How to Color Grade a Wedding Video | DaVinci Resolve 16 Tutorial

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Oh Brando Oh Brando Oh Brando me and my crew Phil Brandon Brandon LaFell be welcome to probably the most anticipated video on this channel how to color grade a wedding footage and one thing that you need to know about wedding videos is there's never a budget for it okay and the timelines are so tight that you will never be able to fit it in third it's usually shot in a naturally lit environment which is really hard to grade now on the flip side if you have a well graded wedding video you set yourself apart you can charge your clients so much more than your competition now I'm gonna give you some pro tips but I split them up in macro and micro so let's start with macro so what you need to do is create a global grade basically where you are grading in a way where you can just copy/paste your entire grade and then go in and make micro adjustments okay so that's very very important to do the opposite for the hero shots in a wedding you will have 10 15 20 hand-picked shots so those you can actually give a ton of love to okay you can just go in and you know pick skin and you know isolate things do a lot of Hugh versus you whatever you have to do to really make it stand out and another great thing about that is when you're cutting your wedding reel you can easily just bring the hero shots and not even worry about anything else so basically you're doing yourself favor now let's get into the micro tips okay so number one bride bride bride I mean come on it's all about the bride right so skin tones basically skin tones or the most important thing in a wedding video it doesn't matter build your grades around that and then let everything else be the secondary number two color separation or color isolation I mean this sound pretty confusing if almost sounds like the same thing but let me explain color separation will be where you will create color contrast like pull them apart if you can't color isolation will be where you get the crisp white look where you just pull everything else and you just like you know put the skin tones where they're supposed to be if there's foliage or something in the shot like let that green like shine and then that's about it so that's what I mean by that number three neutral whites and blacks why am I saying that usually the dude is wearing a tux and the girl is wearing a white dress so it's really important to have neutral whites and neutral blacks then your hero in the shot your girl or the dude is gonna look perfect and then you can play around with all the mid-tones in the middle if you want to get creative number four high key that is probably a requirement on a wedding video what that means is the skin needs to look flawless and when you do a high key look you just hide tons of blemishes or imperfections in the skin so it really helps you out on a global scale number five you've gotta make it look dreamy I'm gonna show you some exclusive tips in this tutorial that I haven't shown on this channel and it's gonna blow your freakin mind so are you guys pumped are you guys ready guys before we even jump into this tutorial two days left to sign up for my master class now why do I keep pushing that do you guys let's just take a second and talk about it IG post are not stopping those value bombs I'm gonna be dropped in there okay YouTube videos are not stopping I'm gonna be putting out one video a week minimum that's not stopping the problem with these compared to my master class is that master class is tailor-made it has a road map it takes you from start to finish and that's something you cannot get with these you pick up a few tips here a few tips there but it's not a wholesome thing whereas the master class is taking you from not knowing anything to becoming a six-figure if you want to and if you have the hustle and the drive and if you follow my footsteps you can become a very profitable filmmaker not just a colorist so two days left and let's check out what's in the course 25 plus hours worth of content 150 plus training videos access to over hundred gigs worth of professionally shot log footage invitation to a mastermind group where we hold weekly competitions and I'm talking about 2 hour group session where I go through everyone's grade and break it down and give you personalized feedback the courses consist of nine total modules as of today and I'm gonna be adding another one very soon and the way it's laid out it's perfect for somebody who knows nothing about resolved there may be somebody whose intermediate but really wanna take your game to the next level the goal that this masterclass is very simple I want you to learn in weeks what took me years to learn I'm so confident that I'm throwing in a hassle-free 30 day money back guarantee if you're not satisfied join thousands of members that are part of FCM culture and have achieved unimaginable results enrollment and soon join now the link is in the description or in the comments below as if you're enjoying the content smash that like button subscribe to my channel for more awesomeness make sure to follow me on instagram i'm dropping value bombs there every single day let's roll the intro all right so here's the shot that we're working with I'm gonna play it through a couple of times and then we're gonna come up with the game plan okay so I'm gonna park it on my hero frame which is this right here this footage along with the project file and my node tree is gonna be available to my master class members and guys this beautiful footage came from Josh Kidd films check it out if you guys are in the wedding business definitely follow his page his content is fire let's get right into the tutorial so one thing that I can tell you right now just about looking at the scopes we have lost our highlights meaning we can try to