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there is the end result of our green Fred press planting hi guys welcome back to Mel's Kitchen in today's video I'm going to be showing you guys quick and easy how I make my green fry Press PL and you guys has been asking for this video so I'm just going to show you real quick all the things that you're going to need and and how exactly I get my green plantings to be really melting in the mouth and to to taste really good and to have a really good texture so here things that you're going to need so all you're going to need is some green plantings and this is what a green planting look like for who doesn't know but here I have my planting that is already peeled out of the skin and I'm going to be using two planting a small one and a big one let me let you guys get a really better look at that a small one and a big one just because I want to show you guys um exactly the technique that I'm going to use with both planting in terms of how I'm going to cut them the next thing that you're going to need is a clean kitchen toil of any size you're going to be needing some oil and some salt those are the only things that you're going to need so I already went ahead of time and preheat My Pan which I have right here and I'm going to go ahead and put my oil into it real quick and I'm going to put as much oil into this pot that covers the entire bottom of the pot right there you go I want you guys to watch me really carefully with this planting because I'm using two planting the small one I'm just going to cut into half just like this and my two halves I'm going to cut into half so to pick this up and you want to cut it into half just like this that's done you're going to do the same thing with the other one so this is the size that you're going for with each side of planting now because it's a small planting I only cut it into um half but the big one I'm going to cut it in three halves so I want three equal pieces so going to go one two and there I have my three halves so I'm going to do the same thing and cut these half into half voila so there I have all the pieces of planting that I'm going to use now we're going to move over to the pot that is already preheat and what I'm going to do I'm going to put all these PL plantings in here put them all into the oil while it's [Music] hot and I'm going to let these plantings Fry on both side but here is the thing you're going to let them Fry on both sides but you're not going to let them be golden brown you'll understand when you see um at what point I'm going to take them out of the pot and then you're going to see what happens next so we're just going to let these Fry on both sides like I said you don't want them to be golden brown you just want them to be at the right consistency you're going to see exactly what I mean when I said you don't want them to be golden brown so I'm going to fry on each side for about two or so some minutes or less this point I'm going to turn them they're just yellow they're not golden brown and this is the consistency that you're going for you do not want them to be golden brown at this point so we're going to turn them over and let the other side fry and look just like this [Music] so let me zoom and show you let me zoom and show you guys what it's looking like there you go that's the consistency that you want them to be at this point so need to let the other side fry and look just like this turn them back over on the other side just to let it fry a little bit more so this side is just perfect for me right now so I'm just letting the other side fry just a little bit more then I'm going to take them out all right so this should be enough snow what I'm going to do I'm going to use a plate and I'm going to take these out and place all of them into this plate right here real [Music] quick all right and I'm just going to turn my stove down onto the lowest point I don't want to turn it off cuz I still want it to keep hot so I'm going to turn it down as low as possible and now I'm going to show you guys what my planting is looking like so there you guys have it now this is going to be step two this is where I want you guys to play really close attention to now this is where your towel comes into play now I'm going to give my towel this is my towel and I'm going to just give it one fold just one so I fold my towel in half and I'm going to place one of these planting that I just Fry on my towel and I'm going to cover it like this right now what I'm going to do because I think I'm strong enough I'm going to use the rim of my hand to press on this planting a lot of people use a bottle that is strong enough or anything that is strong enough that can press the planting because what I'm going to do is to get it flat so I'm going to go ahead and press on my planting like this there you go I'm finished pressing now what I'm going to do is take my planting out of my towel and I'm just lifting the towel off of the the planting then lift this side off of the planting now this is what my planting looks like let me show you guys what the planting looks like right now there you go that's my planting so I'm going to do this to every single one of these planting really quick it takes you no time what I'm going to do is as I finish one I'm going to place them into a different plate okay you guys something I should let you guys know is you don't want to press on your planting too much because your planting is still hot and you don't want your planting to be ugly and and burst and get cut just like I just made this this mistake with this planting okay so you just need to press on your planting gently softly just to get it right all right you guys so now now all of my planting is all pressed and this is what it looks like when it's pressed now this is where your salt come in to play what I'm going to do is I am just going to sprinkle salt all over these planting on both sides of the planting and don't worry about the amount of salt because the oil is going to take it off most of it but it will still have the flavor so you have to put enough salt on there for it to really taste good because at this point the planting is fresh and the salt is what's going to help you to bring up that flavor so I put salt on one side now I'm going to put salt on the other side of this planting voila there you go just enough salt now back to the oil which I had turned down earlier I'm going to turn this back up on medium heat and now I am going to place whatever amount of plantings can hold in there so I'm assuming at least four plantings can hold in here at this point so I'm going to drop them in there so now it's like you're frying your planting all over again one 2 3 four all right so there we go with four plantings in and now is where you're going to fry your planting until they're golden brown so let's go and you want to fry these on both sides so you need to make both sides golden brown wow it's getting really pretty already and I'm just going to turn those let me give you a zoo to see what it's looking like in here see it's getting golden and really beautiful and I just make those fried golden brown and you just turn them as much time as you want just to make sure that you get the right consistency of how the planting should be for me this is the best way of frying green planting it's easy it's fast it make sure that the planting is fried through and through and this technique just never fails there you go these oh my God I just want to eat them right now this color is exactly what you're going for at the end it's perfect so this side I'm not going to fry it anymore I'm just waiting on the other side to be just like this you just keep turning them if you're not sure until you reach this consistency this is perfect now I'm going to move these over to my plat right here that is waiting for them to be drained and I'm just going to drop in the others and you can also deep fry these so don't worry about um just using the pan you can also deep fry these all right you guys so there is the end result of our green Fred press panting and I think this is the easiest and simplest and the best way to FR FR graen press plantings so there you guys have it hopefully you guys really really enjoy this video and hopefully it was helpful to somebody in one way or the other don't forget to give this video a huge thumbs up comment down below subscribe if you are new catch up on all my other cooking videos I love you guys thank you guys for [Music] watching
Channel: Mels kitchen Jamaica
Views: 899,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: green plantain, how to fry green plantains, plantain, cook, frying, food, oil, plantains, fry plantains, green fry plantains, jamaican food, jamaican
Id: 0R71qq7hB-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2017
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