How to Get Started in ARK - A Beginners Guide - Ark: Survival Evolved Episode 1

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oh okay well that happened so there's [Music] what's up guys Royale with cheese here and welcome this is gonna be a new series on the channel I've just decided I'm gonna make a bit of a beginner's guide for everybody and I get a lot of questions about you know how do you do this in arc and how do you do that in arc and how do you so I just figured I'm just gonna make a little guide a little series of a few videos and I'm gonna start right at the beginning and show everybody how I do everything I do and we're gonna get right into it so this is arc obviously this is the main screen that you load up the game now you have a few options here if you want to start out you can host your own game so you can either host your own server or you could play your own local single-player game so we're gonna we're not going to do that this episode but you know this is definitely an option for people that are interested in playing with anyone else or you know they don't like the idea of being on servers or being with other people my entire season one of arc I played on a single-player and you know it was really great I I kind of loved it but that's not what we're getting into today so umm if I could remember how to get out of it okay cancel there we go so we're gonna actually join a server so you go to join arc now these are my favorite servers but say you go to official servers and just you'll find a huge-mongous list of all kinds of servers you can possibly get on now there you can choose up here between what maps you want to play there's the island the senator Ragnarok scorched earth aberration PG Ark there's modes now PvP will be where other people are trying to kill you and destroy all your stuff and take your dinos I would not suggest this for beginner players I would avoid PvP altogether just go to PvE that way you can build your bases and tame your dinos and for the most part people won't mess with you that sometimes they still will if you plan on an official server you got to be careful about that so it's not great but now some of the things now you can look at if you go to the PvE mode you can see what the maps are right here these are how many players are on the server and it's always more fun to be on a server with other players so I would try to pick a server that has some players I wouldn't be down you know I wouldn't pick a server that has zero players if you want to be on a server now this is an important number here ping now this tells you how fast the server is responding to your computer so like this server with this 802 ping this would be very bad for me I wouldn't want to play on this server this should be I would have a lot of lag I would have a lot of problems this would not be good so you want to look for a low number here especially if you don't have a very good internet connection so I'd probably pick like this 31 here with 16 players on the center see this looks like a pretty great server for me like this would be perfect for me but we're not gonna do that today we're gonna go to alright so I'll show you guys as well so say I wanted to play on this server I can look at that I can add this to my favorites so that I don't have to always search for it to find it again and then when I go down here to the session filter there's official servers on official servers there's non dead it all sorts of stuff your survivors but I always like to go to favorites now when I go to my favorites I'll see the servers that I have favorited I don't want this one favorited so let's remove this one from survivors and I'm having an issue with ARC right now what please where am i where am i servers at bruh art world what oh I see cuz I have it on PvE mode hey and they'll be noob noob guiding myself okay so I most of my servers are set for PvP not because their PvP servers but just because it helps with the settings of certain things and dinos and whatnot but you don't need to know that as beginner players so now here's my list of servers that I plan on all the time and we're actually going to do this server a series on the gaming evolved Season 4 so we're gonna hit join now we'll load up this server I started playing gaming evolved right when I joined gaming evolved right when season 4 started and I did a couple episodes in this season 4 and I had personal problems in my life and I didn't do YouTube for a few months so I never really got to experience my season 4 I never really I didn't ever really completed it as I like to so I'm gonna restart my season 4 we're gonna just make a new guy we're gonna completely start over it's gonna be a new series on the channel and we're gonna start with a bit of a beginner's guide so here we are at the character creation stream you can be male or female you could just randomize your character but I just kind of tend to like just be like a normal looking guy obviously you can go like super dark color to light color - I just like to make my guy kind of normal-looking if you make them too weirdly shaped and strange then it looks they look awful in the like certain armors they're