pull it back but it's gonna be artificial it's not there and that's totally fine because we gotta make these choices I mentioned that you're mostly shooting in a natural lighting conditions which means not so ideal conditions so you have to make some sacrifices or here bride over the exposure in the background that said I'm still gonna show you some techniques to control your highlights okay let's start building this puppy up so first it's gonna be our exposure as always and I'm gonna build my second node let's start naming them so this is exposure the second node is gonna be my base and this is where I'm gonna do my white balance and stuff and then this one is gonna be my look then I'm gonna make a parallel which is gonna be my skin right here I'm gonna make another parallel and then this is where we're gonna do our highlights and then we're gonna create another node and this is gonna be our high key and I'm gonna make another serial and this one is going to be our vignette then we're gonna make another one and this is gonna be our soften glow and final grain grain is gonna be taken to relieve it it's gonna be up to your preference so this is the node tree okay again we're thinking about on a global scale we want to build a node tree that we can apply on the entire thing and then go make micro adjustments but like I said if you're working on a hero shot like this shot you can do the extracurricular and grab her skin and just give her more love okay I'm not gonna be doing that in this one because the way I'm gonna build this you guys are gonna see what I'm talking about okay we're gonna be able to do most of it in this grade the first thing I want to do is click on my exposure and start with the contrast and pivot and just be careful don't go too far with it because we kind of want to have a gentle contrast I'm gonna Park it somewhere around here I'm gonna start raising my gamma I'm basically focusing right here I'm gonna bring more detail outer in our face and then I want to bring my gain down and pop my gamma up now I'm gonna take my lift and bring it down to add some more detail and then I'm gonna keep playing between the lift and gamma okay I'm gonna be simultaneously moving it you just get in a place where I'm happy so something like that so now I just look at it right so much detail in her face her hair everything that we need to see the black points are looking pretty good I'm Ken I can't bring it down a little bit so I'm using my left just brought it down a little bit we can still see the detail outside and that's what's important right so I mean we're looking really good for our first exposure node now for the base I'm gonna tell you this use your temperature and tint control trust me when you're working on a wedding and you want to just turn and burn this control is really gonna come in handy and just look what happens I'm gonna start with my temperature and pull it back I'm just trying to I'm looking at her dress right now right here I'm trying to get the whites in the right place something like that and now I'm gonna go and just get some of that green out and for that I'm looking at the dress also at the lamp go too far and then pull it back as always so something like that right this is looking pretty good so this is where we started and then this is where we ended up and it's looking pretty crisp right so I'm gonna park it here somewhere for now so this is looking pretty good let's give it some saturation so I'm gonna crank it up to 65 ish okay so that's not bad at all we're really good I mean we got our whites the skin is looking really good the hair is looking really good everything is looking like it belongs right I mean one thing that I can do is try to get some of that green out so I'm gonna just start adding more in my tent I'm gonna add more magenta and then dial it back obviously don't want to overdo it go too far with my temperature and pull it back again again I'm just looking at her dress um looking at all the white points and it's looking really good I mean just look at it so before and after like how much detail you can get just by doing a base grade just by color correcting and that's another very important thing when you're working on wedding videos that you will be surprised how much you can pull out just by adding some saturation like we did now don't you think this is before this is after if you were to just Park it here and send it out but your client is gonna be stoked I'm seeing some blue and the highlights so I want to pull that out so I'm gonna control that a little bit alright so for now this is looking pretty good I'm gonna go under my look and what we're gonna do here is start creating some interest remember color separation so right now my focus is right here and then the skin how far can I pull these two so I'm gonna start with my lift I'm gonna pull my lift down keep pulling it down and I'm just focusing on that color right now and then I'm gonna take my gamma and start lifting it up to counter it and now my focus is just really on the skin right now and then what I'm gonna do is just take my gain and kind of move it in that direction a little bit not too much again focuses on the skin at this point I'm just messing with my left a little bit and now what I wanted to get my black points right I'm gonna go into my log wheels and I'm gonna start raising it up just so until we have our black points where they're supposed to be and obviously I'm using this as my anchor right now so if I do before look at this and then after our black points are looking really really good okay and then I'm gonna go in my lower range and I'm just basically focusing right here and I want to give her some detail in her eye back so I'm just gonna go back and even something like this barely touched it so it looks like we didn't do much but there was some separation that we were able to create but