How to get Netflix's DARK look | DaVinci Resolve 16 Tutorial

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[Music] [Music] what's going on everybody this is Kazi welcome to another amazing video this time we're creating a look from dart this show from direction your storytelling do cinematography and then color grading top-notch it's up there okay so so many of you have asked for this for months it's finally happening but this is just the beginning I'm gonna be doing so many looks from this show because it's just too good okay black mirror is coming up I'm gonna do more looks from The Witcher so get excited about that so something that I want to switch up with this video and moving forward with look recreations I want to create some sort of like a look rating system and this look rating system is not gonna be like let's raid these amazing looks because they're all 10 out of 10 what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna break it into this okay so you're seeing it on the screen right now so the first category is gonna be versatility zero being specific which means it's very very specific it's only used for this one genre one subject matter and then the ten is gonna be general like it can be used for a lot of different things okay second is going to be style and zero being wreck seven or nine base grade throw on a lope move on and then ten being highly stylized and then the final category is gonna be longevity which is basically how does it age over time and zero being current or trendy it's very in like right now and then 10 being classic like you know it's timeless so super excited about that let's just jump in and rate this so I would give this look six stars for versatility I feel like it can be a pretty versatile look and for style i will give it about a seven i feel like they got a pretty good you know teal and salmon thing going on so it is kind of push but it's done in the right way it doesn't stick out it just feels like it's part of the environment part of this vibe or the storytelling for longevity I'll give it about a sixth it's definitely above average I feel like this type of look is not going anywhere anytime soon and for those that want to level up their color grading game check out the link in the description one hour long free training where I will show you how to get the perfect skin tones out of your sony s log 8-bit footage how to get the clean white look it's the go to commercial look how to get the creamy film look how to fix the dreaded gamma shift and much much more link is in the description on that note I need your help to blow my channel up smash that like button that's the fastest way to do that so I need your help smash that like button here subscribe to my channel if you haven't already follow me on Instagram let's roll the info all right let's get this show on the road I'm gonna go in here type in palette I'm gonna drop in my color palette this is very important when you're doing look recreations because this gets to tell you the story through color so I'm gonna move my scopes over for a second make this bigger and let's just study it for a second so if we look at our highlights look at the salmon tones in our highlights there's barely any pure whites there are very close to like an off-white color that we can see right here around here and right around here right underneath our specular highlights that's where you see that but the skin tones are just so saturated and unapologetic compared to what the background is doing there's a lot of desaturation going on in the background and if you look at the majority of the background is made of this greenish gray that we can see right here this color right here is what makes most of the image in the back and then if you look at the darker areas I'm talking about lower mids you're gonna find this teal so this teal complements very nicely to this color right here the salmon in the skin like if you see this did that teal that we see right here it's a perfect complement but if you study the deep points of this image like the dark points of this image those are pure black like right here so having a pure black point and then creating an insane look that this is in the middle you can sell it easily as long as your black points are holding up which in this case they are so that's very important to understand so the thing that makes this look so unique is that focus on the highlights it has this silverish quality to it and it's also the effect or the process is called bleach bypass but obviously they're not doing a heavy bleach bypass here but it's enough to let you know that that's what's happening here and I'm gonna show you how to create that effect some movies will take it really far like think about Saving Private Ryan and when I say really far not in a bad way I mean they killed it but that was the epitome of a bleach bypass effect 300 used it as well but they're using it in a very subtle way just to create a lot of separation and drama in our contrast because then your blacks just go to nothing and then your highlights have this really nice silverish feel so that's what we're gonna be creating okay so this is what we're working with let me just play it through and see what's happening here so one thing that I can tell right away is that the lighting is working in our favor so that is a pretty good thing I'm gonna Park it on our hero frame which is gonna be somewhere around here and so see we got similar characteristics going on but nothing else is alike so we're gonna have to create that okay first node is gonna be my noise reduction second node is gonna be my balance and let's just keep them tidy I'm going to move it right here and then the next node is going to be my saturation and to create the bleach bypass effect we're gonna be using layer mixer I'm gonna create that put that right here and call this node our look node then afterwards we're gonna create a look adjustment let's just keep it here start off and then we'll build it as we move along first thing I'm gonna do is right click here and change this to overlay this is where the bleach bypass effect comes into play okay and you can see it the highlights are already giving us the