How to get dead batteries working again: EASY HACK

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now back in the day i didn't know about this trick and i've actually think i've thrown out a couple batteries hey guys brad here and today's video is going to be a little hack that maybe not all of you know about and i think it's something that's very important to know if you're on a battery platform now this doesn't just apply to dewalt batteries it applies to pretty much all the batteries out there like milwaukee and and bosch and dewalt and etc so make sure you guys subscribe hit that notify bell because we've got all kinds of cool tips like that coming your way so what i've got here is a fully charged dewalt battery this is a 5 amp hour we've got the dcb dcb-118 charger and then i've got a battery here that is completely dead like it will not even charge so it has no light it's totally dead and if i plug it into the charger the light goes red once and blinks off and there's nothing it does not want to charge so this battery is so dead that the charger is not even recognizing it so it can't put a charge back into it i'll put this one in here so you can see what happens when you put a battery in that works properly this light starts to blink the fan turns on and we're putting some juice back into this battery so don't know if you've ever looked at these batteries but on top they have plus b plus okay right there and a b minus so basically you're positive and you're negative what we're going to do is we're going to jump this battery and try and get it back to life we're going to run a wire from the positive on the good battery to the positive on the bad battery and the wire from the negative on the bad battery or the good battery i should say to a negative on the bad battery give it a little boost and see if we can get it to work and see if it will start to charge again now back in the day i didn't know about this trick and i've actually think i've thrown out a couple batteries so this is something i wish i had known a long time ago but hopefully if you're watching this you can save some of your batteries because sometimes especially in the winter they cut out and you just think you've destroyed them but this is a good way to fix it another thing i will note is sometimes if you do freeze these batteries you'll destroy a battery cell and you might have to actually take it in and it'll replace a cell there are ways to do it yourself and that's not in this video i might show you how to do that one day but it's a little tricky and and you got to be very careful when messing around with batteries so let's get into this we're going to take wire and we're just going to slip it into here into the positive side and it just pinches in between these two little metal brackets all right and then we're going to slide that on over into the positive of the dead battery now i'm going to put my glasses on just in case you just never know and then i'm going to put this wire into the negative now you shouldn't have to do this very long it's just enough to get this thing going a bit all right so you get a little spark we'll just leave it in there for a few seconds make sure you're not doing this around any kind of gas vapors or anything like that because it does spark a bit now we'll undo it and let's see if this worked if it will charge wow look at that we've got a charge that's amazing i brought this battery back to life i've got a few of these that are just sitting on the shelf and that's all you got to do so if you guys have any comments any questions make sure you leave them down below but this battery is charging for now i'm going to let it charge slap it on a new tool and get to work here so if you guys have any questions comments leave them down below make sure you subscribe hit that notify bell until next time keep on crushing it we'll catch you later
Channel: Hammer and Home
Views: 117,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hammer and Home, dewalt, dewalt battery trick, fixing old batteries, how to fix a dead dewalt battery, battery boost, don't throw out your battery, tool, tool review, dewalt tools, how to bring a dead battery back to life, don't throw out dead battery, how to fix a dead battery, what to do when your battery won't charge, how to fix a battery that won't charge, if your battery charger won't charge battery, should i throw out dead battery, my battery charger doesn't work
Id: XklpbyQIeFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 22sec (262 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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