Okay sounds good, I'll
get back to you, thank you. Have you ever had a
prospect that says to you, oh, I will get back to you. Now what happens after that? Comment below. What happens after they
say, I will get back to you? Do you hear from them again? Do you hear from them a day later? A week later? A month later? Or they ghost on you and they disappear and they never get back to you. This is not so different from when they say to you, I
want to think about it. So how do you handle this objection? First of all, you gotta know
exactly what is the truth. Are they just being polite? Or are they needing little bit more time to make the decision? Or are they just politely
declining and rejecting you? You have to know what
exactly what is going on. So when someone, when a prospect says, I will get back to you, here's some of things that
I say, that I can teach you, that you can say to handle that objection. Now first of all, when they say that, I am always very upfront,
I'm always very direct, I don't like to say, oh yeah, okay sure, I can send you some more information. Or when would you like to get back to me? That's not what you want to say. So when I see a salesperson,
when a prospect says, "Oh, I will get back to you," and the salesperson says, "Oh sure. Should I call you back? Maybe follow up with you, like next week?" Or "Can I call you back in a month to see where things are at?" No, you do not do that because that immediately puts you at a lower status as a closer. So what should you say instead? Here's what are some of
things that you could say. Example: Well I'll get back to you. Well you know what Mister Prospect, usually when I hear someone says that they'll get back to me, I never hear from them again. Exactly, let's bottom line this. What would it take for you
and I to do business today? You ask the prospect a very simple but profound question. What would it take for you
and I to do business today? Then from there, sometimes
the prospect would say, "Well you know actually, what I need is, I need this information," or "I need some references," or "I need a plan," or "I need to talk to someone," whatever it is, I want the truth. Now you can go focus on
solving that particular problem or handling the objection versus it's this thing up in the air, that you don't know what
exactly are you solving. Another thing that you could say, it could be something like this, where he says or she says,
well, I'll get back to you. Well, you know what Mister Prospect, usually when I hear that, I've been doing this for a long time, when someone says that
they'll get back to me, I never hear from them again. I mean, you're just trying to be polite. You don't want to reject me,
isn't this the case here? Exactly what's going on. Is it a term? Is it the price? Is it the money? What part the deal you don't like? You can tell me. Assuming we're not gonna do business, let's lay everything on table. Tell me, what don't you
like about the deal? And then the prospect
might say, well actually, the price is a little bit too high. Okay then, let's talk about price. What can we do? What if I can offer you
some kind of payment plan? Would that make a difference? What if I give you better terms? What if I can do this? Okay, what if, what if we
can lower the upfront fee? Would that make a difference? Oh yeah, that would make a difference. Good! (snaps fingers)
Now we've got a deal. So you got to look at all
these things that's happening, versus take whatever they
say and take it literally. You have to understand
this, prospects lie. That's one thing I've learned in closing. If they're flipping their
lips, they're lying. Prospects lie all the time. They're not telling you the truth, why? 'Cause they are, they want
to protect themselves, they don't want to give
you too much information. They're afraid that as a closer, you might use their intel against them. They don't want to be sold. They don't want you to get the commission or whatever it is. So, you have to know that
there is a lot of resistance. You need to cut through
the crap, cut through, get rid of smoke and mirror, and get to the truth of what is going on. I remember when I had written a few books, I was on a call with a
client, a potential client, to hire me for consulting. I was on the phone and the
prospect was saying to me "Well you know Dan, it sounds very good. You know, why don't I do this,
I would go read your book and I would get back to you." And I simply turned around and I said, "You know what, Mister
Prospect, I wrote the book. What could you possibly get from the book, that you cannot get from me in person? So let's bottom line this. What would it take for you
now to do business today? Not tomorrow." And then he says, "Well, you know what? Actually, nothing. Let's move forward." And boom, (snaps fingers)
I closed that deal. Sometimes it's just
asking a couple questions and that's all you need
to close that sale. You see, here's what I believe in, there are a lot of
different sales trainers, and sales gurus, and I'm not
a fucking guru by the way, but they're like, all the sales trainers, where they teach you,
here are 10 different ways you can handle one objection. My high ticket closing methodology, my philosophy's the opposite. I prefer to know one way to
handle 10 different objections versus 10 different ways
to handle one objection because I don't want to be memorizing so many lines and scripts when I'm closing and I'm connecting with
a prospect on the phone. Versus I keep it very, very simple. If my way of handling objections
are good, are effective, why do I need so many different techniques and so many scripts? Shouldn't one way, one
way of handling objections be able to handle multiple objections? That's my philosophy. So it doesn't matter they give
me objection A, objection B, objection C, objection D, objection E. I kinda handle it the same way. The way I would handle I
want to think about it, or I'll get back to you,
it's very, very similar. I might change a couple questions, a few words here and there, but it's basically the same thing. It keeps my life very, very simple. It makes my life as a
closer much, much simpler and I can close that sale with ease. Now, if you want to know
how I handle objections, what I call the high ticket
closer way, extra easy way, I'm doing a brand new
training for the new year. Click the link here somewhere, or up there and join me for
a two hour, free on-demand, two hour, free on-demand training. Exactly how high ticket closing works and what are some of the things that I do that are different from everybody else. So what can you do to take
control of the conversation of the sales call (snaps
fingers) within minutes? And then when it's not a good fit, instead of you getting rejected, you can disqualify the prospect. So, go ahead and click the link and join me for this two
hour, free on-demand training.