How to Get FREE EMOTE in Fortnite Chapter 3!

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with the release of chapter three are some brand new items that you can unlock and today i'm gonna be showing you how to unlock a few of them including a brand new emote now before we hop into it if you guys are hoping for next week off of school so you can have just a full week to explore the chapter 3 map leave a like down below but be fast but yes guys we're going to be going over a bunch of fun stuff today some secret challenges some secret items you can get and even an awesome glitch that i just have to show you now with that being said be sure to subscribe if you're new around here it only takes a second and also make sure you are using my supported creator code sirs if you're getting the chapter 3 battle pass also the skin on last video was paradigm so here is a ton of people that got that right and this time around let's go with this skin here so comment down below the name of it and i'll leave hearts on a bunch of the ones that get that right now guys before we hop into the emo and stuff there's a funny glitch that i just have to show you here you can literally create a base like in the sky you gotta see this so first things first we actually need to find a tent now i'm just here in a private match so i'm going to drive around looking for one of these tents i don't know why they're sometimes so difficult to find but hopefully we can find one soon oh my gosh why do none of these chests have a tent inside of it like come on this chest is like half inside of a rock that's kind of weird but still where are they oh there we go finally we found a tent let's go alright so now that we have this we also need to make sure we have some materials which i already got some of those but basically all we need to do is then start building up like this just a random staircase as high up as we want to put it and then once we're at like a decent height we can just place a floor piece now after that we're going to then throw the tent onto that floor piece like this which then we can stand on top of the tent and edit out the floor piece below it so it breaks and as you can see we are floating in the air on top of the tent which is already pretty amazing but obviously we gotta get rid of the ramp leading up to here so it looks even crazier there we go the ramp is breaking all these crows on it are just going to fly away and there you have it a fully floating tent it looks so cool so like guys we literally have a floating base on top of here oh look and we got a crow buddy that landed right next to us now obviously this is pretty pointless it's pretty much just for fun but again it honestly just looks so cool i wonder if we can like rest inside of it somehow if we go really quick come on no i missed it and now our tent is just floating up in the air and we got eliminated well that's basically what happens now something i really wanted to show you guys here is like a secret challenge this one isn't for the emote that's still coming up but basically i had found out about this in battle lab if you go over to this section of the map you know where the sanctuary is and the foundations like statue is standing over everything there should be a special challenge that we can complete or at least start there so yeah guys we want to go right down here to where the foundation statue is and i think it spawns somewhere out in front of here wait is it not going to show up in this match now i'm telling you guys it was oh there it is for a second there i thought it was going crazy yeah there's this thing it's a briefcase that is in fact the device okay wait this is a challenge that was offered by the foundation i think so let's just go and pick it up see what it has to say all right there we go we got 25 000 xp oh my gosh the scientist is talking to us with the best hair don't answer that does he not have hair hold on to this device as we prepare our battle plan we'll have work for you well buddy what exactly does that mean you just had me pick up that briefcase and now you're not gonna tell me what the next step is what if we go back into our quest page so season all right receive your next objective at the launch pad what does it mean the launch pad oh all the way over there all right i'll hop into this quest quick i'm curious if we'll get like a special item out of it so yeah it seems like we need to go over to this area here which i actually haven't visited yet i'm curious like where exactly we need to go or like who we need to talk to so here we are at the launch pad this is the launch pad right okay there's a character right there i think that's actually the foundation oh and now he's talking we left some wartime essentials in the old endless void of space so we're launching a retrieval rocket problem is somebody really doesn't want us to do that i have my suspicions about who that someone might be destroy all three signal jammers okay that's pretty intense so i have an indicator over here what does that mean is that a signal jammer oh yeah that's definitely a oh wait that's not a signal jammer that's just an audio log what is all of this stuff guys what are all these secret things here i'm just going to play it and see what it has to say paradigm uh it's me i'm guessing you heard what happened obviously we had more ambitious goals than simply flipping the island that was just one step in a whatever that word is planned attack that would have reduced the imagined order to a smoking crater to put it mildly but the reality left us exposed and overextended if they manage a counter-attack before we recover it's over all of it look i know our history is complicated but i want you to know that i never lost faith in you yadda yadda okay we get a paradigm this is a little bit long basically she's saying that the seven needs our help all right and then the next stage is to just destroy signal jammers which i have no idea where those are plus we literally just got eliminated now hopping into it guys with how to get the brand new secret emote this season this is actually one of the toughest emotes that you'll ever get but it's honestly really cool and actually there's sort of two items that you can unlock here one is obviously the emote and then the other one is a bonus but the first step in order to actually work towards getting the emote is to first earn a win so we're just here in solo i landed up at this spot this is kind of my go-to spot when i want to play it safe up at this big mansion with like the hedge maze out in front of it you can get a lot of loot here