like heads will be popping out their shoulder like so if you make them a weird thing they can look really weird but then it's gonna look super strange when you're in the armors and stuff I like to make my guys like slightly buff so I'm gonna go let's see a perm little yeah a little little but a little buffness you know what I mean we got to be looking good for the ladies on the server but there's all sorts of options if you want to get into I don't want to mess with all the things and make a guy all weird but you can make them super tall they're super short everything other in the world something else you always want to do before you start if you just hit start name now your name will be human and that's lame so we're gonna change this to cheese so I was trying to remember to change that I've been on several servers where I forgot to change that and that was always very embarrassing so now you pick a region where you want to start and it suggests for you where to start where it's easy to play so if you start in one of these easier regions here is a good spot for a beginner to spawn in and start it won't be too tough for you hopefully that we might spawn in and instantly die it's definitely possible but if you spawn in like one of these harder regions you're definitely gonna die pretty much so we're gonna pick like nice let's say we'll start at south one and we create our new survivor this is going to destroy our previous survivor but like I said we barely started with our previous survivor so we're just gonna make a new guy start a new series spawn in it's raining okay here we are this is arc now we have eye opens our inventory now right now we have nothing in our inventory and these are the things we can craft so far we can craft a pick torch and a note we don't need the note we're going to start with the pick so we need one stone ten Thach and one wood okay so let's see if we can find a stone BAM walk up to a stone push it you picked it up we have a stone okay now to get wooden thatch we're gonna go up and punch a tree so you just left-click on a tree there we go wouldn't wouldn't thatch him we gotta load there you go back into crafting you can double-click on this or you can right-click and then you can choose either craft one craft the available one or you can pick how many you wanted to craft if you had enough materials we're just going to craft one now we also got a level right there I always level wait in the beginning everything in arc is heavy it just makes your life so much more convenient so I'm gonna level wait for a while until we get our weight up to pretty good we have a surplus on this server so you just ignore all this stuff this is all the like special s plus stuff will go right down to the beginner stuff we got a campfire we're gonna go hatch it next we definitely want to hatch it we're gonna go spear because we want to be able to defend ourselves and we're gonna go campfire and we're out of points so that's all we can get for now we're gonna take our our hatchet now we just drag this down onto our hot bar here any number you like to choose and now when you push that number so now I put it on two if I push to boom I got my pig alright so now we can pick stuff instead of punching it with our hand you got another level and now pics are great for going up to rocks and breaking rocks and now we can get flint and stone and now that we got some more stuff we can go back and we will craft the other thing so now we can make it hatch it will make a torch we don't really need a torch I'm just left clicking on those two crafts so I left quickly craft left click craft we'll take the hatchet drag it down to our hot bar will take the torch drag that down or our hot bar and we're gonna put another level into wait we'll scroll down let's see if we have any more things we can learn ok so now we can start unlocking some of the first armor in the game so we're gonna unlock the pants the shirt the gloves the boots the hat can we get the water skin we don't have enough points for the water skin yet so back out ok here we go well look at red event colored dye no nice so now if you use a hatchet on a tree it's gonna get a lot of wood and a little bit of thatch Oh are these guys gonna attack me all right these guys will attack you if there's enough of them to feel like they can beat you but there's only two of them here so they're not gonna attack so we're just oh they are gonna take I don't know right away cheese flee cheese flee all right now this is an important strategy narc just like in life it's fight or flight so you can either choose to fight people or or Dinos or whatnot or you can try to run away so in this case we're gonna run away somebody's cool base over there okay so back to whacking a tree if you hatch it a tree you'll get a lot of wood and a little bit of thatch so as you can see we got 15 wood 3 thatch now if you use a pick on a tree you'll get a lot of fetching a little bit of wood you got 18 thatch 3 would I hear copies again something okay now the same thing goes with a rock if you watch a block into a rock with a pick you'll get a lot of flint and a little bit of stone 3 flip one stone if you use a hatchet you'll