Natural ant killer

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[Music] ah [Music] hey everybody welcome back to the part-time homestead so today i'm going to be showing you how to make some ant baits to keep the ants off of your trees and out of your gardens and just away from where you don't want them so most people use these for the amp bait they just put it in here cut a little hole in it and set it in their guard another flower bed and let the ants do their thing but let me show you the problem that i have with these containers you guys give me that come here give me that all right i come here come here come here emma come here come on emma come on come here and we're going to be using these mason jars because as you just seen i can't use the plastic water cups because i have pets on the property that think they're toys so i bought this 12 pack of these jars four ounce mason jars for jelly all right the first thing we have to do is we have to prep these jars so let me show you we got to get some holes in the top of it so i'm going to show you how i do that so first thing you're going to want to get a block of wood a screwdriver preferably a flathead and a hammer remove all the lids [Music] once you get the lids removed [Music] you're gonna want to set them on the wood because you don't want to bend you don't want these lids to bend otherwise this they're not going to seal so screwdriver on like so just hammer a hole in it there you go pretty decent little hole you want to keep in mind where you're going to be putting these as you'll see later if you set them up right in your garden and your you have sprinklers the water is going to get onto the lid go into there and dilute the solution so if you're going to set them sideways like this you're just going to want to put one hole on one or two holes on the top side so we're going to make a few a couple of both so this one for example will be a sideways one and put a hole there there we're just going to pry it open a little bit so the ants can get in there there we go two decent sized holes in that lid so we're gonna do a few like that and a few with uh just three holes all around all right so i got my 12 jars i've got my lids that i put my holes into so i've only got a few with three holes because most of the applications i'm going to be setting these jars on their sides so i just put two holes on one side of the lid so what you're going to need to make this is borax this is the natural chemical that kills the ants get yourself some old honey that you're not going to use we've had this sitting out in the sun so it gets kind of a kind of liquidy and you're also going to need sugar without the sugar the ants won't come to eat they won't just take the borax and eat the borax so you got the sugar the borax the honey for flavor i guess and then we have a container here where we're gonna mix it up and put it into the jars and also water we're gonna need a little bit of water all right so i like to do four four to one so what i'm going to do is get one of these fill it with borax and then the rest will be sugar so one borax i'm not going to use that same container i don't want accidentally to get sugar or borax in my sugar so there's one two three and a half let's call that four all right let's dust that off and then i brought out a spoon somewhere i'm gonna put that oh yeah right here so we're just gonna mix this uh the borax works kind of chunky huh [Music] break up those clumps all right so we're gonna add honey now honey there's no you just put what you think in there you know so we're just going to we're going to put all this give that a good oh all right so now what we're going to do is we're just going to add some water now it can be completely liquidy but you want it to be kind of grainy because you want the ants to be able to take it back to the hive and hopefully for the colony and hopefully feed it to the queen and kill her but so you're not having ants anymore if it's too liquidy they will just eat it on the spot and uh pretty much die so i already can tell that i made this really risky but uh we're gonna go with it yeah this consistency right here is way liquidy so what i think i'm gonna do is go ahead and add a little bit more borax and then some more sugar to thicken it up a little bit all right it's not rocket science um you'll know if it's working if you've put too much or too little because there'll either be no ants in it or it'll be a ton of ants in it or they won't be dying so i needed to thicken it up that's pretty good it's probably going to dry out a little bit too as the day goes on as it evaporates so i'm pretty happy with that so we're going to go we're going to go with that consistency so since i got this plastic container we're just going to go ahead and pour it in oh make sure i have enough all right get your lids put your lids on these bad boys [Music] [Music] all right now they're prepared and ready to take around and put into my garden so here's an ant base of operations and we have no sprinkler over here so i'm basically just going to set this right there and hopefully they're going to get into that also we're close to the compost pile which again we water by hand we can just move the bait out of there so i'm gonna set that up in the compost pile and hopefully that's gonna kill those ants you know find a better spot looks like we got sun down there so we'll go right there so these ants down here on my citrus tree have been farming aphids on this forever and a day and i'm about sick of it so they're gonna get one of these and the sprinkler is on the opposite side so i'm gonna set it sideways with the holes on the top same situation over here sprinklers on that side so i'm going to set this sideways right there hopefully to keep the water out in there on the top good thing about these mason jars is they're reusable when your amp bait is gone or depleted you just make another batch fill them up again the next morning the ant is working all right it's also working in the compost bin but the cream of wheat not so much i don't see any ants in there or on the lid so watch out for the wild garden cats the ant bait is also working look at them all in there shooting [Music] i think the only thing i should have done was maybe made it a little bit more grainy but it can always be adjusted there you have it you
Channel: Ozarks Homestead and Farm
Views: 650,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to kill ants, how to make ant bait, organic ant killer, natural ant killer, organic ant poision, how to use borax to kill ants, how to make borax ant bait, how to make organic ant killer, how to get rid of ants, how to get rid of ants naturally, keep ants out of garden, keep ants out of citrus tree, stop aphid farming
Id: RXoiUjYw9IA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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