How to Fry Sweet Plantain! | Deddy's Kitchen

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[Music] all right we are back back back back back in daddy's kitchen hello teddy how are you i am wonderful hello family i know you guys missed my voice by this time you know little things have been changing up mark's been doing his thing on the channel and i am back in the kitchen with daddy back from a little bit of a getaway daddy did you miss me yeah i miss you too i miss all of you guys too but i'm not going to waste any more time i'm going to get straight into this video daddy tell the people them where you love so much y'all cook today sunflower plantain we're gonna fry some fried plantain finally you guys have been asking since the very beginning of the channel they're like please a basic tutorial on how to fry plantain when i want bun up the plantain plantain is one of those things where you know you turn your eye on it and it and it burn you up give your bun right so daddy is going to show you his way of how to make the perfect fountain and we're gonna get straight on into it all right so how do we start okay enough so this is sweet plantain right yes and so guys you have to know that they're sweet planted and then there's green plants in so the green planter will actually look green right this is yes and this is the ripe one okay you're frying the ripe one okay you can fry the green one also so but this one tastes much better okay and easier okay and ours have been sitting a little bit so they're ripe right but can you uh fry it before it gets like because it looks a little bruised right i feel like anybody who's not familiar with plantain would be like oh it's not bruised right is it the skin it can turn dark and what does that mean it's turned out that's turned up because maybe the chemical is spread okay because you got to import these things okay okay okay okay all right so um i know that we say plantain in jamaica but you know a lot of my ghanian friends or one particular ghanaian friend always tells me he's like it's plantain it's not planting i said it's planted he's like it's plantain all right since you guys got to be so literal but yes plantain is like the perfect if you haven't had plantain before you want to have plantain besides some of your meals you have plants and by yourself you can have planted chips you can all kind of but we're just going to do a nice fry planted you can have it for breakfast breakfast lunch dinner i decided it's one of those things like i feel like plants and i've heard so many people talk about plants and as like it's just like the best treat ever okay it was probably about planting porridge planting porridge i like my planting beside my scrambled eggs if i want or beside my aqueous saltfish or on the side of my corial and white rice or should i go on yeah so you literally just what did you do here you peel it peeled it yeah i cut it in half and cut it in half so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna slice it you can do cut it any way you want but i'm gonna slice it okay like that yeah that's how we grew up seeing you do it it was always like long way yeah you can cut it this way yeah i see a lot of people cut it that way but not familiar and you can cut it this way no style when i like that oh yeah this is three options yeah right yeah that's if you want to do plantain chips but i think it's always better this way the long way the long way yes show them slowly how you do it now daddy remember you are an expert [Music] it's very easy look at that yeah yeah so be very careful with your knife though guys only if you don't notice you use a knife you don't want to cut your hands okay okay so if you don't know how to use a knife maybe do this style it might be a little b it might be a little bit easier for you but this is my learn preferred use your knives tell them again daddy learn to use your knife okay people i need to have this on medium but i have to turn it down because it gets hot and the best way to cook fry this plant in make sure you have a non-stick frying pan okay non-stick now it's okay make sure you highlight don't overheat because once you put the plantain in you're gonna burn okay the oil is too hot okay okay all right so so this is done this is down right now to medium low medium low oh because i was i didn't have it on medium and it only get too hot so i have to turn it down okay the so the key is see and i would have when i was frying plants and i would turn it up high so that it can fry but no you want to keep it on a medium low heat because it has to fry slowly let's see you see that's good okay so now i'm gonna put the right amount in it and if you are a sparse person you can sprinkle a little salt on it but i'm not doing that yeah you guys already know what it is the sodium in this house we are not sodium lovers but i know that there are some people who like a little bit of salt and i'm one of those people too but i can't so i'll give you flavors but you got to know how much to put in your food too much too much you can't eat it not good guys oh my goodness the smell the aroma that is coming from this