get stone in a little bit of flint three stone one flake okay so if you basically decide what you need at the time and you harvest for that okay now we're gonna look at we got one more level we're gonna add it into week like I said we're just gonna keep doing wait for a while so it makes things easier we want to look into making our armor now because we're naked we're cold we have no defense so to make the armor we need fiber we haven't gathered any fiber yet but to gather fiber you just walk up to any plants so these plants these plants these ferns any of these you walk up and hold down II and we'll just harvest them so there we go we got some plants there and we're also getting berries which is great because in the beginning we're gonna be eating berries for a little bit until we can get to the point where we can actually kill animals and get their meat but for now we're just gonna harvest up some berries and some fiber try to get a whole bunch so we can make all the things we need hopefully okay this should be good now we have boosted rates on this server so we are getting way more than you would get if you were playing on an official server but you know if you look for a server you can find lots and lots of servers like this so we're gonna take the berries and drag them down to my bar I like to put my food on nine and another level we're just gonna keep pumping wait now we're gonna look at crafting our armor so and as you can see we have these pieces available to craft so I'm gonna just left click twice on the Hat make a hat left click twice on the shirt make a shirt look like twice on the pants now if we look at this and we can't make this because we need for hide so we're gonna have to figure out how to kill an animal and get some hide and the same with the boots so we need some hide to complete these and we need more stones to make a campfire so oh did I already learn the spears I didn't think I believe I did learn the spears and we can craft some Spears that we can kill something now since I can craft more than one of these I'm going to right-click and I can craft three so I'm going to craft all three because these break though as I'm fighting dinos or animals those are gonna start breaking on me and I'm and I'm gonna want other ones to keep fighting continue fighting evil for the day as flinger would say okay so wait until these are done crafting I'll pull these down into my bar I always put my weapons in the same spot so I know when I'm fighting like if I want to pull out my spear I pushed one my pick is always too and my axe is always three so I know what to do okay now my armor is crafted in order to put the armor on there's two ways you can either drag it over just a you know my hat goes on my head I am and now I'm wearing it or you can just left click it twice and it'll just go where it needs to go so we've done it we've covered our head we've covered up our chest we've covered up our bulge we look great we're a lot we're gonna have a little bit of resistance to heat we're gonna have a little bit of armor and we're feeling great so now we need something small that we can kill so we can take its hide we're gonna start with these copies no leave me alone copies stop fighting me copies okay where there was a whole mess of Dodos we saw earlier those would be great those are a good place to start in the beginning something nice and easy that we can kill and take the hide here we go we're gonna push one pull out our spear and get to stabbing just hold down left-click and we'll just stab this guy there we go we kill them now contries all right we're gonna have to fight the copies the copy problem has become too much to bear oh so yeah one Spears down hopefully we can kill these guys without running out of Spears oh boy it's on now bring it down come out on the copy madness oh I'm injured oh we made dad you the copy menace copy man is this gonna kill us oh there's one oh it's a 180 all right on this server the maximum level is 180 so this is a maximum level of company and all right we got killed now don't worry that in the beginning of arc that's gonna happen a lot it always always happens we're just gonna respawn again it's totally okay we died but that's fine we're just gonna start over now we're back at the beginning we lost our stuff we have a level we're gonna throw that into weight back to the grind so now what do we need again we need another stick need to punch trees we need to get our wooden thatch back we got to start making our weapons again so we're just gonna go through like we did before craft a pick as soon as that's done now we already have our spot in our hot bar where it's supposed to go see the you can barely see it's like a ghost image of it so when you make one it'll just go there which is really nice now we're gonna chop some more wood and thatch out of the tree we're gonna get some stone and Flint from the rocks bring out a little bit of Wacken here okay now it's craft we're gonna have to hatch it we're gonna craft the torch again we're gonna put another level in to wait and now we need to go back and gather up our fiber so we're gonna walk up to a plant hold down e yeah there up some fiber and