100 Player Simon Says in Among Us!

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we are doing the most extreme 100 players simon says in among us and we are going to keep playing until there is just one crew member left oh this is going to be insane let's go simon says if you are not a shade of blue stand near me the red imposter all right we've got one no no only stainless and simon says guys all right i'm unfortunately gonna have to kill you guys right here i said if you are not a shade of blue all right we have three players eliminated it's coming down to the one remaining simon says go to the top of the cafeteria oh that's a good look at all those people hey simon says go to the top of the cafeteria the very top there is a lot of people who i think are afk all right i'm going to eliminate the afk players because some of you did why it's not going towards the top man i have unfortunately eliminated what feels to be like 20 people thank you thank you hey whoa whoa whoa i saw you what's this this one blue guy just barely gets away okay simon says do the weapons task oh a lot of smart people over here all going to the weapons to ask we got a few stragglers is this blue person blue person you need to go listen simon said do the weapons task there you go that's what i'm talking about oh no he doesn't know where the weapons task is oh no oh i'm good i think i'm gonna have to eliminate this person he's following the herd okay he gets away simon says if you are not in the weapons room you are going to be eliminated fiercely okay okay oh oh you are not in the weapons room what are you doing simon says go to admin a lot of people heading into admin right now simon also says leave a like on the video if you're watching the video thank you so very much all right keep going we got a lot of people i like how admin doesn't have the table in here dude when you see all the players sprawled out like this it's even more intense all right simon says stay in security if i'm sorry simon says stay in advent if you leave adam and even for a split second i will have to eliminate you but i am hunting stragglers right now anybody who is not inside of admin unfortunately will be eliminated because somehow people are completing tasks when they're not supposed to be simon says everybody stop moving oh my gosh what are you doing blue you are dead come back here you dude listen you didn't stop moving you can't run for me bro i feel kind of bad about that simon says follow me simon says continue following me in organized fashion oh hold on i gotta yep oh i just killed somebody who's followed sorry simon says go up to the cafeteria so i can eliminate this person simon says keep following me we're gonna do a lap i feel like i feel like we're missing some players so far so good the reason we're doing this lap is we're trying to find people who are doing tasks oh that blue is so lucky i didn't eliminate him he was so separated from the pack and should be dead okay everybody go into electrical [Music] simon didn't say boys simon did not say going too electrical that was tough oh i didn't enjoy that i did not enjoy that okay go into admin now oh we've got a very wise group left ladies and gentlemen not gonna fall for the same tricks twice simon says run in a circle around me i'm buried around under the blues this looks so cool like this is one sorry simon had to eliminate that person they were not running in a circle simon says coordinate by colors there are two shades of blue in here so simon says the blue must go with the blue simon says the other blue must go with the other blue okay very why do we have oh do we have some afk's what is this person doing you are in the wrong shade of blue my guy what are you doing yo this guy is he colorblind simon says if you're colorblind i am so sorry for making this command a reality i think this blue's afk sorry you cannot control who you eliminate and it happens sometimes um all right let's go to shields oh simon didn't say buddy dude i feel so bad when i kill somebody simon does say subscribe though if you want to see more 100 player videos 100 simon says go hide oh we got a lot of players going and hiding a lot of players going oh everybody that's here right now okay somebody trying to hide right next to me i don't know that's gonna work simon says the first person found in this hide and seek is going to be eliminated simon says you are allowed to move while hiding oh simon found his first victim simon says meet in the cafeteria hide and seek is over simon says hide and seek is over simon says meet in cafeteria all right discord in general chat i will be taking suggestions for from you guys for simon commands oh that's actually brilliant simon says make the letter p this is a team effort guys team effort i want oh my god you guys are actually so talented simon is so impressed whoa did everybody did everybody participate oh my gosh you guys did such a good job i didn't expect that okay i'm gonna give you guys something more difficult simon says make the letter z they're trying to code this is a difficult one oh it's looking like it it's it's it's it's it's kind of there you guys are actually really good that looks sick all right we're gonna make the okay simon says make the letter x interesting this is supposed to be an x you were not making the letter and so you are dead i'm sorry but you were being a nuisance you guys are you guys are playing a risky game i freaking know you guys you guys are like me i think everybody watches my videos or is the fan of me as a troll just like me hey you see you're dead come back here oh you are so lucky i don't want to kill an innocent person next person who steps out here is going to get slapped you want to try me i told you what i said bro all right simon says don't move we're going to play reverse hide and seek so simon says be completely still [Music] all right simon says to find me oh oh we got some people simon says once you find me stand directly on me and don't move this is actually this looks so cool simon says if you don't stand directly on me you will be eliminated in less than three seconds one two three simon is about to eliminate sorry guys sorry i'm sorry simon says continue standing in a dot you bet blue you better go there i'm not gonna kill you blue you okay that was that blue's being mean simon says make a smiley face i will be the nose i will be the nose the red is the nose that is a dude that is a scary looking smiley face oh i like this one simon says make a heart honestly very good heart this is probably just as good of a heart that i could actually draw simon says if you are light blue go to cafeteria simon says if you are dark blue go to shields there's about 10 dark blues left and uh let me go see how many light blues there are wow okay the