silverish look okay so that's the beauty of this effect and we're gonna start getting in that world very quickly so just watch first of all I'm gonna start off with my lift gamma gain let's make this a little bit bigger so you guys can see clearly I'm gonna move this over and this is much better so I'm gonna start with my gain raise it up just don't be shy raise it up and then we're gonna pull it back I'm gonna bring my Scopes in so you guys can see what's going on and now what I want to do is I'm gonna pull my gain down a little bit and start giving it some contrast you created this punch I want to kind of create this kind of thing that we got going on here so like really accentuate it something like that and now what I want to do is just go under my log wheels and pull this down you see right here wanna pull that down actually you know what I'm not gonna pull it down in this note I'm gonna leave it as is so let's just have that information for now I'm gonna go under my third node which is saturation and let's go here grab our saturation and crank it all the way to hundred now we're seeing a lot of color separations so if I do before look at right here and if I do after see the color separation that's very important to have all right so in my look node I'm gonna go under here in my primaries bars I'm gonna take my luma mix and just turn it to zero so we can individually affect each channel that we want to work on so the first thing that I want to do let's start pumping in this kind of magenta into our highlights so the way we're gonna do that is I'm gonna go in my gain I'm gonna take my greens and I'm gonna start subtracting that so see we're adding that and obviously do too much and then come back do something like that okay not there yet that's totally fine now I'm gonna go into my lift and I want to start adding this color into my lift and we're gonna do that by subtracting blue and just look what's happening okay so I'm gonna park it somewhere around here then I'm gonna go into my red channel and pull that down to start adding that cyan but not too much something like that then go back to my blue and pull it down right now I'm just getting the look in the world like I'm not worried about anything else right now okay so something like that I'm gonna go into my gain and I'm gonna take my magenta or green and pull it down again subtract it so see now we're getting the skin tone sort of similar not there at all I mean there's so a lot of work that needs to be done so again do it too much and then pull it back pull it back so if I do before-and-after here if I kill this like look at that did this okay already we're seeing something happening here okay so this is not bad at all I'm gonna leave it there I'm gonna go into my look adjustment node and this is where we're gonna do our few versus hue action try to do most of your things as keep them as simple as possible on unless you have to complicate it okay so let's just go here I'm gonna start messing with my red first and see what's happening where I need this to be so this here looks fine then I'm gonna take my yellow and see where that needs to be so that needs to stay somewhere around here I'm looking at this part of his skin and I'm looking that part of her her skin so somewhere around here is not bad now I'm gonna go into my cyan which is the background right here and I'm just matching it to this okay so just watch so how much do we want to add that in something like that and then a good thing to do is zoom out and kind of just look at it from this perspective and see if you've gone too far see like I feel like I've gone a bit too far so now I'm gonna pull it back see so this is a pretty good view to kind of get a sense for it and now if I do before and after we really changed a lot in this note alone okay so this is all looking really good now I'm gonna put this node right here and then I'm gonna create a parallel node and basically what we're gonna do is we're gonna split our highlights and shadows so we have better control so I'm gonna go into my qualifier I'm gonna take my gonna raise that up and basically I'm gonna put this very close like around two-ish and then I'm gonna do shift H so you guys can see what we're doing when I started raising it and I just want to grab like such just that just give it a little bit of denoise and that's good and I'm gonna go right here I'm gonna do the opposite so again I'm gonna keep it somewhere around two point one inch shift date so we can see what's happening let's go back and I just want to grab something like that and that's good okay so let's go back into this view and see what we need to do so a couple of things that we can see right here our highlights are really hot compared to highlights right here okay so that's the first thing that we need to attack so it's pretty simple I'm just gonna go right here into my highlights and I'm gonna start pulling it back and I'm gonna go a hundred percent and just look how much of a difference it made if I do before-and-after just look at that so all of it it started giving so much three dimension to our image if you look at it like look at the forehead right here - like what it's doing now so it started pulling a lot of that sting out okay and majority of this shot should live in this area because our girl is not lit with an overhead light like he is our girl is lit through a window light which we can see in her eyes that's a very important distinction okay so you are going to be playing off of this right here not necessarily that right there okay so I'm looking at this cheekbone to that cheekbone and it's doing it okay we're getting there now what I want to do is I want to go into my gain and start pulling some of that magenta out and putting it into that warm tones that we got going on here cheek to cheek so I'm just gonna start going in with my gain and kind of start adding that warmth okay and now we're adding it as if I do before and after now and see how even the skin is like how we're evening out the skin quite a bit I look at even here forehead cheeks so I mean that's making a pretty big difference guys even like look at the neck - right here we're making a big difference here so for now I want