berries as you can see the berries are going right back in our hop are where they're supposed to be everything's great so here we go and we're gonna get back to crafting our armor again again don't get discouraged guys if you die in the beginning arc everybody dies in the beginning arc that's just what happens we're gonna make our hat we're gonna make our shirt we're gonna make our pants and wait for these to crash hat on come on baby shirt me shirt on and pants on okay what do we need to make Spears we need more wood so we're gonna pull out our hatchet because our hatch it gets more wood we're gonna chop up some wood here yeah now let's make some Spears so we can we're gonna make six this time is in the beginning of these wooden Spears they break really really easy sometimes they break after one hit sometimes that break after ten but they always break so we want to just make a bunch of those and they'll go right into our bar alright now it's on our mission to try to find some Dodos again Oh another tip see we spawned in over here it'll show you in the game as long as it's enabled on your server which most servers it is and in ours it is where your dead body is so as you can see that green beam is where our dead body is well we didn't really have any stuff and I know there's a 180 copy over there that's just waiting to kill me so I'm not gonna even bother going back over there we're just gonna keep pumping levels into weight all right now let's see if we can find a dodo there's something nice and easy to kill as you can see somebody's got a super amazing base over there or something I don't know it is oh that's a dill oh okay we don't want to mess with that that guy's aggressive he'll spit poison at us just like if you guys have ever seen Jurassic Park and remember the the thing that killed Newman and spit the poison on his face that there it is that's one of those so if we get near that guy he's gonna attack us and spit poison on her face it's gonna be awful we don't want that I guess we're gonna try to cross the river because I saw a bunch of Dodos and we spawned it and over there before rivers are always SuperDuper dangerous so there's a lot of times there's piranhas in the water there's all sorts of things in the water so you want to take a little peek before you cross the river we look safe though so we're gonna cross hopefully we'll be okay hopefully no piranhas come and attack my face those are just regular fish we're right with those that we're good maybe one day one day we'll get across this water slowest swimmer of all time okay here we go we made now avoid that area with the copies of death see if we can wear it when we spawned in there was like 10 Dodos where they'll go I hear them here they're okay go this is a 30 now another good point in the game when you see a dinosaur it'll tell you their level over their head now level doesn't really matter but basically you can say the higher the level something is the tougher it's gonna be so if you're looking for something little to kill or easy to kill or easy to tame or knock out or whatever the lower the level the easier it's gonna be to deal with so we're just gonna go after the 24 it's only one like one level lower on our server we have six times difficulty on this server so everything is going to be levels of 6 so 6 12 18 so this 24 is one level lower than that one so we're just gonna kill this 24 first hopefully look at my spear broke after 2 hits that time and he's down now as I was saying before before we got rudely interrupted by the killer copies when you're harvesting a dead Dino if you want to get meat you use a pig or if you want to get more hide you use a hatchet so we're gonna use our hatchet because we're trying to complete our armor set there we go we got a bunch of meat and we got a bunch of hide again we have turned up rates on this server so now we're gonna get a craft and oh we need our fiber but now we have the hide we need we just have enough fiber so back to holding Eon plants eat the plants up here and harvest don't we okay here we go and we complete our armor set we're so close crafting oh we can do it we can make the boots we can make the gloves we have a full set of armor yes it's amazing boots are on and we've done it we look amazing now if you push key E no K on the computer as long as you have default keys that shows you this mode where you can actually look at yourself though if we came out out we look amazing our bulges covered our feet are covered we look great so now we're gonna try to make a campfire to cook up some of this meat so in order to make the campfire as you can see it says we need Flint stone thatch and wood and the Flint stone wood are all green so that means we're good on those we need a little bit more stone so we could either gather stone off the ground like this e or we could walk up to a rock like this and use our hatchet and we'll get stone there we go gather some more stone and craft now we're gonna make campfire super great and easy okay now now we have our campfire in our inventory there's two things we can do we can either right-click on it and click place and then we'll be able to place it down or you could take it and