I applied to 500 jobs and found out what recruiters care about | Wonsulting

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I'm scared to make this video over the past two months I've applied to over 500 jobs using five almost identical resumes to see what recruiters care about when determining whether or not they should give someone an interview the results are a little scary twice the number of interviews then resume number two this one was eye-opening that is astronomical has anyone heard of this company 18 interviews 18 interview rate wow this is mind-blowing you can take control of your resume if your resume looks like this throw it out to the dumpster so without further Ado let's get into it the plan is simple make one resume applied to 100 jobs then make four identical resumes with small tweaks here and there and see how many interviews I get however many interviews I get that is what we're gonna call the interview rate you then get that same exact resume and make one small tweak the name the company that you worked at a job Gap the template a resume that you use then using each of those resumes to apply to the same 100 jobs and the results are staggering here's resume number one you can see here I opted for a Caucasian male name way at the top I put Facebook AKA meta as a first work experience I kept all the other bullet points the same this is a fake spam email the number is fake so don't try to call me you freaking weirdos I'm just kidding as you can see here the most recent experience is meta I wanted to normalize it to make sure that this resume was going to get interviews added some entrepreneurial experience at Williams College this is a good standard resume so this is going to be our control variable yes I'm talking about the thing that we all learned in seventh grade science I applied to 100 jobs that were tailored to this resume and guess how many interviews this one got 18 interviews 18 interview rate 18 out of 100 job applications now by all means this is a great percentage anything above a five percent interview rate is great 18 that is astronomical we know that this resume works now let's pop up resume number two do you notice the difference resume number one resume number two resume number one resume number two resume number one my watch keeps turning off has anyone heard of this company indigenous ninjas energy synthesis I don't know I'll scrolling on LinkedIn found a company name that was the most obscure that I could find and I put it on this resume notice how these two resumes are almost identical the only difference between these two resumes is the brand and the company name and that's it this one got a total of 10 interviews let's pause for a second pull up resume number one and two again resume number one and resume number two notice how the bullet points are the exact same yet resume number one had almost twice the number of interviews than resume number two so brand name yes that matters brand name will get you almost twice the number of interviews on your resume that you otherwise wouldn't have gotten but let's take a step back here let's imagine that you're on Google we're doing Google search maybe we can do Google Search up like um resume templates there's like the ones with a lot of colors and maybe a photo and all the stuff in the background you find this beautiful resume template and now you're thinking to yourself okay wow I'm definitely gonna get interviewed this is what I call Beautiful resumes a beautiful resume is one that optimizes for the eye it has a lot of color it has two columns three columns but it's not really intuitive to read a functional resume is designed for readability and that's what we had with resume one and two so I introduce you resume number three this is a resume template I made on canva it has as much of the same information I could fit on there again I would argue that resume number three is actually more beautiful than resume number one based on that you would think okay resume number three is gonna get more interviews right this one was eye-opening even though this one had meta on Facebook on the resume even though that the bullet points were the same this one got a total of eight interviews even less than and having a brand name company on your resume that is crazy if your resume looks like this throw it out to the dumpster and maybe a Jordan we can add like a dumpster animation or something use a resume template similar to resume template number one copy that structure find it in the description below that's what's going to get you interviews the exception to this rule is if you're going to a design related function then maybe you could add a little bit of your spice into it but for everything else keep it simple keep it structured recruiters love it so this is where I stopped my experiment because I was like wow this is mind-blowing I asked all of you guys on my Instagram and Tick Tock what experiment you wanted me to do next and so I added on two more just for you what happens if we use the exact same resume but we used an ethnic woman's name we see companies talk about diversity equity and inclusion initiatives all the time but does it actually translate well to a fair process let's find out this is resume number four notice how it's almost identical called the resume number one we're keeping the tests exactly the same I did change a company name to another big tech company name I didn't want it to be flagged by the recruiter when I was applying to the same jobs this one had 10 interviews compared to resume number one that had a Caucasian white male name that is mind-blowing just because of your name almost half the interviews and this is not a new discovery Harvard did a study on how they believe that application should be anonymized because by anonymizing it it makes the application process fair and simple for everybody what's the takeaway if you have an ethnic name like mine Che Hockley we have to play around this game foreign questions I get is Jerry what should I do if I'm going back into the job Force Workforce Job Force work Workforce we have resume number five this one had a three year job Gap this one had eight interviews a lot of the percentages are the same I don't realize so this one had a very similar interview rate as a canva resume template but I can almost understand why from an employer's perspective an employer is going to look at this resume and think to themselves wow this person hasn't been out of work for three years can they adapt to this new working environment but that's not going to stop you from taking action if you have a job gap on your resume this is what I want you to do first things first is I want you to remove the months off of your resume eliminate the bias for people to ask you hey you out of work for three months why is that nah the second thing I want you to do start taking courses immediately it can be relevant to your field or it could be relevant to the field you want to get into LinkedIn has a bunch of great free online course that you can take Google Facebook all those other companies have something similar but I want you to take them and start doing projects and what do I mean by projects projects are the homework assignments that you'll have during those certificate programs hey help Sally design a marketing campaign for Sally's cookies that is experience put it on your resume even if it's fictitious the skills that you are going to apply are going to be the same that you would apply in the corporate world so to recap let's stack rank all the resumes resume number one had the highest number of interviews at 18 interviews rank two and three are tied resume number two is the one that didn't have the company brand name at the top that had a 10 interview rate and resume number four the ethnic woman's name also had a 10 interview rate third place we have resume number three and resume number five the canva resume template aka the beautiful resume as well as the job Gap if any of these apply to you make sure that you know that you can take control of your resume of course if you need any help you can always message me on Instagram jerryjhley I appreciate you watching let me know your comment it's down below until next time peace
Channel: Wonsulting
Views: 33,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wonsulting, wonsulting career coaching, how to start your career, career consulting, first generation college student
Id: 8EYW2v4G9bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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