Zig Ziglar Sales: Fastest Way to Become a Top Salesperson with Proven Techniques in 2024!

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everybody works on a commission my secretary the president of our company the president of the United States the truck driver or anybody works on a commission even if they have a salary they're on a commission because the salary is dependent upon productivity and if they do not produce then it's just a question of time before the job itself is gone and ladies and gentlemen that's a fact why you can even get to be the president of the United States and if you don't produce like you ought to they'll get you George Washington probably one of the greatest salesman who ever lived and I want to tell you what his sales job was he literally had to sell the farmers and the merchants and the back woodsmen and the Seaman on leaving what they were doing coming and joining the Army or the Navy going to war against the most powerful Nation on the face of this Earth the biggest Navy and the strongest army and he had to sett them along the idea let's go fight those people but let me tell you in advance now if we win I'm not going to be able to pay you and if we lose they're going to string you to the highest tree Zig Ziggler was one of the world's most popular motivational speakers Ziggler was one of 12 children raised by a widowed mother during the Great Depression he wrote over 25 books including see you at the top and inspired millions of people around the world in this exclusive training Ziggler shares with us simple but effective strategies that will help you close more sales serve your customers better and make more money special thanks to the Ziggler family for partner with us to release his exclusive content on our YouTube channel enjoy my goodness thank you very much wow I just know that folks who are attending the seminar with a film presentation are also just as excited as you are I'm absolutely convinced that America is the greatest land on the face of this Earth because of the profession of selling and because we are a land of sales people nobody could claim we're the greatest because of our size because China and Russia and Brazil and Canada are bigger than we are nobody can say it's because of our population because China and India and Russia all have a lot more people than we have they can't even say it's because of our natural resources although we have certainly been more than abundantly blessed in this area but then so has Brazil and so has Canada uh for that matter so has Russia and China and many of the other places they cannot say it's because of our technological superiority though we certainly are the most technologically advanced nation in the world but in many areas the Japanese and some areas the English some the Swiss and some the Germans and other peoples have certain technological advantages even the Russians do over us no I'm absolutely convinced we're the greatest land on this Earth because we are a land of sales people the free enterprise system is here and basically the salesperson epitomizes the opportunity which free enterprise brings and yet despite this fact there seem to be a lot of people in the world of selling who for whatever reason seem to be a little embarrassed to say they're salespeople or they're proud to represent the company they represent they're proud of the product they sell but for whatever reason they seem to be a little hesitant to say I am a Salesman or I am a sales lady we want to change that attitude because your attitude will enable you to close the close ones those that really are the Cliffhangers and all of that kind of good stuff so let's look at the sales process and I want to do a sales job on you I'm flat going to sell you and why on why you ought to be so proud to be a salesperson let's take the word sell itself it is better described by the Norwegian word selia pronounced or spelled rather s e l j e and it literally means to serve to sell ladies and gentlemen is to serve America itself as you probably know was discovered by a Salesman not by any stretch of imagination could you accuse Christopher Columbus of being a navigator now if you will recall that dude is looking for India he missed it 12,000 miles now from where I come from that ain't navigation and the interesting thing is he went back home and said hey we found it no he absolutely was not a navigator you might say well was he a Salesman well let me build a case for Chris in this particular case first of all he was an Italian in Spain now that is way out of his territory he's speaking a foreign language he only has one Prospect to call on and if he misses a sale he has to swim home now you tell me was he a Salesman or not he called on Isabella you know and he told the story uh you know and when he told the story she did lack a lot of other prospects that Chris you know sound like a good idea but man $112,000 for five little old ships price is too high a lot of people don't realize they started out with five but two of them did go over the side now when she brought up the price objection Chris not only heard what she said he understood what she was saying she was saying now look Chris you know 12,000 bucks man the price is too high the benefits are too low and so he started giving her the benefit about a short route to India about all of the wealth the Undiscovered land and since he was a chrisan I'm sure he sold the queen on the idea that she would have a chance to take the message to all of those ignorant Savages along the way yes he really did do a sales job and as he made the presentation you know she said look