you could put it in your hot bar and then you could push that number so you could walk up I would say okay I want to put a campfire down push five and there are other birds flying in formation all right we can put the campfire down boom campfire now the campfire takes fuel to run so we're gonna either need to put thatch or wood in there we're gonna just hammer this tree a little bit get some more wood go up to the campfire you can push e to access it now to put stuff in there you can either double-click and it'll put one or you can hold shift and drag over and it'll put half the stack or you can just drag the whole stack over or you can click on it and push T so there's lots of options there but you can get it in there it's your meat in there yeah all right then we did the sweet eat our wood in there now we're gonna light the fire and then our woods gonna cook I mean not our what's gonna cook our what's gonna cook but we're gonna cook this meat up so we'll have some good food the meat is better in this game you can eat berries like that but if you eat meat it actually heals up your health a little bit so you get a little bit of health healing and you get a little bit of food at the same time so that's super great now we've been leveling so we have more engrams we're gonna go up to here where it says 60 means we have 60 Engram points to spend and that's how you unlock new crafting things so let's see what we've unlocked here all right we could start by making our basic structures so we're going to start with a CH foundation a thatched doorframe that ceiling that's wall a thatch door we can make our first storage you make it Thatcher oh no that's a s plus-1 in a sleeping bag and now this s+ stuff is modded stuff it's it's just basically an easier building mod but we're just going to stick with the basic stuff for this for the sake of this video just so you guys can see anybody that doesn't have mods at all you'll be able to use the same stuff I'm using we're also gonna learn a slingshot which is gonna help us tame a dino hopefully by the end of the episode and that's we're gonna stop for now okay so let's go over here check our campfire we've got three meat ready so four meat now so that's great I'm gonna just drag that out over here into my inventory and now I'm gonna take it and I'm gonna drag it to my food spot I always like to keep my food in 9 so I know if I want to eat food I just push 9 got another level as we're doing things crafting and stuff you'll always be leveling up again I'm just gonna keep pumping weight weights makes things so much easier in the beginning and now we're gonna look at what else we can craft can we make I want to get into making a little tiny base so in order to make a thatch foundation we need more wood and we'll be able to make that okay so again would hatch it back on trees let's do this matching trees matching trees you can also hatchet this like downed wood works as well okay now we got a bunch of wood so I'm gonna switch over to my pic so he can give us a bunch of thatch right now I'm encumbered which means I have almost too much weight to move as you can see I'm moving really slow now because I have so much weight on me well I'm always pumping weight so let's craft we're gonna make a foundation which is the base of any building so when you start it's like what you build off of so we're just gonna make a tiny tiny base to start so we're just gonna make one foundation we're gonna make three walls so I'm gonna I'm gonna right-click on the wall I'm gonna go down to craft amount right click over to 3 and push okay so we're gonna make three walls we're gonna make one door frame so I'm going to click over one one door frame we're gonna make one door and there we go we're gonna be able to put our base together so we're going to start with the foundation right here we're going to right click place and now it'll show you if it's green it means you can place it and if it I can't really find a spot but if it was if there was a if I couldn't place it it would be red but we can place it pretty much anywhere here so we're just gonna go BAM left-click and left-click and now we have our little starter base okay now we decide which side we want the door to be on I guess this side so we're gonna go place on the door place that right there we're gonna place the three walls now now the walls I'm gonna drag onto my heart bar and I'll push five to pull out a wall left click to place it five to pull out a wall left click to place it five to pull out a wall left click place it all right we're looking great oh I forgot to make one thing guys did you notice so what it is right now I'm gonna place the door and the door will only go in one spot as you can see it's red everywhere else until I try to put it in the doorframe and then it goes in so no I just left click door will be in walk up to the door hole Pressey open RCE close okay now I forgot to make the ceiling silly me there we go back and we want to just left-click real quick we'll make one fetch ceiling open the door the ceilings ready and we want it to be in the right spot that was fun BAM look at the scale we have a whole house deal and K well guess we're amazing