conscientious of where you are and what's around you just kind of in the rock though it's kind of not the best we and we're gonna owe all our prime meats on our our birdy put our prime meat on here and bam and bam and she's gonna team up and not too long we're gonna hang out another thing I want to say don't stand next to your team so not pretty much nothing is gonna come a Tec this Rex while it's down some some teams if you're taming like a try a curd seeing things have come and attacking but nothing is gonna come an attack a downed Rex the only way you could mess up a team of a rex is if you stand next to it and something comes and attacks you and accidentally hits the Rex so pro tip don't be right next to your team's you can watch your team from this far away if something were to come and attack me right now it's not gonna mess up the team again it doesn't matter on this low level but pretending this we're like a 180 or a really nice Rex that we really wanted a nice team on we wouldn't want something to hit it but anyway we're gonna hang out here wait for this lady to get up and we'll be right back and she's up I didn't even notice she just hit she teamed up and we didn't get the pop-up we were just a bit too far away hey little girl are you tamed you tamed right yeah okay weird I thought we were seemed plenty close enough to get the pop-up but for some reason it didn't pop up anyway she's all teamed up let's grab our the rest of our meat off her level 17 again doesn't really matter we just want her for the eggs and in this day of cryo pods has really changed the game with how readily available cryo pods are you used to have to ride your ex home or we'll have it follow you home but now you can just pick it up put it in your pocket and bring it home it's makes things so much easier it's a total game changer to be honest you used to have to walk walk your team's back home and quite often even night really nice teams wouldn't make it home alive you would find like a really nice 180 mammoth or whatever and it would just never make it back to your base but now you can just pick him up and carry him around so really really nice and convenient we're gonna try to check a few more drops before we go home I'm not really seeing any nice drops right now really there's none good no good ones in this guy well we're gonna try to check a few more drops while we're up here in the north and then we're gonna head back home so either we'll be back when I find a cool drop or I'll see you guys back at the base and we're back here at the base after some more drop hunting let me show you the highlights of that yep that's some classic arcing right there when you pull up to the drop right as it disappears or you pull up to the drop and you get to crop pop blue prints so as you could say luck was not on our side today we didn't get the rifle that we were looking for so we'll have to keep continuing the search this seems to be a running theme through every single series I do is just me trying forever to get a decent rifle and it looks like it's gonna continue on this series but we did get home with our Rex which is super great are we high enough level to learn either your x saddle we are not so we got to get to level 74 before we can learn the Rex saddle so we're just gonna throw our little lady out probably over here let's put her actually let's put her in the back over here right there seems like a good spot we're gonna make sure she's on neutral because she can be a little a pretty decent helper of protecting the base especially when she's doing a headstand okay but that's about all the time we have for today guys so we're gonna have some eggs for superior kibble we showed you guys how to tame a Rex that'll work on a higher level Rex it's just gonna take more shots just remember to keep high ground move around and it's not it's not too too bad but if you guys liked this episode please do me a huge favor in flex on that like button yeah and for more daily video game awesomeness don't forget to subscribe if you guys are looking for your own Ark server like the one I use make sure and check them I try to link down below they have really great servers and really great prices an excellent customer service I definitely recommend them to anybody that's looking for their own server and if you haven't seen me live I stream live on Twitch every single day lots of our canned fortnight and I've been playing tons of escape from tarkov lately it's really really fun you don't want to miss the bass I'm making on my my stream playthrough over there we've made a rainbow unicorn castle that is absolutely unbelievable you definitely want to check that out but before we go we got to go say goodbye to murder yo murder yo murderer what's up man he'll murder let's go my man not too much but a good day today we went out and did some draw hunting didn't have too much luck there but we tamed up a wreck so we're gonna be able to make some exceptional kibble it's gonna be really really great what's up with you mm not too much hey what's the fastest way to kill a snail um I don't know what we're gonna salt rifle get it assault rifle oh man that's all the time we have I love you guys I'll see you guys next time jeez
Channel: RoyaleWithCheese
Views: 122,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RoyaleWithCheese, Ark Royalewithcheese, royale with cheese ark, Ark Cheese, Gaming Evolved Cheese, gaming evolved season 4, gaming evolved ark, ark survival evolved, ark a beginners guide, how to get started in ark, what to do in ark, a beginners guide to ark, ark how to tame, ark how to tame a rex, ark island rex spawns, ark rex island, ark the island rex spawn locations, ark island loot crate locations, ark island loot drops, ark carno island cave, ark carno island
Id: xhTAjxF7lq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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