How to fry egg on new (unseasoned) stainless steel pan without sticking for first timers

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hi guys i want to make this video to show you how to fry an egg on a stainless steel pan okay this is a cool pan it's a relatively new i bought it a long time ago but i've rarely used it because i've always failed at getting things without to cook without sticking but now i've figured it out and so i want to make this video to share with you my experience okay but before i do that i'm going to make sure that you understand this pan hasn't been seasoned okay and i'm going to prove that to you by scrubbing it down with barkeeper's friend okay that's oxalic acid to wipe off any residue or anything i was cooking with it before so you can see some oil build up but let's go ahead and clean this off okay so i'm gonna go ahead and wash it down right now okay i've got bar keepers friends here okay okay and i'm just gonna scrub it down [Music] with a scouring pad okay [Music] get all that yellow [Music] residue off okay looks good [Music] okay okay super clean okay so let's go ahead and wipe this down with paper towel i'll be right back okay okay okay good so now what i'm going to do let's move this camera a little further away so you can kind of see what's going on here okay i think that's good okay so now we're going to go ahead and heat up um heat up the pan for about a minute okay it's on high heat up the pan for a minute you can fast forward to this but i don't know how to edit videos very easily so i'm gonna go ahead and just keep rolling but you can go ahead and fast forward okay okay so uh it doesn't have to be an exact minute here it's been about 30 seconds i'm going to go ahead and add oil okay i'm going to add my oil now when it's hot enough when it's hot enough you'll see that when you add the oil it'll spread out right away right now it's not that hot so it's still kind of gooey looking but uh give it a bit of time okay i'm gonna go ahead and spread it out okay and then i'm going to add butter because uh i like to play with my eggs and uh the key to getting the butter to not burn is to simply add oil first okay pot of butter now at this point i'm not going to leave my pan on high i'm going to turn it down to a medium because i don't want to burn my eggs so so here the panels are at a medium okay here was high and here's a medium okay okay now let's go ahead and crack my egg [Music] okay and i'm not going to move it around i'm just going to let it sit okay now you might be thinking wow that's a whole lot of grease the truth is is that eggs do not absorb oil they only cook in it so uh it's not you know if you put too little grease in it then you will get it it will stick so the key here is to have enough fat in your um in your pan enough oil in your pan okay so right now as you can see you can see the bubbles underneath it that means it's not sticking you see this it's not even sticking so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to cover i'm going to cover the egg so that i can cook the top with a small lid here okay and let's just let it sit for a while so it'll cook you can go ahead and fast forward so looking good okay so now i'm going to use my spatula and move it around take a look here so it did grab a little bit but very very little as you can see it released right away okay and this is what you want now as far as the excess oil when i pour this out into a pan or a food dish all the oil is going to come with it so what i like to do is like to turn off the heat okay i'm gonna take the paper towel that i used to dry it off earlier so it's just to absorb the excess oil here so that i can put it onto my plate without getting super greasy okay as you can see look how clean look how clean this pan is see it's a perfect perfectly cooked egg let's look at the bottom no burning nothing it's beautiful and there you go okay clean pan perfect egg okay so um sorry this video took a little long um but anyways that's how you do it i hope this video was very helpful for you and i thank all the youtubers out there that that made videos to show you how to cook an egg and this is what i learned from them so um have a great day bye
Channel: Scott D
Views: 4,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: scQU9OjW10Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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