Chris okay the price is fair but I just don't have any money how many of you have ever heard that objection brought up and so Chris looked at there and he said look is he now since I wasn't there I'm not absolutely certain this is verbate them but he says you got that string of beads hanging around your neck let's take them down to the pawn shop Let's hack and we'll Finance this deal well your history books will tell you that they literally had to borrow the money to finance the trip and then Chris had to do a lot more selling he had to sell the sailors on the idea of making a trip with him and then once they got out there you know every day they sailed and you got to remember the ignorance and the fear and the doubt and the superstitions which were so prevalent in those days and so he had to overcome that as a matter of fact the further they went day after day there was a mutiny threatened they were going to throw Christopher Columbus overboard every day he had to sell in order to sail he had to say fellas let's just give it another day another call is what he really was saying to us in those days wasn't he and then one morning the Glad C Cry came forth land Who and the most profitable sales call in history came to a close and at that particular moment Christopher Columbus made the biggest mistake of his sales career he did not service the account he thought that since he opened the door uh that he was going to get all of the benefits from from opening that door and he did not sell or service the account and America's vpus is under the picture and we did not become the United States of Columbus we became the United States of America now you see ladies and gentlemen this happens a lot of times in selling we go make the sale we don't service the account and somebody else then ends up getting the business we see that happening in marriage don't we you know fellas how we will make that fantastic sales presentation we will Court the girl and girls you know how you did a little courting yourself along the way all of the promises you made back and forth to each other in order to make the sale but then once the sale is made a lot of times we do not keep on selling and servicing the account and the net result is other men are other women enter the picture you got to keep on selling you see when you make the sale you got your foot literally in the front door a lot of people understand that when you've made the sale you are in the inviable position of being in the Driver's Seat but when you take your foot off the road or your eye off the road that is the customer and your foot off the gas pedal and that is service that competition start selling the idea that they are better drivers or that they have better gasoline which they can service you with yeah you got to keep on selling the truth of the matter is America was populated by salesman sir Walder Riley toured the coffee houses of London and sold those ignorant fearful supers ious people on the idea of leaving the relative security of their Homeland and coming into the Uncharted Wilderness we were freed by a Salesman George Washington probably one of the greatest salesmen who ever lived and I want to tell you what his sales job was he literally had to sell the farmers and the merchants and the backwoodsmen and the seamen on leaving what they were doing coming and joining the Army or the Navy going to war against the most powerful Nation on the face of this Earth the biggest Navy and the strongest army and he had to sell him along the idea let's go fight those people but let me tell you in advance now if we win I'm not going to be able to pay you and if we lose they're going to string you to the highest tree now that's selling yeah you you you you folks you folks who do any recruiting how many of you are managers and have to hire salese all right can you imagine your results if you had to say to the Salman now look GNA send you on a sales call odds are against you making a sales if you do make the sale though I'm not going to be able to pay you and if you miss the sale I'm GNA hang you now you tell me how many sales do you think you're going to make now you got to understand too that the American colonists were deeply divided only one-third actually wanted Independence one-third were still loyal to the king and one-third said look George don't worry about us whichever side wins that's the one we're going to support and you can absolutely count on us George Washington had quite a job to do and he did it when the war was over Alexander Hamilton his first Secretary of the Treasury came to him and said President Washington let's get the Congress to appropriate some money so that we can study the methods which the British have used to establish their factories and quote agents around the world and they appropriated the money the study was done and you got to understand that for the first 168 years of our existence in America we had basically only reach the Appalachian Mountains but then when they appropriated that money appropriated the money for establishing Trading Post and what have you and the westward expansion started and as they moved Westward they could buy the guns and the blankets and the supplies and in just 30 years after we'd won our independence Lewis and Clark had made it all the way to the West Coast because sales people entered the picture folks I don't know how you feel about it but I am proud and excited about being a Salesman when I die I'm having real difficulty I hope that's not going to be right away but when I die I'm debating on my Tombstone as to whether I want him simp to write Zig Ziggler salesman or