to leave that there alright so now for our blacks I'm just gonna go into my log wheels I'm gonna go under my shadow and just try to get this kind of crushed black thing going on in here so I'm just gonna hold this over a little bit and then also get this color to match so if I do before see how it's kind of warm and if I do after we start to get these tones in okay and so as here and even like over here and I feel like that's closer to what we got going on over here okay so even if I do this one to one so this is before and if I do that look at this right here did the black right there before there was a little bit of warm tones happening on both sides and now it's just there it's just super nit picking like the tiniest detail yeah one of those things that you don't have to do it like it's just not make it or break it at all but it's just one thing that I want to do okay so I'm gonna leave it in and now what we're gonna do is I'm gonna come right here and let's look at is there anything else that we need to do to just really get everything singing and I feel like I feel like we've done it I genuinely feel like if I pull back and look at these two shots I think we've done it I think we're there a couple of things that we need to do finishing touches we have to add sharpening because if I go here and look at the sharpening there to compare to our girl we just need more sharpening focus on this eye right here okay I'm gonna go in here blur radius I'm gonna subtract my blur to add sharpening before after I'm gonna do it slower before after big difference okay so that gets us in this world right away but we're not done yet I'm gonna go under my noise reduction in here what I need you to do is wood we don't have to do heavy lifting it's a very clean image so I'm just gonna uncheck this break this chain I'm gonna type in 6.8 so we can take out any gunky digital noise that we might have you make it look more like film and we're gonna come to our final node and in here I'm gonna type in grain I'm gonna pull it in and I'm gonna do my signature 35 millimeter 400 T but I'm gonna get pretty close so you guys can see on YouTube the difference that we're making okay so this is before and after you can't really tell much because nothing is applied but then I'm just gonna start pushing it I really want to push it okay I want to I want to give it a lot like if before after I'm gonna do it again before after okay and it just looks so gorgeous okay it looks so beautiful so this is what we have let me just do a couple of things like that I quickly do to QC it so from here it's looking pretty good making it big it's looking pretty good and the last two things that I want to do to just really really get it one to one is gonna be this okay I'm gonna create a global adjustment node right here I'm gonna call it global adjustment and I want to do this okay I feel like our image on the high end is kind of too saturated so I'm gonna go under luminance versus at and I'm gonna take the brightest area and I'm gonna pull the saturation down okay so look what happens not too much something like that so if I do before and after it's taking that sting out okay and it's leaving us with an image like that which is looking pretty good and it just makes it look more cinematic more film like another thing that I want to do is that you see how my image is a little bit lifted compared to like this right here like it just goes to pure blackness I want to do the same exact thing and that's gonna be achieved by this first of all I'm gonna take my lower range and I'm really gonna just bring it down to nothing let's keep it at one we might even have to do it like lower it even more I'm gonna take my shadow and I just kind of want to crush it so take it all the way down it's fine it looks like crap but that's okay now I'm gonna go into my lower range and I want to start bringing it down so we only affect the darkest darkest darkest areas so I'm gonna leave it somewhere around here like it just makes a big difference I think that's the happy medium I'm not gonna take any further than that all right now I'm gonna go ahead and just turn everything off so we can see it from start to finish so let's put them next to each other started with our balanced saturation look and then did the bleach bypass treatment by using our overlay in composite mode and that already had put us in a very good place and then went ahead and did look adjustment and that's where the background color came in and started to dial in the skin and then did a split for our highlights and shadows and in the highlights quite a bit got done like we even out the skin a lot and then we just brought some teal into our lower end and went into global adjustment and did the final adjustments were like really just hit the black levels where they needed to be and also pull some of the saturation out from the highlights and add a saturation added grain and then noise reduction and here's our final image let's check it out in full screen [Music] [Music] what they say this is the golden age of television I mean come on look at this stuff I can genuinely do nothing else but TV looks for the next seven years and I won't run out of content there's so much good stuff out there hopefully you guys got tons of juice from this one make sure to smash that like button subscribe to my channel for more awesomeness do not forget to check out the link for the training in the description below I will see you all in the next video [Music]
Channel: Waqas Qazi
Views: 820,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve 16, resolve 16, davinci resolve, davinci, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, davinci resolve studio, davinci tutorial, davinci resolve free, resolve color grading, color grading davinci resolve, colorist, color grading, color correction, davinci resolve tutorial, blackmagic design, davinci resolve 16.2, davinci resolve color grading, davinci resolve 16 color grading, waqas qazi, how to use davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve effects, dark season 3, dark, dark netflix
Id: kInumtQahWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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