How to Get Started in ARK - A Beginners Guide - How To Make A Gun - Ark: Survival Evolved [S4E8]

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what's up guys cheese here and welcome to another episode of Ark survival evolved that's right we're back here on our beginners guide server and on today's episode I thought I'd show you guys how to make a gun how to make some bullets and we're gonna go out and tame a turtle which is the next step in the kibble tree for us and that way we'll be able to make some regular kibble and move on to taming some better gather dinos and just keep moving along and progressing and making things easier for us and make it bigger and better base and move along down the amazing journey that is arc so if you guys learn anything today are you guys like this video please do me a huge favor and Somesh that like button yeah and for more daily video game awesomeness don't forget to subscribe so as I was saying we're working on making a gun today so we're gonna have to go into our engrams first thing we're gonna need is gunpowder so we want to find gunpowder learn that boom gunpowder's learned then you want to learn simple bullet we're going to learn this simple bullet right there we're gonna learn simple rifle ammo and then we're gonna learn long and neck now is the basic rifle in arc now I play a PvE arc this is pretty much the only gun that is we're gonna need for a while eventually you can use a pump-action shotgun an assault rifle but like things like the simple pistol and guns like that really aren't useful in vanilla PvE arc it's more of a PvP weapon so if you're not playing on a PvP server I would just skip right over like simple pistol we're gonna go to making the long neck and that's gonna help us be able to knock out dinos eventually now as you can see I've had all my fires burning here so that I can get charcoal so I have wood burning and everything I have that can burn wood so we're gonna go around collect all this charcoal give me all the charcoal there we go nice we're doing great Oh what's up strike strike get your tail out of my base alright so we get all the charcoal I've been gathering the metal as I gather and keeps melting that into more ingots because we're always gonna need those and then in here I made up a whole mess of spark powder which is just flint and stone so I've been gathering that up and that's helping me level up so now with all this spark powder we're gonna put the charcoal in there and boom that's gonna allow us to make all this gunpowder so here we go we're gonna make up as much gunpowder as we can make and that's gonna help us level up which is gonna be really great now we're gonna go over here to our smithy and we're gonna go into weapons firearms and here we go so in order to make our first longneck rifle we need 25 hide 95 metal and at 20 wood so we're just gonna we can still 21 out of here gonna steal give me 20 wood and let's make our very first longneck rifle nice so that's gonna be super useful later on in the game you can make tranq bullets which is much better than the crossbow for knocking things out it does less damage but more torpor so you have a better chance of knocking your target out instead of accidentally killing it hey chi'lan hey how you doing today so you have a better chance of knocking it out instead of just killing it which sometimes happens if you're using a crossbow and tranq arrows so but we're not high enough level to make those yet so we're just gonna be using our rifle for a straight-up damage at this point now we need to make some bullets so for bullets we're gonna go in here and a weapons into ammo and we're gonna make some simple bullets is what we need to make first so I'm gonna just pull for these pull for a hundred well let's pull for 100 I said so for that for this you need gunpowder and metal which we just made up the gunpowder and we already have some metal Oh metals the metal smelting that's why it's not going you can't pull from things if they're in the midst of crafting oh we're gonna have to get some more metal actually we don't have the super ton me oh the gunpowder's crafting yeah yeah okay so give me a bunch of this gunpowder go over here put it in here and weapons ammo and craft we can make 75 of those I'm gonna go gather up some more metal we're gonna need a bunch more metal to make the rest of these bullets and we'll be right back in a minute and we're back okay I went out and gathered some more metal smelted some more metal up we've done some more things made some more gunpowder and we're back okay back into the smithy we're gonna go to ammo again and we're gonna craft up a bunch of these simple rifle bullets so we can craft 46 but the great thing about a simple rifle ammo is when it says you can craft 46 it actually makes double so we get 92 bullets out of that so that's gonna be really great so we pull out our gun now make sure it's loaded because it doesn't come loaded now this is a one shot rifle single shot and asked to reload every time so you want to be aware of that you can also make a scope for this I don't usually bother it costs 40 Krystal to make it I if I'm gonna use one I usually wait until eventually I'll find one and a drop but as you can see it does a huge amount of damage way way more than our crossbow or our Pike does so it's gonna be great for protection great for keeping us safe as we travel around the super dangerous world that is Ark we're gonna keep feeding filling up our feeding troughs to make sure our dinos are okay now we have a kibble farm going we have our farm of course going for crops now we have our Dodos over here for basic kibble oh speaking of Dodos give me the eggs give me the eggs give me give me that egg we always want to make sure we keep collecting the eggs as long as we need the kibble all right so we have our Dodos going for basic kibble we have a lady Raptor and a lady Pteranodon for making simple kibble and we're just storing all our eggs and our preserving bin remember we just keep putting these in here and now what we want to move on to is regular kibble now regular kibble is super important because you can use it to tame Aang keys which are the best diners for gathering metal and you can use it for taming doe ticks which are the best dinos for gathering stone and that's gonna be hugely important to make it so we can stop gathering everything by hand we'll be able to gather a lot more a lot faster and build a lot build a much better cooler bigger trunk or safer base so that's what we're gonna do but in order to move on a regular cable we need to stay mad I know that gives regular kibble