whether I want them to write Zig Ziggler he wouldn't quit I'm resting between which one of those I think I am the most proud of of staying with it are the fact that yes I am part of such a critically important profession then if it's so important and so magnificent why do so many people not understand even as a matter of fact have a tendency to put down the profession of selling well I believe there are about four basic reasons number one it started with that old Yankee Peddler image of uh using high pressure tactics of making people want something they did not really need or making them buy something which they really did not want that was the one of the reasons a second reason was because of this monstrosity that Aur Miller wrote entitled Death of a Salesman and not only was that a long run on Broadway depicting Willie lman as the typical American salesman a loser in other words to the inth degree not only did they show it uh you know in a Broadway run for a long time but then they put it on television not once not twice but three times which simply characterized a noble profession for something it absolutely is not and the effect was that of a negative one then the third reason a lot of people are not excited about the profession of selling is they have the misguided sense of what security is all about a lot of people say oh well I would want a secure job they don't understand that security is in the ability to produce and I'll get back to that in just a few minutes but the major reason ladies and gentlemen why a lot of people really are not sold on the profession of selling is not anybody's fault but our own in the profession and we must look at ourselves honestly and forthrightly and start doing our own homework and our own sales job you see we've learned how to sell our Goods our products and our services but we really have it sold the profession of selling and that's what I am about to do really get you excited about being a part of the profession I want to sell to you the benefits of the profession itself and the first thing I'm going to start with is security how many of you remember way back Y in 1981 and 2 they were having a so-called recession can I see your hands please hold them up real high okay now during those quote recession years there were literally tens of thousands of honest sincere dedicated conscientious hardworking productive people who lost their jobs they came from every profession literally I mean there were teachers and superintendents there were airline pilots and Airline steeres there were secretaries and janitors there were truck drivers and miners there were Auto Workers and Electrical Workers there were steel producers and coal miners just about every industry lost their jobs not because they were unwilling to work not because they didn't want to work not because they didn't have the talent to work but simply because of the economy itself and many of them as I say were honest and conscientious and dedicated and caring and hardworking now I'm going to give you a challenge name me one just one honest sincere dedicated productive hardworking sales sales man or sales lady who lost their job back in 1981 or two and if they did because the company went out of business they simply could go down the street and get a job with someone else about 10 years ago when we're having another quote recession I'll never forget this I was doing a sales training seminar over in Atlanta Georgia just before I was to speak two young men came up and wanted to know if they could get a refund on their tickets and I said well why and they said well we just got fired we had a personality conflict with our boss we have nothing to sell so we certainly don't need to know more about selling well let me stress the point number one I had nothing to do with the sale of the tickets all I did was fill the speaking engagement for them but I looked at these two young guys and I said well let me ask you a question do you like to sell they said we love it I said do you want to continue in selling they said of course we do I said well let me ask you if I can get you a dozen interviews before the night is over so that you can take your pick and choice of a good sales job would you like that they said man yeah I said come on in you got the interviews when we got to that point where I asked you the same question I did a moment ago ask that audience the same question I asked a moment ago how many of you ever hire salespeople then I'm going to ask you again how many of you in this live audience ever hire sales people can I see your hands now we're in 1983 some people say the recession is still not over I say that a recession is something you either join or don't join I just decided not to join it and for that reason our company has been uh exceptionally productive during this period of time but how many of you sales managers right here today would have an opening at this precise moment recession or not for an honest sincere dedicated conscientious hardworking productive salesperson can I see your hands those two young men left that night each with over a dozen interviews for jobs you see the nice thing about selling is the security of it everybody works on a commission my secretary the president of our company the president of the United States the truck driver anybody works on a commission even if they have a salary they're on a commission because the salary is dependent upon productivity and if they do not produce then it's just a question of time before the job itself is gone and ladies and gentlemen that's the fact why you can even get to be the president of the United States