20 SECRETS in Fortnite CHAPTER 3!

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- Fortnite Chapter 3 has finally arrived and there are some insane secrets that Epic have hidden which completely changed the way I look at this new chapter. Tilted Towers is secretly on the island and no one knows, not to mention there's literally an ice monster lurking in the snow. So, let's kick it off with something you maybe noticed the secret pontoon boat. Okay, all the way back in chapter two, season three, there was one of the most overpowered secrets in Fortnite history hiding on the island. Every time you load it into a match, a secret pontoon boat would appear far off the coast of the island. One that you could barely see on the mini map. If you went to this boat back then you would get a ridiculous amount of loot and chest and even a speed boat to get back to the map. And we never saw it again, until now. Yes, in chapter three, season one's new island, the pontoon boat has finally returned. If you have a good eye, you might be able to find it. It appears in random locations around the island and pretty much works in the exact same way it used to except for a few missing chests and stuff this is still a super viable drop that no one knows about. What is really creepy is a secret huge dinosaur. There is something absolutely terrifying lurking in the background of chapter three and it has gone completely unnoticed. In the cover art for the season it's filled with hidden details and Easter eggs, but there's one thing that has gone over everyone's head. If you look at the forest behind the Foundation, you can zoom in a lot and see what is the most terrifying looking dinosaur I have ever seen. It is literally bigger than the trees around it. So this could be one of the largest wildlife creatures we have seen in Fortnite, other than the Caretakers. And it gets even better because there's also a secret ice monster. In the snowy mountains, North of Greasy Grove, there are a few secrets, but by far the most interesting and hidden one is a small lift of snow near this mountain. Looks like any pile of snow at first, but when you get closer, you'll notice there's a hole in it and it's making sounds. (deep roaring) (deep roaring) Yeah, that is definitely something breathing. We're all searching if there's something sleeping under the snow and once it melts, it'll be revealed and it looks like this mystery might've already been solved. If you watch the chapter three trailer, you'll notice a friendly face. Of course, I'm talking about Jerry, but Jerry technically isn't in game right now, but I'm willing to bet that it's the adorable animal sleeping underneath this pile of snow. And this cute creature is probably the child of the creepy looking dinosaur from the cover. So maybe it'll be a whole family. And it turns out it's not the only loved thing that can be spotted under the ice because OG Tilted is also frozen over. This ginormous patch of snow in the mini-map looks really out of place. And there's a reason for it. If you look even closer at this huge chunk, you can kind of make out the outline of some buildings. And if you're a veteran player, you might even be able to realize that this fits perfectly with the one and only Tilted Towers. Yes, it looks like OG Tilted from chapter one is finally coming back to the game. Fortnite confirmed secretly in the patch notes that this snow on the island will indeed be melting over time, which means OG Tilted could be a month away from appearing on the island. We have been waited for this for years. And it still look so good with chapter three graphics. I mean, someone tell Ceeday he could come back now, please. While we sit back and wait for OG Tilted to be revealed, it's gonna take a little while. This snow is far from being completely melted. Don't worry, chapter three is full of amazing secrets that nobody knows about and that includes, the lock secret. But now you've probably explored the chapter three island a little bit and noticed that there are actually some bolts back in the game. Usually around the seven VI wise and hidden away in secret rooms. And so you'll probably also disappointed that you could only open these things if you bring along your friends, sucks right? But while we were playing the game, we found a super hidden secret that lets you open any bowl you want without the need of any help. It turns out that you just need to find a seventh century that is roaming in nearby area. And then down them. Once you've done that, just put them on your shoulders and make your way to the vault door. It should scan both of you at the same time and actually counted as a second player. And then boom, you got yourself an exclusive entry into a vault in a solos match. How insane is this? You could also do the same thing. If you hire an MPC and bring them in the room with you. And speaking of two people, actually having teammates does give you benefits with the revive secret. Okay, something that went completely under the radar was a change in chapter three to the way that revives work. For years the revive system has been the exact same, you get down, you lose health over time and your teammate could pick you up. But chapter three has made a super healthy change to the system. No more fighting over who's going to revive your down new friend because now everyone can revive the same person. If your teammate gets down, you can revive them normally. But if you get a helping hand, aka a second teammate, they get revived 50% faster and it gets even quicker with more people helping. Finally, we can now work together to help our friends up. But what nobody was expecting this season was the fact that that double pump is back. And I'm not kidding. You might've been playing chapter three and notice that the new striker pump shotgun, it's not that good okay? The timing between each shot is longer than anything we have ever seen before and it just makes it useless at times. But fortunately there is an insane secret that means with this gun, double bump is finally back. Yes, you could actually pair up two striker pump shotguns and it'll shoot faster than would with just a single pump, even with the shotgun delay. That is how slow the shotgun is. It literally is quicker to double pump with the delay. So if you want to use the pump, don't forget this incredible secret. Moving on let's talk about these secrets of the trees. Okay, we are all really excited over the brand new tree feature where some of the tall snowy trees can actually be cut down, and they have physics? They fall into each other and can do damage to the surrounding areas. But because we've been distracted by that, no one is talking about the other incredible secret features of these new trees. Shockingly, it turns out that you could actually cut down the tree and if it lands on someone, it will completely instant kill them. And then you can take your log and bring it to a river and use it as a boat. Just pickaxe it a few times and you'll go fly, these trees are secretly the