How to Get Started in ARK - A Beginners Guide - Sabers And Chibis - Ark: Survival Evolved [S4E16]

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hey guys cheese here and welcome to another episode of barks survival evolved how's everybody doing today I'm having a great day today and we're back here on my island beginners guide playthrough and on today's episode first thing we're gonna do is cut this caveman hair I can't stand it I look like a home a homeless man and I really really need a haircut so we got to get our cool haircut going so we look like cheese again which means we're gonna have to go find some obsidian to make some scissors so that's how we're gonna start off and then it's the last day of the winter wonderland event and we've been so busy taming gathering dinos and setting up our garden setting up our metal outpost just doing some of our beginner stuff that we haven't had a chance to take advantage of Raptor claws or gotcha claws at all and I really really want a chippy before they're gone you know on this playthrough so we're gonna do some of that today so if you guys liked this episode please do me a huge favor and fer next on that like button yeah and for more daily video game awesomeness don't forget to subscribe so first step we're gonna go take a trip to our metal outpost I believe there's some obsidian over there so we're gonna lose a theory right there a low-blower you man just twenty four we're gonna take a trip over to our metal outpost we're gonna gather up a bunch of metal started cooking bring home the metal that's cooked and there's also some obsidian and crystal over there so we're gonna go make a resource run to start things off today and we'll be right back and we're back I ended up having to fly farther than our metal outpost cuz I couldn't find any obsidian around there but I went up to the volcano here and I got found this yellow drop let's see what we get I'm sendin mammoth saddle and a ramshackle spider saddled so the mammoth saddled really really cool that'll be really really useful when we can eventually get a mammoth the spider saddle on the other hand is practically worthless spiders really have no purpose in this game there as teams they're not very good they have super low weight super low attack basically all the lowest stats but anyway I wanted to show you guys we are at the volcano right about here this is actually where the final boss fight happens the Ascension happens right through that door right there we're not ready for that yet but we came here for this so this right here is called obsidian as you can tell it looks different than the other rocks it's really really dark black coloured and we need this in order to craft up certain things in the game like like display pedestals for artifacts for scissors magnifying glasses and polymer since it's a resource you need for a few specific things you don't need it all the time but you definitely want to get some and there's also loads of crystal here as you can tell I wish I had brought the Anki with me but really we just need some of this crystal and some of this obsidian so that we can go back to base and we're gonna make up some scissors and cut our hair so we're just gonna grab a little bit of this and again we are and we should I should where we are on the map right we're right there this is called the volcano it's a pretty safe area inside of here to be honest it's not usually too much stuff in here you want to stay away from the lava though the lava will definitely kill you till you're so bored and that's it I think we have how much obsidian we got we've got 104 obsidian and a little bit of metal and some crystal and that's good enough for now so we're out of here we're back heading back towards the metal outpost to pick up some metal on our way home and we'll be right back and we're back okay I'm over here at the metal outpost we have taken the the Anki out we gathered up a bunch of metal we got the forges going again we're bringing home 1300 metal and of course the obsidian and the crystal that we found which is really great um but we're gonna be opportunistic Ark players here while I was gathering I noticed this guy down here where'd he go I was afraid this was gonna happen oh there is it's just a little hide and look we've got a 180 Sabretooth just climbing around down here so we're gonna be opportunistic arc players even though we weren't looking for a sabre today we're gonna grab one while we can we're gonna bring this guy home to our taming pen and tame him up it's super great it's gonna be really really easy we already have the taming pen set up and everything um sometimes these guys will hit you a little bit it seems if like he's hitting me a little bit now like if you just kind of move your RG around some like fly up a little bit different move around a little bit you can usually get them to stop seems like you just wants to hit me if I'm level but just keep an eye on your health and it's not too bad just don't let him kill your bird you just basically want to keep really close eye on your your stamina and your health can you stop hitting me guy please okay guy stop it listen lady saver come on we're gonna be friends it's gonna be great he's really doing a number on me listen man stop it hey I'm trying to show the people how you'll stop hitting me if I get him just right you should stop hitting me or not he's just gonna keep just absolutely kicking my butt in come on man oh this is my bean so anyway it's like if I get below half health I'm gonna drop him and let my health build up a little bit and then we'll pick him up I just want to get out of the Redwoods here oh look at that see that a