Place it in corners. You won't see ants or cockroaches anymore

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If you do this ants cockroaches and other insects  will disappear from your home. Leave it in the   drawer spice cabinet on the windowsill or on  the countertop and you won't see any ants or   cockroaches anymore. Thanks to this you'll have  peace from these pests a regular green cucumber   will save you a lot of time money and nerves  no more buying expensive chemicals for insects   hide such slices in the kitchen bathroom living  room or bedroom you'll see the effects the same   day prepare a cutting board in a cucumber just a  regular green cucumber first wash it thoroughly   in water then dry it now slice it into medium  thick slices cucumber has a scent that repels   ants the substances in the Cucumber peel act  on them toxically they lose their sense of   smell orientation and die the content of  natural repellent substances in cucumbers   is invaluable it's the cheapest and simplest  way to get rid of ants then prepare baking   soda apply about a teaspoon to the Cucumber slices  because of its properties it's one of the most   popular products for repelling and eliminating  pests in the garden but at home it works great   for repelling cockroaches the soda will absorb  the juice from the cucumber and strengthen its   scent for insects transfer the Cucumber slices  with soda to a small plate and spread them around   the apartment leave them in places where you've  had the most problems with ants or cockroaches   do it this way just 1 hour is enough if you place  this in your home mosquitoes and other insects   will disappear you won't see a single fly anymore  and all without buying expensive and harmful   chemicals this way you'll get rid of insects once  and for all just place it by the window in a room   corner or on a shelf you won't have to bother  with insects anymore pour a cup of water into   a pot add 5 tablesp of regular white sugar water  with sugar is the perfect bait for all insects   place the pot on the stove and turn it on when  the water starts heating up begin stirring the   mixture thoroughly the sugar must dissolve now add  a tablespoon of dry yeast and turn off the stove   dissolve the yeast let the pot cool down take an  empty 2 L bottle cut it at 1/3 of its height you   can do this with scissors or an upholstery knife  pour the yeast and sugar mixture into the bottle insert the cut off inverted part of  the bottle there should be no cap on   it wrap decorative paper around it this  way not only will the Trap be reliable   but also aesthetic the scent of yeast and  sugar will attract all the insects in the   house fruit flies house flies mosquitoes will  disappear you won't have to worry about them anymore a simple and inexpensive insect repellent  made from hair shampoo safe to use at home and   directly on the skin finally you'll Bid Farewell  to annoying insects trying to invade your spaces   and all thanks to a quick homemade recipe  created from just three simple household   ingredients it will protect you and your loved  ones from mosquito bites and irritations without   harmful chemicals and your pets from irritating  bugs like fleas and ticks you'll be able to enjoy   Pleasant outdoor walks without worrying  about bites this repellent works on flies   gnats ticks and mosquitoes to prepare this  homemade mixture first measure about half   a measure or half a cup of any shampoo it  can be any hair shampoo whatever you have at home pour it into a container pour the same amount of regular  vinegar into the same measure you surely   know that vinegar is irritating to all  insects but combined with shampoo it   doesn't have such an unpleasant smell for  humans it's also safe to to use on the   skin because of it add the last ingredient  pour half a measure of ordinary vegetable oil mix all the ingredients slowly to prevent  foaming pour the preparation into a clean   spray bottle this will make it easier to apply  the repellent remember it's safe for the skin   use the mixture in places where insects are most  common indoors also spray the balcony Terrace and   entrance to the house insects will no longer be  a problem light up some cinnamon it's the secret   of millionaires in their homes you can feel an  extraordinary energy and the scent of wealth and   the method is very simple start by preparing bay  leaves they have their characteristic spicy scent   crush them into a small bowl they help to get  rid of unpleasant odors in the home Additionally   the scent of bay leaves repels insects but bay  leaves also have a calming effect they eliminate   stress and tension sprinkle of few tablespoons  of salt on the leaves salt is the best product   for perfuming interiors fragrances made with salt  as a base are natural and long-lasting but that's   not all add cloves their scent improves mood and  well-being few people know that they add positive   energy and motivation sprinkle cloves with salt  salt enhances the aroma of spices additionally   use your favorite fabric softener the scent of bay  leaves and cloves although positively affecting us   does not have as intense a fragrance as fabric  softener pour the cap and pour it over the salt   in the bowl take cinnamon sticks and insert  them into the container filled with spices   and salt hotels and spa salons often use this  trick to create an exceptionally Rich scent and   Aroma light the cinnamon with a lighter or matches  just light them a little to extract the best from   this homemade diffuser the extraordinary scent and  positive energy that the spices used in it provide   I mix petroleum jelly with lemon this saves me  a ton of money I look 10 years younger without   buying expensive creams this solution is much  cheaper simpler and better all you need is regular   cosmetic petroleum jelly that many people use but  not everyone knows its wide range of applications   if you combine it with lemon you'll get a super  cheap cosmetic product transfer one teaspoon of   petroleum jelly to a small clean Bowl take one  lemon cut it in half squeeze the juice from one   half if any seeds get into the juice strain  it through a SI into a bowl prepare a steam   bath place the bowl with petroleum jelly and  lemon juice over a pot of hot water heat until   the ingredients are dissolved petroleum jelly  makes the skin soft smooth and more elastic mix   everything thoroughly lemons improve the Skin's  texture they brighten the complexion and remove   blemishes they reduce the number of blackheads  once the mixture has cooled down you can apply   it to your face neck and decolate if you have  makeup on remove it first leave the mask on for   10 minutes to allow the skin to absorb it well  after that rinse it off with warm water regular   use works wonders your skin will be properly  moisturized and nourished with daily care you'll   see results in just a few days mix Cola with  vinegar it will gain extraordinary properties   these products combined are extraordinary  the mixture of these two ingredients is   very useful the most important thing is the  correct proportions then the mixture will be   perfect take a container and pour 200 mL  of Coca-Cola into it Cola often doesn't   taste good when it sits longer or when  it's warm so if you have leftover Cola   to pour out use it for this trick add 100 ml  of vinegar to it if you add another ingredient   the mixture will be even better just add 2  tasp of salt salt will enhance the action of   vinegar and cola the liquid will Fizz  slightly finally add some dishwashing liquid stir everything to mix the ingredients  make a hole in the cap of an empty bottle you   can use a drill for this or you can burn a hole  with a hot stick this is a super strong liquid   it is perfect for cleaning and scrubbing tough  stains it cleans metal pots perfectly it removes   food residues from dishes it kills bacteria  and germs phosphoric acid and acetic acid have   extraordinary cleaning properties all this makes  the liquid perfect for cleaning even the toilet   just pour the liquid into the toilet and scrub it  this liquid is multi-functional keep it handy and   use it for cleaning as often as possible you  won't want to use other products in anymore
Channel: Clever Hacks
Views: 346,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ants, cockroaches, cucumber
Id: TOz9Ms8D3us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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