we love our house okay so there's our little starter house we've done it now can I make a sleeping bag sleeping bags are important because in this game you want to be able to spawn back to where you were okay now I need more hide to make another sleeping bag and I have a level available so we're gonna put that into weight and we need more hide so we're on the search for another dodo to take out here dodo assassination mission I see one see him okay first one to pull out or spirit I'm gonna come over here this guy's only a level six which is great so he'll be pretty easy to take out all right we took him out we're gonna pull out our hatchet because our hatch it gets more hide than our pic does chop this guy up get a bunch of hide now it's important to make a a sleeping bag because that allows you to spawn back wherever you put your sleeping bag down so once you get a little base set up like this you want make sure that you put your sleeping bag in there or your bed when you get to that point but we're starting out with a sleeping bag so that if you die or when you die because a narc you're probably gonna die you'll be able to spawn back at all your stuff so it's really really important as soon as you have a base set up you want to be able to put a bed or a sleeping bag in there so we'll take our sleeping bag we'll put it this way which is super great so now if we die we'll be able to get back to our sleeping bag so that's amazing now let's see what else we can have we make now I want to get into making a slingshot in order to make a slingshot we need a little bit more fiber so again we're gonna walk up to a plant we go beyond this plant yeah on this plant gonna craft up a slingshot one slingshot and I'm also gonna craft up a storage box here which is just fiber thatch and wood we're gonna make a storage box as you notice you move a little bit slower while you're crafting so there we go we're gonna take our storage box and we're just gonna stick it in here doesn't really fit great but we're just gonna put it at the end of our sleeping bag over here and now we're gonna take our extra stuff we're just you know we're gonna put her a little bit of metal we have in here we're gonna put our wood in here we just don't need to be walking around carrying all this stuff because it makes you heavy we don't need it right now so we're just gonna put all our extra stuff in here for now and these seeds and stuff to be honest you don't even need right now so I'm gonna just hold over them and push oh and I'll just drop it on the ground so I'm gonna drop this stuff on the ground I'll throw it rocks over there I'll just put this over there let's put all our stuff over there for now we're gonna go over to the campfire we have some meat as you saw there I'm gonna put we're gonna take the edible meat out put it on our bar we're gonna put the other meat in so that'll continue to cook oh I forgot the stones I want those stones oh I forgot about what we're doing give me the stones now we're gonna try to get our first I know that's right guys I'm gonna take the slingshot I'm gonna put that on my bar in five now a slingshot uses any stones that you have as ammo and you can shoot them out of this and it does a small amount of torpor damage on this game torpor is the amount of is the amount it takes to knock you out basically and make you make you unconscious so my torpor is 200 it wouldn't take that much to knock me out but that's how it works for dinos so when you shoot a dino with a slingshot each time you shoot them it gives them a small amount of torpor so we're gonna gather up some more stones here or just off the ground I'll whack this rock a little bit I want to make sure I have plenty of plenty of stones here so I don't run out and what level is that hick has on 126 that's a pretty high level see if there's a lower level guy around here hello who are you level 12 this guy will be perfect okay here we go we're gonna pull out our slingshot with five now if you hold down left click it'll pull it back we want to try to get a headshot on them line it up and then let it go I'm gonna shot him with a slingshot here we go these guys are pretty slow turtles in the beginning so you can just kind of back away oh god the copies no oh no we made it till I mad ah now the thing that killed Newman the mad spinner guy he's mad at us so we're gonna run away try to avoid the spitter guy I may have to take him out I wonder what level he is well who are you man he's only on level 12 oK we've created a huge problem now - things are mad at us everything is awful we're gonna try to get turtle looks like he's not mad anymore let's try to get rid of this guy cuz he's just gonna be an issue and he's only a level 12 so we should be able to kill him not too bad avoid his spit there you just strafe when he chose to spit it should be okay come on get killed man alright we killed him we're gonna chop him up and take his bits excuse me we've got a level available so I'm gonna keep pumping weight and we're gonna go back to slingshot in our guy are you the guy I don't want to shoot the wrong one all right oh that's the 126 I definitely don't want to shoot that one right here that