Homemade Ant Killer Mix That ACTUALLY Works!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys it's stephanie with the ranchers homestead welcome back okay so today i have a really really easy video for you we are right in the heart of summer and with that time of year comes lots and lots of bugs and pests and i'm fighting them in the garden and outside and all of that but i'm also was fighting some in my house and that is ants so now i know that it's inevitable on a farm or a ranch that you're gonna get pests you're gonna have ants you're gonna have bugs that's just the lifestyle that we have chosen but i don't want them in my house and i don't want them eating my food and into my pantry so what started this was i was having ants kind of all throughout the kitchen i would get them and they were never like a fine stream line there were sometimes there was depending on if there was like a big chunk of food or something that one of the girls had dropped on the floor but um i was getting them around my sink because i keep a chicken bowl in my sink where we put all of our scraps in that i give two once a day and um they were just becoming really really annoying well what was the final straw was i started getting them in my pantry and um somehow the lid did not get screwed on tight to our pure maple syrup and if you buy pure maple syrup you know how expensive it is and um we had barely used it maybe one time and it got infested with ants and i had to pour the entire bottle out i was heartbroken it was like a gut punch as i'm pouring it down the drain and clumps of hands were coming out so i wanted to go on a hunt but in the nature of keeping kind of no toxins in my house and i really try and do zero toxins in our beauty products and our cleaning products and all of that i didn't really want to go to the store and just buy some raid and spray it all over my house and where my food goes and all that so i started looking on the internet i have tried a number of different ant killer methods and things that say they work peppermint oil cinnamon things like that and they never seem to work long term or really at all and so i was really reluctant when i found this but let me tell you it works and i've used it three times now and i have not seen ants in my house since the last time i used it in a separate location it was in my mud room this time that i had to use it um and they are gone because what this does is these ants it's going to get worse before it gets better so they're going to come to it it's going to come by the 10 folds you're going to see all these ants and you're like what am i doing say the course let them come because as they come they carry it back to their nests and it kills their nest for good so it's not a band-aid on the solution it's actually a fix super simple three ingredients so i just have a little mason jar here um you're going to need some borax this is maybe the only thing you probably don't have in your kitchen um and so i get this at walmart very inexpensive in the laundry detergent section so i just get this borax there and then using a wide mouth funnel does help not make a mess you're gonna take one cup of sugar this is a good recipe to use just a cheap sugar if you have cheap sugar on hand um i don't so i'm using my good stuff but that's okay so just one cup of pure [Music] just white sugar a half a cup of water [Music] and one tablespoon of borax now i'm going to grab a spoon good thing my kitchen is small i can just reach everything in one spot i'm just going to stir it up no need for the sugar to dissolve or anything like that you just want to get it all nice and mixed okay so now you have your mixture and i just keep this mixture under the sink for when i need it now here is the key you need to put this mixture in a spot where you actually have the ants so you can't just put it underneath the kitchen cabinet if you're not seeing ants underneath the kitchen cabinet it needs to be where there's a good number of ants because that's going to what's going to attract them to it so make sure that you are putting it where the ants actually are and not somewhere else whether if that's right in the middle of your floor for about 24 to 36 hours you're just gonna have to deal with it being right in the middle of the floor now the recipe that i followed um on the blog she had told you she just literally put a scoopful dabbed it right on her floor and then wiped it up when you're done i didn't really want the mess so i took a piece of foil and i made like a little boat and i just kind of fold it up all the sides you don't need a very big boat you don't want your sides to be super tall um just want it so that it doesn't like fall out because it's really liquidy okay so i just made like a little boat here so there's my boat and now i'm going to go ahead and cap this and then give it another one last good shake to make sure the borax and the sugar is all mixed and then you go ahead and pour a little bit into your boat once it's in here it's very very liquid it's got the sugar it's got the borax the water it's all here you're just going to stick that wherever your ants are so for me right underneath this cabinet was a big spot and then they would crawl up it and they'd be all over the counters and they got all over the sink back there so i just stuck one of these boats underneath this cabinet because i could see the line of them coming down the wall i stuck it under the cabinet now like i said earlier here is the kicker stay the course don't get discouraged it's going to get so much worse before it gets better and i think that may be when i've tried these types of things before one of the things that i was missing was that part and some were way down on the comments of this recipe when i found it someone had said i had to leave it there for like 36 hours before it actually worked and um that was when i read that i was like oh well then i need to make sure to do that and she was so right so all of these ants are gonna come and within i don't know eight hours i had so many ants i mean so many ants this whole boat was just black covered in ants there was a streamline it was they were coming in like a big line along all the baseboards and everything and i didn't touch it and i didn't move it and i just left it there i did at 24 hours they were still a nice stream i added just a little bit more just to be safe that there was enough in there for all of them a little bit more of the mixture and it was right around 36 hours that i stopped seeing the streamline of ants there was none at all and that's when you know you're all done you can take your boat fold it up and throw it away you'll have a bunch of dead ones in there that hit right off and as soon as there's no more stream advance anywhere and you see no more ants crawling around anywhere then your solution has worked they took it back to their nest it killed off their nest and they're all done so like i said i've done this three times now i've done it twice in my kitchen and i have not seen an ant in over a month in my kitchen since i've done it and then just a week ago i had a stream coming from my back door along the baseboard into like where my canning shelves are which is in my mud room and that um i was like no you're not getting into my canning stuff and all my white buckets and everything so i mixed it up real quick i had it already under my um kitchen sink the leftovers from the last one so i just made my boat real quick dump some in put it there that one only took about 16 hours i would say it didn't even take the full 24. i stuck my boat right there where they were walking to and like i said i mean it was within instance they were in the dish and then they were gone and i haven't seen them since so i hope that this was helpful get rid of those pesky ants and you don't need to use harsh chemicals to do it super super easy you have everything you need except maybe the borax and you can get this and like i said it's only a tablespoon for this mixture so it will last forever and the borax will so very inexpensive i get it at walmart you probably get a target you can get on amazon i will drop a link in the description for amazon for one if you don't have a target or walmart close to you and that's an easier route for you to get borax but i hope this was helpful and go kill those ants and try and stay cool this summer take care [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Ranchers Homestead
Views: 17,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ant killer mix with borax, natural ant killer mix, nontoxic ant killer, homemade ant killer, how to get rid of ants, how to kill ants
Id: LS9zeSWtnog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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