there's a car to drive around you can get plenty of materials and oh my gosh somebody's outside hold up i don't think they know we're even in here so let's just break out and run around and find them what's up buddy snuck up behind you and boom since i'm trying to win i'm not going to be too crazy about going for eliminations we're gonna try and play it safe but um yeah the circle is pretty far away but that's not a bad circle we're just going to have to go really far in this car but here we go just driving all the way across the map we're already down to risky reels oh man people are battling up here we're just gonna we're gonna avoid that i'm gonna go all the way to like the southern side of this next circle and just kind of hide out and see what happens all right i am in a super secret spot here nobody is ever gonna find me and oh my gosh the next circle just spawned on top of us let's go we're just gonna sit here there's only four people left oh my goodness guys now there's only three people left i'm gonna head out there and oh my gosh somebody's right here in front of me i gotta play this safe i don't wanna get into a fight and have low health so let's see where the next circle is as well oh my gosh we're getting so lucky with the circles no way oh my gosh guys the other guy just eliminated the third person so it's just a one-on-one now oh and they're right there all right buddy i'm going to eliminate you i need this victory royale all right got a good shot let's go i know you're in here i'm just going to rush on in oh my gosh i'm switching to the wrong weapons what is my controller doing boom there we go we got the victory royale oh my goodness that was kind of close but yes this is the first step we got a victory crown that is what we need we need to actually earn it from winning not just picking one up and then oh look at that we also got the umbrella for the new season you guys have probably seen that but in case you haven't that is the win umbrella for earning a win during season one of chapter three but as for getting the emote now the second step which again is the toughest part is earning a second win with that victory crown back to back so you need to win two games in a row in order to unlock the special emote this season so like let's just hop into another match here the circle is honestly pretty much the same so i'm going to go down to the same exact spot as i did before and oh my goodness somebody else landed here as well buddy what are you doing i see your footsteps you're up above me there you are you've got no shields let's go another elimination so again i'm gonna play this one really safe um the circle is kind of similar so we'll see if we can get like a similar play alright so quite a bit of game time has passed i'm just driving into the circle here i'm gonna see if i can find another car that's a bit better on grass okay here we go we got a truck and i'm thinking about hiding in a bush because this circle is very central so people can be coming from like anywhere but all right we're gonna sit here for a while no way is that somebody coming into the bush no what are you doing buddy oh my gosh we hit him once come on come on let's go we got the elimination i don't know why he was trying to hide in here but alright that's actually kind of good we got some good items from that dude oh my gosh you gotta be kidding me somebody else is coming in here as well hit him with another shot let's go all right i'm safe in this circle this guy is like camping down below me this guy's got a launch pad down here nobody you're not hitting on that launch pad okay wait he just got launched out what the hell come on one more shot oh what that didn't deal enough damage all right well he's super low i'm just going to build out safely no need to rush somebody oh there's another dude right here can we laser him yo that guy was so close to getting eliminated what are you talking about oh and what somebody just got eliminated bro what are you doing anyways that means it's another 1v1 we are so close oh this sasuke dude is building up just going to wait and take the shot we got it the victory royale and there's the brand new emotes we unlocked the secret new emo let's take a look at this thing so yes there is the crowning achievement emote and as you can see it says congratulations this reactive emote shows how many crowned victory royales you've achieved this season so as of right now it's obviously just one okay now guys quick update apparently you don't have to get two wins in order to get this emote i just found that you only have to get a crowned victory royale which means that all you have to do is pick up a crown during a match and win with it in order to get this emo at least i'm pretty sure that's way easier why did i go through all the work of getting two wins epic games site made it seem like you had to get two wins back to back but apparently that is uh not the case but like let's take a look at what this emote actually looks like in game here it is in my locker it definitely looks pretty sick but yeah let's make sure that's equipped so here we are in just a normal solo i'm gonna use the crowning achievement emote and there you have it my one crown victory royale with my uh crown right in front of it and we've got this dude taking a look at me what's going on buddy oh you have it too no way ah what a guy i'm proud of you man so yeah the emo looks pretty sick it's definitely a cool one and it's being given out to everybody that gets a win like this definitely pretty awesome but anyways guys that's gonna be it for today's video i hope you enjoyed it and by the way be sure to check out my second channel i'm gonna start uploading minecraft content there so if you're a fan of that game be sure to subscribe ahead of time for the first video to come out but also be sure to subscribe to this channel here for more chapter 3 videos but yeah again i hope you guys enjoyed today's video
Channel: TheLlamaSir
Views: 361,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fortnite, Fortnite Battle Royale, fortnite secret emote, fortnite secret skin, fortnite chapter 3 emote, fortnite chapter 3 skins, fortnite chapter 3 battle pass, how to get secret emote, fortnite free emote, fortnite chapter 3 secrets, fortnite secrets, fortnite foundation, chapter 3 fortnite secrets, fortnite crowning achievement emote, fortnite new emote, fortnite chapter 3 umbrella, emote, secret, how to get, foundation, fortnite new map, fortnite map secrets, new
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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