loud the light but what is this simon says light blues get away from the dark blue he's going to be eliminated simon says move away quick i can't he's he's using you guys as bait god god that's what you're getting over there dark blue you're trying to play a funny game hey dark play blood dark yeah that's right you better go right back there i love how because i can't see the name of everybody you guys are totally pushing my buttons hey i'm gonna get you dark blue that's what you get all right simon says meet me in the cafeteria form a conga line yeah come on everybody look at that yeah we're seeing some good movement all right go into med bay oh whoa whoa whoa whoa we got somebody oh we got him oh we got some more people sorry guys i eliminated some people into med bay simon broke the comb a lot simon says resume conga there might have been some people who are maybe elim i don't know what this blue guys do oh simon is so sorry for your loss stop oh my gosh so many of you guys stopped that were definitely not supposed to stop simon says to split into two even groups not by colors but just two even groups i am now going to be eliminating an entire group depending on how well they end up performing simon says to the left group make the letter o simon says to the right group make the letter o whoever makes the letter o the quickest will not be eliminated that's ver i don't know who made the better letter out to be totally honest i think the left side made a better o but also the right side didn't have a lot of time because i gave him the command second so simon's gonna issue a command stay in your left and right hand sides but the first person to make the letter or the best person wins simon says make the letter f the left side i feel like they got it going man oh but the rights oh who's gonna win here oh dude honestly guys honestly the left side totally won there i'm so sorry i'm so sorry that was a massacre simon says get some congratulations for the left side that was good like that was some beautiful coordination i don't know who's choreographing that dance but so this left table where i'm standing is going to be answer a this right table is going to be answer b and i'm going to ask you right what is the capital of texas option a dallas texas option b austin texas okay okay we've got a lot of a lot of people are going to table b blue what table you going to bro i'm looking at you right now hello all right everybody surprisingly everybody gets that one right let's go let's turn the difficulty up a little bit did i make the tv in our frags channel in 2010 or 2012. 2010 is the left table 2012 is the right table go ahead and choose your answers you have five seconds five four three two one a lot of people are gonna die baby oh my gosh the elimination all right simon says find the radio oh a lot of people trying to find the radio oh oh my gosh oh my gosh i'm sorry blue don't run away don't make this painful bro come on you didn't find the radio oh my god i'm sorry this right here is going to be our finish line okay we're going to do a little bit of a race you've got to do the entire lap right you've got to go all the way around shields all the way up to weapons through cafeteria past the mad bay upper um upper was upper what's that room called pass security down and then back into storage and then this is the finish line and simon says go oh i don't know who's going to win this race somebody's getting to get stuck behind oh no this blue guy is so far behind oh no no dude i honestly i don't know i think this guy's laughing oh this is so sad they're just not they're just not gonna make it oh this is so sad dude this is so sad oh no i'm so sorry i'm so sorry man we are going to have a fashion show is what simon simon wants a fashion show right well it's actually a dance so simon says dark blue give us your best dance moves interesting alright simon says the one that's moving a lot you can go dance i don't know what to think about this one it's very um okay give us your best moves brother [Music] i like how he's kind of you know he's doing it all right simon says for the last remaining player to go dance [Music] a little bit of a shuffle going on right now from this blue man i'm kind of liking these movements man simon is now going to choose who he thinks had the weakest dance moves i don't know actually i do know i'm sorry bro your moves were weak all right so i'm going to ask you questions about my preference so for example this is not a real one but for example if i said do i like donuts more or pizza more you then have to answer and if you answer the one that i don't like then i will kill you and i don't want to do that simon says does preston prefer white rice or brown rice white rice over here brown rice over here very interesting [Music] simon says you would all be dead right now because who likes brown rice more than white rice we're gonna play a very difficult game right now simon says to the dark blue choose one of the remaining light blues to be eliminated oh bruh it's dirty no no no no i oh my gosh and then there were two simon says simon says follow me simon says you're doing good stop oh bro you guys would both be dead right now i'm sick and tired of this simon says keep following me i can't believe this dude simon says stop [Music] simon says keep following me stop for every time i issue the command you guys both make an oopsie so you both should be dead but i can't i can't i can't finish it like that i can't finish it like that all right i've i've got one i've got one this is very important so i'm gonna ask you guys another trivia question kind of it's about myself so i'm going to ask you if you think i believe pineapple belongs on pizza if you answer incorrectly we'll lose and if you answer correctly we'll survive left is yes pineapple belongs on pizza according to preston and to the right is no pineapple does not belong on pizza oh shoot they both split oh my gosh dude this is so hard what did i do do you guys remember what i said was did i say left left was pizza and the winner is going to be light blue let's go cyan pineapple belongs on pizza and if you don't agree with that you are a behemoth is it actually you angel yes it's me if it's you you're in the game right now okay if it's if it's you then stand where i'm standing okay if it's you go to the mop bucket okay it's you congratulation oh it's so difficult how did you know i like pineapple on pizza please tell me you got so many freaking times congratulations angel that was epic i'm so excited
Channel: TBNRFrags
Views: 19,633,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, challenge, funny, comedy, family, family friendly
Id: cvRqjHWS0s8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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