How to Find a Secret Flamethrower! No Man's Sky Desolation Update 2020

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all right so let's see what this flamethrower can do against a walker oh my god look at that boom boom boom this flamethrower is just melting the walker [Music] welcome back to no man's sky everyone jason here and today i'm going to show you how to get a secret weapon a flame thrower in no man's sky you can't buy this tool you can't buy this uh weapon you can't build it you can't do anything you can find it only so this is awesome it is super awesome and i actually want to give credit where credit is due please head over to uh captain steve's youtube channel captain steve is the one who pointed me towards this and it is so awesome so rad so go over there show him some love for me and if you like no man's sky stuff you should be subscribed to number one we're trying to get to 100 000 subscribers but number two you should be watching captain steve because captain steve is awesome so head over there and all credit goes to him so what you're going to need for this is you're going to need a portal like i have here and you're going to need all the glyphs unlocked if you don't know how to do that link up top and down below in the description and so let's jump into these chords oh yeah before i forget this is in the euclid system the starter galaxy not the system galaxy starter galaxy euclid galaxy all right and if you don't know about galaxies you're in the right place because you're in the starter galaxy but you're going to need to be there and i would say turn off your multiplayer so go over press pause go over to your options and in your network settings right here you want to make sure your multiplayer is disabled because if it's enabled someone can come in here and swipe this uh multi tool before you get to it you can still get it but you're gonna have to reload and do it all over again so instead of giving yourself a headache just turn off multiplayer all right so let's get to those glyphs so what you could do is i would recommend either pause the video or take a screenshot whatever you want to do but it makes it easier for you if i just do it like this so let's activate the portal and so here are the coordinates you're going to go with a bird a bird the whale the beetle the sunset the black hole another black hole and then a third black hole and then you have to go with the funky face and then you have to do a triforce then the trivial pursuit sign and then the boat so remember either pause it or take a screenshot here we go and again all credit goes to captain steve he's the one who pointed me towards this and he has an amazing channel check him out go over there show him some love either subscribe if you like no man's sky or at least leave a like for him because he deserves it he has all the credit for that now once you've landed on the other side you're going to land over here but you you got to go to the space station in order to get this multi-tool and there's a little bit of a trick to it so i'll show you when we get to the space station but hop into your uh spaceship your starship and let's fly over to the space station so once you've landed on the space station there's a couple things to keep in mind the first thing is there is a multi-tool lock box over here and it will spawn multi-tools but if you don't get the one you like you can always reload your auto save so if there's not a good one in here all you have to do is press start and reload your last autosave because that is an autosave when you just got out of your starship right there anytime you get in or out of your starship it creates an autosave and if you reload the autosave it resets this box and it might give you a different multi-tool so let's see what we got here look at that it's looking good already we already have an alien multi-tool in here dreams of the sky i love it let's see what it is and it is awesome look it's an a-class and it has the maximum number of slots which is great it's not an s but it's an a which is pretty much there not the best but so close it doesn't matter but the thing we're looking for is the incinerator right here that is what you want because there's no other tool like it you can't get it anywhere else you can't buy the the blueprint for it now before we go back before we do anything i want to show you guys you can have up to three multi-tools all right so you can buy up to three of them and in order to change it around because right now okay i have my uh my a class right here i'm gonna switch this one out but i have two other ones that i normally use so let's actually press down on the d-pad go all the way over to the gear icon and if you go all the way over to the left again it says swap multi-tool you see that down there if you select it i have three so this is the one i currently am using the neutron obstructor but i also have my secondary which is my gleaming space time beam and then my primary which is the end of infinity so if i select that one it switches everything and if i go into my menu i can show you there's my new multi tool right there it's an s-class and i have a geology cannon i do not recommend that because that will kill you super fast unless you're you're really careful with it but yeah this is my main weapon for damage and look at that that's pretty awesome but i don't want to trade that one in because you only have three i don't want to trade that one in i want to trade in my crappy one so i'm gonna go back over i'm gonna swap my multi-tool i'm gonna go to my neutron obstructor and just to make sure i have it out okay my neutron obstructors right there that's the one i want to trade for this a class right here so let's do this we're going to trade it now if you don't want to trade it that's fine you can totally or if you don't have to trade it like if you only have one multi-tool you can buy this one and you have space for it so if you want to do that it's going to cost you 6 million units so keep that in mind all right 6 million but because i'm trading it it's going to be even less expensive so we're going to exchange it and it's only four million for us so now i have dreams of the sky with the incinerator and it's a short range fire delivery unit look at that thing holy cow specialist high temperature weapon attachment for the multi-tool access fire mode by pressing y and fire the weapon with right trigger so let's go test this baby out so we've landed on this planet and now i'm gonna pull up my uh my multi-tool i'm gonna show you again i have it my uh dreams of the sky and my incinerator is right there and as far as we know the incinerator doesn't have any upgrades yet because we're not supposed to have the incinerator yet this is a secret weapon that they didn't plan on releasing yet i guess so you cannot buy upgrades yet but we still have it so let's pull it out so i have my mining beam if you want to switch weapons or switch your modes on your multi-tool press y and you see incinerator up the top right now it uses your regular uh bullets your regular um ammo so as you can see i have projectile ammunition right here i have 8 000 shots and the uh the clip inside the incinerator holds 800 so let's see what this baby can do look at that it is just destroying holy cow that is so it is just killing and it doesn't destroy the ground it doesn't burn anything like that but if there's a plant you can just this is actually better than the uh than the mining beam holy cow it burns through a lot of uh ammo get it burns but yeah look at this this thing is just destroyed this flamethrower is just destroying this is the best weapon in the game right here holy cow what does it do to sentinels let's see is this a locked door it is so let's see can it do it oh my god it's still it does so where my sentinel boys at all right come here sentinel oh look at that this is my favorite weapon look at that it just murdered that thing in a second holy cow all right so let's see what this flamethrower can do against a walker my god look at that boom boom boom this flamethrower is just melting the walker oh come on come on look at this thing it is just killing the walker this flamethrower is melting him not a chance doesn't stand a chance at all you can't hold off against my flamethrower oh okay i'm gonna call it there before i get in trouble you guys so hopefully you guys like the video if you did hit that like button for me and if you want to see more subscribe to the channel i'm uploading videos all the time and i will see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Jason Plays
Views: 168,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no mans sky, no man's sky, no mans sky 2020, no man's sky beyond, no man's sky synthesis, no man's sky update, no man's sky how to, nms, #nomanssky, no mans sky exo mech, no man's sky living ship, no man's sky 2020, no man's sky gameplay, no man's sky update 2020, no man's sky secret item, no man's sky multitool upgrade, no man's sky desolation update 2020, no mans sky update, no mans sky beyond, no man's sky flamethrower, no mans sky flame thrower, nms update 2020
Id: KviYICR2q4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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