Healthiest Way To Prepare Plantains including (Tips About Buying Plantains)

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hi chef Rafael here now in today's video I'm going to show you how to make plantains now this is the most basic way of making them on this video I'm actually making the healthier version because I'm actually air frying them it's the same process that you can use when you're baking them so this is part of my series that I have on healthy cooking with fresh fry so on this video you'll actually learn how to tell which plantain to buy when you're buying them how you know it's ripe how you know it's ready to cook and also the very simple way of seasoning it I've seasoned my some paprika and salt and a little bit of cinnamon really delicious they look yummy they smell yummy and they test heavenly now um on this video I'm actually using the fresh fry with the ginger oil so watch it at the end and you see how simple it is to make them let's get cooking [Music] so the main thing when it comes to plantains first is how to tell which one to um when it's ready for cooking now I have one here now um a good plantain first of all it starts off green like any banana and then it goes to Yellow like when I bought these ones they were nice and yellow so they look like ripe bananas but the best way that you should actually start cooking plantains it's when they have the black spots in fact sometimes you think the more the black spots the bad it is like the normal banana but no for plantain you actually want to see the black one the black spots that means that it's actually ripe to the extent that no when you're cooking it it will be nice and soft and the sugars the starch that is in the the plantain will actually have converted to sugars and it will also be soft so that's the main thing you need to do so when it comes to cooking it or actually cutting it is just cut off the edges and and then after cutting off the edges you cut I remove the peel and then cut it at an angle that's the most important thing I would say so when you cut it at an angle what will happen is that the plantain will actually look longer than when you cut it straight as a round circle so when it's uh at an angle it looks longer that means it actually creates that feeling like it's more of it so that's the best way you can do it so the good thing about this recipe is that we're actually making it in a healthy way we are we are using an airfryer or it's like we are baking it and you're using the fresh fried Ginger with ginger oil so this is the one how you know it's the one Ginger you literally when you're buying it make sure you look out for the the picture with the ginger it's also written with ginger oil don't make a mistake of taking the original though you can still use the original one you also have the garlic one but for this recipe I recommend the one with the ginger oil so this is cholesterol free it's uh it's it has the natural vitamin E from the from the oil so this is the perfect one so let's prepare the plantains [Music] [Applause] [Music] so now I've cut the plantains now this is what I wanted you to understand when you cut them at an angle they actually look longer this is how this is what I meant it's longer rather than cutting it straight so this is good now all that is left like I said is use the oil now one thing about this oil with ginger oil you can actually smell the ginger in it so in terms of flavor it will actually impart flavor into my plantains and the best way to measure is use the cup the cup has a measuring um lines that you can measure the amount of oil you use in this case I think I'll use about 15 milliliters so just because you're actually cooking it in an airfryer or even if you're doing it in an oven because an airfryer and oven will actually do the same work that's all that I need to do right now just a small amount of oil I can actually smell the ginger so that's it a light coating of the oil now you'd ask yourself do I add the spices right now personally I'd rather add the spices after cooking so I'll actually add some paprika and some chili flakes you can also add cumin cumin powder and because we have the ginger in this even without the chili flakes of paprika it will still have an extra flavor for the salt I'll be honest that is kind of optional uh the plantains are actually sweet so you can choose to add a small amount of salt or even if you don't add the salt just frying them in an airfryer or even on a pan um they'll have the flavor that they need now when it comes to pan frying though it's different from this all you need to do is place the cooking oil in a pan and let the oil become hot and then place the plantains one by one so that they are all facing down and cook them until both sides are golden brown so now into the airfryer I've set the temperature at 180 degrees and this one I'll set the time for about 10 minutes so now they're actually ready um it actually added about five more minutes to this basically you want the golden brown evenly now when you're cooking on an air fryer it's actually a little bit different from when you're cooking it on a pan when you're cooking on a pan first of all make sure that after the first side is um golden brown turn flip the plantains one by one and then cook on the other side until they're golden brown the color will be different but this one is less oil so kind of healthier and then what I have here is actually a small mix that I've made of paprika salt chili flakes and I've also added some cinnamon so like I said in the beginning you do not have even to add the spice but this one just makes it a little bit more interesting what and just even by itself it actually is tasty so when if you're going to add this you add the spices that you're going to add when they are still hot and then check them on the bowl so that it's actually distributes is um evenly and then all that is left now is to serve on your plate this is a perfect snack um so let's first do that and then I'll give you more information about how you can actually serve this [Music] so as you have seen it's as simple as that when it comes to serving place it on a plate have it as a snack or as an accompaniment to be the starch of your meal so these are actually nutritious planting at their own nutritional value when you cook them the way I've just showed you either with um in an airfryer or in an oven if you're cooking it in an oven it should be at 180 degrees I forgot to mention that 180 degrees for about I don't know 10 minutes so and when you place them in the oven it's it's probably best if the oven is already hot so that you actually time the 10 minutes from that time again all you need to do is look out for when they're actually golden brown and don't overcook them the other tip that I almost forgot to mention is when cutting them try and make them the same thickness because if some are bigger than others the bigger ones will take a longer time to cook but and and when you cook them on a frying pan just shallow fry them they will be okay they'll be golden brown on both sides and I hope you'll enjoy yours let me know in the comment section remember we used fresh fry with the ginger oil you can also use the regular Ginger I mean you can also use the regular fresh fry without the ginger oil it has vitamin E so that's naturally from the oil the palm of itself so it's cholesterol free so all I would say enjoy yours and until next time goodbye
Channel: Chef Raphael
Views: 28,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chef Raphael, ChefRaphael, Chef, Raphael, Bringing Cooking Back, how to improve your cooking, improve your cooking, cooking at home, Home Cooking
Id: aY6VDHAjJ8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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