eggs now in my opinion the easiest Dino to gate is a turtle so we're gonna try to tame at least one lady turtle today potentially more as many as we can find we'll have to see I think we're gonna take we'll take our the Raptor out for a ride can we are we light enough right there we go I like to put a lot of stamina in my Raptor so that if anything bad happens I can keep running and usually get away we're gonna take a little run down the beach usually turtles are pretty common which is great they're not very hard to tame which is also great and you can usually just fight him along the beach almost anywhere oh I had another comment too is about where am i living on the island so I'll show you guys on the map I'm living almost dead center bottom of the island so this is where we're living on the island map about eighty-three forty eight or nine I would say we don't have a GPS yet so I can't give you exact coordinates but and before we go out also I want to grab some vegetables you can tame Turtles on vegetables or meadow berries or of course the kibble but they take regular kibble and we don't have a regular kibble Dino yet so we are unable to make kibble currently so we're gonna use veggies it's the best option we'll get the best efficiency and the fastest time available to us currently so let's see if we can find us a turtle or two or three and we're back and I found something really really cool if you look over here see this little box this is what's called an explorer note and these are really great they give you a boost to experience for I believe it's 600 seconds we'll have to see let's see how long it gives us 602nd boost rate there as you can see we got levels for levels on the Raptor and we ourselves got one level now we're trying to get to level 62 so we can unlock tranq darts and then we'll be able to tranq things out with our rifle and that's amazing so that boost right there is really great that is just right over here right about 90 80 950 if you're looking for that particular explore note they're all over the island oh here we go and look what we got right here we got a turtle what level are you man we don't really need high levels that's a male it's a male level 12 that would be a perfect male for us so we'll probably grab that guy but we really need a lady as of course the males are not gonna give us any eggs and we're really just looking for these guys for eggs they're also make really good dinos to have around the base if you don't have a preserving bin yet or if you're just looking for extra storage they're pretty great we're like little mini refrigerators okay guys here we are I found the perfect situation here actually two turtles together this one is a 18 male and this one is a 24 female so these two are workout just perfect these guys are friendly they won't attack you unless you hit them so they're not anything you really need to be too dangerously worried about and also they're pretty slow I mean they're turtles so you can usually don't need a trap I don't normally take anything with a trap I like to no trap team as I call it ntt for life but for a beginner I would suggest using a trap well we'll show how to build traps later in the season when we need to trap things but again these guys where did the lady trouble go eighty turtle I'm on shredder oh there's all sorts of turtles here there's the female that's a dude okay we don't want to pull every turtle on earth so let's try to reshoot her all right now you want to shoot Turtles not in their shell is obviously a turtle shell is a protection and they take a reduced damage and also reduced for poor in their shells so you wanna oh man we got this other one this is not ideal we didn't want the two males to come after us so we're just gonna keep knocking these guys out hopefully their low levels shouldn't be too too hard to knock them out I'm gonna try to knock out the one male and the one female and then kill the other one that's the plan I need when they start to run away that means oh there's turtle just this is like like turtle heaven over here every turtle on earth is chasing us one get knocked out all right that one's out one turtle down that turtles down or either you guys both dudes was there another lady there's a 180 lady oh my again all right well we're gonna tame that one I guess she's a perfect team that's max level on our server which is really cool unfortunately is gonna take a while to tame her which one is the dude which one's the durdle the front one is the durdle we're just gonna try to get did I shoot the turtle I'm not even sure I think I shot the lady unfortunately come on they're so mean leave me alone I'm sorry I just get running understand bobbin fight me like a turtle okay apparently this guy doesn't want to okay gun please a little thing about our kick-butt hitboxes don't be surprised if you think that you hit something and you didn't really the art way art kick boxes work is a little weird there's a little bit of desync i feel like on servers sometimes a lot very often you'll think you hit something and you really didn't so if that happens just just shoot again just keep it just keep shooting until you hit it huh I don't understand this is like the strongest turtle ever why don't he die why will you die turtle I'm trying to deal with these other turtles you're just only a level 30 yeah he is taking reduced damage though something something to note see how he has the heart over him that means a turtle of an opposite sex is near him and they will take reduced damage and do more damage it's called a mate boost there we go it finally killed this one hole man we're gonna harvest this guy with our hatchet because he should give us some carrot in there we go so we'll get hide and keratin keratin is used to makes a lot of saddles and also to make cementing paste so it's nice to have and guys just going away all right oh if that 180 just wants to go away I'm okay with that we don't really need to tame it and boom so these guys should team up now oh that guy's teaming up quick nice are you coming back like what are you doing you want some of this let's go come on bring it on I'm not scared of you I'll tough talk a turtle what so we're I hope we have oh yeah we still have a bunch of arrows to knock this guy out we're good we're good we're good we're good yeah nope nope there we go and just keep backing up slowly shooting him turtles are really easy team which is nice good starter team later game actually they're really good for taming I've used them quite often the team two souls which are the giant squids in the ocean you can ride them down to the bottom