and if you don't produce like you ought to they'll get you how many of you had already heard uh of that particular story okay now the question comes up uh all right Z secure but is it realistic to say uh that in the world of selling you really are secure wellth let me ask the question how many of you in this audience today live audience and in the seminar audience viewing the film how many of you have been in the world of selling for as long as three years can I see your hands how many of you made more money in 1981 than you did in 1980 would you hold up your hand how many have you made more in ' 82 than you made in ' 81 how many have you made more in 1983 uh are going to make more in ' 83 than you did in ' 82 can now what's this bit about recession what's this bit about security you see the truth of the matter is that you have so much control over your income in this world of selling let me give you a couple of examples uh in 1982 I spoke down in Victoria Texas I met an outstanding insurance I I was down there rather for an outstanding insurance man named Calvin hunt formerly played offensive line for the Houston ERS once a year he brings in a speaker for the benefit of the community cin is an enormously successful life insurance man he sells polies where the premiums run way over $100,000 a year has a chauffeur-driven limousine and his chauffeur drives him around while he's doing all of the figuring and preparing for his presentations and Calvin said to me you know Z it's true that our industry is down just about 10% he said what that means is that 50% of the guys and grow a little discouraged and so they don't work as hard now with 50% of them out of competition business down only 10% that's got to mean my business is going to double guess what it did doubled that's right you see your business is not out there it's here but in other Industries if you're a welder or a truck driver or other things you really cannot say that no you've got the security of being able to get out and go get so much of what you do you can create businesses A salesperson I was out in Prescott Arizona very recently I met a I say I met a man I was working again with my good friend Ted lamb who's the cholet dealer in 1982 known as the worst year in the history of the automobile industry Ted Lamb's business as a Chevrolet dealership was up 68% dollarwise over what it was the year before he sold 69% more units and he had the most profitable year in the history of the automobile business for him and he his dad both have been in for many many years ladies and gentlemen it is a secure profession for the simple reason that you can control so much of your business the truth of the matter is selling is a democracy that's one of the reasons that I am so excited about being a salesperson you see my company and yours really does not care whether you're black or white tall or short fat or slim male or female extrovert or introvert they don't in many cases even care about your education though in some technological fields that would not be true but by and large the only two things they are really concerned about is your productivity and your integrity and if you've got those two things going then you write your own ticket about where you're going and what you're going to be doing with it I love the profession of selling for that reason because it is a profession which is a democracy I love the profession of selling because we who sell are in an opport opportunity to help so many people do so many things some of you sell products which save lives never will I forget a Young Man Who Sold smok and fire detectors who the week after he had sold and installed in one home it literally saved the lives of an entire family think of the enormous feeling he got as a direct result of that I love to talk to sales people who who sell products who raise standards of living who make the people more secure never will I forget one day I was uh well actually it was back in Prescott Arizona and a lady came to me and Saidi want you to autograph this copy of see you at the top she said I want you to put it to my son's name and I wrote her son's name in she said now you get a chance to meet him tonight and he'll be walking thanks to this book right here he was seriously injured in an airplane accident and because of that injury he was unable to walk and the doctors would not even treat him with the idea of him being able to walk they simply were going to teach him how to survive in a wheelchair and he had just about giving up and a new thought A New Concept a new idea came along about yes we can do a lot of things with our life how do you think it makes me feel with a situation like that how do you feel when you sell a product and somebody says man you sure saved me a lot of money you sure made my work easier this helped me to get along better with my mate this enabled me to realize I some of my objectives in life you see we can directly benefit people every day and I believe ladies and gentlemen that that is a significant benefit in being a professional salesperson one of the nice things about the world of selling is that you can wake up in the morning and you can get up in front of the mirror and you can look yourself in the eye and you realize you see as you say to yourself man you're such a nice guy or you're such a nice girl you deserve a raise and you got to understand that you're the chairman of the board you're the president at the secretary Treasury and yes you are also the janitor and when you look yourself in the eye and say you deserve a raise the board just met and the raise is yours as my friend Cal robertw say the