How To Get Rid Of Ants In the Kitchen.

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hi this is Sean with Lakewood exterminating today I just wanted to show you a little bit about what we do differently for ant control then you might be able to do at your house yourself so let's say you get ants lots of people do you go to the store and you'll get some spray some ant bait try it out nothing to lose right so the thing you need to know about that not many people realize is that the springs that you buy over-the-counter France there were pellets the active ingredient is of the pyrethroid so in a nutshell what it means is that the ants can detect it so they know it's there so what you're doing basically is you're killing what's there the couple that come out of the wall you're gonna knock out otherwise once it dries they're gonna know it's there so they're gonna avoid it they're gonna change their path the thing about ants is that 90 some percent of the time they follow that same path from their nest to the food source all the way back it's a pheromone trail it's a scent trail they follow by spraying along their path you think you're doing good but you're actually messing up that saw the trail back and forth to the nest on top of it when you spray not only are you messing up that trail you're messing up the bait when you put bait down and you spray together that spray contaminates your bait so you could put bait stations down or whatever else you spray on top of that you're gonna mess up the bait you're gonna contaminate it so they're not gonna feed on it you're not going to get control so number one rule I always recommend to people with ants just don't spray some people get just desperate and they spray along the counters where the food is you don't want to do any of that stuff it's not gonna do any good you know the 10 20 ants that are coming up in your kitchen pales in comparison to the hundreds or thousands in your basement floor of your walls or anything like that wherever the nest is there's a lot of them what you're seeing come up is just a few of them so don't spray you do anything yourself just use some bait and if you want to hire us please just don't spray it's what we do is we use non-repellent sprays that they can't detect and then we put bead over top of it so we know that ants follow that same trail we'll put some spray into that wall boy wherever they're coming in and out of and we'll we'll hit that trail so when they're coming in and out there they're tracking through that spray they don't even know it so they're gonna bring that back to the nest there and affect all the other ants in the colony and then we use some bait on top of it and they debate they love it they go back and you get great control it's quick it's easy and the thing about us is that we target our sprays so instead of just spraying your baseboards wherever else you're seeing on this a broad Dan spray we don't do that what we do is we use a little straw and we'll inject it on those little crevices where they're coming in and out of and you don't have any pesticide in your house it's there but it's not nothing can touch it your kids can't touch it your dog can't lick it and you're good you know it targets it specifically and it provides great control so I'll show you what we do all right let's imagine this is your kitchen and you have some ants it's actually my kitchen but let's pretend it's yours and let's say they're coming up through the back of the counters here as they usually do these little ants they're teeny tiny and they can squeeze through anything so most houses we go to and spring/summer whenever they're coming up through the counter tops whether it's kind of like the side of the counters or the back of them doesn't really matter so not many people take care of their caulk and the counter tops just like me so gives them a little path to come up what most people do is let me show you they'll buy some at bait stations they'll put it down and then they'll get really fed up just can't stand these ants in their kitchen so they just spray Oh knock them out hey Heather use regular spray from the store or some Windex whatever this is just water but you see that's kind of like where you prepare food and stuff do you really want spray there and you got your bait here you just messed up your old this is worthless now you just paid a bunch of money for nothing so don't do that let me show you what we'll do all right so this is what we use to inject the spray into the cracks and crevices let's say that's a really just coming up through here instead of spraying a whole bunch of stuff all over the place let's see how that goes in pretty much perfect right a little bit dab where I swiped on the wall which I don't usually do but I'm doing it one-handed so understandable if anything comes out we wipe it up clean it up that's it but as you can see it goes right in the crack and crevice really nothing's left exposed all right so now comes the bait which you know sometimes we use a little bait stations and stuff but a lot of times if they're coming right up through that crack and crevice height just enough that's in there it's not coming out dogs can't eat it kids can't eat it it works really well ants come up they trail through the spray they eat the bait and they're gone works really great well there are times when they get on the counters and there's no real crack crevice where we can inject some bait or you need a little bit of additional stuff so what we do is we use some bait plates this is a pretty nice one and the bait goes in here put a little label on it so we know what's in there and then it locks shut it's in there and then we secure it so it's held in place most of these we put underneath refrigerators and behind appliances stuff like that basements in accessible areas these little things we usually include as part of the service just to cover the ants on the counter top and then these like a gel bait or liquid bait and we'll fill up these little cubby holes full of the bait we'll put them all in each one and then when the hands come out of the crevice they'll go right to that bait they munch it up and then a couple days later day or two later they're all gone
Channel: Lakewood Exterminating
Views: 137,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: U3mAJwH8oU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 07 2018
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