pair of SourceTree super red aspera sort of all time in the top of a tree oh my god he's kicking my booty in ooh stop it stop it oh there's a there's a Christmas quetzel right there all the cool things are out okay okay okay Oh is he friendly stop Oh stop hitting me oh my god he's gonna kill me stop it no no no stop okay oh he's kicking my butt alright we're gonna get this very carefully oh he's being so mean yeah use this one doesn't seem to want to hit me as long as I'm going steeply up or steeply down we're gonna have to drop him we're gonna have to drop them we're about to die I'm just want to get past the swamp right here and drop him right there okay now one of these special and we really hurt us we're down to 500 health one of the special skills of Ayden RG is if they heat me heat me know if they eat meat they actually heal so we're gonna get our stand back real quick be very very careful we don't want to lose our G this would be a huge disaster so how the snake wants a piece of us I just want to find something that's not gonna hurt us real bad pick that up and kill it real quick look at it Christmas beaver yeah there's a bunch of cool dinos out today what are you only an 18mm that may I should work I wanted something that's not really gonna fight us there we go this Moss chops we can pick this guy up and eat him and that'll heal us a little bit let's kill this guy he's not gonna attack us back there we go now when we eat his body watch see how we got the little lake health bubbles around our head it gives us 18 seconds where our health will actually go up pretty quick so you were healing here so we're gonna just gonna eat this guy a little bit get our health up so he doesn't kill us hopefully we can spine the saber who unfortunately I had to drop him really close to the swamp we're gonna wait until seeing the top right the timer's running we're gonna wait until our timers up we're gonna hit him again yeah oh no there's a spinal honey it's all gone wrong yeah there's a spinal right there that's terrifying okay let's I'm glad I didn't even see that guy let's heal up one more time here let's get one more bite stay away from the spine oh alright the timers gone heal okay let's see if we can find our saber again usually they'll stop getting angry with you after just a little bit we're gonna grab this feel me I to eat so we're just gonna basically keep picking up little creatures that we can heal off of that aren't gonna kick our boots in booties in hopefully we could find the saber I dropped him right over here somewhere Oh saber please where is he um oh there he is he's over there alright we're gonna grab this guy oh please gonna just be chill just be chill bro no no no I was gonna fly straight up alright we're gonna work this guy back to base it's gonna be a bit of a struggle we're probably gonna have to drop him again cuz he seems like he definitely wants to keep biting us oh man this is not going well stop fighting me all right we're gonna fly this guy back to base very very carefully be watching our health our health is so low we got to be very very careful very careful very very careful all right let's just flip it round it down oh man stop dude just chill bro this is the most aggressive Sabre of all time you're so mean guy oh my we're almost home we're almost home I ready to drop him again cuz he's gonna kill us all right just get dropped all right we need this going so badly okay this is uh normally they won't attack you for this long and keep kicking your butt really it's not usually this much trouble they usually hit you some and then stop but this guy is just like uber aggressive let's get some stamina back we're gonna kill this Paris or now this is the struggle is the arc struggle [Music] come on man can we get some stamina please so again Paras ORS won't attack us so this is another great creature to just eat and heal on we're just gonna sit here for a couple minutes and heal up and then we'll go grab the saber and head home he's right though he's over there behind us okay so that's good he's right over there behind us we can sit here and heal for a little bit we'll grab him and we'll head home shouldn't be too much trouble we'll be right back and we're back we're almost back to the taming pen and this dude has finally calmed down and stopped attacking me as you can see it was a bit of a struggle to get this guy back normally they stopped attacking way sooner than that and he just kind of chills out like he is now okay all right now you're making me look bad in front of my friends trying to make a video here let's give this this is the meanest saber of all time oh man get in there and just leave me alone holy smokes so I was eating meat to heal this guy to use the RG special ability as I was showing another thing you can do on not just our our Gees but any meat-eating Dino is you can actually go into the meat in the dinos inventory and then push beyond it and it will force-feed the Dino you can actually just hold it down and as you can see it it's healing him up it doesn't work as fast as the RG special ability but it's definitely another thing you can do when you're trying to heal up a car now unfortunately herbivores or the berry eating dinos or vegetable eating dinos you cannot do this so we're just gonna heal this guy up a little bit show you guys so all you have to do is hold it over it that's on PC you can do it on a console as well but I'm not sure what the buttons are so there we go so he's gonna heal up he's got me he's good oh man this saber is just nasty we're gonna grab our rifle and our darts and we're gonna gonna knock this guy out oh you know what yeah let's go oh man that was