raise becomes effective just as soon as you do I get so amused every presidential election you know we have the Democrats over here and the Republicans over here and the two candidates get at each other and the Democrat says here's why all around the country and the Republican says here's why I ought to run the country and it always amuses me because you see deep down I know who really runs the country at least the economy of the country and that is sales people did you ever really stop to think about what happens when you make a sale now I want you to think about this you see when you make a sale you make a profit and your manager makes a profit as a result of the sale and if you're lucky your company makes a profit that way you can stay in business and you can keep on selling but see it's so much more involved than that for for example when you made the sale an auto form was involved does everybody here use a slip of paper or an utter book when they make a sale anybody here does not use an a form okay well it starts with a piece of paper but that piece of paper did not start out as a piece of paper it started out as a tree and somebody had to go out in the woods and cut that tree down now you're the person who paid those people who went out in the woods and cut that tree down when you made the sale and then a bunch of folks haul that to to the paper meal and you're the person who paid us people to all that to to the paper mill when you got out there and made the sale then in the paper mill there are literally hundreds of people who manufacture that tree in the paper and you're the person who PID us people who manufacture that tree in the paper when you got out there and made the sale but it goes so much further than that you take part of your privet you go to the grocy store and you buy a can of beans and the Gman ask says hey man if you're going to buy my beans I got to get some more so it goes to the wholesaler and says hey I got to have more beans wholesaler said if you going to buy my beans I got to get some more he goes to the caner and said need more beans caner said if you're going to buy my beans I got to get some more and he goes to the farm and said hey need more beans farmer said if you're going to buy my beans I got to raise some more to do that got to get in contracted because the one I got is all worn out he goes down there but de said hey man I got to have a new tractor and dealer said man if you're going to buy my tractor I got to get another one it goes to the factory and says hey I got to have another tractor and the factor said if you're going to buy my tractor we got to manufacture some more uh to do that we got to bring in Iron copper plastic steel aluminum lead zinc spark plugs electrical appliances and we got to set up factors all over the world and all of that happened because one day you got out there and made a sale and that's what you ought to tell [Laughter] folks see I don't care whether you're the chairman of the board or the the floor sweeper I don't care whether you're the general in the army or the private I don't care whether you're the superintendent of Education or whether you are the newest rookie teacher in the educational structure if whatever you do your income is primarily dependent upon the movement of merchandise by salese all over the world and I want to say to you as salespeople if anybody ever says anything derogatory to you about the profession of selling you ought to look them dead center and say Sir or ma'am you make as much money as you do you enjoy the standard of living which you enjoy because I and millions of others like me are out there making those sales no wonder the Secretary of Commerce several years ago said that what we really need in America is 1 million more salespeople you know why I get excited about the profession of selling I get excited about it because we treat business and uh everything else is different uh than than regular business does you know in a in a standard business when a recession takes place they all get together you know for what miss m McCulla would call a pity party and then they get together and they say now what all we got to do is we got to cut the lights off a little bit earlier we're going to have to let a couple of secretaries go we got to cut down in the shipping room we got to let a janitor go here we got to cut down over on here we got to have to cut the thermostat down to just 65 degrees sorry about that I mean we're going to have to do a lot of economy we got to save some money here or else we'll never make it through this recession oh things are tough but in the world of selling when a recession comes you know our managers get us together and says now you've been hearing a lot of talk about this recession but let me tell you what the the answer is we've got it all figured out we're going to beat this recession all we've got to do is reduce our sales right oh no what do they say they said let me tell you what we got cooking listen we've got a motivational training program that's going to blow your mind we've got a sales training program that's going to put you in better position of sale more than ever before we're going to run prizes and contests like you have never seen before we're going to get out there and we're going to swamp everybody we going to sell more than we have ever sold before in our lives business is really great out there and all we got to do is get out there and get it one more time hone of you made more money in 1981 than you did in 80 let me see those hands again yeah you see there's the difference right there in the sales attitude is versus other