let's just push it a little bit more why not so I'm gonna go up and over up and then I'm gonna pull it down like such then I'm gonna take my gain and kind of start injecting a little bit of look but not too much I'm just basically keeping it in a happy place like a warm sort of thing but not like overdoing it this is before this is after right so it's just making it a little bit livelier and then my black points are looking good but I'm just gonna adjust a little bit more so this is looking way better so just look at we're starting to pull a lot of separation I mean look at her skin in the back look at the dress now see so there was still so much teal in there and we pulled it and look at how deep the skin has gotten and the hair this is the kind of separation I'm talking about right so we're really pulling or out from the background and even just look at the teal in here that's embedded and we're pulling that out and one thing that I want to do is I can go in my gamma and kind of try to get some of this yellow out so I'm gonna pull it down and over something like that and I think it's cool to have a crisp grade you know like where we're headed right now and then I'm gonna counter it with a little bit more warmth by my gain so I'm pulling it in there to the left to kind of add more warmth not too much so just by using our primaries look at how much separation we created okay just look at her dress before look at her dress after look at her skin how rich her skin is now umberto before same thing with her hair the amount of separation that we created even just look at this - that Mike Howell is a wash before - how much detail that we're creating and then the black points so you might have to spend an additional minute or two when you're creating this because again this is a global look and then once you have it dialed in you can really just throw it on and just you know keep chugging along and then in here for my skin all I have to do or want to do is go under my hue versus saturation I'm gonna click on my red and I'm gonna pop it up and just look at how much it brings her out and again creating that separation from the background and then I'm gonna go under my hue versus luminance I'm gonna do the same thing I'm gonna pull her up a little bit not too much and just look how much it cleans her up okay maybe I'll bring it down a little bit split the difference something like that see how much it's cleaning up kind of crazy how much of a difference we made just by these two and that's really what I want to do here I look at her skin and this is what I'm trying to tell you like just keep these clean don't get too crazy with them and you're gonna end up with a really amazing look then for high key I'm gonna do the tried-and-tested I'm gonna click on editable splines I'm gonna click on the top and then I'm gonna raise it guys my focus is her okay I don't care about anything else so let's just focus on her and then we're gonna work everything around our bride and I'm just gonna start raising it is a high key look at where does she look just perfect like this is looking really good just look at her okay maybe hold on let me just do something I'll bring it here raise it go too far and then pull it down so something like that she's looking really good now what we have done is that we've blown out the background quite a bit right and even like we're losing some of the detail here so this is where the highlights come into play that's why I created it but I kind of reserved it you know to use after we do the high key so that's a really important step to remember now I'm gonna go under my qualifier and this is the cleanest qualifier you can pull I talked about it many times I'm gonna head shift age so you guys can see what I'm selecting definitely don't want to select her skin so I'm gonna select this and then I'm just gonna go under my highlights and pull it back not too much okay I just want to go I'm gonna go too far first and I'm gonna come back or something like that and now I'm gonna move this over to see when we grab all the areas that we want to grab okay so this is what I want to grab so this is looking really good right because look at how we were losing detail here and we brought it back look at how we were losing detail on her dress and we were bringing that back so that is good but it's kind of looking muddy so let's put that detail back in but now we get to control how much detail we put back in so I'm gonna go in here in my log wheels I'm gonna take my highlights I'm gonna raise it and basically I'm just looking at her dress to give her that pop back and now we're getting that pop back into her dress and that's all we wanted to do now I'm gonna go under my vignette and I'm gonna create a vignette like this nothing too crazy I'm gonna rotate it a little bit I'm gonna bring it in a little bit like that and I'm gonna soften the F out of it okay so I'm gonna go in here I'm gonna soften it like I'm gonna keep going do about like here and I'm gonna invert it then I'm gonna go right in here do my curves I'm gonna grab it actually go in here turn off editable splines grab it from here and start pulling it back I want to do a realistic change okay I don't want to go too far so how do you do realistic change I'm looking at right here and I want to make sure that this highlight doesn't get muddy if I go here look it's getting really weird I don't want that I'm gonna go to that point and I'm gonna Park look at how much of a difference that's making but it's just making everything richer and creating that color separation look at how much color we're bringing back in and then it's complementing her skin this is what I'm talking about about the color separation okay and it's these little steps and then under soften I'm gonna go click on the second tab I'm gonna go under my mid-tone detail and the actual sauce is negative 