fastest vehicle in the entire game. And speaking of fast mobility, you have to know about the sliding ramp trick. Okay, something that is gonna take some getting used to is the brand new sliding feature. It's a game changing mechanic, but obviously we're gonna need a little time with it. One of the best ways to use it right now though is actually an overpowered secret. If you have a sky base and need to get down, or I don't know, you just need to rotate faster than anyone, you could pull off one of the coolest tricks in all Fortnite. Just fly down a ramp and you could keep building as you go along. It is absolutely insane. Once you get back onto the ground, make sure to check out the secret cave system. There are a few huge mountains on the island and they look amazing with the chapter three graphics, but some of these mountains are way more than what you see on the surface. Especially the one North of Shifty Shafts. At first, it just looks like a regular old mountain, but if you get closer, you could break into the boarded off mine shaft and discover a secret cave system inside of this thing. It has a ton of chests and various loot, and it's like its own mini shifty shafts. Trust me, don't ever forget about this place. It is a treasure trove that nobody ever looks for. But even this place is not as hidden as these secret seven base. Okay, there are a ton of seven outposts all over the island, but in the top right corner of the map, you could actually find a very unique version of them. In the basement of one of the buildings there's a bolt and a ton of audio recorders. It's here that you could actually listen back to all the audio logs we've been collecting around the island. You can also listen to them in order. It is a perfect little secret for storyline lovers and challenge collectors. Whatever, speaking of the seven, there's one person we can't ignore, and that is the Foundation and a trick with him. Like I said, there was one guy on the island right now that is, he's frustrating to kill, okay? I been trying to fight the Foundation forever and we're bringing all of our best exotic and mythics and then I still die. He has thousands of health and those rocks he throws back a punch. It doesn't need to go on wasted because there's a secret trick out there to defeating the Foundation in five seconds. You tried to get his mythic, you are in luck. All you need to bring to the fight is a harpoon gun and well, that's it. All you gotta do is build high enough to where you could still reach him and then pull them all the way up to your height. If you do it right, the Foundation will fall all the way to his dead and boom, saved yourself a gigantic headache, And the secrets get even more fun with the quadcrasher secret. Okay, something we were all not expecting to see when we loaded into chapter three were quadcrashers. They were just there. We had no idea they'd be coming back, but now that we can experiment with them, it turns out you can still do the classic quad crash or flying trick with them. Probably one of the best ways to get around the island in chapter three. But the secrets continue because if you find a quad crasher near crack shots cabin, and the surrounding areas, you will actually come across an exclusive style. Yeah, for some reason, they become Christmas themed and have custom designs on them. Let me look at good crack shot, but not as good as the record breaking contrail. Let me tell you, the battle pass is filled with amazing cosmetics this season, especially Spiderman and the Foundation. While we're all sat there, admiring these guys, there is something hidden away in the battle pass that nobody has discovered yet. It's a contrait called crescent's flame, and it turns out that this thing is actually record-breaking in that it's the first ever contrail to have multiple edit styles. So, you know, don't miss out on this one, it's a piece of history right here. But what's really interesting though, its the only one NPC has special dialogue. Like at last chapter there was a lot of NPCs around the island, and almost all of them had it's on a secret dialogue. Basically they'd say hidden messages to you depending on the skin you were wearing. But with the new chapter three comes a fresh start apparently as every single NPC on the island has had their secret dialogue removed, except one, if you go to Cuddlepool over at Camp Cuddle you can talk to her and she'll usually just ask if you need her advice. But if you cut the Spiderman scan and talk to her she'll say this instead. It turns out Cuddlepool has a pretty vivid imagination. She also says, "how's it going boss". If you talked to its dead pool and ask to borrow your robot arms if you're wearing the cable skin, and that is it, she is the only NPC on the entire island with dialogue like this. And despite that, we have to talk about the secret collab. Okay, Fortnite's seizing and upcoming collaboration and is hiding it right under our noses. If you've been trying to explore every nook and cranny of this island, you might've come across a concrete walkway that has a familiar looking logo on it. And if you know your games, you'll recognize this logo as the Gears of War symbol, teasing that a collab with them is imminent. You could even see the skins were secretly sneak to the chapter three trailer. I mean, Epic are massive teases. But by far the coolest secret of all in the game right now is the webslinger secret. I think it's safe to say we were all pretty disappointed when we loaded into chapter three this week and looked all over for the new mythic weapon. I mean in the trailer, we could see people swinging around using the new mythic webslinger. So where is it? Well, Epic confirmed that it actually isn't releasing until December 11th, and so we got to just accepted this and moved on with our day. But if you log into arena, drop on Greasy Grove you can talk to an NPC and they will offer us the greatest deal of a lifetime, early access to next week's webslinger for just 400 gold. It's a shame arena, so tough to farm for gold. But if you get it, you'll have an experience that not a single other player could have right now. I imagine by the time this video even goes live, probably already removed. And that are all the crazy secrets in chapter three so far. Did you spot something we didn't? Well, let me know in the comments please. Also, if there's a video ideas, down below too. Thanks so much for watching guys. It's been Tommy and keep it here on Top 5 Gaming.
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Keywords: fortnite chapter 3, 20 SECRETS in Fortnite CHAPTER 3!, fortnite chapter 3 secrets, fortnite secrets, chapter 3 fortnite, chapter 3 fortnite secrets, fortnite chapter 3 easter eggs, fortnite chapter 3 myths, fortnite chapter 3 secret, fortnite new, new fortnite, fortnite new chapter, fortnite, chapter 3, secrets, battle royale, chapter 3 secrets, new, update, video
Id: 3IMgX_c5FmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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