plantain already chop look at that guys did he come show the people i'm again now so many [Music] the first one i put in yeah so i'm turning it right now well that nice brown color remember you got to watch them because it can burn very easy there's a technique that i can't wait for you to show them because remember how i was saying how you i always thought that you wait till one side just like the dumpling guys just like the fried dumplings same concept i always thought that you're supposed to wait until the one side is cooked and then flip it no you flip it at least two times but you flip during you just keep flipping you keep flipping until it's at its perfect thing because if you do it the other way you see this side now it's not as brown so when this the other side is like this flip it again i'm gonna flip it again okay one more time okay and you get the color that you want okay [Music] let's see how it's done [Music] okay i flip all of these so what i'm gonna do let them get the color a little more and then i flip it again one more time okay let's wait for that second place all right so what do we have going on daddy yeah we're gonna see that's that flip that's that flip that's a flip you guys oh there's nothing better for me i tell me down in the comments this is what i got to know tell me down in the comments what type of plant and lover you are do you like when you're planting a super soft and soggy or do you like a firm plant in like these ones here i am more of a firm plantain type of girl but there's so many people who are like no it has to be nice and soft and you know tell us in the comments what your favorite type is and like if you want the really really soft kind all it's a matter of just making it right more right daddy before you cut it right okay so how we cut it was it wasn't ripe enough you have to wait until the outside gets like dark dark dark no not really no no so how do you know it's soft oh it's just softer to the touch okay all right look at that guys look at how pretty i'm telling you planting tastes just as pretty as it looks you're right you're right daddy it tastes much better than it looks this is the first little piece i put in your pot look at it guys i feel like if you're someone who doesn't like bananas you should still try planting because girl or boy is ready that's ready you put it on a napkin so that it can absorb the oil okay okay you don't want an extra island and the last thing you want is a planted full of iron natural daddy [Music] look at that y'all look at that this is such a simple nice tutorial for you guys quick and easy but you're about to change lives with this if you learn how to do this properly without burning it because i'm telling you daddy just made it seem really easy but this is not easy i have burnt plantain so many times well i mean i've also kind of burnt water but you know what we're not even going to talk about that at least you are honest fun i told you guys i was a professional kitchen cleaner when i was younger this planting you can use it to make a sandwich oh yeah like right now i want to scramble a couple eggs and put a little piece of cheese and maybe some avocado and then put some plants in there too [Music] yo you guys aren't even ready i thought you can cool i mean i'm learning have my name all over whoo look at that one plantain aka plantain for the blue machine okay guys i turn the heat up a little bit because when i put the planting in the oil you can cut the temperature so you put it up a little bit so what is it like at medium right now medium right now okay cooking too fast you turn it down all right pay attention to your pot now pay attention to your pot y'all it's been a long time since you seen my finger in the camera remember when i used to get cut off for that guys big time but look how good i just wanted to show you guys look how yummy [Music] second batch almost done keep flipping y'all keep cleaning daddy said that i should uh flip these so here i go trying this it's hard to film and also flip so bear with me okay okay oh you guys your favorite which is betty you know what you're here please do guys i promise you i'm not that bad it's literally because it's hard to balance the camera in one hand and then look through the camera to make sure that there's good visuals and then also flip is that an excuse or is it true that's true it's true all right daddy are you ready to share their plate and give them their own plantain yes okay let's go get your plate [Music] um [Music] peace and love always you
Channel: Deddy's Kitchen
Views: 503,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make fry plantain, how to fry plantain, how to fry sweet plantain, how to cook sweet plantain, sweet plantain, plantains, how to make plantains, jamaican plantain, how to cook like a jamaican, deddy's kitchen, daddys kitchen, quarantine meals, jamaican chef, jamaican vlogger, jamaican youtuber, toronto chef, food channel, food network canada, food network, lockdown meals, jamaican cooking lessons
Id: 5Y0fUiMtt1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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