30 okay when you have women in the shot but for a wedding you can just leave it at 30 for the whole thing and it does a really nice thing and it's perfect for the wedding okay if somebody's freaking out they're just like dude why are you applying it to the whole thing because it's really nice it's not like making the entire image mush like look at the algorithms are perfect if I do a playback it looks really really clean okay you can dial it back a little bit if you want to I don't I mean for weddings I mean girls want to see themselves looking perfect and just look at what it's doing to her skin and how much it's just cleaning her up like this is before this is after I mean she looks flawless her makeup is perfect but with this it just makes it that much better okay it evens out the skin and everything now I'm gonna go under glowing about to show you something you haven't seen yet so I'm going to type in glow pop that on here and this looks absolutely garbage we're not doing that I'm gonna go under my composite type I'm gonna turn on soft light and now it's making it too dark that's okay I'm gonna take my threshold all the way back and this is what I'm gonna do I'm gonna take my brightness and pull it back pull it back until it looks fine like basically right now I'm looking at her eye right here this is my focus and I want to pull that out something like that now I want to go under my spread and control it again I just focus on the eyes we're just focusing on the eyes you want to pull that out so if I take it to the right it evens out her skin she looks really good so I'm gonna park it somewhere around here now I'm gonna go back in my brightness and start playing with it back something like this and now I'm gonna go under my global blend and control it how much I want to add this in so if I do before and after it does a really nice thing but let's just bring the spread back a little bit so we have a little bit of a stronger effect and look at how much her eyes are popping like I love this effect and now we can just I mean I want to leave it like this to be honest but you can go back and kind of split the difference right so let's just say if you don't want to want a hundred percent we can just do something like this I'm actually gonna dial it back a little bit because I want more of it so this is where we're gonna Park it before and after like look at how much it's bringing out her eyes in here and then in this one we're gonna do the grain but again you don't have to if you don't want to I want to that's know me by now 35 millimeter 400 T pop these puppies up bring it closer and if I just go and look at the grain right here if I do before-and-after just makes it look like film and this is what we got so I can park it here and let's kill everything and start to finish let's see where we started to where we ended up okay so this is our image in log started with our exposure and we thought this was looking so good remember when I was like man and this is looking so good then we did our base and it actually started looking really good and we can still see some magenta and the highlights and everything then we went into our look and we covered that we brought all of that back and started creating tons of separation and just look at what we did here skin to the you know dress all of that we started working on it then we popped the skin so much just by our humors options just look at that then we went into our high key look and really popped her out and we blew out the background but again like I said this detail is not gonna win you an Oscar for you know your 13 stops of dynamic range so she's way more important so then we I went into my highlights and brought tons of detail back okay so we went back and brought as much as we could back and then one thing that I'm noticing now that I'm bringing that detail back is that I want to pull some of this magenta out so I'm just gonna go into my log wheels and in my highlights I'm just gonna counter that see done like just something like that I just want to pull that magenta out and I just did that and then I'm gonna go under my vignette and we created a vignette and just look at what a nice job it did and just create us so much more color separation and I can actually split the difference I can actually pull it up a little bit so it's subtle pull it up a little bit more that's way more subtle now then we subtracted mid-tone detail to negative 30 just made her look like an angel and then in my glow I showed you a really cool technique and just look at how much her skin is glowing the whole image is glowing but it looks perfect it does not look cheap at all and then topped it off with our favorite thing grain and let's check out the final look in full screen the goal from this was pretty straightforward and very simple I want you to take this method and apply it to your next wedding video okay because everything that I'm dropping here is all practical information and guys before we leave two days left to sign up for the master class link is in the description below well smash that like button subscribe to my channel for more awesomeness and I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Waqas Qazi
Views: 105,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve 16, resolve 16, davinci resolve, davinci, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, davinci resolve studio, davinci tutorial, davinci resolve free, color correction tutorial, resolve color grading, color grading davinci resolve, colorist, color grading tutorial, filmmaking, color grading, color correction, davinci resolve tutorial, blackmagic design, davinci resolve 16.2, davinci resolve color grading, filmmaker, how to color grade, davinci resolve 16 color grading, theqazman
Id: 5z5OrQzqrJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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