of the ocean and use them to team giant squids maybe we'll save this 180 for that later in the season no no no no no all right don't go in the water please don't go nope you went in the water you're you're in the water she's gonna knock him out anyway come on man take a nap what's that over there okay scared me that's just a Bronto over there it might have been a t-rex t-rex's don't generally spawn and down in this area but they can wander around they can end up in the area turtles I believe have a oxygen stat so I might knock this guy out of the water am I he might drowned but um he might not as well my man now he's mad at me like what's happening what is happening good he's got an arrow Mohawk going on you look great you look absolutely amazing oh now you're going can you Turtles don't even know Turtles please and keep shooting this guy there we go it's knocked out what is it losing oxygen all right so turtles don't have an oxygen stat it wasn't sure some dinos have an oxygen stat in those rounds some dinos don't have an oxygen stat and they're okay to knockout in water and it's kind of hard to keep track of which are which to be honest but looks like turtles were good so let's go grab we put all our veggies on these two but we're so we're gonna need some veggies back this guy should tame up here shortly he's doing great we're gonna take most of his veggies he only needs a little bit more that one's about halfway take a little bit of that guys you might have to grow it gather some narco berries here to keep these guys down all right I'm gonna babysit these guys tames this guy is a little bit in a bad spot if any sharks or piranhas come around we're not gonna be able to keep this one alive but um yeah we're gonna try to get these turtles all teamed up and we'll be right back and it's up it's up its up it's the first cheese turtle of the seasoning or turtle turtle one all right that was the lowest level one so that one teamed up the quickest he's all ready to go we're still waiting on this one that's almost teamed up and the 180 is still alive over there in the water you can't really see where it is but no sharks have eaten it yet we're gonna hang out here with these guys try to get them all teamed up and it's up its up we got all three of them this is turtle 3 we gotta get out of here cuz I'm dying I'm drowning come on turtle let's go so as you can see we got the 180 this guy took a long time to tame on vegetables he was only getting 1% of taming per bite so that took quite a while we've been here a while but that's really great we got all three so we got wait what oh there I thought so where do you go know so we got two females and a male are it to name this guy I'm sorry I forgot to name you I'm sorry your turtle - oh don't be mad at me turtle - oh I love you what's that you want one a little kiss alright just a little one oh oh hey hey no tongue no tongue gross alright anyway we're gonna get all these guys to follow us and we're gonna hopefully carefully make it all the way home chapter pick us up and we got another level which is great it puts us one step closer to being able to unlock tranq darts at level 62 which is really really great the chapter as a level and here we go we're gonna make the journey home hopefully alive alright you're super excited about your level I know I know let's go and I'll see you guys when we get there turtle army let's go okay guys here we are rolling back into base we got the turtle army back here safe and sound which is super awesome this is gonna be great now we're gonna get regular kibble eggs as I said we'll be able to make regular kibble and tomato dick and an Anki it's gonna be awesome we're gonna be able to stop gathering things by hand let's get all these guys to stop following I also want them to be on neutral which again means that if something attacks them they will tech back so we want these guys to fight back and help defend the cheese compound or the chomp pound as we call it one thing to note before we end it here if you're looking to make a turtle saddle it is not called a turtle saddle it's Carlton called a carbon Nemus maybe carbon I might be saying that wrong but carbon Nemus saddle is actually what you need for turtles but uh yeah I think that's gonna be all the time we have for today we did super great we learned how to make gunpowder how to make got our first rifle our first gun and how to make the rifle ammo which is really great and we went out and tamed three Turtles for our kibble farm we'll be able to make a regular kibble by next episode once we get these guys to lay some eggs for us so if you guys like this episode or you learned anything today please do me a huge favor and smash that like button yeah and for more daily video game awesomeness don't forget to subscribe and if you guys are looking for your own server like the one I use make sure and check out mine I tried a link down below they're really great servers and really great prices an excellent customer service I definitely recommend them to anybody that's looking for their own server hey if you guys haven't seen me live I stream live on Twitch every single day lots of Arc and fortnight and Red Dead Redemption i just finished Star Wars all sorts of fun games I'd love to meet you guys and chat and hang out but before o at slash Royale with cheese TV I got to tell you where to go right but before we go we gotta go say goodbye to murder yo murder what's up man hey murder what's up man what's going on man not too much we had a great day we learned how to make gunpowder and guns and ammo and we went out and tamed turtles for a regular kibble it was a really great day what's up with you hmm not too much hey what's the last part of your body to stop working after you die um I don't know what part your eyes they dilate or die well that's all the time we have for today I love you guys I'll see you guys next time cheese and murder and the turtle army out Oh
Channel: RoyaleWithCheese
Views: 158,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RoyaleWithCheese, Ark Royalewithcheese, royale with cheese ark, Ark Cheese, ark survival evolved, ark a beginners guide, how to get started in ark, what to do in ark, ark how to get started, ark how to play, tips on how to play ark, a guide to ark, starting out ark, ark noob guide, ark for noobs, ark how to tame, ark information, Cheese, ark how to make kibble, ark how to make gunpowder, ark how to make gunpowder fast, ark how to make a gun, ark how to make regular kibble
Id: wbohEMwgrT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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