attitudes yes the world of selling is a magnificent World I'll give you a simple example just south of Miami there's a little country called Cuba now prior to 1957 the average income of the Cuban worker was $475 they had Salman all over the island nothing was ration nothing was in short supply the people were relatively free now after all of these years roughly 26 years under Castro what's the net result the average income of the Cuban worker is $325 it will buy less than onethird of what the $475 would dollars would buy 26 or 27 years ago and you will not find many products there at all most stuff is ration many things you cannot get it all and 27 years ago everything was there today in Cuba you will not find a single salesman a lot of people say well obviously Ziggler if you don't have Surplus you don't need salesman but ladies and gentlemen isn't it ironical that when we had the salesman we had the Surplus because you see every time you make a sale you turn those wheels of Industry over and over and over you bet you I'm proud to be a Salesman you know why I'm proud to be a Salesman sales people are nice folks folks any way you cut it we have one of the highest rates of church attendance of any of the profession one of the highest rates for paying taxes of any of the professions we have the lowest I think it's still the lowest at one time I know it was one of the lowest rates of divorce of any of the professions and the lowest rate of suicide salespeople are just plain nice folks ladies and gentlemen that's one of the reasons I'm proud to be a Salesman and I'll tell you something else the reason I'm I'm proud to be a s we can sell for a long time about a month ago as a matter of fact Thursday February 3rd 1983 I was out in Los Angeles picked up a newspaper and I saw the picture of a gentleman here named Victor Christen and he is 94 years old and is one of the top salesmen in South Pasadena he's been selling automobiles for 66 years ladies and gentlemen and according to his boss he's getting better and better all the time at selling those cars that's right you see this this world of selling is such a fantastic it's such a magnificent world of which we're a part but we need to be selling our Ro more and more as to what we do do you realize that Eli Whitney was laughed at when he first showed his cotton gin that Addison had to install all his electric light free of charge in an office building before anyone would even look at it that the first sewing machine was smashed to Pieces by a Boston mob that people scoffed at the idea of railroads they thought that even traveling 30 m an hour would stop the circulation of the blood of that McCormick strive for 14 years to get people to use his Reaper that Westinghouse was considered a fool for stating that he could stop a train with air that Morris had to plead before 10 congresses before they would even look at his Telegraph you see ladies and gentlemen what I'm really saying is that America as a land has had to sell and sell and sell I'm absolutely convinced that we as sales people now need to do more selling of the profession of selling itself we need to make our sons and daughters aware of the role we play we need to make the media aware of the role we play we need to make every individual who comes in that organization aware of the role which we as sales people play because if you have that extra pride in what you're doing you will begin to sell more of the close ones I think my friend cavat Robert probably says it all with the salesman's Creed I am proud of my country I believe in her Destiny and the free enterprise system which made her great I'm thankful for my sacred Heritage and I believe in the original dreams of our founding fathers to this end I don't want security or to be a kept citizen I'll not sell my Birthright for a handout or exchange my Liberty for a do I won't permit others to do for me what I can do for myself I seek no career in mediocrity I want opportunity I want to earn my paycheck not just collect it I want to be able to hope and dream and take chances yes and even fail and with a nobility of a second start rise and and fight to win I know that without this challenge My Soul and Spirit and all that is within me will shrivel and die and this I pledge above all else I still keep Faith with this my sacred Heritage and do all in my power to protect it I know that if I cling to these principles if I hold to these ideas then and only then can I stand erect with head high marching forward to the music of a greater Des Destiny facing myself my flag and future generations with good conscience and proudly say I am a Salesman for America but now my challenge is this take what you have learned here today and immediately start applying it in the world of selling Tom marrow because knowledge that's not applied is not really acquired take the ideas from the films put them to work cuz if you do I definitely will see you at the top to watch another amazing Zig Zigler video check it out right there next to me I think you'll love it continue to believe and I'll see you there I get a little unhappy and concerned when I hear some highly motivated individual stand up and say man with positive thinking you can just do anything folks that simply is not true
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 14,703
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Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, evancarmichael
Id: kGH-9T-8szM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 25sec (2065 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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