really to struggle I was very afraid we were gonna lose our lose our G there and that would be a huge disaster we need to be very very careful with our G until we get another RG and breed out some Artie's so we're just gonna be on the edge of the taming pen here let's just shoot him where he can't get us his poise this guy mean he's like all of the mean there we go you're gonna be great for us he's gonna be a really really powerful Dino for us to be able to gather some meat and lots and lots of hide these guys are great for getting hide or chitin which is resources we're gonna need lots and lots of but this will be a nice guy to use much more powerful than the Raptor that we have so I'm just gonna get him knocked out here it's alright you're gonna be okay we just want to be friends I still love you even though you almost killed my RG like 16 times come on take a little nappy alright hey looks like he's getting running now a couple more hits should knock him out come on you don't you want to be careful once they get to be high torpor and they start to run like this you don't want to hit him in extra time after they go down that'll mess up your teaming efficiency okay once he starts to run you can actually go in here with him he's not gonna attack you you're just gonna run around he's like trying to escape from me now come on dude fall over fall over take a little nap buddy come on we want you to be our friend no maybe we definitely gonna need to get a better rifle cuz this rifles not doing us any justice here here he goes let's go 180 super-mean sabre tooth knocked out I'm gonna see what I have to team him up oh there's a see this is why we build this so there's no uh Dillo interference we should have run around this guy actually I don't want you to be around my base causing trouble but you want a piece of me Christmas Dillo you want some yeah that's what I thought give us your meat give us your delicious meat we'll use to feed our dinos all right we're gonna tame the Sabre up and we'll be right back and she's up she's up she's happy I'm gonna bring back one of my favorite names of Sabres Dunder Mifflin that's right it's Dunder Mifflin our Sabre okay um we're gonna take this guy out of our pan which knees are cryopod cuz we didn't put gates on our taming pin cuz you don't need them with the crab pods being so easy now we're gonna bring this guy back to base and oh the brandnew Sabre safe in our base hi you're such a pretty girl I know you're adorable oh we left the door open that's bad idea hi how'd we do 2,050 health 960 stam 368 weight 404 melee this guy actually has really really good stats they tame off of regular kibble is what we use we actually had already or you can use meat or mutton or a prime meat but obviously regular kibble being the best and then mine okay now we need to craft some things so thing in at number one where you're going to look into is a saber saddle so that we could ride our Sabre so we're gonna search up Sabre it unlocks at level 37 in the smithy so we're gonna learn Sabre saddle and then we're gonna learn scissors because I've been dying to get my hair cut this takes Flint metal and obsidian also made in the smithy so there we go so that's what we're gonna craft let's go make a put our cryopod away first thing we're gonna go into saddles we're gonna find the saber saddle it takes fiber hide and metal all things we already have so boom saber saddle really great and now we're going to go into weapons miscellaneous and there's scissors which takes 35 flint 6 metal and 5 obsidian which we just gathered up and we're gonna make some scissors alright let's go I'm so excited to get my hair cut oh we're also gonna put our regular kibble back in the fridge so that it stays good and doesn't go bad let's take our saddle and put it on our saber oh yes yes girl you make that work oh yeah work it girl work it looking great okay that was weird now to use scissors you're gonna take the scissors and put them on your hotbar and then you pull out the scissors and now if you were gonna use them on someone else you would left-click and go like that walk up to them and you would cut their hair but on yourself you want to right click and it pulls up your own hair sees you can give yourself self haircuts let's go it's like it's like the flow be of arc now you have two sections here you have head hair and facial hair head and facial we're gonna start with head hair and the all the different hairstyles are unlocked through achievements in the game so Mohawk I believe is through ascension a game an ascension I think and we want you can set the link 3 here so you can have like a short long however you want your Mohawk we want super long Mohawk cut and then we were going to accept so we just cut the head hair and we want to do facial hair as well and I want goatee and now again you can go do super small goatee giant huge goatee but we do huge goatee it is a little weird to me that as you can see eyebrows or the same like what if I want a big goatee and not the world's pussiest eyebrows it's not an option but so we're gonna go huge goatee huge bushy eyebrows and except now you'll notice while it came out hello game there you go you'll notice that I don't actually have the haircut yet it actually has to grow in so we chop the hair off and then it has to grow in and you want to save this human hair because it's useful in crafting some other S+ things later so we're gonna save the human hair there and really great let's take our saber out for a little spin and see how we do dunder-mifflin and saber how we hitting home seventy-eight damage right off the start pretty great again not like super powerful I wouldn't try