How To Game On The Worst Modern GPU...

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with the launch of amd's FSR 3.1  everybody now has access to frame   generation so you can have Fidelity FX rub  two of your frames together and then like   a little baby frame pops out pretty  sure that's how that works which is   very exciting for Budget Gamers but  what if you have the potest potato [Music] now for today's video we want to see if FSR 3.1  can save the gaming experience of the slowest   modern GPU and I say modern GPU because FSR  3.1 is only available on a couple of brand   new games so the GPU likely needs modern  driver support so we can't just drop like   a gt210 in here and call it a day so we're  going to have to first figure out what the   the slowest GPU is with modern driver support  that I have access to but luckily I've got a   pretty good idea what it could be and I think  the key word here is GPU because most dedicated   graphics cards that companies still bother to keep  updated with drivers aren't that terrible the same   goes for AMD graphics cards even something like  our reference glue sniffing Slowpoke the gt710   only gets security updates these days so I don't  think we're going to be running around as aloy   killing robot dinosaurs with this thing anytime  soon although we will give it a try which means   we're probably going to use an igpu but that igpu  needs to be attached to a CPU that the game will   run on so unfortunately no 5-year-old cerons  luckily AMD did us a solid by attaching a truly   Olympic tier garbage igpu to their latest 7,000  series ryzen CPS but is it really as terrible   as I remember it well ah guess the best way to  find out is just to compare it to an older Intel igpu now at 1080p low settings in Counter Strike  2 with the igpu in our little ryzen 7600 X we're   getting about 20 frames per second which is by no  means usable but it's quite a bit better than I   was expecting I was expecting a complete meltdown  but this is 1080P and it's kind of running in fact   I've seen this game run a lot worse but that would  be on like a geriatric Celeron so it's not the   kind of thing that we're going to be able to run  FSR 3.1 games on Dota 2 with 1080p low settings   was also running terribly although maybe a bit  better than expected but I'm sure when we start   running those PS5 ports this will be exemplary  performance in comparison now I decided to pit   this igpu versus the UHD 630 an Intel I GPU which  funnily enough is actually faster than a GT 710   but it's still pretty loser grade and will help to  put the ryzen igpu performance into perspective wa   this is kind of like having your granddad beat  you at 100 met Sprint despite its 7-year-old age   the UHD 630 is kind of putting that ryzen igpu  in its place at least when it comes to Counter   Strike 2 this humiliation is even more apparent in  Dota 2 where the UHD 630 provides a significantly   more playable result at 1080p low settings at  which point I decided to drop the gt710 in the   ryzen system just to see how that igpu compares to  our reference Sad Sack GPU wa it's real close but   the gt710 manages to Edge out the ryzen I GPU  being worse than a gt710 is not a position you   want to find yourself in quite frankly although  they are functionally similarly terrible however   with Dota 2 it didn't feel functionally similar  the G t710 was a bit more playable but either   way even if one of them was worse than our ryzen  igpu Horizon nondescript sequel wouldn't launch   on either of them so we're just kind of lucky that  the ryzen I GPU turned out to be the worst one and   with that it's finally time to see how much FSR  3 can save the performance of our lead poisoned igpu luckily Horizon was willing to play ball  with our AMD GPU so I preemptively set all the   graphic settings to 1080p load to see what kind  of native gaming performance we'd get from the   igpu wow three frames per second that's very  promising W this cinematic looks kind of like   one of those Tech demos they used to launch with  graphics cards back in the day to like showcase   the new technology and then the graphics cards  could barely run them this weirdly nostalgic it   likes that big open scene a lot granted at this  point the little GPU is raw dogging 1080p just   straight up uh but one frame per second really  is not very impressive but my nostalgic Wonder   quickly started fading when I realized that this  game doesn't let you skip cut scenes you really   can't skip this huh it's that's just they're  they're not going to let us do that which meant   I had to spend what felt like a lifetime watching  a slideshow of horizon angsty Ginger oh please let   it end 1 hour later oh it's been so long but we're  finally at a point where we can try and game and   it's it's running very well the input  lag is so wild oh no okay that's not   going great on the bright side to be  positive to it here the temperatures   are good I think we can see now that  the game doesn't run very well so let's try how do I okay there we go that's no no it's  but after a whole bunch of trial and error I   managed to get into into the menu and turn on FSR  and Ultra performance quality so we can test what   that does to the performance before turning on  frame generation so going with ultra performance   FSR 3 has gotten us two frames per second wo  that's so wild it looks so bad now as well I   guess the input lag is slightly more bearable now  at least we still have frame generation available   FSR frame generation Okay so we've gone from six  frames per second to 9 although that's happened oh   no so I think the issue is we we've we've gained  a couple of frames per second maybe kind of but   I feel like the input lag is as bad as it was  without any FSR the addition of frame generation   made the game feel like I was communicating with  my PC on the moon using dialog I guess that's why   AMD recommends not using frame generation below 60  frames per second but I have a potential solution   unfortunately FSR 3.1 couldn't save this gaming  experience but we are starting off with 1080p so   let's drop our starting resolution to 800x 600 but  with FSR at Ultra quality oh yeah there we go that   is now borderline playable in terms of input lag  although that is just a straight up lie it still   feels terrible but it's pretty close to almost  being kind of usable if we if we cope hard enough   and the visuals are still amazing okay so maybe  this game is is a bit too much for this little igu   even though it's rendering at like 3x4 pixels  here uh so let's try one of the other FSR 3.1   games [Music] now with some Spider-Man action our  starting point is a lot better than it was with   the previous game it's still really terrible but  it's a market Improvement so let's drop on some   angry Fidelity effects before turning on frame  genen no I don't know if you could tell visually   but Fidelity FX is on this is actually kind  of weird we're using basically half the render   resolution but we're not getting that much more  performance it does feel better though but I think   we need a teeny bit more performance to match the  PS five so let's turn on frame gen okay so we got   a bit more frame rate but again like with the  last game it introduces a bunch more input lag   so clearly when the system's already running this  terribly you don't have much input latency leeway   so yeah the frame gen doesn't really doesn't  really work for this and when dropping the   starting resolution to 800x 600 we jump to over  20 frames per second at times although the image   quality disintegrates to a point where the  game's basically just throwing bees in our eyes W all of these games are equally destructive  of this little igpu my word oh there we go that's   made a huge difference to the performance and  I get caught off guard every time by how how   terrible FSR makes it look now granted this is  wildly aggressive FSR so I guess it makes sense   and when turning on frame genen it was again the  same story a higher frame rate but with a lot more   input lag which makes it feel so terrible at this  low frame rate and with that what did we learn   in today's video well I guess AMD was right you  can have two potato a potato for frame genen to   work and with that thank you for watching if you  enjoyed the video subscribe to the channel and   maybe watch another video suggestion will pop  up in a second and until then bye-bye [Music] m
Channel: Dawid Does Tech Stuff
Views: 83,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dawid, dawid does tech stuff, PC, gaming, intel, AMD, Corsair, Gaming, Game, Computer, Gaming PC, David Does Tech Stuff, DDTS, Tech, Stuff, David, Linus, Linus Tech Tips, Windows, Microsoft, CoolerMaster, DeepCool, bequiet!, Technology, cloud gaming, streaming, xbox, playstation, sony, Windows OS, GPU, Nvidia, gaming laptop, laptop, gaming computer monitor, monitor, Nvidia GeForce RTX
Id: 944mCtwg6fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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