How To Gain Confidence In Sales

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(serene music) - Yeah, yeah, we do charge a little bit more money, but we, we do really good work, I mean, we always try to serve our clients, and do maybe, do you want me to send you an email on that, like to follow up, maybe touch base like three months from now, is that okay? No, that's not what a closer should sound like. So how do you develop confidence in sales? Listen to me, I've been doing sales and marketing for over like 14, 15 years now. I've been doing this a long time. I've trained thousands and thousands of students, worldwide, turning them from sales rookie to professional closer. From uncertainty to certainty. From no confidence to unstoppable. Every single thing that I do, ever single thing that I teach, I learn from experience. When you are doing this for as long as I have, when every single day I am training, coaching and working with closers, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out, you know what, there is some stuff that works. And there's some stuff that definitely doesn't work, right? It's not that I'm so special that I'm genius. Today, I'm going to share with you the number one thing that you can do to develop more confidence in sales. You see, most sales people, they believe in this nonsense that if they just think positively, nothing bad would happen to them. That if they go into a sales meeting, they get on a sales call, and they are positive and everything will be fine. Well, it's like believing the idea if you are positive, and you go into a boxing ring, without preparation, you won't get knocked out. It's as stupid as that. You see when it comes to closing, when it comes to sales, I don't believe in positive thinking. I believe in the positive power of negative preparation. What it means is I want to think of that as like a chess game, that when you're going to play a chess game, what differentiate an amateur chess player verses a master chess player is what? The master chess player knows 10 steps ahead. That's what makes that person a master chess player. What you wanna do as a closer, as a sales person is going into every single situation, every single sales conversation, be well prepared, so you know every single objection that your prospect might have and you'll know exactly how to handle it. And that's how you get confidence. You see, the lack of confidence comes from lack of preparation. What you wanna do is you wanna practice. You wanna practice and role play until you're sick and tired of it. And then guess what, you practice some more. And that's what I do. When students come into my high ticket closer program, I set up this global platform, and now we have students in over 100 countries. I set up this platform for you to role play. When you join our community, click a link somewhere on here, that you can role play with, because with students all over the world, it doesn't matter if it's 6:00 a.m. in the morning, it's 2:00 a.m. at night, you can jump on our platform and you can role play with all kinds of people, all kinds of students, all kinds of background, personality type, and that's how you get good. You practice, you role play until you're sick and tired of it, until you are dreaming you're role playing. You can do this fucking thing in your sleep. Then when you go into a real life scenario, when you're closing, guess what, you're fully prepared. Let me give you a perfect example. When I'm closing from the platform, I over prepare. What do I mean by that? There are a number of things that I do. The first thing that I do, I would visit the venue ahead of time, the night before, what I would do, let's say I am speaking at a multi day event, and I know there are other speakers in front of me, and if I've been making an offer on stage, what I would do is I want to know who is speaking before me. What were they selling, what were they pitching? I wanna know the offer, I wanna know the price point, I wanna know the stories. Because I go after them. I want to be fully prepared, that's number one. Second thing, I would go before I go on stage, I would visually go touch every single chair. So I could make connection with the audience, like a mental connection. I would do that. Number three, before I even go on stage, an hour before I would send my staff, I want them to eavesdrop, I want them to talk to people, what is the temperature of the room? Is the audience excited? Are they cold, are they skeptical? Are they warm? I want to know what kind of conversations are they having? What kind of conversations are they having in the bathroom? I want to know the temperature of the room. And before, just the night before, I would rehearse and practice my sales presentation five to 10 times, until I am sick and tired of it, and I'd practice some more. And when I'm done, after the presentation, one thing I like to do is after I do the close, after I drive the people to the back of the room to buy right now, I will stick around, and I am still closing, talking to people, one-on-one, or we're sure the prospects who have bought. So it's before, during and after, and that's what I do. I don't believe in positive thinking. I believe in the positive power of negative preparation, and that's how we get confidence in sales.
Channel: Dan Lok
Views: 491,402
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Keywords: How To Gain Confidence In Sales, Gain Confidence In Sales, Confidence In Sales, In Sales, dan lok, Gain Confidence, sales, how do i gain confidence, how to get clients top buy, how to get clients to buy, how to sell on the phone, how do i get clients, objection handling, how to close deals, sales objections, telephone sales, sales questions, tips for sales, sales coaching, how do i sell, closing tips, phone sales, sales tips, closing, closer, How To, money, Gain, lok, dan
Id: vIEPS2fxxBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 40sec (340 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 12 2018
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