to fight a t-rex or a spinal with it but it's gonna be a lot better to fight just average things around oh I keep forgetting to shut the doors man I need to put my doors back on automatic alright a 117 on this guy we're already getting more powerful let's go all there's probably that dodo is probably made boosted it's a really really great mount for us it's gonna be super helpful but for now we're just gonna Park her over here with our Raptor you guys can be the bestest of friends so for the last part of today's episode we're gonna try to find Raptor claws but Raptor claws doesn't come until midnight and if you hold H in the game on PC as you can see it's only 10:00 in the morning right now so we're gonna be hanging out for a little bit until almost midnight and then I'll bring you guys right back with my sexy new haircut let's go and we're back and it's super dark out oh it just happened it's midnight that means gotcha claws just arrived it's at midnight it is you just hit midnight okay so gotcha cause I mean excuse me Raptor claws what's Gamma up here Raptor claws comes every night at midnight during the event he spawns in in exactly midnight so if you push H it's it's 20 after midnight so he just showed up we gotta look for the gold like presents dropping out of the spot sky which is usually the easiest way to find him I'm also freezing to death right now this is all gone wrong where well there is okay so you see these presents falling kind of in a line let's see if we can can we not see those with our spyglass somehow there we go see there's one and there's one and there'll be another one there is it's Raptor claws so wrap your claws comes once a day at midnight we're gonna keep pumping stamina now arrrg and he drops presents for everybody to get now unfortunately it's the last day of what your Wonderland so if you're just getting to this now you're kind of at a time it's really the last day but you could try to get some done today but we haven't done it at all yet on this playthrough but you can get some really really Opie gear and you can also get chippies which I really really want it's much easier to do on a faster amount so if you have an owl or a Griffon or something that's faster I would definitely recommend using that unfortunately all we have is an RG so we're just gonna have to grind it out it's gonna be a little bit slow getting from to these presents we're gonna try to get to as many as we can before he disappears one more thing I wanted to show you guys when it gets to be nighttime in the game you can do this thing called gamma so if you push tab it brings up this little command console you could type in regular gamma it's just gamma and no number but as you can see that super dark or if you want to be brighter you can put gamma space 3 a little bit brighter is gamma space 4 and then maximum is gamma space well not maximum but usually people only go to gamma 5 so this is gamma 5 and it allows you to see a little bit better during the nighttime but when it gets back today then you're gonna want to go just regular gamma with no number and put it back so you're not just pulling the retinas out of your head I'm actually gonna cut until we get to a present because it's gonna take me ages I'm gonna try to get to that first present over there and we'll be right back ok here we are at our first present we're gonna you can actually land on the top of these when they're coming down which makes it kind of easier make sure nothing is super dangerous in your area before you hop off your die now always be careful make sure and look around that was something bad it's not okay let's open our present okay so we got a chippy we got our very first chippy on the server um I think it was a carnivore a car nose chibby uh which way was it going Raptor claws was going this way there we go there's our next present over there let's go get this one well we'll go we have to time is of the essence right now we have to try to get as many of these as we can before it gets to be before they all go away apparently I have my nighttime set on pretty fast settings on the server that is day/night cycle as a server setting so you can have your day go by slower and your night go by faster which is what I have on this server just it's easier to record in the day things look better but as you can see we're already burning through the night and we haven't even gotten to our second package yet okay let's get this one we'll look at all the loot at the end we got 200 nice sword we got a nice sword a ghillie chest piece and a Pteranodon chibi which is really really cool let's see if we can get one more package before they disappear and we're back we're back here at base unfortunately I was only able to get those two presents I couldn't find anymore I assume they disappeared because it became daytime so we didn't get an amazing amount of gear but we got some good stuff so we got a new sword this is 280 damaged info I mean 148 damage in 416 durability which compared to our 100 100 damage 40 durability pike is a huge improvement so that's really great new sword and we got a blueprint for an ascendant ghillie chest piece with 280 armor and 511 durability really crazy good chest piece there and we got two chippies so let's check out our chippies I mean we only have two and the events ending today so one of these guys is gonna be our permanent shibby so we've got the super pink derped out core no yes okay and the terrain oh let's see which one we like better oh dude it's definitely trying it on look at the terrain around he's crazy-looking okay so this is our new little chippy guy they don't do anything for you they're just little they just