Can you regenerate a dead power tool battery?

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okay so I'm going to try something today which I've seen on the internet and never really believed because you know you can't trust anything you see on the Internet these days but I feel I've got nothing much to those I've got Makita batteries I've got three of these and two of them don't work anymore the charger so here I plug it in goes that way if you watch flashing ultimately red and green which if you look down here on the code means it's busted basically so it won't charge so I can leave that on there all night nothing will happen so basically I'm knackered and because it's dope technology now and new new ones always lithium-ion nonsense decent old ones are hard to come by and there's lots of sort of knockoffs and that about that you know they're not going to last five minutes so it's like the splash out on a new lithium ion set tools with corresponding batteries or give this a go so let's just see what happens okay suppose you all I've got is my art welder it's only a little kemppi mini arc pumpkin 45 amp wasn't really brilliant there world world all day with it and what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put the electrodes on the battery let's see what happens just go do it for about 10 seconds and say I'm st. down whether it work or not on tonight let's give it a go so there's the battery we find this negative positive right on that come on do it for about 10 seconds I think oh maybe I should have done that long start to smoke that's a good thing or not so I don't know let's see what happens plug-in let's just put me weld it down now let's see what happens no I think that one's still knackered cause it's still flashing so that one had it so let's try it on the other one let's just go and get the other one let's leave that one there alright who's the other one let's see what we've got there negative positive right new hands one two three I sex call it a day at that starting to make it a funny noise right so same one still flashing see what happens now gone red I think that state read that state read it's a theory that ones charging well if that works and so me one battery that's gonna be worth doing because as so I've got three batteries so now I've got two which is quite handy if this one works because there's nothing worse than getting halfway through a job your battery goes flat you can't finish the job until you reach out or if you've got another one already charged so I'm gonna link that on charge for a few hours see what happens is when that's charged the yeah it turns green again so relieved it going to happens I'll come back to it a bit later on well it looks like it's file I've had the bachelor on charge for a little while and it's gone to green says it's charged but it's it's only been on for 10-15 minutes and it it can't have charged it enough by that so you take it out flashes again put it on no it's not even doing it before I was taking it out oh yes flashing red now you see so I can't see on this screen this monitor and it will do that for another 5-10 minutes and then go green again saying it's charged so I might do it another half a dozen times and see if he or she charges out but I don't hold out much hope so although it may work to some degree I don't think it's going to work for me so there's a a myth not quite busted but you don't work in for me looks like I'm gonna have to go and splash out on some new lithium ion tools they might the car lasts forever I suppose so see you on the next one
Channel: Gary Huston
Views: 1,706,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: charge, car, drill, battery reconditioning, fix, old, rechargeable battery, blacksmithing, battery (motorcycle part), revive battery, Gary Huston, makita, blacksmith, restore nicad battery, nicad, repair, battery, batteries, battery restoration, battery charger, battery (electricity), welder, power, rechargeable, how to recondition old batteries, battery (invention), cordless, cordless drill, Horseshoer, dead, dead battery, how to, darwin awards, recharge, UK, gary houston, voltage
Id: NMOh8kVA6A8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2017
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