How To Get Over The Fear Of Changing Jobs

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foreign Katie you're on the Ken Coleman show hello thank you so much how can I help so I'm in a situation where I feel like my hands are tied in the job that I'm at I've been there for about three and a half years and there's quite a few problems with the job but I'm still afraid to leave it one reason is I feel like I'm having trouble finding part-time work that will pay comparably to what I'm making now and I would really prefer to go into a different type of work as well outside of my field but that's a scary thing to go about doing something completely different so how do I get over that fear of transitioning jobs yeah let's uh let's have some fun with this let's put fear on the witness stand okay and so we're just gonna go picture our favorite courtroom drama and and um and we want to put fear up there and see if fear is telling you the truth and protecting you right now uh or is fear lying to you and holding you back that's what we got to figure out we're gonna do it right now so what are you most afraid of let's let's go towards that deepest heart desire which I think I heard which is you really want to do a different type of work altogether you want to get into a different line of of work a different field true yeah that's definitely true I I'm a little burnt out with the work that I do right now I I kind of dislike it and I would like to do something different and I actually had a really good interview about two or three weeks ago it's a job that's completely different I feel excited about the type of work that it is but when I think about starting the job and having to learn to do something completely different I feel panicked I feel very nervous so what are we afraid of right so what specifically you're Freedom let's just say you get that job tomorrow and you start next Monday what are you afraid of and I want you to be very very specific with this new job and all this new stuff you got to learn and do what are you afraid of I think the vision in my mind is showing up to work and I try to do my best at it but my boss or even the other people that I'm working with they feel like I'm not doing it correctly or the best way or that I'm not working hard on us right okay what are the chances that you would ever truly in your own estimation not work hard enough well I would always try to do my best but in my mind no no wait a second I'm not talking about doing your best I'm saying I'm pulling out some things that I'm hearing that you wouldn't work hard enough you were afraid that these new folks in a new company new skill set blah blah blah blah blah that they're gonna think you're not working hard enough and I'm asking you what are the chances of that happening to where you aren't putting in the effort it's it's low zero we'll always try to yeah zero zero I can just tell all right so we don't so let's so is fear telling us the truth or lying to us on this one on that issue one one issue alone could be lying it's lying you're not going to go in there and give a half performance you're going to give everything you got true or false that's true all right so so no one in their right mind is going to think that you're not working hard enough that's effort yes yes all right you're right so good now let's talk about the skill side of it do you have a track record of learning new things going through training figuring it out maybe stubbing your toes getting your knee professionally but that's just a part of the learning process and you kept growing you kept moving up give a track record of that or do you have a track record of the opposite I did it with my first job I mean when I came out of high school I didn't you know go to a four-year College I didn't even get an associate's degree I learned on the job how to do bookkeeping so I know that I have the ability to learn I've done it before but but it's also been quite a while ago oh so you've gotten so you've gotten dumb you've gotten less intelligent I didn't put it that way that's what I heard I heard well I came out of high school and I learned a trade from scratch and I didn't have a college degree and I still learned how to do it and I've done a good job but Ken that was a long time ago I don't know if I can do that again that's what I heard yeah that's scary I get that it's scary but it's also bullcrap you can still learn things and do new things true or false true come on Katie I believe in you you just need to believe in you and I don't think there's any evidence here that says me moving to a different industry um is going to mean that I'm not going to be successful now let's just put this to a further test do you have the Raw Talent right now to do this other job that we've been talking about you have the talent not the skill yet you can learn the skill and be trained but do you have the raw talent to learn it and do it the new job that I would like to have is kind of in Hospitality it's at a wedding venue and I think that I'm a good people person there's a little bit of me that thinks that I could be good at you know doing the bookings for people and talking them through details of the wedding venue wait a second so you're telling me this is going to be a people-facing role and have a good amount of details and organization with it as well yes definitely very deep tells me you're organization and details I am I'll I'll accept that yeah and you're oh you'll accept that you are very mean to my friend Katie and I don't like it I think Katie's awesome I wish Katie thought that Katie was awesome that's what I think listen you've got a great personality you're good with people true or false I think so but sometimes I don't think so why what what evidence is there that you're not good with people um I don't know there's not you might have a bad day we all have a bad day but you're good with people if I interviewed everyone that knows you would they say you're good at connecting with people and getting along with people yeah okay yes what's going on what's going on with you where's that lack of confidence coming from Katie because I think you'll shine in this role I think you'll shine but I'm just curious I just keep going back to the reasons why I'm afraid to leave the job that I'm at because there's a lot of reasons why I should go okay so what are the reasons one of the reasons you shouldn't go what's so great about this bookkeeping job that you're afraid to leave well and right now I'm I'm a bank teller oh bank teller so what are you afraid to leave the benefits yeah some benefits I do get paid time off um which I wouldn't have at this new job what's the salary closer what's the salary exchange look like um it's very similar so right now I make about 27 000 a year and then with the new job I think it would just be a little less at about 25 or 26. and are you living in Manhattan no I'm I'm outside of the city and I also work part-time it's very important to work part-time for me but this new job okay so this is going to be a part-time wedding planner job that fits your family needs and your relationship and life balance yes and it's closer to home it's much closer right now I drive an hour to and from work and they've also cut me down to Katie this is a no-brainer 20 hours guess what this is a no-brainer I want you to take it I want you to take it with great confidence because guess what the bank teller job and other bank teller jobs will always be there this is what you want to do it's good for your life in your work life it's good for your relationship life everything is better you get those hours of commuting back you're going to do something you really enjoy I could hear it all over you as you begin to talk about helping people plan a wedding such an important memory and you're going to be that that that human touch that takes care of the most important details at that season of their life You're Gonna Shine Katie go do it your bank teller days are over for now
Channel: The Ken Coleman Show - Highlights
Views: 9,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Ken, Coleman, Show, the ken coleman show, career, job, life, dream job, motivation, work, jobs, how to find your dream job, how to find your passion, business, tips, career advice, success, passion, how to get a job, dream career, how to find the right career, personal development, self improvement, Ken Coleman Show Video, How To Get Over The Fear Of Changing Jobs
Id: TZr2QS8yakc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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