hang out with you and it's just a fun little thing they added in the game so that's gonna be our new guy we also got some building materials and nothing else we really care about except yeah moose juice can you hold this stuff for us except this coal and uh mistletoe so now what we can do with these is we can bring them to a gotcha clause and there just happens to be one over here and we can make trades with the gotcha clause and we can get even more Opie stuff hopefully so we're gonna trade him all of our stuff so we're gonna just gonna give him one coal now I've heard reports that on ps4 or other places you can only get it to work with ten but on PC or at least on my servers or things that I've heard you can just give him one coal or one mistletoe at a time and he'll do that so he does he sits down he makes a little sneeze and then he gives you a little present boom so I'm gonna do this with all of our coal and mistletoe I'm gonna take all the presents back to base and we'll open them back up when we get back okay guys we're back and I've got all these crystals from feeding the Gotcha let's open them up and see what kind of cool stuff we get uh Wow journeyman riot leggings those are actually really really powerful leggings they're gonna be really hot for us but riot gear is super duper duper powerful and like good durability and good armor I like really hot to wear but we'll throw it on for now and a riot there they just want us to be wearing riot gear a chitin chest piece a nice a journeyman sickle that's helpful ah candy so now these candies you could put on your Dino it gives me a ten percent movement speed and it paints my Dino these colors for 24 hours that's kind of cool okay a thigh locally or you will have to check that out um pants decorative gift yeah more a gas bag shibby more candies else we got here nothing Christmas lights we don't care more candies Christmas tree more candy a quetzel Jimmy that's cool Christmas wreaths more candies yeah more stuff nothing great a flare gun thing another chippy a date on should be more decorations okay so we got some chippies let's look at our chippies before we leave we got a we got a few more chippies to choose from now so we got a day add-on chippy all dude the day we got a super green mohawk date on Jimmy dude he's awesome that might be our new guy that that's our leading contender I think for the chippy of thee here all a super derpy looking a white and blue gasbag should be pretty cool while we're getting really cool colors a really cool colored blue and green Megatherium chibi um ooh a like mink green penis horse chubby interesting it's C quetzel kind of a purpley looking quetzel chibi and finally a the thigh la oh wow the a be blue crazy-cool Thile Achebe I'm not sure which one I like the best they're all right shoe really good I don't know uh so everybody I want you to comment down below this is the only chibi hunting we're gonna be able to do for the whole season cuz the events ending so which chibi do you want us to rock for the rest of the season let me know down below which one you guys like the best but that's about all the time we have for today guys we went into the metal run we got some obsidian we were able to cut our hair so we look super cool like cheese again with our mohawk and goatee we look great we opportunistically tamed a 180 saber we found Raptor claws got some presents and fed gotcha claws and got more Oh piggy R whoo we did a lot of stuff today so if you guys liked this episode please do me a huge favor in next on that like button yeah and for more daily video game awesomeness don't forget to subscribe if you guys are looking for your own Ark server like the one I use make sure and check out my knight righto link down below we have really great servers and really great prices and excellent customer service I definitely recommend them to anybody that's looking for their own server if you guys haven't seen me live I stream live on Twitch every single day lots of Arc and fortnight and other fun games lately I've been super addicted to destiny too I've been playing a lot of that this weekend I think we're gonna try escape from tarkov we're gonna be screaming streaming some of that this weekend but I'd love to meet you guys and chat about video games or Ark or anything else so you should come see me at slash Royale with cheese TV but before we go we got to say goodbye to murder yo murder hey murder what's going on man hey what's going on man not too much we went and tamed a sabre today we got some obsidian so we could cut my hair yeah man nice hair you look great hey thanks man we went and found Raptor claws and got you claws we did all sorts of stuff what's up with you hmm hmm not too much Hey what is snowman eat for breakfast um I don't know what snowflakes man those are that was just a tear that wasn't you that was awful murdered I love you guys I'll see you guys next time cheese and dunder-mifflin out
Channel: RoyaleWithCheese
Views: 93,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RoyaleWithCheese, Ark Royalewithcheese, royale with cheese ark, Ark Cheese, Gaming Evolved Cheese, gaming evolved season 4, ark survival evolved, ark a beginners guide, play ark, a beginners guide to ark, ark how to get obsidian, ark how to get obsidian the island, ark how to make scissors, ark how to cut hair, ark how to tame a sabertooth, ark how to get chibis, ark how to find raptor claus the island, ark how to find raptor claus drops, ark how to feed gacha claus
Id: 1NET1MsjUOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 48sec (1908 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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