probably both can get mad though Marion okay oh now there's a good thing in arc you can get things stuck and awful oh I thought he might get stuck on that tree but he didn't they're just gonna keep backing up and shooting him I get up and shooting him come on baby take a nap four-cheese come out take it out for cheese one day come on just keep shooting him guys a level 12 it shouldn't take too too many hits to knock him out as you can see his buddy's mad at me too but hopefully we can just lose him to keep backing up with these guys you keep shooting them I just want to make sure I don't run into anything else that's dangerous that's the that's the real issue right now if I back up into something dangerous it's gonna be a problem she keep moving around and you should be okay if you have to run a little bit that's alright too it's the 126 oh this guy's starting to run away now so he's getting when they start to run away it means they're torpor is getting high which means they're almost getting knocked out so he's no longer wants to fight me he's just trying to run away from me come on man come on go to sleep please one day no don't go in the water no no no no no no none Nana hey hey no can't oh please okay now he's in cos he out of you mate Oh No ah remember those piranhas I warned you guys about here it is see if we can take care of this guy who murders us I'm not sure if this turtle is gonna be okay because he's like floating out to sea he's not he's okay he's gonna be okay because he's not he doesn't have an oxygen stat apparently frizzes piranha funny eating them with the piranhas go I don't know doesn't matter okay so now this turtles are herbivores so we're gonna go back to our little house which is right over here I think yeah here's our little house now you can tame it herbivore with any kind of berries but the best berries for taming are these purple berries the meadow berries so we're gonna take the meadow berries we're gonna bring those with us and we're gonna put our spirit way we're gonna eat a couple we're gonna eat on a couple berries on the way bush is on the way there try to get some more berries no okay so now we're gonna go out to the turtle I'm worried about this piranha if the Piranha comes out and starts biting on a turtle it's gonna be an issue we're gonna go up to the turtle we're gonna push F to enter in his inventory oh there's the there's a product found him come here man that beat can you come here please yeah come here Oh Spears is just breaking left or right yeah come here come Ranas an issue 99 problems and that piranha is definitely one of them well as you can see sir DT is already eating some of the berries and all right now if you look at the bars under here the unconsciousness is his is his torpor so if if he were to be out oh I grabbed him I don't want thing if he were to be unconscious long enough his purple bar will go all the way down and when he gets down to nothing he'll wake up again now the other bar at the bottom is the brown bar that'll fill up as he eats the berries and when that gets all the way full he'll be tamed so basically you want to keep him knocked out long enough that the brown bar can fill all the way up and then he'll be your team if for whatever reason the purple bar is going down too fast what you want to do is add these blackberries the narco berries over to his inventory and then if you push er those it'll feed those to him and it'll make his I'm driving no oh okay well that happened so there's this happens in arc sometimes guys so we were trying to tame that turtle and a alligator and this game called Asarco Sarco came up and started eating it so we're not gonna be able to tame that guy he's now eaten and I'm gonna run away before you decide to come and kill me I'm gonna eat some meat because I'm really hurt heal myself up and we're gonna always coming run away oh no okay well how's the thing oh he's right at our base brah please jump jump yeah well there's a now a Sarco eating our base so that's gonna do it guys I hope you enjoyed I hope you learned some things about how to start out in arc how to join a server how to make your first armor your first tools I hope you guys had fun if you enjoyed this video and you'd like to see more instructional videos like this some mash that like button and for more daily video game awesomeness don't forget to subscribe all right I love you guys I'll see you guys next time cheese out
Channel: RoyaleWithCheese
Views: 2,671,786
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Keywords: RoyaleWithCheese, Ark Royalewithcheese, royale with cheese ark, Ark Cheese, ark survival evolved, ark a beginners guide, how to get started in ark, play ark, what to do in ark, a beginners guide to ark, ark how to get started, ark how to play, how to play ark, tips on how to play ark, a guide to ark, starting out ark, ark noob guide, ark for noobs, ark how to tame, ark knockout tame, ark information, Cheese, ark survival ascended gameplay, ark survival ascended
Id: F3h62L3pnMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 3sec (2223 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 27 2018
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